17 Prompting Techniques to Supercharge Your LLMs

Akash Das Last Updated : 15 Oct, 2024
17 min read


Large Language Models , like GPT-4, have transformed the way we approach tasks that require language understanding, generation, and interaction. From drafting creative content to solving complex problems, the potential of LLMs seems boundless. However, the true power of these models is not just in their architecture but in how effectively we communicate with them. This is where prompting techniques become the game changer. The quality of the prompt directly influences the quality of the output. Think of prompting as a conversation with the model — the more structured, clear, and nuanced your instructions are, the better the model’s responses will be. While basic prompting can generate useful answers, advanced prompting techniques can transform the outputs from generic to insightful, from vague to precise, and from uninspired to highly creative.

In this blog, we will explore 17 advanced prompting techniques that go beyond the basics, diving into methods that allow users to extract the best possible responses from LLMs. From instruction-based prompts to sophisticated strategies like hypothetical and reflection-based prompting, these techniques offer you the ability to steer the model in ways that cater to your specific needs. Whether you’re a developer, a content creator, or a researcher, mastering these prompting techniques will take your interaction with LLMs to the next level. So, let’s dive in and unlock the true potential of LLMs by learning how to talk to them — the right way.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand different prompting techniques to guide and enhance LLM responses effectively.
  • Apply foundational techniques like instruction-based and zero-shot prompting to generate precise and relevant outputs.
  • Leverage advanced prompting methods, such as chain-of-thought and reflection prompting, for complex reasoning and decision-making tasks.
  • Choose appropriate prompting strategies based on the task at hand, improving interaction with language models.
  • Incorporate creative techniques like persona-based and hypothetical prompting to unlock diverse and innovative responses from LLMs.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Art of Effective Prompting

Before diving into prompting techniques, it’s important to understand why prompting matters. The way we phrase or structure prompts can significantly influence how large language models (LLMs) interpret and respond. Prompting isn’t just about asking questions or giving commands—it’s about crafting the right context and structure to guide the model in producing accurate, creative, or insightful responses.

In essence, effective prompting is the bridge between human intent and machine output. Just like giving clear instructions to a human assistant, good prompts help LLMs like GPT-4 or similar models understand what you’re looking for, allowing them to generate responses that align with your expectations. The strategies we’ll explore in the following sections are designed to leverage this power, helping you tailor the model’s behavior to suit your needs.


Let’s break these strategies into four broad categories: Foundational Prompting Techniques, Advanced Logical and Structured Prompting, Adaptive Techniques, and Advanced Techniques. The foundational techniques will equip you with basic yet powerful prompting skills. At the same time, the advanced methods will build on that foundation, offering more control and sophistication in engaging with LLMs.

Foundational Prompting Techniques

Before diving into advanced strategies, it’s essential to master the foundational prompting techniques. These form the basis of effective interactions with large language models (LLMs) and help you get quick, precise, and often highly relevant outputs.

1. Instruction-based Prompting: Simple and Clear Commands

Instruction-based prompting is the cornerstone of effective model communication. It involves issuing clear, direct instructions that enable the model to focus on a specific task without ambiguity.

# 1. Instruction-based Prompting
def instruction_based_prompting():
    prompt = "Summarize the benefits of regular exercise."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Instruction-based Prompting: Simple and Clear Commands

Why It Works?

Instruction-based prompting is effective because it clearly specifies the task for the model. In this case, the prompt directly instructs the model to summarize the benefits of regular exercise, leaving little room for ambiguity. The prompt is straightforward and action-oriented: “Summarize the benefits of regular exercise.” This clarity ensures that the model understands the desired output format (a summary) and the topic (benefits of regular exercise). Such specificity helps the model generate focused and relevant responses, aligning with the definition of instruction-based prompting.

2. Few-Shot Prompting: Providing Minimal Examples

Few-shot prompting enhances model performance by giving a few examples of what you’re looking for. By including 1-3 examples along with the prompt, the model can infer patterns and generate responses that align with the examples.

# 2. Few-shot Prompting
def few_shot_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Translate the following sentences into French:\n"
        "1. I love programming.\n"
        "2. The weather is nice today.\n"
        "3. Can you help me with my homework?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Few-Shot Prompting: Providing Minimal Examples

Why It Works?

Few-shot prompting is effective because it provides specific examples that help the model understand the task at hand. In this case, the prompt includes three sentences that need translation into French. By clearly stating the task and providing the specific sentences to be translated, the prompt reduces ambiguity and establishes a clear context for the model. This allows the model to learn from the examples and generate accurate translations for the provided sentences, guiding it toward the desired output. The model can recognize the pattern from the examples and apply it to complete the task successfully.

