How to Find the Best Multilingual Embedding Model for Your RAG?

Shikha Sen 03 Jul, 2024
6 min read


In the era of global communication, developing effective multilingual AI systems has become increasingly important. Robust multilingual embedding models are highly beneficial for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, which leverage the strength of big language models with external knowledge retrieval. This guide will help you choose the ideal multilingual embedding model for your RAG system.

It’s important to comprehend multilingual embeddings and how they fit within an RAG system before beginning the selection process.

Vector representations of words or sentences that capture semantic meaning in several languages are multilingual embeddings. These embeddings are essential for multilingual AI applications since they enable cross-lingual information retrieval and comparison.


  1. Multilingual embedding models are essential for RAG systems, enabling robust cross-lingual information retrieval and generation.
  2. Understanding how multilingual embeddings work within RAG systems is key to selecting the right model.
  3. Key considerations for choosing a multilingual embedding model include language coverage, dimensionality, and integration ease.
  4. Popular multilingual embedding models, like mBERT and XLM-RoBERTa, offer diverse capabilities for various multilingual tasks.
  5. Effective evaluation techniques and best practices ensure optimal implementation and performance of multilingual embedding models in RAG systems.
Multilingual Embedding Model for Your RAG

Comprehending RAG and Multilingual Embeddings

It’s important to comprehend multilingual embeddings and how they fit within an RAG system before beginning the selection process.

  1. Multilingual Incorporations: Vector representations of words or sentences that capture semantic meaning in several languages are known as multilingual embeddings. These embeddings are essential for multilingual AI applications since they enable cross-lingual information retrieval and comparison.
  2. RAG Systems: A retrieval system and a generating model are combined in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Utilizing embeddings, the retrieval component locates relevant information from a knowledge base to supplement the generative model’s input. This calls for embeddings that can compare and express content across languages in an efficient manner in a multilingual setting.

Also read: Build a RAG Pipeline With the LLama Index

Key Considerations for Selecting a Multilingual Embedding Model

Take into account the following elements while selecting a multilingual embedding model for your RAG system:

  1. Language Coverage: The first and most important consideration is the variety of languages the embedding model supports. Make sure the model includes every language required for your application. Some models support a wide range of languages, while others focus on specific language families or regions.
  2. Embedding Dimensionality: The model’s computing demands and representational capacity are influenced by the dimensionality of the embeddings. Moreover, higher dimensions can capture more nuanced semantic relationships but require more storage and processing power. For your particular use case, weigh the trade-off between performance and resource limitations.
  3. Domain and Training Data: The model’s success is highly dependent on the domain and quality of the training data. Look for models trained on diverse, high-quality multilingual corpora. If your RAG system focuses on a specific domain (e.g., legal, medical), consider domain-specific models or those that can be fine-tuned to your domain.
  4. Rights to Licencing and Usage: Verify the embedding model’s licensing conditions. While some models can be used without a license and are open-source, some might need a commercial license. Make sure the license conditions suit your intended use and rollout strategies.
  5. Ease of Integration: Consider how simple it is to integrate the model into your current RAG architecture. Search for models compatible with widely used frameworks and libraries, with clear APIs and excellent documentation.
  6. Community Support and Updates: A strong community and regular updates can be invaluable for long-term success. Models with active development and a supportive community often provide better resources, bug fixes, and improvements over time.

Several multilingual embedding models have gained popularity due to their performance and versatility. Moreover, OpenAI and Hugging Face models are included in an expanded list of multilingual models, focusing on their best-known performance characteristics. 

Here  is a table for comparison:

Multilingual Embedding Model

A few notes on this table:

  • Performance metrics are not directly comparable across all models due to different tasks and benchmarks.
  • Computational requirements are relative and can vary based on the use case and implementation.
  • Integration ease is generally easier for models available on platforms like HuggingFace or TensorFlow Hub.
  • Community support and updates can change over time; this represents the current general state.
  • For some models (like GPT-3.5), embedding dimensionality refers to the output embedding size, which may differ from internal representations.

Furthermore, this table provides a high-level comparison, but for specific use cases, it’s recommended to perform targeted evaluations on relevant tasks and datasets.

Also read: What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

Models with Their Performances

Here is the performance accuracy of different models:

