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How to Pick the Right LLM for Your Business?

keshav759 28 Sep, 2024
8 min read


With the growing number of LLMs like GPT-4o, LLaMA, and Claude, along with many more emerging rapidly, businesses’ key question is how to choose the best one for their needs. This guide will provide a straightforward framework for selecting the most suitable LLM for your business requirements. It will cover crucial factors like cost, accuracy, and user-friendliness. Moreover, this article is based on Rohan Rao’s recent talk at DataHack Summit 2024 on the Framework to Choose the Right LLM for Your Business.

You can further access a free course developed on the same talk: Framework to Choose the Right LLM for your Business

Right LLM for Your Business


  • The article introduces a framework to help businesses select the right LLM (Large Language Model) by evaluating cost, accuracy, scalability, and technical compatibility.
  • When choosing an LLM, it emphasizes that businesses should identify their specific needs—such as customer support, technical problem-solving, or data analysis.
  • The framework includes detailed comparisons of LLMs based on factors like fine-tuning capabilities, cost structure, latency, and security features tailored to different use cases.
  • Real-world case studies, such as educational tools and customer support automation, illustrate how different LLMs can be applied effectively.
  • The conclusion advises businesses to experiment and test LLMs with real-world data, noting there is no “one-size-fits-all” model, but the framework helps make informed decisions.

Why LLMs Matter for Your Business?

Businesses in many different industries are already gaining from Large Language Model capabilities. They can save time and money by producing content, automating customer service, and analyzing data. Also, users don’t need to learn any specialist technological skills; they just need to be proficient in natural language.

But what can LLM do? 

LLMs can assist staff members in retrieving data from a database without coding or domain expertise. Thus, LLMs successfully close the skills gap by giving users access to technical knowledge, facilitating the smoothest possible integration of business and technology.

A Simple Framework for Choosing an LLM

Picking the right LLM isn’t one-size-fits-all. It depends on your specific goals and the problems you must solve. Here’s a step-by-step framework to guide you:

1. What Can It Do? (Capability)

What AI Can It Do? (Capability)

Start by determining what your business needs the LLM for. For example, are you using it to help with customer support, answer technical questions, or do something else? Here are more questions:

  • Can the LLM be fine-tuned to fit your specific needs?
  • Can it work with your existing data?
  • Does it have enough “memory” to handle long inputs?

Capability Comparison

LLM Can Be Fine-Tuned Works with Custom Data Memory (Context Length)
LLM 1 Yes Yes 2048 tokens
LLM 2 No Yes 4096 tokens
LLM 3 Yes No 1024 tokens

For instance, Here, we could choose LLM 2 if we don’t care about fine-tuning and focus more on having a larger context window.

2. How Accurate Is It?

2. How Accurate Is It?

Accuracy is key. If you want an LLM that can give you reliable answers, test it with some real-world data to see how well it performs. Here are some questions:

  • Can the LLM be improved with tuning?
  • Does it consistently perform well?

Accuracy Comparison

LLM General Accuracy Accuracy with Custom Data
LLM 1 90% 85%
LLM 2 85% 80%
LLM 3 88% 86%

Here, we could choose LLM 3 if we prioritize accuracy with custom data, even if its general accuracy is slightly lower than LLM 1.

3. What Does It Cost?

3. What Does It Cost?

LLMs can get expensive, especially when they’re in production. Some charge per use (like ChatGPT), while others have upfront costs for setup. Here are some questions:

  • Is the cost a one-time fee or ongoing (like a subscription)?
  • Is the cost worth the business benefits?

Cost Comparison

LLM Cost Pricing Model
LLM 1 High Pay per API call (tokens)
LLM 2 Low One-time hardware cost
LLM 3 Medium Subscription-based

If minimizing ongoing costs is a priority, LLM 2 could be the best choice with its one-time hardware cost, even though LLM 1 may offer more flexibility with pay-per-use pricing.

4. Is It Compatible with Your Tech?

4. Is It Compatible with Your Tech?

Make sure the LLM fits with your current tech setup. Most LLMs use Python, but your business might use something different, like Java or Node.js. Here are some questions:

  • Does it work with your existing technology stack?

5. Is It Easy to Maintain?

5. Is It Easy to Maintain?

Maintenance is often overlooked, but it’s an important aspect. Some LLMs need more updates or come with limited documentation, which could make things harder in the long run. Here are some questions:

  • Does the LLM have good support and clear documentation?

Maintenance Comparison

LLM Maintenance Level Documentation Quality
LLM 1 Low (Easy) Excellent
LLM 2 Medium (Moderate) Limited
LLM 3 High (Difficult) Inadequate

For instance: If ease of maintenance is a priority, LLM 1 would be the best choice, given its low maintenance needs and excellent documentation, even if other models may offer more features.

6. How Fast Is It? (Latency)

Latency is the time it takes an LLM to respond. Speed is important for some applications (like customer service), while for others, it might not be a big deal. Here are some questions:

  • How quickly does the LLM respond?

Latency Comparison

LLM Response Time Can It Be Optimized?
LLM 1 100ms Yes (80ms)
LLM 2 300ms Yes (250ms)
LLM 3 200ms Yes (150ms)

For instance, If response speed is critical, such as for customer service applications, LLM 1 would be the best option with its low latency and potential for further optimization.

