This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
The hardest thing is to keep things simple and that’s true in data science as well. In any data science project, the iterative process of refining the data, fine-tuning the models, deploying them is a continuous process. With all the advancements in tools, algorithms, and with the advent of MLOps things are much easier and it will continue to evolve in the future as well – technology takes care of itself.
What about the business side? How easy or difficult is it to convince clients of the predictive powers of sophisticated models built with advanced tools and technologies?. Is the client willing to fund the project and trust our model’s recommendations?. Well, try explaining the ROC curve of the model, try to convince clients with specificity and sensitivity metrics – all that you will see are the eyes balls rolling.
But, what if we are able to answer the business questions without the complex metrics and technical jargon? well, we might stand a chance to get a buy-in from them. In this blog, we will take a look at a use case where we will still build our models but explain it in a different way – the business way.
In this blog, we will explore the use of deciles, understand various evaluation plots like Cumulative Gain plots and Lift plots, etc to assess the business value of ML models. The approach would help us explain the predictive power of our ML models and also makes it simple enough to interpret the model outcome. The plots and metrics would enable the business to make informed decisions with a lot more confidence.
We will explore the below topics as we go along in this blog.
We will be using the publicly available bank dataset from UCI Machine learning Repository There are four datasets in the zip file but our interest is in the bank-additional-full.csv. All the attributes information can be found in the above URL. The data is from the direct marketing phone calls made to contact the client to assess if the client is interested to subscribe to bank term deposits. It would be Yes if subscribed and No if not. Our interest in this blog is to understand how to evaluate the business value of the ML model/models.
Let us load the data and take a look to get a better understanding.
import wget import zipfile import pandas as pd import numpy as np url = '' zf = zipfile.ZipFile('') df= pd.read_csv('bank-additional/bank-additional-full.csv'), sep=';')
We can carry out complete EDA/feature engineering/selection/select significant variables and then build models but to keep it simple, we will select few variables for model building.
df= df[['y', 'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous', 'euribor3m']]
Also, let’s explore data a bit more, convert the target variable to categorical and encode it.
df.y[df.y == 'yes'] = 'term deposit' df.y = pd.Categorical(df.y) df['y'] =
df.head() y duration campaign pdays previous euribor3m 0 261 1 999 0 4.857 0 149 1 999 0 4.857 0 226 1 999 0 4.857 0 151 1 999 0 4.857 0 307 1 999 0 4.857
df.describe() y duration campaign pdays previous euribor3m count 41188.000000 41188.000000 41188.000000 41188.000000 41188.000000 41188.000000 mean 0.112654 258.285010 2.567593 962.475454 0.172963 3.621291 std 0.316173 259.279249 2.770014 186.910907 0.494901 1.734447 min 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.634000 25% 0.000000 102.000000 1.000000 999.000000 0.000000 1.344000 50% 0.000000 180.000000 2.000000 999.000000 0.000000 4.857000 75% 0.000000 319.000000 3.000000 999.000000 0.000000 4.961000 max 1.000000 4918.000000 56.000000 999.000000 7.000000 5.045000
Step1: Define independent and target variables
y = df.y X = df.drop('y', axis = 1)
Step2: Split the dataset into train/test with a test size of 0.2
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 2021)
Step3: Building logistic regression model
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # Logistic regression model clf_glm = LogisticRegression(multi_class = 'multinomial', solver = 'newton-cg').fit(X_train, y_train) prob_glm = clf_glm.predict_proba(X_test) max_prob_glm = round(pd.DataFrame(np.amax(prob_glm, axis=1), columns = ['prob_glm']),2)
So, we have built the model and also scored (predicted) it on the test data which gives us predicted probabilities for each of the observations.
The deciles simply put are splitting our data into ten different bins. So, we take all our predicted probabilities, segregate them into ten groups, and rank them meaning that the highest predicted probabilities will be in decile 1 and the lowest setting will be in decile 10. We will use the pandas’s cut() function to split the data.
The below line of code creates a new column by the name Decile_rank_glm which holds the rank of each predicted record.
max_prob_glm['Decile_rank_glm'] = pd.cut(max_prob_glm['prob_glm'], 10, labels = np.arange(10,0, -1))
prob_glm Decile_rank_glm 0 0.99 1 1 0.59 9 2 0.96 1 3 0.83 4 4 0.85 4 ... ... ... 8233 0.98 1 8234 0.98 1 8235 0.99 1 8236 0.99 1 8237 0.93 2
Note: The probability of 0.99 is ranked 1, 0.93 is 2, 0.85 is 4, and 0.59 is 9 in the above decile ranks. We will see the visual representation of this result in the later sections.
Any model that we build will have to be compared with the baseline model to see if how the model fairs in its performance. Let us explore this further below.
We will visualize the above models in a cumulative gain plot. This will give us an indication of where the logistic model stands in terms of performance.
kds.metrics.plot_cumulative_gain(y_test.to_numpy(), prob_glm[:,1])
Looks good so far, the plot is on the expected lines and the logistic regression model is in between the two extreme models we have discussed.
Insights from the cumulative gain plot:
We have so far discussed models, deciles, and their performance comparison. Let us explore this further at the decile level to get a better understanding of what is at play here and how we can explain the process better. We will carry out our analysis with help of visuals which makes it much easier. The kds package has a very nice function to generate all the metrics reports in one line of code., prob_glm[:,1])
Let us understand each of these plots. Please note that the x-axis of all the plots is Deciles.
Let us build one more model with a random forest and see how the results will be.
clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X_train, y_train) prob_rf = clf_rf.predict_proba(X_test) max_prob_rf = pd.DataFrame(np.amax(prob_rf, axis=1), columns = ['prob_rf']) max_prob_rf['Decile_rank_rf'] = pd.cut(max_prob_rf['prob_rf'], 10, labels = np.arange(10,0, -1)) kds.metrics.plot_cumulative_gain(y_test.to_numpy(), prob_rf[:,1]), prob_rf[:,1])
Control Over Recommendations: There are situations where the client has a business demand that a minimum of X number of recommendations should always be generated. In such cases, we can have larger recommendations by considering the top 3 deciles instead of 2 deciles and also have granular control on additional records.
Measure Market Response: The post recommendation analysis and market response are easy to measure. For instance, from the previous point, we can separately track how was the performance of all additional recommendations from decile 3. Did additional push from decile 3 generate any impact (positive or negative)?
Optimizing Marketing Spend: By focusing on the top 20-30%, businesses can save time, resources, and money that they would spend on non-responders or targeting the wrong customers.
Technology has its place and businesses have their say. At the end of the day, It is all about the business value that technology brings. It will always be more effective when these gains are explained in business terms. It not only helps in gaining confidence from the business but also opens up new opportunities to explore.
Please note that we built two classification models but didn’t look into the ROC curve, confusion matrix, precision, recall, and other standard metrics that we generally do for such models. It is highly recommended that these metrics are tracked and measured to assess the model’s performance and then follow the decile approach from this blog. Depending on the target audience and the goal, use the pitch that best suits the objective.
Hope you liked the blog. Happy learnings !!!!
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You can find the code on Github
The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.