  1. XLM-RoBERTa (Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Up to 89% accuracy on cross-lingual natural language inference tasks (XNLI).
  2. mBERT (Multilingual BERT) (Google/Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Around 65% zero-shot accuracy on cross-lingual transfer tasks in XNLI.
  3. LaBSE (Language-agnostic BERT Sentence Embedding) (Google)
    • Best performance: Over 95% accuracy on cross-lingual semantic retrieval tasks across 109 languages.
  4. GPT-3.5 (OpenAI)
    • Best performance: Strong zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities across multiple languages, excelling in tasks like translation and cross-lingual question answering.
  5. LASER (Language-Agnostic SEntence Representations) (Facebook)
    • Best performance: Up to 92% accuracy on cross-lingual document classification tasks.
  6. Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder (Google)
    • Best performance: Around 85% accuracy on cross-lingual semantic similarity tasks.
  7. VECO (Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Up to 91% accuracy on XNLI, state-of-the-art results on various cross-lingual tasks.
  8. InfoXLM (Microsoft/Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Up to 92% accuracy on XNLI, outperforming XLM-RoBERTa on various cross-lingual tasks.
  9. RemBERT (Google/Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Up to 90% accuracy on XNLI, significant improvements over mBERT on named entity recognition tasks.
  10. Whisper (OpenAI)
    • Best performance: State-of-the-art in multilingual ASR tasks, particularly strong in zero-shot cross-lingual speech recognition.
  11. XLM (Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Around 76% accuracy on cross-lingual natural language inference tasks.
  12. MUSE (Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder) (Google/TensorFlow Hub)
    • Best performance: Up to 83% accuracy on cross-lingual semantic textual similarity tasks.
  13. M2M-100 (Facebook/Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: State-of-the-art in many-to-many multilingual translation, supporting 100 languages.
  14. mT5 (Multilingual T5) (Google/Hugging Face)
    • Best performance: Strong results across multilingual tasks often outperform mBERT and XLM-RoBERTa on cross-lingual transfer.

Note: Evaluation Methods- It’s critical to methodically examine other options to determine which model is ideal for your particular use case.

Also read: RAG’s Innovative Approach to Unifying Retrieval and Generation in NLP

Techniques of Evaluation

Here are a few techniques for evaluation:

  1. Benchmark Datasets: To compare model performance, use multilingual benchmark datasets. XNLI (Cross-lingual Natural Language Inference) is a well-liked benchmark. PAWS-X (Paraphrasing Adversaries from Word Scrambling, Cross-lingual)- Cross-lingual retrieval task, or Tatoeba
  2. Task-Specific Assessment: Test models with jobs that closely match the needs of your RAG system. This might consist of:- Cross-lingual data extraction- Semantic textual similarities across languages- Cross-lingual zero-shot transfer
  3. Internal ExaminationMake: If possible, create a test set from your particular domain and assess models on it. Then, you’ll receive the performance data that are most pertinent to your use case.
  4. Computational Efficiency: Measure the time and resources required to generate embeddings and perform similarity searches. This is crucial for understanding the model’s impact on your system’s performance.

Best Practices for Implementation

Once you’ve selected a multilingual embedding model, follow these best practices for implementation:

  1. Fine-tuning: Fine-tuning the model on your domain-specific data to improve performance.
  2. Caching: Implement efficient caching mechanisms to store and reuse embeddings for frequently accessed content.
  3. Dimensionality Reduction: If storage or computation are concerns, consider using techniques like PCA or t-SNE to reduce embedding dimensions.
  4. Hybrid Approaches: Experiment with combining multiple models or using language-specific models for high-priority languages alongside a general multilingual model.
  5. Regular Evaluation: Evaluate the model’s performance as your data and requirements evolve.
  6. Fallback Mechanisms: Implement fallback strategies for languages or contexts where the primary model underperforms.


Selecting the right multilingual embedding model for your RAG system is a crucial decision that impacts performance, resource utilization, and scalability. By carefully considering language coverage, computational requirements, and domain relevance and rigorously evaluating candidate models, you can find the best fit for your needs.

Remember that the field of multilingual AI is rapidly evolving. Stay informed about new models and techniques, and be prepared to reassess and update your choices as better options become available. With the right multilingual embedding model, your RAG system can effectively bridge language barriers and provide powerful, multilingual AI capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a multilingual embedding model, and why is it important for RAG?

Ans. It’s a model representing text from multiple languages in a shared vector space. RAG is crucial for enabling cross-lingual information retrieval and understanding.

Q2. How do I evaluate the performance of different multilingual embedding models for my specific use case?

Ans. Use a diverse test set, measure retrieval accuracy with metrics like MRR or NDCG, assess cross-lingual semantic preservation, and test with real-world queries in various languages.

Q3. What are some popular multilingual embedding models to consider for RAG applications?

Ans. mBERT, XLM-RoBERTa, LaBSE, LASER, Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder, and MUSE are popular options. The choice depends on your specific needs.

Q4. How can I balance model performance with computational requirements when choosing a multilingual embedding model?

Ans. Consider hardware constraints, use quantized or distilled versions, evaluate different model sizes, and benchmark on your infrastructure to find the best balance for your use case.

Shikha Sen 03 Jul, 2024

With 4 years of experience in model development and deployment, I excel in optimizing machine learning operations. I specialize in containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, enhancing inference through techniques like quantization and pruning. I am proficient in scalable model deployment, leveraging monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK stack for performance tracking and anomaly detection. My skills include setting up robust data pipelines using Apache Airflow and ensuring data quality with stringent validation checks. I am experienced in establishing CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitHub Actions, and I manage model versioning using MLflow and DVC. Committed to data security and compliance, I ensure adherence to regulations like GDPR and CCPA. My expertise extends to performance tuning, optimizing hardware utilization for GPUs and TPUs. I actively engage with the LLMOps community, staying abreast of the latest advancements to continually improve large language model deployments. My goal is to drive operational efficiency and scalability in AI systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

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