What is the Role of Generative AI in Personalizing Ad Content?

Sagar Ganapaneni 19 Sep, 2024
7 min read


The world of advertisement has been under evolution since the conception of the barter system. Advertisers have found creative ways to bring their products to our attention. In the current age, consumers expect brands to understand their unique preferences, needs, and desires. With GenAI solutions, advertisers can engage users and drive business outcomes by creating large-scale, hyper-targeted, personalized ads. This paradigm shift is making personalized ad content the new norm in the world of advertisement.

In this article, let us explore how personalized advertisement is getting a makeover thanks to Generative AI!

What is the Role of Generative AI in Personalizing Ad Content?


  • Explore the evolution of personalized advertising.
  • Understand the need and benefits of personalization.
  • Discuss Gen AI-based Ad personalization with case studies.
  • Evaluate the benefits of Gen AI-driven Ad personalization
  • Talk about the challenges associated with Gen AI-driven Ad personalization
  • The scope of Gen AI-driven Ad personalization in the future.

The Shift to Personalized Advertising

In the past, advertisers relied on broad demographic targeting, targeting broad demographics like age, gender, and location. One such famous ad campaign that broke the game of mass advertisement was Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign in the Early 2000s. This campaign had personalized bottles with common first names, creating an individualized experience. 

Coca-Cola Ads Content

The campaign resonated with audiences and went viral, demonstrating the power of even basic personalization. However, as consumer expectations grew and digital data expanded, personalization based on broader segments was no longer sufficient. A shift towards more targeted advertising became a foundational requirement. 

With the rise of internet platforms like Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc., consumers began interacting with brands across various touchpoints, leaving behind digital footprints. These digital footprints gave detailed insights about consumers: from who they are, and where they live, to their needs, interests, likings, and behaviors.

Machine learning algorithms and recommendation engines, like those used by Amazon and Netflix in the Early 2000s, were at the forefront of this shift. For instance, Amazon’s recommendation engine used collaborative filtering to suggest products based on similar users’ purchases. Similarly, Netflix’s recommendation system personalized the user experience by recommending movies and shows that would resonate with the viewers.

A well-designed personalization experience indicates customer obsession and empathy, showing the audience you know them. The ability to connect with someone through content that resonates with their specific needs cuts through the noise of mass marketing and grabs the users’ attention.

How Does Generative AI Enhance Ad Personalization?

Generative AI is fundamentally transforming ad personalization by automating the content creation process. Instead of relying on pre-canned ads for high-level predefined segments, Generative AI can modify everything in an ad, from the images to the text on the fly, based on various real-time data about the user, context, and channel. This isn’t just about adding a user’s name to the email subject line. It is also about tailoring the entire ad experience to their interests, behaviors, and intent.

Let’s look at some case studies now!

Sephora Case Study

One example of how Gen AI transforms advertising is Sephora. Sephora uses Gen AI to create dynamic ads based on individual user preferences and behavior. Sephora’s AI generates personalized beauty product recommendations by analyzing a user’s past purchases, browsing history, and real-time interactions.

For instance, if a user prefers ‘cruelty-free’ makeup products and browses-specific skincare items, the Generative AI models can create an ad showcasing a tailored combination of these products. It can even suggest complementary items such as makeup brushes or skincare routines. The entire ad experience, from the visuals to the text, is created dynamically to fit the user’s interests. Thus driving engagement and conversion rates.

Also Read: How To Create an AI Driven Marketing Strategy?

Online Travelling Sites Case Study

Online travel sites like Expedia are using Generative AI to enhance customer experience. From making travel recommendations based on their mood and preferences to helping them customize and create their itinerary – they have it all covered.

Expedia was one of the first travel companies to integrate ChatGPT within their travel app to provide a seamless experience to their customers.

What is interesting here is, that Expedia was already using machine learning-based models to design and customize ads for their users. But with Generative AI, they have taken it a step ahead, ensuring a personalized customer experience and suggestions more aligned with their choices.

Learn More: 12 Best AI Travel Planner Tools for Your Next Trip

Benefits of Generative AI-driven Ad Personalization

Benefits of Generative AI-driven Ad Personalization

Scalability at Lower Costs

Traditionally, creating personalized content at scale required substantial resources such as costly software subscriptions, designers, operations teams, and marketers manually creating multiple versions of ad copies for various audience segments. Generative AI streamlines this process by automatically generating thousands of personalized ads, saving time and lowering costs.

Increased User Engagement

Gen AI-driven ads are more likely to capture attention because they directly address individual users’ preferences. Real-time ad content optimization made possible with Gen AI, allows brands to ensure that each ad speaks to the user’s current needs, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Higher Conversion Rates

When ads are relevant to a user’s immediate needs or preferences, they naturally lead to better conversion rates. Whether it’s buying a product, signing up for a service, or interacting with a brand, ads that resonate personally drive action hence yielding business outcomes.

Also Read: AI Marketing Analytics: Benefits, Best Tools & Future

Challenges & Considerations for Gen AI-Based Ad Personalisation

Your Ad is Here

While the benefits of Generative AI in programmatic advertising are clear, several challenges exist. Implementing Gen AI systems demands significant technical resources, such as complex models and large datasets, and integration with tools like CRMs and ad platforms. Brands must ensure the quality of the data, as poor inputs can lead to irrelevant or even damaging ads. Additionally, there are ethical considerations in AI-generated ad content, particularly around brand safety, data privacy, and authenticity in AI-driven ads.