3. Zero-Shot Prompting: Expecting Model Inference Without Examples

In contrast to few-shot prompting, zero-shot prompting doesn’t rely on providing any examples. Instead, it expects the model to infer the task from the prompt alone. While it may seem more challenging, LLMs can still perform well on this technique, particularly for tasks that are well-aligned with their training data.

# 3. Zero-shot Prompting
def zero_shot_prompting():
    prompt = "What are the main causes of climate change?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Zero-Shot Prompting: Expecting Model Inference Without Examples

Why It Works?

Zero-shot prompting is effective because it allows the model to leverage its pre-trained knowledge without any specific examples or context. In this prompt, the question directly asks for the main causes of climate change, which is a well-defined topic. The model utilizes its understanding of climate science, gathered from diverse training data, to provide an accurate and relevant answer. By not providing additional context or examples, the prompt tests the model’s ability to generate coherent and informed responses based on its existing knowledge, demonstrating its capability in a straightforward manner.

These foundational techniques— Instruction—based, Few-shot, and Zero-shot Prompting—lay the groundwork for building more complex and nuanced interactions with LLMs. Mastering these will give you confidence in handling direct commands, whether you provide examples or not.

Advanced Logical and Structured Prompting

As you become more comfortable with foundational techniques, advancing to more structured approaches can dramatically improve the quality of your outputs. These methods guide the model to think more logically, explore various possibilities, and even adopt specific roles or personas.

4. Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Step-by-Step Reasoning

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting encourages the model to break down complex tasks into logical steps, enhancing reasoning and making it easier to follow the process from problem to solution. This method is ideal for tasks that require step-by-step deduction or multi-stage problem-solving.

# 4. Chain-of-Thought Prompting
def chain_of_thought_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "If a train travels 60 miles in 1 hour, how far will it travel in 3 hours? "
        "Explain your reasoning step by step."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Step-by-Step Reasoning

Why It Works?

Chain-of-thought prompting is effective because it encourages the model to break down the problem into smaller, logical steps. In this prompt, the model is asked not only for the final answer but also to explain the reasoning behind it. This approach mirrors human problem-solving strategies, where understanding the process is just as important as the result. By explicitly asking for a step-by-step explanation, the model is guided to outline the calculations and thought processes involved, resulting in a clearer and more comprehensive answer. This technique enhances transparency and helps the model arrive at the correct conclusion through logical progression.

5. Tree-of-Thought Prompting: Exploring Multiple Paths

Tree-of-Thought (ToT) prompting allows the model to explore various solutions before finalizing an answer. It encourages branching out into multiple pathways of reasoning, evaluating each option, and selecting the best path forward. This technique is ideal for problem-solving tasks with many potential approaches.

# 5. Tree-of-Thought Prompting
def tree_of_thought_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "What are the possible outcomes of planting a tree? "
        "Consider environmental, social, and economic impacts."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Tree-of-Thought Prompting: Exploring Multiple Paths

Why It Works?

Tree-of-thought prompting is effective because it encourages the model to explore multiple pathways and consider various dimensions of a topic before arriving at a conclusion. In this prompt, the model is asked to think about the possible outcomes of planting a tree, explicitly including environmental, social, and economic impacts. This multidimensional approach allows the model to generate a more nuanced and comprehensive response by branching out into different areas of consideration. By prompting the model to reflect on different outcomes, it can provide a richer analysis that encompasses various aspects of the topic, ultimately leading to a more well-rounded answer.

6. Role-based Prompting: Assigning a Role to the Model

In role-based prompting, the model adopts a specific role or function, guiding its responses through the lens of that role. By asking the model to act as a teacher, scientist, or even a critic, you can shape its output to align with the expectations of that role.

# 6. Role-based Prompting
def role_based_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "You are a scientist. Explain the process of photosynthesis in simple terms."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Role-based Prompting: Assigning a Role to the Model

Why It Works?

Role-based prompting is effective because it frames the model’s response within a specific context or perspective, guiding it to generate answers that align with the assigned role. In this prompt, the model is instructed to assume the role of a scientist, which influences its language, tone, and depth of explanation. By doing so, the model is likely to adopt a more informative and educational style, making complex concepts like photosynthesis more accessible to the audience. This technique helps ensure that the response is not only accurate but also tailored to the understanding level of the intended audience, enhancing clarity and engagement.

7. Persona-based Prompting: Adopting a Specific Persona

Persona-based prompting goes beyond role-based prompting by asking the model to assume a specific character or identity. This technique can add consistency and personality to the responses, making the interaction more engaging or tailored to specific use cases.

