How to Monitor Production-grade Agentic RAG Pipelines?

Pankaj9786 19 Sep, 2024
12 min read


In 2022, the launch of ChatGPT revolutionized both tech and non-tech industries, empowering individuals and organizations with generative AI. Throughout 2023, efforts concentrated on leveraging large language models (LLMs) to manage vast data and automate processes, leading to the development of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Now, let’s say you’re managing a sophisticated AI pipeline expected to retrieve vast amounts of data, process it with lightning speed, and produce accurate, real-time answers to complex questions. Also, the challenge of scaling this system to handle thousands of requests every second without any hiccups is added. It will be quite a challenging thing, right? The Agentic Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline is here for your rescue.

Jayita Bhattacharyya, in her DataHack Summit 2024, delved deep into the intricacies of monitoring production-grade Agentic RAG Pipelines. This article synthesizes her insights, providing a comprehensive overview of the topic for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Agentic RAG Pipelines


  1. Agentic RAG combines autonomous agents with retrieval systems to enhance decision-making and real-time problem-solving.
  2. RAG systems use large language models (LLMs) to retrieve and generate contextually accurate responses from external data.
  3. Jayita Bhattacharyya discussed the challenges of monitoring production-grade RAG pipelines at Data Hack Summit 2024.
  4. Llama Agents, a microservice-based framework, enables efficient scaling and monitoring of complex RAG systems.
  5. Langfuse is an open-source tool for monitoring RAG pipelines, tracking performance and optimizing responses through user feedback.
  6. Iterative monitoring and optimization are key to maintaining the scalability and reliability of AI-driven RAG systems in production.

What is Agentic RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)?

Agentic RAG is a combination of agents and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, where agents are autonomous decision-making units that perform tasks. RAG systems enhance these agents by supplying them with relevant, up-to-date information from external sources. This synergy leads to more dynamic and intelligent behavior in complex, real-world scenarios. Let’s break down both components and how they integrate.

Agents: Autonomous Problem-Solvers

An agent, in this context, refers to an autonomous system or software that can perform tasks independently. Agents are generally defined by their ability to perceive their environment, make decisions, and act to achieve a specific goal. They can:

  • Sense their environment by gathering information.
  • Reason and plan based on goals and available data.
  • Act upon their decisions in the real world or a simulated environment.

Agents are designed to be goal-oriented, and many can operate without constant human intervention. Examples include virtual assistants, robotic systems, or automated software agents managing complex workflows.

Let’s reiterate that RAG stands for Retrieval Augmented Generation. It’s a hybrid model combining two powerful approaches:

  1. Retrieval-Based Models: These models are excellent at searching and retrieving relevant documents or information from a vast database. Think of them as super-smart librarians who know exactly where to find the answer to your question in a massive library.
  2. Generation-Based Models: After retrieving the relevant information, a generation-based model (such as a language model) creates a detailed, coherent, and contextually appropriate response. Imagine that librarian now explaining the content to you in simple and understandable terms.

How Does RAG Work?

How Does RAG Work?

RAG combines the strengths of large language models (LLMs) with retrieval systems. It involves ingesting large documents—be it PDFs, CSVs, JSONs, or other formats—converting them into embeddings and storing these embeddings in a vector database. When a user poses a query, the system retrieves relevant chunks from the database, providing grounded and contextually accurate answers rather than relying solely on the LLM’s external knowledge.

Over the past year, advancements in RAG have focused on improved chunking strategies, better pre-processing and post-processing of retrievals, the integration of graph databases, and extended context windows. These enhancements have paved the way for specialized RAG paradigms, notably Agentic RAG. Here’s how RAG operates step-by-step:

  1. Retrieve: When you ask a question (the Query), RAG uses a retrieval model to search through a vast collection of documents to find the most relevant pieces of information. This process leverages embeddings and a vector database, which helps the model understand the context and relevance of various documents.
  2. Augment: The retrieved documents are used to enhance (or “augment”) the context for generating the answer. This step involves creating a richer, more informed prompt that combines your query with the retrieved content.
  3. Generate: Finally, a language model uses this augmented context to generate a precise and detailed response tailored to your specific query.

