This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
After understanding and working with this hands-on tutorial, you will be able to:
A cohort is a collection of users who have something in common. A traditional cohort, for example, divides people by the week or month of which they were first acquired. When referring to non-time-dependent groupings, the term segment is often used instead of the cohort.
Cohort analysis is a descriptive analytics technique in cohort analysis. Customers are divided into mutually exclusive cohorts, which are then tracked over time. Vanity indicators don’t offer the same level of perspective as cohort research. It aids in the deeper interpretation of high-level patterns by supplying metrics around the product and consumer lifecycle.
Generally, there are three major types of Cohort:
However, we will be performing Cohort Analysis based on Time. Customers will be divided into acquisition cohorts depending on the month of their first purchase. The cohort index would then be assigned to each of the customer’s purchases, which will represent the number of months since the first transaction.
Here’s the full code for this tutorial if you would like to follow along as you progress through the tutorial.
1. Data Loading and Cleaning
2. Assigned the cohort and calculate the
Step 2.1
The result of this process is the acquisition month cohort for each customer i.e. we have assigned the acquisition month cohort to each customer.
Step 2.2
The result of this will be cohortIndex i.e, the difference between “TransactionMonth ” and “CohortMonth” in terms of the number of months and call the column “cohortIndex”.
Step 2.3
The result of this will be the table that will serve as the basis for calculating retention rate and other matrices as well.
3. Calculate business matrices: Retention rate.
Retention measures how many customers from each of the cohort have returned in the subsequent months.
The result gives a retention rate.
4. Visualizing the retention rate
5. Interpreting the retention rate
Retention rate monthly cohorts.
Let’s Begin:
Import Libraries
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import datetime as dt import missingno as msno from textwrap import wrap
Data loading and cleaning
# Loading dataset transaction_df = pd.read_excel('transcations.xlsx') # View data transaction_df.head()
Checking and working with missing value
# Inspect missing values in the dataset print(transaction_df.isnull().values.sum()) # Replace the ' 's with NaN transaction_df = transaction_df.replace(" ",np.NaN) # Impute the missing values with mean imputation transaction_df = transaction_df.fillna(transaction_df.mean()) # Count the number of NaNs in the dataset to verify print(transaction_df.isnull().values.sum())
print( for col in transaction_df.columns: # Check if the column is of object type if transaction_df[col].dtypes == 'object': # Impute with the most frequent value transaction_df[col] = transaction_df[col].fillna(transaction_df[col].value_counts().index[0]) # Count the number of NaNs in the dataset and print the counts to verify print(transaction_df.isnull().values.sum())
Here, we can see that we have 1542 null values. Which we treated with mean as well as most frequent values as per datatype. Now, as we have completed our data cleaning and understanding, now we will commence the Cohort Analysis.
# A function that will parse the date Time based cohort: 1 day of month def get_month(x): return dt.datetime(x.year, x.month, 1) # Create transaction_date column based on month and store in TransactionMonth transaction_df['TransactionMonth'] = transaction_df['transaction_date'].apply(get_month) # Grouping by customer_id and select the InvoiceMonth value grouping = transaction_df.groupby('customer_id')['TransactionMonth'] # Assigning a minimum InvoiceMonth value to the dataset transaction_df['CohortMonth'] = grouping.transform('min') # printing top 5 rows print(transaction_df.head())
Calculating the time offset for each transaction allows you to evaluate the metrics for each cohort in a comparable fashion.
First, we will create 6 variables that capture the integer value of years, months, and days for Transaction and Cohort Date using the get_date_int() function.
def get_date_int(df, column): year = df[column].dt.year month = df[column].dt.month day = df[column] return year, month, day # Getting the integers for date parts from the `InvoiceDay` column transcation_year, transaction_month, _ = get_date_int(transaction_df, 'TransactionMonth') # Getting the integers for date parts from the `CohortDay` column cohort_year, cohort_month, _ = get_date_int(transaction_df, 'CohortMonth')
Now we will calculate the difference between the Invoice Dates and Cohort dates in years, months separately. then calculate the total Months difference between the two. This will be our month’s offset or cohort Index, which we will use in the next section to calculate the retention rate.