# 7. Persona-based Prompting
def persona_based_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "You are Albert Einstein. Describe your theory of relativity in a way that a child could understand."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Persona-based Prompting: Adopting a Specific Persona

Why It Works?

Persona-based prompting is effective because it assigns a specific identity to the model, encouraging it to generate responses that reflect the characteristics, knowledge, and speaking style of that persona. In this prompt, by instructing the model to embody Albert Einstein, the response is likely to incorporate simplified language and relatable examples, making the complex concept of relativity understandable to a child. This approach leverages the audience’s familiarity with Einstein’s reputation as a genius, which prompts the model to deliver an explanation that balances complexity and accessibility. It enhances engagement by making the content feel personalized and contextually relevant.

These advanced logical and structured prompting techniques— Chain-of-Thought, Tree-of-Thought, Role-based, and Persona-based Prompting—are designed to improve the clarity, depth, and relevance of the model’s outputs. When applied effectively, they encourage the model to reason more deeply, explore different angles, or adopt specific roles, leading to richer, more contextually appropriate results.

Adaptive Prompting Techniques

This section explores more adaptive techniques that allow for greater interaction and adjustment of the model’s responses. These methods help fine-tune outputs by prompting the model to clarify, reflect, and self-correct, making them particularly valuable for complex or dynamic tasks.

8. Clarification Prompting: Requesting Clarification from the Model

Clarification prompting involves asking the model to clarify its response, especially when the output is ambiguous or incomplete. This technique is useful in interactive scenarios where the user seeks deeper understanding or when the initial response needs refinement.

# 8. Clarification Prompting
def clarification_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "What do you mean by 'sustainable development'? Please explain and provide examples."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Clarification Prompting: Requesting Clarification from the Model

Why It Works?

Clarification prompting is effective because it encourages the model to elaborate on a concept that may be vague or ambiguous. In this prompt, the request for an explanation of “sustainable development” is directly tied to the need for clarity. By specifying that the model should not only explain the term but also provide examples, it ensures a more comprehensive understanding. This method helps in avoiding misinterpretations and fosters a detailed response that can clarify the user’s knowledge or curiosity. The model is prompted to engage deeply with the topic, leading to richer, more informative outputs.

9. Error-guided Prompting: Encouraging Self-Correction

Error-guided prompting focuses on getting the model to recognize potential mistakes in its output and self-correct. This is especially useful in scenarios where the model’s initial answer is incorrect or incomplete, as it prompts a re-evaluation of the response.

# 9. Error-guided Prompting
def error_guided_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Here is a poorly written essay about global warming. "
        "Identify the mistakes and rewrite it correctly."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Error-guided Prompting: Encouraging Self-Correction

Why It Works?

Error-guided prompting is effective because it directs the model to analyze a flawed piece of writing and make improvements, thereby reinforcing learning through correction. In this prompt, the request to identify mistakes in a poorly written essay about global warming encourages critical thinking and attention to detail. By asking the model to not only identify errors but also rewrite the essay correctly, it engages in a constructive process that highlights what constitutes good writing. This approach not only teaches the model to recognize common pitfalls but also demonstrates the expected standards for clarity and coherence. Thus, it leads to outputs that are not only corrected but also exemplify better writing practices.

10. Reflection Prompting: Prompting the Model to Reflect on Its Answer

Reflection prompting is a technique where the model is asked to reflect on its previous responses, encouraging deeper thinking or reconsidering its answer. This approach is useful for critical thinking tasks, such as problem-solving or decision-making.

# 10. Reflection Prompting
def reflection_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Reflect on the importance of teamwork in achieving success. "
        "What lessons have you learned?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Reflection Prompting: Prompting the Model to Reflect on Its Answer

Why It Works?

Reflection prompting is effective because it encourages the model to engage in introspective thinking, allowing for deeper insights and personal interpretations. In this prompt, asking the model to reflect on the importance of teamwork in achieving success invites it to consider various perspectives and experiences. By posing a question about the lessons learned, it stimulates critical thinking and elaboration on key themes related to teamwork. This type of prompting promotes nuanced responses, as it encourages the model to articulate thoughts, feelings, and potential anecdotes, which can lead to more meaningful and relatable outputs. Consequently, the model generates responses that demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject matter, showcasing the value of reflection in learning and growth.

11. Progressive Prompting: Gradually Building the Response

Progressive prompting involves asking the model to build on its previous answers step by step. Instead of aiming for a complete answer in one prompt, you guide the model through a series of progressively complex or detailed prompts. This is ideal for tasks requiring layered responses.