Agentic RAG: The Integration of Agents and RAG

When you combine agents with RAG, you create an Agentic RAG system. Here’s how they work together:

  • Dynamic Decision-Making: Agents need to make real-time decisions, but their pre-programmed knowledge can limit them. RAG helps the agent retrieve relevant and current information from external sources.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: While an agent can reason and act, the RAG system boosts its problem-solving capacity by feeding it updated, fact-based data, allowing the agent to make more informed decisions.
  • Continuous Learning: Unlike static agents that rely on their initial training data, agents augmented with RAG can continually learn and adapt by retrieving the latest information, ensuring they can perform well in ever-changing environments.

For instance, consider a customer service chatbot (an agent). A RAG-enhanced version could retrieve specific policy documents or recent updates from a company’s knowledge base to provide the most relevant and accurate responses. Without RAG, the chatbot might be limited to the information it was initially trained on, which may become outdated over time.

Llama Agents: A Framework for Agentic RAG

A focal point of the session was the demonstration of Llama Agents, an open-source framework released by Llama Index. Llama Agents have quickly gained traction due to their unique architecture, which treats each agent as a microservice—ideal for production-grade applications leveraging microservice architectures.

Key Features of Llama Agents

  1. Distributed Service-Oriented Architecture:
    1. Each agent operates as a separate microservice, enabling modularity and independent scaling.
  2. Communication via Standardized API Interfaces:
    1. Utilizes a message queue (e.g., RabbitMQ) for standardized, asynchronous communication between agents, ensuring flexibility and reliability.
  3. Explicit Orchestration Flows:
    1. Allows developers to define specific orchestration flows, determining how agents interact.
    2. Offers the flexibility to let the orchestration pipeline decide which agents should communicate based on the context.
  4. Ease of Deployment:
    1. Supports rapid deployment, iteration, and scaling of agents.
    2. Allows for quick adjustments and updates without requiring significant downtime.
  5. Scalability and Resource Management:
    1. Seamlessly integrates with observability tools, providing real-time monitoring and resource management.
    2. Supports horizontal scaling by adding more instances of agent services as needed.
Llama agents framework achitecture diagram

The architecture diagram illustrates the interplay between the control plane, messaging queue, and agent services, highlighting how queries are processed and routed to appropriate agents.

The architecture of the Llama Agents framework consists of the following components:

  1. Control Plane:
    • Contains two key subcomponents:
      • Orchestrator: Manages the decision-making process for the flow of operations between agents. It determines which agent service will handle the next task.
      • Service Metadata: Holds essential information about each agent service, including their capabilities, statuses, and configurations.
  2. Message Queue:
    • Serves as the communication backbone of the framework, enabling asynchronous and reliable messaging between different agent services.
    • Connects the Control Plane to various Agent Services to manage the distribution and flow of tasks.
  3. Agent Services:
    • Represent individual microservices, each performing specific tasks within the ecosystem.
    • The agents are independently managed and communicate via the Message Queue.
    • Each agent can interact with others directly or through the orchestrator.
  4. User Interaction:
    • The user sends requests to the system, which the Control Plane processes.
    • The orchestrator decides the flow and assigns tasks to the appropriate agent services via the Message Queue.

Monitoring Production-Grade RAG Pipelines

Transitioning an RAG system to production involves addressing various factors, including traffic management, scalability, and fault tolerance. However, one of the most critical aspects is monitoring the system to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Importance of Monitoring

Effective monitoring allows developers to:

  • Track System Performance: Monitor compute power, memory usage, and token consumption, especially when utilizing open-source or closed-source models.
  • Log and Debug: Maintain comprehensive logs, metrics, and traces to identify and resolve issues promptly.
  • Iterative Improvement: Continuously analyze performance metrics to refine and enhance the system.

Challenges of Monitoring Agentic RAG Pipelines

  • Latency Spikes: There might be a lag in response times when handling complex queries.
  • Resource Management: As models grow, compute power and memory usage demand also increases.
  • Scalability & Fault Tolerance: Ensuring the system can handle surges in usage while avoiding crashes is a persistent challenge.

Metrics to Monitor

  • Latency: Keep track of the time taken for query processing and LLM response generation.
  • Compute Power: Monitor CPU/GPU usage to prevent overloads.
  • Memory Usage: Ensure memory is managed efficiently to avoid slowdowns or crashes​

Now, we will talk about Langfuse, an open-source monitoring framework.

Langfuse: An Open-Source Monitoring Framework


Langfuse is a powerful open-source framework designed to monitor and optimize the processes involved in LLM (Large Language Model) engineering. The accompanying GIF shows that Langfuse provides a comprehensive overview of all the critical stages in LLM workflows, from the initial user query to the intermediate steps, the final generation, and the various latencies involved. 

