How Good Are Human Trained AI Models for Training Humans?

Gyan Prakash Tripathi 30 May, 2023
6 min read
Use of GPT-3, an LLM, by educators to explore the potential of AI in classroom setting

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making a significant impact in the world of technology, and education is no exception. With the introduction of OpenAI’s chatbot, GPT-3, an LLM, educators are starting to explore the potential of AI in the classroom. Khan Academy and Byju are a few examples to state. However, like any new technology, there are concerns over its effectiveness in teaching kids.

Here we discuss the pros and cons of using human-taught models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, for educational purposes.

Large Language Models in Education

Empowering Education: Personalized Learning with GPT-3 Language Models

Imagine a world where every student can access personalized, high-quality educational resources tailored to their unique learning needs and interests. A world where educators can focus on delivering top-notch educational content and supporting their students’ growth. They wouldn’t have to spend countless hours grading assignments and monitoring progress.

Empowering Education: Personalized Learning with GPT-3 Language Models

With the help of large language models like GPT-3, this world is becoming a reality. These powerful models can generate high-quality text on a wide range of topics. Thus, these models can provide educators with a virtually limitless supply of learning resources that they can customize to meet the needs of their students.

Revolutionizing Education: Personalized Learning and Automation with GPT-3 Language Models

But it’s not just about quantity – large language models like GPT-3 also allow for personalization at scale. By analyzing data on each student’s learning style, interests, and knowledge gaps, educators can use these models to generate personalized educational content uniquely suited to each student’s needs. This can help improve engagement and motivation. Relevant content tailored to their needs increases students’ interest and attention.

Many educational administrative tasks can be automated, freeing educators to focus on what they do best: teaching. By automating tasks like grading assignments and monitoring student progress, these models can save educators valuable time and resources. Moreover, this allows them to focus on delivering high-quality educational content and supporting their students’ learning.

Bill Gates’ Vision: Promoting Equity and Access for All

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has repeatedly expressed his optimistic views on the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Perhaps most importantly, LLMs like GPT-3 can help promote equity and education access. These models can help level the playing field and ensure every student can reach their full potential. This can be done by providing all students access to high-quality educational resources and personalized learning opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Also Read: Bill Gates’ AI Predictions for Health and Education Transformation

Personal Tutor to Every Student

In a recent talk, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, Salman Khan, presented the AI tutor of Khan Academy. The tool can very well guide the students to solve various problems:

Khan Academy | Khanmingo | AI in education |

The tool can understand the student’s mistakes and determine why the student has made that mistake. Behind every response of the tutor named Khanmigo, a trail of reasoning is involved, as shown in the image below:

Khan Academy | Khanmingo | AI in education |

But this is still one of the biggest questions- Is it a good idea to train students? Especially K12, with non-human tools which are prepared by humans but are not humans?

Also Read: Generative AI in Education: A Case Study of Khan Academy

Concern 1: Can LLMs Provide Human Touch?

While artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a lot of advancements to the field of education, it is essential to acknowledge that a child’s emotional, cognitive, and academic outcomes are not solely dependent on the information fed to them. Kids develop an emotional connection with their teachers, crucial in shaping their overall development.

As AI continues to evolve, there is a danger that it may replace human interaction altogether, removing the element of personal touch that children need to thrive. Machines cannot empathize or provide emotional support like humans, which can negatively impact students.

Therefore, while integrating AI technology into education can bring numerous benefits, such as personalized learning and instant feedback, we must ensure we do not lose the human touch. Educators and policymakers should work together to balance technology and traditional teaching methods to benefit students from both worlds. Doing so can create a more holistic and practical educational experience for our children.

Also Read: Can AI Have Emotions?

Concern 2: Can LLMs Teach How to Create Original Content?

Can LLMs Teach How to Create Original Content? | technology | GPT-3

According to a recent EDUCAUSE survey, educators’ perceptions of generative AI are divided. Some institutions consider its use academic misconduct, while others encourage or even require it. The survey found that more than half of respondents (54 percent) felt optimistic about generative AI. While on the other hand, only 12 percent felt pessimistic.

The main ethical concern about generative AI is that training AI algorithms use data that could include systemic biases, thereby potentially introducing these biases into AI systems. This concern becomes particularly important in education as we address persistent equity gaps. Many educators worry that using LLMs could result in students committing plagiarism or relying too heavily on the tool and not learning how to produce original content.

Concern 3: Can LLMs Be Trusted As a Guide?

The hallucination problem with the LLMs is not hidden from anyone. Some educators have taken a proactive approach by incorporating LLMs ethically and responsibly into their teaching strategies. For example, they may use it to demonstrate logic, accuracy, and bias shortcomings. This approach allows students to critique and analyze responses, proving that “it is not an infallible tool,” according to Janeen Peretin, director of communication, innovation, and advancement for the Baldwin-Whitehall School District in Pittsburgh.

Also Read: Startup Launches the AI Model Which ‘Never Hallucinates’

Another approach aims to rethink the creation of assessments: some render generative AI entirely unhelpful, while others allow the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI.

What Educators Believe?

Views of Educators on the use of GPT-3 technology in classroom setting

Despite the challenges and concerns surrounding the use of ChatGPT, there are also potential positive applications. One such application is to help students struggling with homework by using it as a springboard. This would help them understand the concept they are working with. However, Peretin emphasizes that it is essential for students not to cut and paste solutions. On the other hand, they should use the tool to understand the subject matter better.

Peretin also believes that educators should teach younger students how to use AI tools to manipulate information and become weaponized while also enabling them to evaluate the accuracy and bias of data sources. Robert, an educator, agrees that students should be aware of the ongoing debates over the ethical and responsible use of generative AI. This will prepare students to make informed decisions about its development and use and shape the future of technology for both education and work.

Also Read: ChaosGPT: Just a Mischief or Bot with a Plan to Destroy Humanity


Using large language models like GPT-3 in education can revolutionize how we teach and learn. | technology

Using large language models like GPT-3 in education can revolutionize how we teach and learn. These models can generate personalized educational content and automate administrative tasks. Thus, it frees educators to deliver high-quality educational content and support their students’ growth. However, there are concerns about the loss of human touch, the ability to create original content, and the tool’s reliability as a guide.

Educators and policymakers must work together to balance technology and traditional teaching methods to create a more holistic and practical educational experience for our children. Additionally, teaching kids about AI tools and their responsible use is crucial to shaping the future of technology for both education and work. With careful consideration and ethical service, ChatGPT and other generative AI can bring optimistic applications and benefits to the world of education.

Also Read: AI and Beyond: Exploring the Future of Generative AI

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