Tune Hyperparameters with GridSearchCV

Rahul Shah Last Updated : 08 Nov, 2024
8 min read

Data-Driven decision-making has large involvement of Machine Learning Algorithms. For a business problem, the professional never rely on one algorithm. One always applies multiple relevant algorithms based on the problem and selects the best model based on the best performance metrics shown by the models. But this is not the end. One can increase the model performance using hyperparameters. Thus, finding the optimal hyperparameters would help us achieve the best-performing model. There are several techniques for choosing a model’s hyperparameters, including Random Search, sklearn’s GridSearchCV, Manual Search, and Bayesian Optimization. Among these, gridsearchcv is widely recognized for its efficiency in tuning parameters. In this article, we will learn about GridSearchCV which uses the Grid Search technique for finding the optimal hyperparameters to increase the model performance.

In this article, you will learn what GridSearchCV is and how it facilitates hyperparameter tuning using scikit-learn. We will explore its application with RandomForestClassifier, including the significance of cross-validation (CV) in optimizing Random Forest models.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon

Grid SearchCV

What is GridSearchCV?

GridSearchCV acts as a valuable tool for identifying the optimal parameters for a machine learning model. Imagine you have a machine learning model with adjustable settings, known as hyperparameters, that can enhance its performance. GridSearchCV aids in pinpointing the best combination of these hyperparameters automatically.

Here’s the process: You provide GridSearchCV with a set of Scoring parameter to experiment with, and it systematically explores each possible combination. For every combination, it evaluates the model’s performance by testing it on various sections of the dataset to gauge its accuracy.

After exhaustively trying out all the combinations, GridSearchCV presents you with the combination of settings that yielded the most favorable outcomes. This streamlines the process of fine-tuning your model, ensuring it operates optimally for your specific task without incurring excessive computational expenses.In this article we have thoroughly exapling about the grid search cv and how grid search cv in machine learning works . what is grid search. so you will get a full understanding of this tutorial.

Hyperparameters vs Parameters

Parameters and Hyper parameters both are associated with the Machine Learning model, but both are meant for different tasks. Let’s understand how they are different from each other in the context of Machine Learning.

Parameters are the variables that are used by the Machine Learning algorithm for predicting the results based on the input historic data. These are estimated by using an optimization algorithm by the Machine Learning algorithm itself. Thus, these variables are not set or hardcoded by the user or professional. These variables are served as a part of model training. Example of best Parameters: Coefficient of independent variables Linear Regression and Logistic Regression.

Hyperparameters are the variables that the user specifies, usually when building the Machine Learning model. They are distinct from parameters and play a crucial role in determining the model’s performance. Hyperparameters are chosen prior to defining the parameters, and they are instrumental in finding the optimal parameter combinations. One common approach to finding the best hyperparameters is through methods like grid search, where a parameter grid is defined, and various combinations of Specified parameter values are evaluated against a specified evaluation metric. The beauty of hyperparameters lies in the user’s ability to tailor them to the specific needs of the model being built. For instance, in Random Forest Algorithms, the user might adjust the max_depth hyperparameter, or in a KNN Classifier, the k hyperparameter can be tuned to enhance performance.

Now we know what hyperparameters are the multiple combinations, our goal should be to find the best hyperparameters values to get the perfect prediction results from our model.  But the question arises, how to find these best sets of hyperparameters? One can try the Manual Search method, by using the hit and trial process and can find the best hyperparameters which would take huge time to build a single model.

For this reason, methods like Random Search, GridSearch were introduced. Here, we will discuss how Grid Seach is performed and how it is executed with cross-validation in GridSearchCV.

Grid Search employs an exhaustive search strategy, systematically exploring various combinations of specified hyperparameters and their Default values. This approach involves tuning parameters, such as learning rate, through a cross-validated model, which assesses performance across different parameter settings. However, due to its exhaustive nature, Grid Search can become time-consuming and resource-intensive, particularly as the number of hyperparameters increases.

Understand Grid Search CV

Grid Search across Two Parameters (Image by Alexander Elvers from WikiMedia)

Cross-Validation and GridSearchCV

In GridSearchCV, along with Grid Search, cross-validation is also performed. Cross-Validation is used while training the model. As we know that before training the model with data, we divide the data into two parts – train data and test data. In cross-validation, the process divides the train data further into two parts – the train data and the validation data.

The most popular type of Cross-validation is K-fold Cross-Validation. It is an iterative process that divides the train data into k partitions. Each iteration keeps one partition for testing and the remaining k-1 partitions for training the model. The next iteration will set the next partition as test data and the remaining k-1 as train data and so on. In each iteration, it will record the performance of the model and at the end give the average of all the performance. Thus, it is also a time-consuming process.

Thus, GridSearch along with cross-validation takes huge time cumulatively to evaluate the best hyperparameters. Now we will see how to use GridSearchCV in our Machine  Learning problem.