Key Features of Langfuse

1. Traces and Logging: Langfuse allows you to define and monitor “traces,” which record the various steps within a session. You can configure how many traces you want to capture within each session. The framework also provides robust logging capabilities, allowing you to record and analyze different activities and events in your LLM workflows.

2. Evaluation and Feedback Collection: Langfuse supports a powerful evaluation mechanism, enabling you to gather user feedback effectively. There is no deterministic way to assess accuracy in many generative AI applications, particularly those involving retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Instead, user feedback becomes a critical component. Langfuse allows you to set up custom scoring mechanisms, such as FAQ matching or similarity scoring with predefined datasets, to evaluate the performance of your system iteratively.

3. Prompt Management: One of Langfuse’s standout features is its advanced prompt management. For instance, during the initial iterations of model development, you might create a lengthy prompt to capture all necessary information. If this prompt exceeds the token limit or includes irrelevant details, you must refine it for optimal performance. Langfuse makes it easy to track different prompt versions, evaluate their effectiveness, and iteratively optimize them for context relevance.

4. Evaluation Metrics and Scoring: Langfuse allows comprehensive evaluation metrics to be set up for different iterations. For example, you can measure the system’s performance by comparing the generated output against expected or predefined responses. This is particularly important in RAG contexts, where the relevance of the retrieved context is critical. You can also conduct similarity matching to assess how closely the output matches the desired response, whether by chunk or overall content.

Ensuring System Reliability and Fairness

ML system Evaludation

Another crucial aspect of Langfuse is its ability to analyze your system’s reliability and fairness. It helps determine whether your LLM is grounding its responses in the appropriate context or whether it relies on external information sources. This is vital in avoiding common issues such as hallucinations, where the model generates incorrect or misleading information.

By leveraging Langfuse, you gain a granular understanding of your LLM’s performance, enabling continuous improvement and more reliable AI-driven solutions.

Demonstration: Building and Monitoring an Agentic RAG Pipeline

Sample code available here – GitHub

Code Workflow Plan:

Dataset Sample

Dataset Sample

Required Libraries and Setup

To begin, you’ll need the following libraries:

  • Langfuse: For monitoring purposes.
  • Llama Index and Llama Agents: For the agentic framework and data ingestion into a vector database.
  • Python-dotenv: To manage environment variables.

Data Ingestion

The first step involves data ingestion using the Llama Index’s native methods. The storage context is loaded from defaults; if an index already exists, it directly loads it. Otherwise, it creates a new one. The SimpleDirectoryReader is employed to read the data from various file formats such as PDFs, CSVs, and JSON files. In this case, two datasets are used: Google’s Q1 annual reports for 2023 and 2024. These are ingested into an in-memory database using Llama Index’s in-house vector store, which can also be persisted if needed.

Query Engine and Tools Setup

Once the data ingestion is complete, the next step is to ingest it into a query engine. The query engine uses a similarity search parameter (top K of 3, though this can be adjusted). Two query engine tools are created—one for each of the datasets (Q1 2023 and Q1 2024). Metadata descriptions for these tools are provided to ensure proper routing of user queries to the appropriate tool based on the context, either the 2023 or 2024 dataset, or both.

Agent Configuration

Agent Configuration

The demo moves on to setting up the agents. The architecture diagram for this setup includes an orchestration pipeline and a messaging queue that connects these agents. The first step is setting up the messaging queue, followed by the control panel that manages the messaging queue and the agent orchestration. The GPT-4 model is utilized as the LLM, with a tool service that takes in the query engines defined earlier, along with the messaging queue and other hyperparameters.

Execution of a Single Step

A MetaServiceTool handles the metadata, ensuring that the user queries are routed correctly based on the provided descriptions. The function AgentWorker is then called, taking in the meta tools and the LLM for routing. The demo illustrates how Llama Index agents function internally using AgentRunner and AgentWorker—where AgentRunner identifies the set of tasks to perform, and AgentWorker executes them.

Launching the Agent

After configuring the agent, it is launched with a description of its function (e.g., answering questions about Google’s financial quarters for 2023 and 2024). Since the deployment is not on a server, a local launcher is used, but alternative launchers, like human-in-the-loop or server launchers, are also available.

