This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
Hi, in this tutorial, we are going to have a look at how we can build a Deep Learning program to automatically trim our videos using signs! An application like this would make the lives of people who are not adept at editing videos easier.
We will use signs like ‘thumb_up’ and ‘thumb_down’ to create checkpoints and only save the part of the video we want to. Let us assume the following, the ‘thumb_up’👍 sign represents success implying that those frames can be saved to the final video file and the ‘thumb_down’👎 sign will represent failure implying that corresponding video frames will be discarded. This is the high-level overview of the project and more details will be discussed as we proceed with the implementation.
We will be using Google Teachable Machine to train our Deep Learning model and Python to implement our program. Google Teachable Machine lets you create Deep Learning models for a variety of use-cases without typing any code.
Using it is pretty straightforward.
Click on the ‘Get Started’ button and you will see the screen below. As you can see, you can create a model for pose estimation, image classification or audio classification. Choose ‘Image Project’ since our task is Image Classification.
The above is the initial setup of our project. Classes represent the different classification categories. We can record our samples (create dataset) directly from the web browser using our webcam. Else, we can also upload the images from our local machine or Google Drive.
As shown below, create 3 classes (thumb_up, thumb_down and random). We need the third ‘random’ class to check whether the user is showing a sign or not.
Click on the ‘Webcam’ button in the ‘thumb_up’ class and click on the crop button on the top left.
Crop a region somewhere in the top right of the webcam image as we are assuming that the user will lift his/her hand to make signs in that region while running the program. After doing this, click the blue ‘Done Cropping’ button to confirm the cropped region.
Now, click on the ‘Hold to Record’ button and record your samples. Since we are recording pictures for the ‘thumb_up’ class, put your thumb up and record images from different distances and thumb angles. This is to ensure that the model learns to generalize well and doesn’t overfit to a few specific examples.
After you finish doing this, you can select an individual image from the sample and delete or change its label if it was recorded by mistake.
Repeat the process for the ‘thumb_down’ class and ‘random’ class (collect images of the background).
Note: Try to have a roughly equal number of images for all the classes so that the model isn’t biased to any one particular class.
Click the Train Model button to begin training your model on the images you just collected! You can also click on the Advanced section dropdown to change hyperparameters.
While the model is being trained, you can click on the ‘Under the hood’ button to visualize various performance metrics.
After the training is done, you can test your model I’ve on the browser itself to decide whether the model was trained sufficiently on all possible cases or more images are to be added.
Now, click on the ‘Export Model’ button on the top and select Tensorflow -> Keras. You can also convert the model into other formats like Tensorflow.js or Tensorflow Lite depending on your use-case. Click ‘Download my model’ and unzip the Zip file to obtain the model weights and the labels.
Now, the model is ready and we can head to the Deep Learning Python program implementation which will use this model and accordingly trim our videos. Create the Python same in the directory in which the model is present.
# Import necessary libraries import numpy as np import cv2 import tensorflow.keras from keras.preprocessing import image # Access WebCam cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) state = True # Load the TensorFlow model weights model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model('keras_model.h5') labels = ['thumb_up','thumb_down','random'] # Set the width and height of the frame for video to be saved width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) # Create a writer object to save the frames writer = cv2.VideoWriter(r'C:UsersSharan BabuDesktoptrimmed_video.mp4',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'),25, (width, height)) final_video = [] // List to store our video frames # Video editing! while True: success, image = if success==True: final_video.append(image) img = image.copy() # Draw a rectangle to indicate the region of interest and crop it img = cv2.flip(img,1) cv2.rectangle(img,pt1=(450,100),pt2=(620,300),color=(0,255,0),thickness=3) cv2.imshow("Video",img) roi = img[102:298,448:618] # Image pre-processing for making predictions data = cv2.resize(roi,(224,224)) data = np.array(data,dtype=np.float32) data = np.expand_dims(data,axis=0) data = data/255 # Predict output class for the image and save video accordingly prediction = model.predict(data) predicted_class = labels[np.argmax(prediction)] print(prediction, predicted_class) if predicted_class == 'thumb_up': for frame in final_video: writer.write(frame) final_video = [] elif predicted_class == 'thumb_down': final_video = [] # Break the program when key 'q' is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Close webcam and other connections writer.release() cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.