# Get the difference in years years_diff = transcation_year - cohort_year # Calculate difference in months months_diff = transaction_month - cohort_month """ Extract the difference in months from all previous values "+1" in addeded at the end so that first month is marked as 1 instead of 0 for easier interpretation. """ transaction_df['CohortIndex'] = years_diff * 12 + months_diff + 1 print(transaction_df.head(5))
Here, at first, we create a group() object with CohortMonth and CohortIndex and store it as a grouping.
Then, we call this object, select the customer_id column and calculate the average.
Then we store the results as cohort_data. Then, we reset the index before calling the pivot function to be able to access the columns now stored as indices.
Finally, we create a pivot table bypassing
and rounding it up to 1 digit, and see what we get.
# Counting daily active user from each chort grouping = transaction_df.groupby(['CohortMonth', 'CohortIndex']) # Counting number of unique customer Id's falling in each group of CohortMonth and CohortIndex cohort_data = grouping['customer_id'].apply(pd.Series.nunique) cohort_data = cohort_data.reset_index() # Assigning column names to the dataframe created above cohort_counts = cohort_data.pivot(index='CohortMonth', columns ='CohortIndex', values = 'customer_id') # Printing top 5 rows of Dataframe cohort_data.head()
The percentage of active customers compared to the total number of customers after a specific time interval is called retention rate.
In this section, we will calculate the retention count for each cohort Month paired with cohort Index
Now that we have a count of the retained customers for each cohortMonth and cohortIndex. We will calculate the retention rate for each Cohort.
We will create a pivot table for this purpose.
cohort_sizes = cohort_counts.iloc[:,0] retention = cohort_counts.divide(cohort_sizes, axis=0) # Coverting the retention rate into percentage and Rounding off. retention.round(3)*100
The retention rate dataframe represents Customer retained across Cohorts. We can read it as follows:
Also, you can see from the retention Rate DataFrame:
Before we starting plotting our heatmap, let’s set the index of our Retention rate dataframe to a more readable string format.
average_standard_cost.index = average_standard_cost.index.strftime('%Y-%m') # Initialize the figure plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) # Adding a title plt.title('Average Standard Cost: Monthly Cohorts', fontsize = 14) # Creating the heatmap sns.heatmap(average_standard_cost, annot = True,vmin = 0.0, vmax =20,cmap="YlGnBu", fmt='g') plt.ylabel('Cohort Month') plt.xlabel('Cohort Index') plt.yticks( rotation='360')
The most effective way to visualize and analyze cohort analysis data is through a heatmap, as we did above. It provides both the actual metric values and the color-coding to see the differences in the numbers visually.
If you do not have basic understanding of heatmap, you can check out my blog Exploratory Data Analysis for Beginner Using Python, where I have talked about heatmaps for beginners.
Here, We have 12 cohorts for each month and 12 cohort indexes. The darker the blue shades higher the values. Thus, if we see in 2017-07 cohort Month in 5th Cohort Index, we see the dark blue shade with 48% which means that 48% of cohorts that signed in July 2017 were active 5 months later.
This concludes our Cohort analysis for the retention rate. Similarly, we can perform cohort analysis for other business matrices.
Click here to learn more on Cohort analysis for business free of cost from DataCamp.(Affiliated Link)
Thus, We complete our Cohort Analysis, where you learned about basic and types of cohort analysis, performing time cohorts, working with pandas pivot, and create a retention table along with visualizing it. We also learned the way to explore other matrices.
Now, you can start creating and exploring the metrics that matters to your business on your own.
The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.
In the last box of codes, you write: average_standard_cost.index = average_standard_cost.index.strftime('%Y-%m') that is not defined before. Here is the error: NameError: name 'average_standard_cost' is not defined
change 'average_standard_cost' to 'retention'