Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Ayushi Last Updated : 24 Oct, 2024
10 min read


  • Understanding how EDA is done in Python

  • Various steps involved in the Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Performing EDA on a given dataset


Exploratory data analysis popularly known as EDA is a process of performing some initial investigations on the dataset to discover the structure and the content of the given dataset. It is often known as Data Profiling. It is an unavoidable step in the entire journey of data analysis right from the business understanding part to the deployment of the models created.

EDA is where we get the basic understanding of the data in hand which then helps us in the further process of Data Cleaning & Data Preparation.

We will be covering a wide range of topics under EDA starting from the basic data exploration (structure based) to the normalization and the standardization of the data. In this article, we will be using the Python programming language to perform the EDA steps.

Let’s see what all we are going to cover!

Table of Contents

  • Introducing the Dataset

  • Importing the Python Libraries

  • Loading the Dataset in Python

  • Structured Based Data Exploration

  • Handling Duplicates

  • Handling Outliers

  • Handling Missing Values

  • Univariate Analysis

  • Bivariate Analysis

Introducing the Dataset

For this article, we will be using the Black Friday dataset which can be downloaded from here.

Importing the Python Libraries

Let’s import all the python libraries we will be needing for our analysis namely NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Loading the Dataset in Python

Now let’s load our dataset into Python. We will be reading the data from a CSV (comma-separated values) file into a Pandas DataFrame naming it as df here.
Python Code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
print('Displaying first five rows:')
print('Displaying last five rows')
print(f"Number of rows: {df.shape[0]}\nNumber of columns: {df.shape[1]}")

Let’s begin with the basic exploration of the data we have!

Structured Based Data Exploration

It is the very first step in EDA which can also be referred to as Understanding the MetaData! That’s correct, ‘Data about the Data’.

It is here that we get the description of the data we have in our data frame.

Let’s try now.

Display the FIRST 5 Observations

Display the LAST 5 Observations

Display the Number of Variables & Number of Observations
/>df.shape() gives us a tuple having 2 values.

Display the Variable Names and their Data Types

Variable names and Data Type

This gives us the type of variables in our dataset.

Count the Number of Non-Missing Values for each Variable

Count Number of missing values

This gives the number of non-missing values for each variable and is extremely useful while handling missing values in a data frame.

Descriptive Statistics

Now to know about the characteristics of the data set we will use the df.describe() method which by default gives the summary of all the numerical variables present in our data frame.


Using the df.describe() method we get the following characteristics of the numerical variables namely to count (number of non-missing values), mean, standard deviation, and the 5 point summary which includes minimum, first quartile, second quartile, third quartile, and maximum.

What about the categorical variables?

df.describe(include = 'all')
Categorical values | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

By providing the include argument and assigning it the value ‘all’ we get the summary of the categorical variables too. For the categorical variables, we get the characteristics: count (number of non-missing values) , unique (number of unique values), top (the most frequent value), and the frequency of the most frequent value.

Display the Complete Meta-Data of the dataset

Meta Data | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

By just this one command of df.info() we get the complete information of the data in hand.

With this, we are done with the Structure-Based Exploratory Data Analysis and now it’s time to get into the Content Based Exploratory Data Analysis.

Handling Duplicates

This involves 2 steps: Detecting duplicates and Removing duplicates.

To check for the duplicates in our data

Handling Duplicates | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Hereby duplicates mean the exact same observations repeating themselves. As we can see that there are no duplicate observations in our data and hence each observation is unique.

However, to remove the duplicates(if any) we can use the code :


Further, we can see that there are duplicate values in some of the variables like User_ID. How can we remove those?


This by default keeps just the first occurrence of the duplicated value in the User_ID variable and drops the rest of them. Hold On! Here we do not want to remove the duplicate values from the User_ID variable permanently so just to see the output and not make any permanent change in our data frame we can write the command as:

df.drop_duplicates(subset='User_ID' , inplace=False)
Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

As we can see, the values in the User_ID variable are all unique now.

So this is how detection and removal of duplicated observations/values are done in a data frame.

Handling Outliers

What are Outliers? Outliers are the extreme values on the low and the high side of the data. Handling Outliers involves 2 steps: Detecting outliers and Treatment of outliers.

Detecting Outliers

For this we consider any variable from our data frame and determine the upper cut off and the lower cutoff with the help of any of the 3 methods namely :

  • Percentile Method
  • IQR Method
  • Standard Deviation Method

Let’s consider the Purchase variable. Now we will be determining if there are any outliers in our data set using the IQR(Interquartile range) Method. What is this method about? You will get to know about it as we go along the process so let’s start. Finding the minimum(p0), maximum(p100), first quartile(q1), second quartile(q2), the third quartile(q3), and the iqr(interquartile range) of the values in the Purchase variable.


Now since we have all the values we need to find the lower cutoff(lc) and the upper cutoff(uc) of the values.

lc = q1 - 1.5*iqr
uc = q3 + 1.5*iqr


We have the uppercut off and the lower cutoff, what now? We will be using the convention :

If lc < p0 → There are NO Outliers on the lower side

If uc > p100 → There are NO Outliers on the higher side

print( "p0 = " , p0 ,", p100 = " , p100 ,", lc = " , lc ,", uc = " , uc)

Clearly lc < p0 so there are no outliers on the lower side. But uc < p100 so there are outliers on the higher side. We can get a pictorial representation of the outlier by drawing the box plot.

