All of the Python Keywords You Need to Know

Last Updated : 04 Apr, 2024
2 min read


Programmers often prefer Python due to its easy-to-read syntax and friendliness towards beginners. However, hiding underneath is a strong word collection that controls how your code works: keywords. These specific words are important in the Python interpreter, serving as the foundational elements for developing strong programs.

As bricks build a house, keywords are the cornerstone of your Python applications. Comprehending their function and correct application is crucial for creating effective and well-organized code. This article explores Python keywords, giving you the understanding to make the most of them and create successful Python programs.

We will examine different keywords that control the flow of code execution, such as if, else, for, and while. We will identify keywords that define functions (def) and classes (class), which are fundamental elements in modular and object-oriented programming. In addition, you will also acquire knowledge about keywords used for manipulating data.

Python Keywords

Keywords in Python are reserved words that can not be used as variable names, function names, or other identifiers.

Serial NumberKeywordDescription
1FalseBoolean value representing falsity
2NoneRepresents the absence of value
3TrueBoolean value representing truth
4andLogical AND operator
5asUsed in aliasing and with statements
6assertUsed for debugging to check for conditions
7asyncDefines an asynchronous context
8awaitWaits for an asynchronous call to complete
9breakBreaks out of the current closest enclosing loop
10classDefines a class
11continueContinues with the next iteration of the loop
12defDefines a function or method
13delDeletes an object
14elifElse if condition
15elseAn alternative action in conditional statements
16exceptUsed in try-except blocks to catch exceptions
17finallyBlock of code that executes no matter what
18forDefines a for loop
19fromSpecifies which module to import names from
20globalDeclares a global variable
21ifConditional statement
22importImports a module
23inChecks if a value is present in a sequence
24isChecks if two variables refer to the same object
25lambdaCreates an anonymous function
26nonlocalDeclares a non-local variable
27notLogical NOT operator
28orLogical OR operator
29passA null statement, a placeholder
30raiseRaises an exception
31returnReturns a value from a function
32trySpecifies exception handlers and/or cleanup code
33whileDefines a while loop
34withUsed to wrap the execution of a block of code
35yieldUsed with generators, returns a generator object

How to Find All the Python Keywords?

Below is the code which will help you find all the Python keywords:

import keyword

print("There are total {0} keywords in Python".format(len(keyword.kwlist)))

print("The list of keywords is : ")



Congratulations! By understanding the role of keywords, you’ve taken a considerable step towards mastering Python. Remember, consistent practice is critical. As you write more Python code, you’ll gain experience using keywords effectively and build a strong foundation for tackling complex programming challenges.

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