Demonstrating Query Execution

Next, the demo shows a query asking about the risk factors for Google. The system uses the earlier configured meta tools to determine the correct tool(s) to use. The query is processed, and the system intelligently fetches information from both datasets, recognizing that the question is general and requires input from both. Another query, specifically about Google’s revenue growth in Q1 2024, demonstrates the system’s ability to narrow its search to the relevant dataset.

Monitoring with Langfuse

The demo then explores Langfuse’s monitoring capabilities. The Langfuse dashboard shows all the traces, model costs, tokens consumed, and other relevant information. It logs details about both the LLM and embedding models, including the number of tokens used and the associated costs. The dashboard also allows for setting scores to evaluate the relevance of generated answers and contains features for tracking user queries, metadata, and internal transformations behind the scenes.

Additional Features and Configurations

The Langfuse dashboard supports advanced features, including setting up sessions, defining user roles, configuring prompts, and maintaining datasets. All logs and traces can be stored on a self-hosted server using a Docker image with an attached PostgreSQL database.

The demonstration successfully illustrates how to build an end-to-end agentic RAG pipeline and monitor it using Langfuse, providing insights into query handling, data ingestion, and overall LLM performance. Integrating these tools enables more efficient management and evaluation of LLM applications in real-time, grounding results with reliable data and evaluations. All resources and references used in this demonstration are open-source and accessible.

Key Takeaways

The session underscored the significance of robust monitoring in deploying production-grade agentic RAG pipelines. Key insights include:

  • Integration of Advanced Frameworks: Leveraging frameworks like Llama Agents and Langfuse enhances RAG systems’ scalability, flexibility, and observability.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Effective monitoring encompasses tracking system performance, logging detailed traces, and continuously evaluating response quality.
  • Iterative Optimization: Continuous analysis of metrics and user feedback drives the iterative improvement of RAG pipelines, ensuring relevance and accuracy in responses.
  • Open-Source Advantages: Utilizing open-source tools allows for greater customization, transparency, and community-driven enhancements, fostering innovation in RAG implementations.

Future of Agentic RAG and Monitoring

The future of monitoring Agentic RAG lies in more advanced observability tools with features like predictive alerts and real-time debugging and better integration with AI systems like Langfuse to provide detailed insights into the model’s performance across different scales.​


As generative AI evolves, the need for sophisticated, monitored, and scalable RAG pipelines becomes increasingly critical. Exploring monitoring production-grade agentic RAG pipelines provides invaluable guidance for developers and organizations aiming to harness the full potential of generative AI while maintaining reliability and performance. By integrating frameworks like Llama Agents and Langfuse and adopting comprehensive monitoring practices, businesses can ensure their AI-driven solutions are both effective and resilient in dynamic production environments.

For those interested in replicating the setup, all demonstration code and resources are available on the GitHub repository, fostering an open and collaborative approach to advancing RAG pipeline monitoring.

Also, if you are looking for a Generative AI course online, then explore: the GenAI Pinnacle Program


  1. Building Performant RAG Applications for Production
  2. Agentic RAG with Llama Index
  3. Multi-document Agentic RAG using Llama-Index and Mistral

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

Ans. Agentic RAG combines autonomous agents with retrieval-augmented systems, enabling dynamic problem-solving by retrieving relevant, real-time information for decision-making.

Q2. How does RAG enhance large language models (LLMs)?

Ans. RAG combines retrieval-based models with generation-based models to retrieve external data and create contextually accurate, detailed responses.

Q3. What are Llama Agents?

Ans. Llama Agents are an open-source, microservice-based framework that enables modular scaling, monitoring, and management of Agentic RAG pipelines in production.

Q4. What is Langfuse, and how is it used?

Ans. Langfuse is an open-source monitoring tool that tracks RAG pipeline performance, logs traces, and gathers user feedback for continuous optimization.

Q5. What challenges arise when monitoring Agentic RAG pipelines?

Ans. Common challenges include managing latency spikes, scaling to handle high demand, monitoring resource consumption, and ensuring fault tolerance to prevent system crashes.

Q6. How does monitoring contribute to the scalability of RAG systems?

Ans. Effective monitoring allows developers to track system loads, prevent bottlenecks, and scale resources efficiently, ensuring that the pipeline can handle increased traffic without degrading performance.

Pankaj9786 19 Sep, 2024

Hi, I am Pankaj Singh Negi - Senior Content Editor | Passionate about storytelling and crafting compelling narratives that transform ideas into impactful content. I love reading about technology revolutionizing our lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

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