Understanding SQL Data Type Conversion

Ayushi Trivedi Last Updated : 03 Oct, 2024
8 min read


When it comes to databases, the handling of enormous and different sorts of data is unavoidable. Think of what it would be like to try to add dates to dates or text to binary information – neither of these is easy and both of them have to be done right if the data is to remain intact and useful. SQL data type conversion is the process of changing the type of data to capture it smoothly and obtain the precise results when running queries. No matter you do string to number conversion to sum the value derived from string based currency value or converting date fields to control its format for reporting, to manage the database it is important to know How to typecast or do data type conversion in in MS SQL Server.

Understanding SQL Data Type Conversion

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the necessity of data type conversion in SQL for maintaining data integrity and enabling diverse operations.
  • Identify different methods and functions used for type conversion in SQL, such as CAST and CONVERT.
  • Apply data type conversion techniques to ensure accurate data manipulation and query results.
  • Recognize common pitfalls and errors in data type conversion and learn how to avoid them.

What is Data Type Conversion in SQL?

In SQL the conversion of data from one type to another is called data type conversion. This conversion is sometimes required in case when you work with a database and one of the fields contain values of different data type and you have to perform some operations or comparisons that require certain type of data. For example, let’s say you have a value as string data type which is VARCHAR though you want to do some numeric computations on it, perhaps you will want to change that to an integer data type that is INT. Likewise, you may need to cast in a date to SQL for date text stored in VARCHAR data type to be used in SQL’s date functions.

Data type conversion can be broadly categorized into two types: implicit conversion and explicit conversion.

Implicit Conversion

Implicit conversion occurs automatically by the SQL engine when it is safe to convert one data type to another without losing information. The database system automatically handles this conversion behind the scenes, without requiring any explicit command from the user. This typically happens in scenarios where the conversion is straightforward and poses no risk of data loss or errors.

Example of Implicit Conversion:

Consider the following SQL query:

SELECT '5' + 10 AS Result;



In this case, SQL Server automatically converts the string '5' to an integer so that it can be added to the integer 10. This is an example of implicit conversion where the system recognizes that the string '5' represents a number and safely converts it to an integer for the operation.

Explicit Conversion

This type of conversion is called as coercive type conversion or type conversion or casting where the user himself/herself converts a value of one type to another by using certain functions like CAST or CONVERT. It is done when the format change is not simple or when there are chances that it may cause loss, truncation or creation of errors if not done in the correct manner.

Example of Explicit Conversion

Let’s assume that you have an Orders column within a table and the details are stored here in string format rather than as actual spike dates such that the strings say order dates are in YYYYMMDD specifiers only and you wish to convert these strings into a genuine DATETIME data type so that you can carry out operations which are especially date-specific in nature.

Table: Orders


To convert the OrderDate from VARCHAR to DATETIME, you can use the CAST function:

sqlCopy codeSELECT OrderID, CAST(OrderDate AS DATETIME) AS ConvertedOrderDate
FROM Orders;


12023-09-25 00:00:00.000
22023-09-26 00:00:00.000
32023-09-27 00:00:00.000

Using SQL Functions for Conversion

Conversion of data type is very important when you want to convert data from one form to another in a database, and SQL offers many strong functions to be used for this purpose. These functions are important to make sure you have the proper data type; otherwise you may have problems in calculation, comparison and all other operations made within the SQL statement. The newer TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT, and FORMAT functions serve specific purposes and are generally more efficient than the CAST and CONVERT T-SQL functions, which have fewer options. Below, we will discuss the efficiency of each function in different scenarios.

CAST Function

The CAST function is one of the simplest but one of the most frequently used conversion functions in SQL. That makes it ANSI-compliant so that it is utilized by most SQL database systems such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle. The CAST function is very simple in nature and mainly used wherever you require a change of data type for any value.


CAST(expression AS data_type)
  • expression: The value or column that you want to convert.
  • data_type: The target data type you want the expression to be converted to.


Suppose you have a column OrderDate in your table Orders that stores date information as a string in YYYYMMDD format. To perform date-specific operations, you may need to convert this string into a DATETIME data type.

SELECT OrderID, CAST(OrderDate AS DATETIME) AS ConvertedOrderDate
FROM Orders;


12023-09-25 00:00:00.000
22023-09-26 00:00:00.000
32023-09-27 00:00:00.000

In this example, OrderDate was initially stored as a string, but using CAST, it was converted to DATETIME, allowing for accurate date operations.

CONVERT Function

The CONVERT function is specific to SQL Server and provides more control over the conversion process compared to CAST. It allows for additional formatting options, especially when converting between date/time and string data types.


CONVERT(data_type, expression, [style])
  • data_type: The target data type.
  • expression: The value or column to convert.
  • style (optional): An integer value representing the formatting style, particularly useful for date and time conversions.


Suppose you have a DATETIME value that you want to convert to a string with a specific format:




In this example, the GETDATE() function returns the current date and time, which is then converted to a VARCHAR string in the DD/MM/YYYY format using style 103.


Both TRY_CAST and TRY_CONVERT are essentially similar to CAST and CONVERT respectively, but with an additional control in case of a failed conversion the functions return NULL instead of raising an error. This approach especially helps process large data sets, where some values might not easily convert due to inherently complex formats or data types.