# 11. Progressive Prompting
def progressive_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Start by explaining what a computer is, then describe its main components and their functions."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Progressive Prompting: Gradually Building the Response

Why It Works?

Progressive prompting is effective because it structures the inquiry in a way that builds understanding step by step. In this prompt, asking the model to start with a basic definition of a computer before moving on to its main components and their functions allows for a clear and logical progression of information. This technique is beneficial for learners, as it lays a foundational understanding before diving into more complex details.

By breaking down the explanation into sequential parts, the model can focus on each element individually, resulting in coherent and organized responses. This structured approach not only aids comprehension but also encourages the model to connect ideas more effectively. As a result, the output is likely to be more detailed and informative, reflecting a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

12. Contrastive Prompting: Comparing and Contrasting Ideas

Contrastive prompting asks the model to compare or contrast different concepts, options, or arguments. This technique can be highly effective in generating critical insights, as it encourages the model to evaluate multiple perspectives.

# 12. Contrastive Prompting
def contrastive_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Compare and contrast renewable and non-renewable energy sources."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Code Output

Why It Works?

Contrastive prompting is effective because it explicitly asks the model to differentiate between two concepts—in this case, renewable and non-renewable energy sources. This technique guides the model to not only identify the characteristics of each type of energy source but also to highlight their similarities and differences.

By framing the prompt as a comparison, the model is encouraged to provide a more nuanced analysis, considering factors like environmental impact, sustainability, cost, and availability. This approach fosters critical thinking and encourages generating a well-rounded response that captures the complexities of the subject matter.

Furthermore, the prompt’s structure directs the model to organize information in a comparative manner, leading to clear, informative, and insightful outputs. Overall, this technique effectively enhances the depth and clarity of the response.

These adaptive prompting techniques—Clarification, Error-guided, Reflection, Progressive, and Contrastive Prompting—improve flexibility in interacting with large language models. By asking the model to clarify, correct, reflect, expand, or compare ideas, you create a more refined and iterative process. This leads to clearer and stronger results.

Advanced Prompting Strategies for Refinement

This final section delves into sophisticated strategies for optimizing the model’s responses by pushing it to explore alternative answers or maintain consistency. These strategies are particularly useful in generating creative, logical, and coherent outputs.

13. Self-Consistency Prompting: Enhancing Coherence

Self-consistency prompting encourages the model to maintain coherence across multiple outputs by comparing responses generated from the same prompt but through different reasoning paths. This technique enhances the reliability of answers.

# 13. Self-consistency Prompting
def self_consistency_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "What is your opinion on artificial intelligence? Answer as if you were 
        both an optimist and a pessimist."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Self-Consistency Prompting: Enhancing Coherence

Why It Works?

Self-consistency prompting encourages the model to generate multiple perspectives on a given topic, fostering a more balanced and comprehensive response. In this case, the prompt explicitly asks for opinions on artificial intelligence from both an optimist’s and a pessimist’s viewpoints.

By requesting answers from two contrasting perspectives, the model is prompted to consider the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, which leads to a richer and more nuanced discussion. This technique helps mitigate bias, as it encourages the exploration of different angles, ultimately resulting in a response that captures the complexity of the subject.

Moreover, this prompting technique helps ensure that the output reflects a diverse range of opinions, promoting a well-rounded understanding of the topic. The structure of the prompt guides the model to articulate these differing viewpoints clearly, making it an effective way to achieve a more thoughtful and multi-dimensional output.

14. Chunking-based Prompting: Dividing Tasks into Manageable Pieces

Chunking-based prompting involves breaking a large task into smaller, manageable chunks, allowing the model to focus on each part separately. This technique helps in handling complex queries that could otherwise overwhelm the model.

# 14. Chunking-based Prompting
def chunking_based_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Break down the steps to bake a cake into simple, manageable tasks."
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Code Output

Why It Works?

This prompt asks the model to decompose a complex task (baking a cake) into simpler, more manageable steps. By breaking down the process, it enhances clarity and comprehension, allowing for easier execution and understanding of each individual task. This technique aligns with the principle of chunking in cognitive psychology, which improves information processing.

15. Guided Prompting: Narrowing the Focus

Guided prompting provides specific constraints or instructions within the prompt to guide the model toward a desired outcome. This technique is particularly useful for narrowing down the model’s output, ensuring relevance and focus.

# 15. Guided Prompting
def guided_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "Guide me through the process of creating a budget. "
        "What are the key steps I should follow?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Code Output

Why It Works?

The prompt asks the model to “guide me through the process of creating a budget,” explicitly seeking a step-by-step approach. This structured request encourages the model to provide a clear and sequential explanation of the budgeting process. The grounding in the prompt emphasizes the user’s need for guidance, allowing the model to focus on actionable steps and essential components, making the response more practical and user-friendly.