7. Can It Scale?

7. Can It Scale?

If your business is small, scaling might not be an issue. But if you’re expecting a lot of users, the LLM needs to handle multiple people or lots of data simultaneously. Here are some questions:

  • Can it scale up to handle more users or data?

Scalability Comparison

LLM Max Users Scalability Level
LLM 1 1000 High
LLM 2 500 Medium
LLM 3 1000 High

If scalability is a key factor and you anticipate a high number of users, both LLM 1 and LLM 3 would be suitable choices. Both offer high scalability to support up to 1000 users.

8. Infrastructure Needs

8. Infrastructure Needs

Different LLMs have varying infrastructure needs—some are optimized for the cloud, while others require powerful hardware like GPUs. Consider whether your business has the right setup for both development and production. Here are some questions:

  • Does it run efficiently on single or multiple GPUs/CPUs?
  • Does it support quantization for deployment on lower resources?
  • Can it be deployed on-premise or only in the cloud?

For instance, If your business lacks high-end hardware, a cloud-optimized LLM might be the best choice, whereas an on-premise solution would suit companies with existing GPU infrastructure.

9. Is It Secure?

Security is important, especially if you’re handling sensitive information. Make sure the LLM is secure and follows data protection laws.

  • Does it have secure data storage?
  • Is it compliant with regulations like GDPR?

Security Comparison

LLM Security Features GDPR Compliant
LLM 1 High Yes
LLM 2 Medium No
LLM 3 Low Yes

For instance, If security and regulatory compliance are top priorities, LLM 1 would be the best option, as it offers high security and is GDPR compliant, unlike LLM 2.

10. What Kind of Support Is Available?

10. What Kind of Support Is Available?

Good support can make or break your LLM experience, especially when encountering problems. Here are some questions:

  • Do the creators of the LLM provide support or help?
  • Is it easy to connect if any help is required to implement the LLM?
  • What is the availability of the support being provided?

Consider the LLM that has a good community or commercial support available.

Real-World Examples (Case Studies)

Here are some real-world examples:

Example 1: Education

Problem: Solving IIT-JEE exam questions

Key Considerations:

  • Needs fine-tuning for specific datasets
  • Accuracy is critical
  • Should scale to handle thousands of users

Example 2: Customer Support Automation

Problem: Automating customer queries

Key Considerations:

  • Security is vital (no data leaks)
  • Privacy matters (customers’ data must be protected)

Comparing LLM 1, 2, and 3

Criteria LLM 1 LLM 2 LLM 3
Capability Supports fine-tuning, custom data Limited fine-tuning, large context Fine-tuning supported
Accuracy High (90%) Medium (85%) Medium (88%)
Cost High (API pricing) Low (One-time cost) Medium (Subscription)
Tech Compatibility Python-based Python-based Python-based
Maintenance Low (Easy) Medium (Moderate) High (Frequent updates)
Latency Fast (100ms) Slow (300ms) Moderate (200ms)
Scalability High (1000 users) Medium (500 users) High (1000 users)
Security High Medium Low
Support Strong community Limited support Open-source community
Privacy Compliance Yes (GDPR compliant) No Yes

Applying this to the cases:

  1. Case Study 1: Education (Solving IIT-JEE Exam Questions)LLM 1 would be the ideal choice due to its strong fine-tuning capabilities for specific datasets, high accuracy, and ability to scale for thousands of users, making it perfect for handling large-scale educational applications.
  2. Case Study 2: Customer Support AutomationLLM 1 is also the best fit here, thanks to its high security features and GDPR compliance. These features ensure that customer data is protected, which is critical for automating sensitive customer queries.


In summary, picking the right LLM for your business depends on several factors like cost, accuracy, scalability, and how it fits into your tech setup. This framework may help you find the right LLM and make sure to test the LLM with real-world data before committing. Remember, there’s no “perfect” LLM, but you can find the one that fits your business best by exploring, testing, and evaluating your options.

Also, if you are looking for course on Generative AI then, explore: GenAI Pinnacle Program!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What factors should I prioritize when choosing an LLM?

Ans. Key factors include model accuracy, scalability, customization options, integration with existing systems, and cost. Evaluating the training data is also important, as it impacts the model’s performance in your domain. For more depth, consider reading up on LLM benchmarking studies.

Q2. Can LLMs be fine-tuned for my business needs?

Ans. Yes, LLMs can be fine-tuned with domain-specific data to improve relevance and accuracy. This can help the model better understand industry-specific terminology or perform specific tasks. A good resource for this is OpenAI’s research on fine-tuning GPT models.

Q3. How important is security when selecting an LLM?

Ans. Security is critical, especially when handling sensitive data. Ensure the provider offers robust data encryption, access controls, and compliance with regulations like GDPR. You might want to explore papers on secure AI deployments for further insights.

Q4. Do I need special infrastructure to deploy an LLM?

Ans. It depends on the size of the model and deployment strategy. You may need cloud infrastructure or specialized hardware (GPUs/TPUs) for larger models. Many platforms offer managed services, reducing the need for dedicated infrastructure. AWS and Azure both offer resources to learn more about deploying LLMs.

Q5. How can I ensure the LLM scales with my business growth?

Ans. Look for cloud-hosted models with flexible scaling options. Ensure the LLM provider supports dynamic scaling based on usage. Research into AI infrastructure scaling strategies can give you further guidance on this topic.

keshav759 28 Sep, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

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