TRY_CAST Syntax:

TRY_CAST(expression AS data_type)


TRY_CONVERT(data_type, expression, [style])


Consider a scenario where you have a column Amount stored as a string, but it contains some non-numeric values that might cause conversion errors. To safely convert this column to DECIMAL without causing errors, you can use TRY_CAST:

SELECT Amount, TRY_CAST(Amount AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS ConvertedAmount
FROM Transactions;



Here, the non-numeric value ‘ABC’ results in a NULL instead of an error, allowing the query to continue processing the rest of the data.

FORMAT Function

The FORMAT function is used to return a value formatted according to a specified format and culture. You often use it to convert date/time values or numeric values into a specific string format.


FORMAT(value, format, [culture])
  • value: The value to format.
  • format: The format pattern.
  • culture (optional): A string representing the culture in which to format the value.


Suppose you want to format a numeric value as currency:

SELECT FORMAT(1234.5678, 'C', 'en-US') AS FormattedValue;



In this example, the FORMAT function converts the number 1234.5678 into a currency format based on the US culture (en-US), rounding it to two decimal places and adding the dollar sign.

Using SQL Functions in Combination

In many cases, you can use SQL functions for data type conversion in combination with other SQL functions to achieve the desired result. For example, you might use CAST or CONVERT within a CASE statement to handle conditional logic during conversion.


        WHEN IsNumeric(Price) = 1 THEN CAST(Price AS DECIMAL(10, 2))
        ELSE NULL
    END AS ValidatedPrice
FROM Products;


Widget A25.50
Widget BNULL
Widget C30.00

In this query, the CASE statement checks whether the Price is numeric before attempting to convert it to DECIMAL. If the price is not numeric, it returns NULL.

Why Data Type Conversion is Important

Data type conversion is crucial in SQL for several reasons:

  • Data Integrity: It is critical to check that data is in a proper format, so that data is not altered unconsciously. For instance, converting numbers encoded as string into numerics eliminates the possibility of making an error.
  • Query Performance: Converting data to appropriate types can improve the performance of SQL queries. For instance, comparing dates as DATETIME rather than strings can speed up queries and ensure more accurate results.
  • Compatibility: When integrating systems or dealing with data from different sources, various formats may store the data. Conversion is necessary to ensure compatibility between these different data sets.

Potential Issues with Data Type Conversion

While data type conversion is necessary, it can also introduce challenges:

  • Data Truncation: Implicit casting, such as downcasting, poses risks by changing a larger data type to a smaller one (e.g., converting VARCHAR(100) to VARCHAR(50), which may cripple the data in the process.
  • Conversion Errors: A problem of type mismatch when trying to move incompatible data type, for example, from string to integer will lead to an exception that stops the evaluation of the query.
  • Precision Loss: Forcing conversion, such as changing from FLOAT to INT, inevitably leads to a loss of precision or rounding off errors.

Example of a Conversion Error:


This query will fail because 'ABC' cannot be converted into an integer.

Best Practices for Ensuring Accurate Data Conversion

  • Understand Source and Target Data Types: It is important to be aware of the precision, measurement scale, and other characteristics Sandford’s data types to prevent disastrous mistakes once the conversion starts.
  • Use Explicit Conversion Functions: Always use functions like CAST or CONVERT to ensure clarity and control over data conversions.
  • Handle Conversion Errors Gracefully: Use TRY_CAST or TRY_CONVERT to safely manage potential conversion errors without halting queries.
  • Test Conversions on Sample Data: Run conversions on a small data subset first to identify any issues before applying them to the entire dataset.
  • Be Aware of Data Truncation Risks: Ensure that converting data between different sizes or formats does not result in loss of critical information.
  • Consider Using TRY_CONVERT for Safety: Use safe conversion functions to handle mixed or problematic data without causing query failures.
  • Ensure Consistent Data Formats: To avoid the need for data formatting conversion regularly, it is better not to mix the data formats in your database.
  • Document Your Conversion Logic: Make comments and document so that to explain why such conversion is used or why certain condition must be met.


Data conversion is relevant for every DBA as it is crucial when working with databases: the data type conversion allows to manipulate and query the information in the database appropriately. Knowing both the conversion types and choosing the right functions, as well as knowing some common problems such as the appearance of truncation or error messages is important when learning SQL. Data normalization involves correct conversion of data type, enhances query execution time and accuracy of data in your databases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the difference between CAST and CONVERT in SQL?

A. CAST is an ANSI-compliant function used for converting data types, while CONVERT is specific to SQL Server and offers additional formatting options.

Q2. Can SQL automatically convert data types?

A. Yes, SQL can perform implicit conversions when it’s safe, such as converting an integer to a float during arithmetic operations.

Q3. What happens if a conversion fails in SQL?

A. If a conversion fails, SQL will throw an error, indicating that the data cannot be converted to the specified type.

Q4. Why is data type conversion important in SQL?

A. Data type conversion is crucial for ensuring data integrity, enabling accurate calculations, and facilitating operations between different data types.

My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

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