Mastering LLMs: Training, Fine-tuning and Best Practices

10 AUGUST 2024 | 09:30AM - 05:30PM | location RENAISSANCE :- Race Course Rd, Madhava Nagar Extension

About the workshop

In this workshop, you will get a comprehensive introduction into the world of training and fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI. Over the course of five modules, you will explore the essentials of LLMs, deep-dive into training and fine-tuning methodologies, and learn about parameter-efficient techniques like Low rank Adaptation (LoRA), Quantized low rank Adaptation (QLoRA) and instruction-based fine-tuning using techniques like Supervised Fine-tuning and Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback. You will also learn about the advantages, disadvantages and best practices for these techniques. This is not a university lecture. We will follow a hybrid approach where you will learn the concepts behind these techniques and also spend a lot of time with live hands-on sessions, actually training and fine-tuning LLMs using tools like the HuggingFace ecosystem and Unsloth AI.

Additional Points:

  • Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Python, NLP and Deep Learning is helpful
  • Content Provided: Slides, complete code notebooks, datasets
  • Infrastructure: We will be running everything on the cloud on a GPU server, you will be provided with credits or you can use Colab for some of the hands-on also
  • Important Note: Some of the hands-on, especially SFT and RLHF on LLMs usually take a minimum of 30+ hours so we might pre-run some of them and do a live walkthrough. Rest most of the hands-on everyone can run live along with the instructor in the session
  • Session will be interactive so feel free to keep it interesting and ask questions and treat it as a open-ended discussion
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In this module, we will take a rapid tour of Generative AI and dive into the specifics of Large Language Models. You will learn about different model architectures, such as encoders, decoders, and encoder-decoder in the context of transformers, along with state-space and multi-modal models. We will also cover various types of LLMs and their applications including prompting, summarization, and question answering. A hands-on introduction to the HuggingFace ecosystem will allow participants to experiment with transformer-based LLMs for various NLP tasks.

  • Whirlwind Tour of Generative AI
  • Introduction to Large Language Models
    • What are LLMs?
    • Key architectures (e.g., Encoder, Decoder, Encoder-Decoder, State-space Models, Multi-modal models)
  • Types and Applications of LLMs
    • Foundational and Fine-tuned LLMs
    • Applications - Prompting, Summarization, Extraction, Q&A, RAG
    • Hands-on: Introduction to the HuggingFace ecosystem. NLP applications with foundational and fine-tuned LLMs

This module focuses on the nuts and bolts of training LLMs from scratch and the fine-tuning process. You will understand the stages of data preparation, tokenization, pre-training, and fine-tuning. We will also explore the differences between training a model from scratch and fine-tuning a pre-trained model, learning about the benefits and challenges of each. The module includes hands-on sessions on training an LLM from scratch for text \ code generation and fine-tuning for popular NLP tasks such as classification \ translation.

  • Understanding the LLM Training Process
    • Data preparation, tokenization, pre-training and fine-tuning language models
    • Understanding pre-training vs. fine-tuning
  • Training an LLM from Scratch
    • Understand the key steps to train an LLM from scratch
    • Introduction to HuggingFace datasets, tokenizers, Trainer constructs
    • Hands-on: Training an LLM from scratch - Text and code generation
  • Full Fine-tuning a pre-trained LLM
    • Understand the key-steps to fine-tune all layers and parameters of an LLM
    • Key advantages and limitations of full-fine tuning
    • Methods to improve and accelerate fine-tuning performance
    • Hands-on: Fine-tune an LLM for a popular NLP task - Classification \ Translation etc.

In this module, we will explore parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques that help in fine-tuning LLMs without expensive computational infrastructure as well as compute time. Techniques such as LoRA, QLoRA, and prompt-based methods like prompt tuning and prefix tuning will be covered. The session will introduce HuggingFace's parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) library and include hands-on sessions in fine-tuning LLMs for tasks such as classification and question-answering using these advanced methods.

  • Understand what is parameter-efficient fine-tuning, advantages and disadvantages
  • Key parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques:
    • Decomposition methods: LoRA, QLoRA, DoRA and more
    • Prompt-base methods: prompt tuning, prefix tuning, p-tuning
    • Activation-based methods: IA3
  • Introduction to HuggingFace PEFT and key constructs
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune an LLM using LoRa for a simple NLP task e.g. Classification
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune an LLM using QLoRA for a simple NLP task e.g. Classification
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune an LLM using Prompt-tuning for a simple NLP task e.g. Classification
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune LLMs using above techniques on more complex tasks like Question-Answering
  • Hands-on: Learn how to switch and merge different adapters using PEFT

This module  will deep-dive into instruction-based fine-tuning using approaches like Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT), Reward Modeling (RM), and Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). Participants will learn about different reinforcement learning policies and their application in fine-tuning LLMs. Hands-on sessions will include fine-tuning models like LLaMA 3, Mistral using HuggingFace TRL and Unsloth AI.

  • Understand what is instruction-based fine-tuning of LLMs and key components and steps
    • Supervised fine-tuning (SFT)
    • Reward modeling (RM)
    • Reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF)
    • Understand different RL policies like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Direct preference optimization (DPO) etc.
  • Introduction to HuggingFace TRL and key constructs
  • Introduction to Unsloth AI for even more efficient PEFT
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune LLaMA 3 on prompt-based instructions using Supervised Fine-tuning with HuggingFace TRL and Unsloth AI
  • Hands-on: Go through the complete process of SFT + RM + RLHF on an instruction-based task for fine-tuning LLMs like LLaMA, Mistral etc.

The final module will summarize key topics covered in the workshop and discuss best practices for fine-tuning LLMs. It will address the fine-tuning of both open-source and commercial LLMs like ChatGPT. The session aims to provide a roadmap for future learning and application of the skills gained during the workshop.

  • Understand the best-practices w.r.t fine-tuning LLMs
  • How to fine-tune closed commercial LLMs like ChatGPT or Gemini
  • Future scope, where to go from here?

  • Proficient in Python programming (as explicitly stated in the outline)
  • Familiarity with Natural Language Processing (NLP) concepts (as explicitly stated)
  • Basic knowledge of Deep Learning principles (as explicitly stated)
  • Experience with machine learning frameworks, particularly PyTorch or TensorFlow
  • Familiarity with transformer architectures and their applications in NLP (very important)
  • Experience with Jupyter Notebooks or similar interactive development environments like Google Colab or VS code
  • Familiarity with the Hugging Face ecosystem (recommended) - transformers, peft, trl (we will cover them anyway in the hands-on so you just need to know what they are)
  • We will provide ample GPU credits to ensure a seamless and productive workshop experience.
*Note: These are tentative details and are subject to change.
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