Infographic – 13 Common Mistakes Amateur Data Scientists Make and How to Avoid Them

datascience22 07 May, 2019
< 1 min read


The path to becoming a data scientist is one riddled with traps and challenges. If you’re not careful, you might just fall into one of them! There are so many resources out there which aim to help aspiring data scientists become experts, but most of them are half-baked efforts that leave a gaping hole in your data scientist journey.

This infographic lists down 13 common mistakes we have seen fresher data scientists make, and we even porvide tips on how to avoid them. To get a more comprehensive overview of this infographic, and to get free resources on how to avoid each mistake, head over to our popular article – 13 Mistakes Amateur Data Scientists Make and How to Avoid Them.

I highly recommend downloading this infographic as a pocket guide on your data scientist journey. You can download a high resolution PDF (just 1.5MB) from this link.

datascience22 07 May, 2019

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Responses From Readers


Filippo Ghelfi
Filippo Ghelfi 27 Jul, 2018

Thank you very much! as a post graduate student I wasn't realizing my mistakes (specially the one about try to learn a lot of things all togheter and stay on the theory without practicing)

Paresh 27 Jul, 2018

Excellent Article Pranav & Analytics Vidhya team! Very useful for aspirational data scientists

Krushna Borkar
Krushna Borkar 28 Jul, 2018

Great points. Thank You