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Now since we have detected the outliers it is time to treat those.

Outlier Treatment

Do not worry about the data loss as here we are not going to remove any value from the variable but rather clip them. In this process, we replace the values falling outside the range with the lower or the upper cutoff accordingly. By this, the outliers are removed from the data and we get all the data within the range.

Clipping all values greater than the upper cutoff to the upper cutoff :

Outlier Treatment

To finally treat the outliers and make the changes permanent :

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Handling Missing Values

What are Missing Values? Missing Values are the unknown values in the data. This involves 2 steps: Detecting the missing values and Treatment of the Missing Values

Detecting the Missing Values

Handling Missing Values | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

df.isna() returns True for the missing values and False for the non-missing values.

Here we are going to find out the percentage of missing values in each variable.

Missing values | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

And we get from the output that we do have missing values in our data frame in 2 variables: Product_Category_2 and Product_Category_3, so detection is done.

Missing Value Treatment

To treat the missing values we can opt for a method from the following :

  • Drop the variable
  • Drop the observation(s)
  • Missing Value Imputation

For variable Product_Category_2, 31.56% of the values are missing. We should not drop such a large number of observations nor should we drop the variable itself hence we will go for imputation. Data Imputation is done on the Series. Here we replace the missing values with some value which could be static, mean, median, mode, or an output of a predictive model.

Since it is a categorical variable, let’s impute the values by mode.



Missing value treatment | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

For variable Product_Category_3, 69.67% of the values are missing which is a lot hence we will go for dropping this variable.


How to Check?

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Analysis using Charts

Univariate Analysis

In this type of analysis, we use a single variable and plot charts on it. Here the charts are created to see the distribution and the composition of the data depending on the type of variable namely categorical or numerical.

For Continuous Variables: To see the distribution of data we create Box plots and Histograms.

Distribution of Purchase 


Distribution of Purchase | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

We created this histogram using the hist() method of the Series but there is another method too known as plot() by which we can create many more charts.

df.Purchase.plot(kind='hist' , grid = True)
Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

We have another way to create this chart by directly using matplotlib!

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Box Plot

Box Plot

Box plot | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

For Categorical Variables : 

  • To see the distribution of data we create frequency plots like Bar charts, Horizontal Bar charts, etc.
  • To see the composition of data we create Pie charts.

Composition of Gender

Composition of Gender

Distribution of Marital_Status

Marital Status

Composition of City_Category

Composition of City Category

Distribution of Age

Distribution of Age | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Composition of  Stay_In_Current_City_Years

Pie Chart | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Distribution of Occupation

Distribution of occupation

Distribution of Product_Category_1

Distribution of product | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Bivariate Analysis

In this type of analysis, we take two variables at a time and create charts on them. Since we have 2 types of variables Categorical and Numerical so there can be 3 cases in bivariate analysis :

Numerical & Numerical: To see the relationship between the 2 variables we create Scatter Plots and a Correlation Matrix with a Heatmap on the top.

Scatter Plot

Since there is only 1 numerical variable in our dataset so we cannot create the Scatter plot here. But how can we do so? Let’s take a hypothetical example such that we consider all the numeric variables(having dtype as int or float) here as numerical variables.

Considering 2 categorical variables Product_Category_1 and Product_Category_2

df.plot(x='Product_Category_1',y='Product_Category_2',kind = 'scatter')
Bivariate Analysis

plt.scatter(x=df.Product_Category_1 , y=df.Product_Category_2)
Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Correlation Matrix

Finding a correlation between all the numeric variables.

df.select_dtypes(['float64' , 'int64']).corr()
Correlation Matrix


Creating a heatmap using Seaborn on the top of the correlation matrix obtained above to visualize the correlation between the different numerical columns of the data. This is done when we have a large number of variables.

sns.heatmap(df.select_dtypes(['float64' , 'int64']).corr(),annot=True)
Heatmap | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Numerical & Categorical

  • To see the composition of data we create bar and line charts.
  • To see the comparison between the 2 variables we create bar and line charts.

Comparison between Purchase and Occupation: Bar Chart

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

plt.bar(x=summary.index , height=summary.values)
Bar Graph

sns.barplot(x=summary.index , y=summary.values)
Occupation | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Comparison between Purchase and Age: Line Chart

Comparison between age

Composition of Purchase by Gender: Pie Chart

Purchase by Gender

Comparison between Purchase and City_Category: Area Chart

Purchase and City | Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Comparison between Purchase and Stay_In_Current_City_Years: Horizontal Bar Chart

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Comparison between Purchase and Marital_Status

Purchase and Marital Status

Categorical & Categorical: To see the relationship between the 2 variables we create a crosstab and a heatmap on top.

Relationship between Age and GenderCreating a crosstab showing the date for Age and Gender

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Heatmap: Creating a Heat Map on the top of the crosstab.


Relationship between City_Category and Stay_In_Current_City_Years

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python


Finally, we have come to the end of this article. In this article, we took a sample data set and performed exploratory data analysis on it using the Python programming language using the Pandas DataFrame. However, this was just a basic idea on how EDA is done you can definitely explore it to as much extent as you want and try performing the steps on bigger datasets as well.

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