 Cross-Validation and Grid Search CV

Read More about the Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques

How to Apply GridSearchCV?

.GridSearchCV() method is available in the scikit-learn class model_selection. It can be initiated by creating an object of GridSearchCV():

clf = GridSearchCv(estimator, param_grid, cv, scoring)

Primarily, it takes 4 arguments i.e. estimator, param_grid, cv, and scoring. The description of the arguments is as follows:

1. estimator – A scikit-learn model

2. param_grid – A dictionary with parameter names as keys and lists of parameter values.

3. scoring – The performance measure. For example, ‘r2’ for regression models, ‘precision’ for classification models.

4. cv – An integer that is the number of folds for K-fold cross-validation.

GridSearchCV can be used on several hyperparameters to get the best values for the specified hyperparameters.

Now let’s apply GridSearchCV with a sample dataset:

Also, Read about the 5 Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques

Importing the Libraries & the Dataset

Python Code:

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn import metrics
import warnings

df = pd.read_csv('heart.csv')

Here we are going to use the HeartDiseaseUCI dataset.

Specifying Independent and Dependent Variables

X = df.drop('target', axis = 1)

y = df['target']

Splitting the data into train and test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 42)

Building Random Forest Classifier

rfc = RandomForestClassifier()

Here, we created the object rfc of RandomForestClassifier().

Initializing GridSearchCV() object and fitting it with hyperparameters

forest_params = [{'max_depth': list(range(10, 15)), 'max_features': list(range(0,14))}]

clf = GridSearchCV(rfc, forest_params, cv = 10, scoring='accuracy')

clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

Here, we passed the estimator object rfc, param_grid as forest_params, cv = 5 and scoring method as accuracy in to GridSearchCV() as arguments.

Getting the Best Hyperparameters


This will give the combination of hyperparameters along with values that give the best performance of our estimate specified.

Putting it all together

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from sklearn import metrics

import warnings


df = pd.read_csv('heart.csv')

X = df.drop('target', axis = 1)

y = df['target']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 42)

rfc = RandomForestClassifier()

forest_params = [{'max_depth': list(range(10, 15)), 'max_features': list(range(0,14))}]

clf = GridSearchCV(rfc, forest_params, cv = 10, scoring='accuracy')

clf.fit(X_train, y_train)



On executing the above code, we get:

How to Apply GridSearchCV

Best Params and Best Score of the Random Forest Classifier

Thus, clf.best_params_ gives the best combination of tuned hyperparameters, and clf.best_score_ gives the average cross-validated score of our Random Forest Classifier.

Grid search cv in machine learning

GridSearchCV is a tool from the scikit-learn library used for hyperparameter tuning in machine learning. It essentially automates the process of finding the optimal combination of hyperparameters for a given machine learning model.

Here is How it Works:

Hyperparameters refer to configurations in a machine learning model that manage how it learns. Instances could be the quantity of trees in a haphazard forest or the pace of learning in a support vector machine. Hyperparameters are determined before training, while model parameters are learned from data.
Grid Search: GridSearchCV methodically explores various combinations of hyperparameter values within a predetermined grid. This grid establishes the potential values for each hyperparameter.
Cross-Validation is used by GridSearchCV to assess the performance of each combination of hyperparameters. The data is divided into folds, the model is trained on certain folds using a particular hyperparameter configuration, and tested on the rest of the folds. All folds and hyperparameter combinations undergo this process again.


Thus, in this article, we learned about Grid Search, K-fold Cross-Validation, Grid Search CV, and how to make good use of Grid Search CV. Grid search cv is a crucial model selection step that should be performed after Data Processing tasks. Leveraging sklearn grid search cv ensures that the grid search is exhaustive, providing the best possible model performance. It is always good to compare the performances of Tuned and Untuned Models. This will cost us the time and expense but will surely give us the best results. The scikit-learn API is a great resource in case of any help. It’s always good to learn by doing.

Hope you will find this explanation helpful! Grid Search CV is a powerful tool in scikit-learn for hyperparameter tuning, particularly with models like RandomForestClassifier. It systematically searches for optimal parameters, enhancing performance through effective cross-validation (CV) in Random Forest hyperparameter tuning.

We you read about the article majorly you get about the grid search hyperparameter tuning and how it being used and its being classified by the grid search and its impact realible on grid search , also collapse that grid search cv in machine learning plays and important role in it.

Q1. What is GridSearchCV used for?

A. GridSearchCV (Grid Search Cross-Validation) is a technique used in machine learning to search and find the optimal combination of hyperparameters for a given model. It systematically explores a predefined set of hyperparameter values, creating a “grid” of possible combinations. It then evaluates each combination using cross-validation and selects the one that produces the best performance. GridSearchCV helps in automating the process of hyperparameter tuning, enhancing model performance, and avoiding manual trial-and-error.

Q2. Is GridSearchCV a library?