16. Hypothetical Prompting: Exploring “What-If” Scenarios

Hypothetical prompting encourages the model to think in terms of alternative scenarios or possibilities. This strategy is valuable in brainstorming, decision-making, and exploring creative solutions.

# 16. Hypothetical Prompting
def hypothetical_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "If you could time travel to any period in history, where would you go and why?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Code Output

Why It Works?

The prompt asks the model to consider a hypothetical scenario: “If you could time travel to any period in history.” This encourages creative thinking and allows the model to explore different possibilities. The structure of the prompt explicitly invites speculation, prompting the model to formulate a response that reflects imagination and reasoning based on historical contexts. The grounding in the prompt sets a clear expectation for a reflective and imaginative answer.

17. Meta-prompting: Prompting the Model to Reflect on Its Own Process

Meta-prompting is a reflective technique where the model is asked to explain its reasoning or thought process behind an answer. This is particularly helpful for understanding how the model arrives at conclusions, offering insight into its internal logic.

# 17. Meta-prompting
def meta_prompting():
    prompt = (
        "How can you improve your responses when given a poorly formulated question? "
        "What strategies can you employ to clarify the user's intent?"
    return generate_response(prompt)

# Output

Code Output:

Code Output

Why It Works?

Meta-prompting encourages transparency and helps the model clarify the steps it took to conclude. The prompt asks the model to reflect on its own response strategies: “How can you improve your responses when given a poorly formulated question?” This self-referential task encourages the model to analyze how it processes input. It prompts the model to think critically about user intent. The prompt is grounded in clear instructions, encouraging methods for clarification and improvement. This makes it an effective example of meta-prompting.


Mastering these advanced prompting strategies—Self-Consistency Prompting, Chunking-based Prompting, Guided Prompting, Hypothetical Prompting, and Meta-prompting—equips you with powerful tools to optimize interactions with large language models. These techniques allow for greater precision, creativity, and depth, enabling you to harness the full potential of LLMs for various use cases. If you want to explore these prompt techniques with your own context, feel free to explore the notebook for the codes (Colab Notebook). 


This blog covered various prompting techniques that enhance interactions with large language models. Applying these techniques helps guide the model to produce more relevant, creative, and accurate outputs. Each technique offers unique benefits, from breaking down complex tasks to fostering creativity or encouraging detailed reasoning. Experimenting with these strategies will help you get the best results from LLMs in a variety of contexts.

Key Takeaways

  • Instruction-based and Few-shot Prompting are powerful for tasks requiring clear, specific outputs with or without examples.
  • Chain-of-Thought and Tree-of-Thought Prompting help generate deeper insights by encouraging step-by-step reasoning and exploration of multiple pathways.
  • Persona-based and Role-based Prompting enable more creative or domain-specific responses by assigning personalities or roles to the model.
  • Progressive and Guided Prompting are ideal for structured, step-by-step tasks, ensuring clarity and logical progression.
  • Meta and Self-consistency Prompting help improve both the quality and balance of responses, refining interactions with the model over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the difference between Few-shot and Zero-shot Prompting?

A. Few-shot prompting provides a few examples within the prompt to help guide the model’s response, making it more specific. On the other hand, zero-shot prompting requires the model to generate a response without any examples, relying solely on the prompt’s clarity.

Q2. When should I use Chain-of-Thought Prompting?

A. Chain-of-Thought prompting is best used when you need the model to solve complex problems that require step-by-step reasoning, such as math problems, logical deductions, or intricate decision-making tasks.

Q3. How does Role-based Prompting differ from Persona-based Prompting?

A. Role-based prompting assigns the model a specific function or role (e.g., teacher, scientist) to generate responses based on that expertise. Persona-based prompting, however, gives the model the personality traits or perspective of a specific persona  (e.g., historical or figure, character), allowing for more consistent and unique responses.

Q4. What’s the benefit of using Meta-prompting?

A. Meta-prompting helps refine the quality of responses by asking the model to reflect on and improve its own outputs, especially when the input prompt is vague or unclear. This improves adaptability and responsiveness in real-time interactions.

Q5. In what scenarios is Hypothetical Prompting useful?

A. Hypothetical prompting works well when exploring imaginative or theoretical scenarios. It encourages the model to think creatively and analyze potential outcomes or possibilities, which is ideal for brainstorming, speculative reasoning, or exploring “what-if” situations.

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Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Enthusiast looking for opportunities to work on state-of-the-art machine learning problems to help automate and ease the mundane activities of life and passionate about weaving stories through data

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