Implementation Complexity 

While Gen AI is highly effective, it requires significant technical resources. Building GenAI-driven ad capability involves complex models, large data sets, and the integration of various tools like CRMs and ad platforms. 


Leveraging pre-built Gen AI frameworks on the cloud can simplify the rollout, offer scalable infrastructure, and integrate easily with existing systems cost-effectively.

Recently, Coca-Cola scaled its global marketing efforts through a partnership with NVIDIA. Coca-Cola created hyperlocal, culturally relevant content across 100-plus markets using NVIDIA Omniverse and AI microservices. This involved using digital twins and real-time prompt engineering to quickly adapt advertising assets for local markets while maintaining brand consistency on a global scale.

Data Quality

The effectiveness of Gen AI depends on the quality and accuracy of the data it processes. Poor data can lead to irrelevant or inappropriate ads, hallucinations or incorrect assumptions can occur. For example, a misjudged user preference could result in a product suggestion that feels entirely mis-targeted, alienating the user. 


Continuous monitoring and updating of data sources ensures that the AI is built on accurate information. L’Oreal used Gen AI to create personalized beauty ads, relying on high-quality user data such as skincare preferences and purchase history. By ensuring that data inputs are accurate and consistently updated, L’OrĂ©al maintained the relevance of its ads, minimizing errors in recommendations and improving user engagement.​​

Creative Control and Authenticity 

While Generative AI can create highly personalized ads, there is a risk that the generated content may not align with a brand’s desired creative direction. Over-reliance on Gen AI-generated content can result in ads that feel artificial or disconnected from a brand’s authentic voice. 


Maintaining a balance between AI automation and human oversight in creative processes is important to preserve brand identity and authenticity. For example, Toys R Us and Under Armour have seen AI-generated ads that sparked online discussions, demonstrating the power of AI but also raising concerns about how these ads can feel disconnected from a brand’s voice if not carefully managed. These cases show the need for human oversight in the creative process, ensuring that AI outputs align with brand values while maintaining an authentic tone that resonates with the target audience.

Brand Safety

GenAI-generated content must align with the brand’s values, tone, and messaging to avoid damaging reputation through inappropriate language, cultural insensitivity, or misinformation. 


Pre-trained and custom keyword filters, real-time monitoring, and copiloting with humans in the loop for content validation can be a great help. Rule-based frameworks can set clear parameters, while adaptive learning can improve GenAI models over time, ensuring brand alignment

For example, Zomato took significant steps to ensure brand safety by using Gen AI. The company consciously decided to ban AI-generated food images, prioritizing customer trust and authenticity. Zomato realized that AI-generated visuals could mislead users about the actual appearance of food, thus undermining consumer confidence in the platform. Instead, they encouraged restaurants to use real, high-quality images of their dishes, even offering professional photography services at cost.

Personalization Fatigue

There’s also the potential risk of overwhelming users with over-personalization. Users may question the extent of data collection if every interaction feels overly tailored, leading to discomfort or distrust. 


Implementing frequency capping and offering users personalization control can help mitigate this issue. Balancing personalization with user convenience is key.

Privacy and Ethical Concerns in Data Handling

With personalization comes the critical issue of privacy. Gen AI relies heavily on user data to craft personalized experiences, which raises concerns about how data is collected, stored, and used. AI systems often infer sensitive attributes like gender, leading to biased or inaccurate assumptions. 


To mitigate this, brands must adhere to strict data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Transparency with users is essential, ensuring they understand how their data is being used, with the option to opt out if desired.

Additionally, implementing encryption, access controls, and regular security audits protects sensitive data from breaches. Continuously monitoring and updating AI models to address bias and ensure fairness is critical for maintaining user trust. Ethical considerations must also involve securing informed consent for data usage and complying with comprehensive legal requirements.


Generative AI is poised to be the driving force behind the next generation of ad personalization. By leveraging vast amounts of data and cheaper computational resources than ever, AI allows brands to craft ads that genuinely resonate with individuals, increasing engagement, boosting conversion rates, and fostering deeper connections. However, with great power comes great responsibility. As we progress, ensuring privacy, transparency, and fairness in AI-driven personalization will be critical. The future of advertising is personal, and Generative AI is the tool that will make it a reality.

Sagar Ganapaneni 19 Sep, 2024

Sagar Ganapaneni is an accomplished data science leader, distinguished by the AI100 award from AIM and the International Achiever's Award from IAF India. With over a decade of experience, he leads data science and analytics at Intuit, focusing on the SMB MediaLabs, a top B2B media network. His expertise covers data products for ad tech and machine learning solutions for brands. Sagar is known for his effective team management and ability to solve complex business problems, contributing to several successful projects from inception to launch. He's skilled in analytics tools, marketing optimization, and data monetization. His thought leadership is highlighted in Forbes Technology Council and other prominent publications. Sagar also shapes future data science talents as an advisor at Texas A&M University and a member of the AIM Leadership Council. His commitment to ethical data practices is recognized globally, earning him roles as a Gartner ambassador and a global fellow in the AI2030 Program.

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