A. GridSearchCV is not a library itself, but rather a class provided by the popular Python machine learning library scikit-learn (sklearn). It is part of the sklearn library’s model_selection module. This class is used to perform grid search and cross-validation to find the best hyperparameters for a given machine learning model. By utilizing GridSearchCV, you can efficiently explore different hyperparameter combinations and optimize your model’s performance.

Q3.What is grid search in Hyperparameter optimization?

Grid search is a method for hyperparameter optimization that systematically evaluates all possible combinations of hyperparameter values within a predefined grid to find the best-performing set of hyperparameters. It’s a straightforward approach but can be computationally expensive for models with many hyperparameters.

Q4. What is better than GridSearchCV?

GridSearchCV, short for Grid Search Cross-Validation, is a technique used in machine learning for hyperparameter tuning. It exhaustively searches through a specified parameter grid to determine the optimal combination of hyperparameters for a given model. It works by evaluating the model’s performance using cross-validation on each combination of parameters provided in the grid and selecting the combination that yields the best performance.

Q5. What is the difference between random search cv and GridSearchCV?

Random Search CV: Randomly selects hyperparameters, often more efficient for large search spaces.
GridSearchCV: Exhaustively evaluates all hyperparameter combinations, guarantees finding the best within the grid but can be computationally expensive.

IT Engineering Graduate currently pursuing Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science.

Responses From Readers



hey author how can we use our cross validation dataset to find best hyperparameter as i think finding hyperparameter on train dataset is not good as eventually your model is also trained on that


How to download the data


Simply copy the data in a text-editor and save the file as "heart.csv". Hope that helps

Flash Card

What is the primary purpose of GridSearchCV in machine learning?

GridSearchCV is used to identify the optimal hyperparameters for a machine learning model. It automates the process of testing different hyperparameter combinations to enhance model performance. By evaluating each combination on various dataset sections, it determines the best settings for the model. This process ensures the model operates optimally without excessive computational costs.

What is the primary purpose of GridSearchCV in machine learning?


What is the primary purpose of GridSearchCV in machine learning?

Flash Card

How do parameters differ from hyperparameters in machine learning?

Parameters are variables used by the algorithm to make predictions based on input data and are estimated during model training. Hyperparameters are user-specified settings that influence the model's performance and are set before training. Unlike parameters, hyperparameters are not learned from the data but are crucial for finding optimal parameter combinations. Tuning hyperparameters is essential for improving model accuracy and efficiency.


How do parameters differ from hyperparameters in machine learning?

Flash Card

Can you explain how Grid Search works in hyperparameter tuning?

Grid Search uses an exhaustive search strategy to explore all possible combinations of specified hyperparameters. It systematically evaluates each combination using cross-validation to assess model performance. This method can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially with a large number of hyperparameters. Despite its computational demands, it is effective in finding the best hyperparameter settings.


How does Grid Search work in hyperparameter tuning?

Flash Card

What role does cross-validation play in GridSearchCV, particularly K-fold cross-validation?

Cross-validation in GridSearchCV helps in evaluating model performance by dividing the dataset into training and validation sets. K-fold cross-validation splits the training data into k partitions, using one for testing and the rest for training in each iteration. This iterative process records model performance across all partitions and averages the results for a comprehensive evaluation. It provides a robust assessment of model accuracy but can be time-consuming.

What role does cross-validation play in GridSearchCV, particularly K-fold cross-validation?


What role does cross-validation play in GridSearchCV, particularly K-fold cross-validation?

Flash Card

How can GridSearchCV be applied using scikit-learn with a RandomForestClassifier?

GridSearchCV is available in scikit-learn's model_selection module and can be initialized with an estimator, parameter grid, cv, and scoring. For RandomForestClassifier, you define a parameter grid with hyperparameters like 'max_depth' and 'max_features'. The GridSearchCV object is then fitted with training data to find the best hyperparameter combination. The best parameters are retrieved using 'clf.best_params_', indicating the optimal settings for the model.


How can GridSearchCV be applied using scikit-learn with a RandomForestClassifier?

Flash Card

What are the key arguments required to initialize a GridSearchCV object in scikit-learn?

The 'estimator' argument specifies the scikit-learn model to be optimized. 'param_grid' is a dictionary containing parameter names as keys and lists of values to try. 'scoring' defines the performance measure, such as 'accuracy' for classification models. 'cv' is an integer representing the number of folds for K-fold cross-validation.


What are the key arguments required to initialize a GridSearchCV object in scikit-learn?

Flash Card

Why is it important to split data into training and testing sets before using GridSearchCV?

Splitting data ensures that the model is trained on one subset and evaluated on another, preventing overfitting. It allows GridSearchCV to assess model performance on unseen data, providing a realistic evaluation. This separation helps in understanding how well the model generalizes to new, unseen data. It is a crucial step in the machine learning workflow to ensure model reliability and accuracy.


Why is it important to split data into training and testing sets before using GridSearchCV?

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