It has been more than a year since we started our journey to change how Analytics knowledge flows in communities. The experience has been rewarding, fulfilling, gratifying and filled with a lot of learning at the same time. In this short span, we have become one of the leading analytics blogs (in India) and have started transforming Analytics Vidhya into a knowledge portal.
The genesis of this programme lies in the numerous interactions, we have had with people across the globe in last one year. What stands out in these discussions, is the talent and recognition imbalance in the industry. Whether it is an experienced analyst (read lone warrior), trying to influence his customers or management about the benefits of investing in cutting edge infrastructure, or some one who has just graduated from one of the various certifications across the globe, recognition of your knowledge does not come easy.
Through this programme, we are set to change this forever (at least for a few people).
The Analytics Vidhya team will extend it’s learnings to a small batch of professionals, and mentor them to achieve great heights in their analytics career. For 6 months, these people will work along with the team, and gain practical knowledge about the subject. Some potential areas of work are:
Loads…starting from interactions with several like minded people, to interviewing experts from the Industry, to solving real life problems – you learn from every exercise. Your knowledge is showcased to all the readers on our platform, and hence you see the recognition coming accordingly.
The idea is, to create a unique programme, which focuses on implementing & showcasing your knowledge practically.
Well…nothing financially. You need to put in a lot of effort to go through this rigorous program. We will get the content and any financial rewards that come in from the work we do together.
However, in order to make sure that we only get serious candidates for the programme, we have introduced a very nominal deposit, which is INR 6000/- (~$100). The entire amount would be refunded to you, the day you pass out of the programme. In case you don’t finish the programme, this deposit would be treated as a compensation for our efforts (and hence will not be refunded).
You will need to clear a tough, multi-stage selection process to enter the programme. Following that, there will be a 6 month long rigorous apprenticeship.
P.S. – You only get the certificate post completion of programme. There are no marks for participating.
Stage 1: Complete the application on Analytics Vidhya website by 25th June 2014. This application includes several essays about your experience and the your reasons to join the programme. Next stages of selection would start as soon as you fill in the application and seats will be provided on first come, first serve basis. So don’t wait – go and fill in the application.
Your application will be selected / rejected basis your knowledge, passion and your essays. So, please fill them accordingly.
You will get more information about upcoming rounds after you register for stage 1.
P.S. At this stage, you don’t need to make any payment. We will collect this at a later stage.
We are very excited to launch this programme, and can’t wait to interact with you participants. Do let us know your thoughts / feedback / suggestions on this programme. If you need more details, feel free to write to me about it.
Hi Kunal , Thanks for launching such a wonderful programme but i have some queries . I don't have much experience in analytics industry but decided to shift my career to analytics so I have learnt SAS and R .Is this programme meant for such candidate . After getting selected someone will have work with you or can work from anywhere ,what will be the normal daily work for next six months. Thanks, Nitesh
Nitesh, Thanks for raising the questions. The programme will have candidates from diverse background - most will have experience in analytics and a few would be newbies with certification like you. Candidate with least experience is set to benefit the most from experience of other people. The candidates can work from anywhere and will work on knowedge / content creation. They will be expected to spend 3 hours at their end and approximately 1 hour of online interaction with other people / Analytics Vidhya team. Hope this answers your question. Regards, Kunal
Dear Mr.Kunal, I have been actively following your posts. I am an Masters student in Information systems from University of Erlangen , Germany. My deep interest interest towards Analytics made me write this message. Firstly, I thank you sincerely for launching such a wonderful course. I would like to take part in it. I participated in Data Analytics course on edx before. I hope that knowledge is sufficient. Moreover, I have deep interest towards Analytics. So, I am thinking that these are enough to sign up into the course.
Kiran, Thanks for your message. First of all, this is not a course, it is an apprenticeship programme. We will take people from diverse backgrounds, which would include experts as well as novices. We will judge the applications on various parameters before making a decision and your chances of selection depend on relative strength within peer group. Hence, I would urge to apply at this stage and take the process forward. Thanks, Kunal
Hello, I think your modus operandi is absolutely great. Keeping a nominal fee as 'security deposit' will ensure floating-population is kept at bay. I am strongly in favor of this initiative. I will be submitting my application too. I know the success of the pro-bono initiative depends significantly two things. 1. how serious the applicants are about learning and enhancing Analytical skills 2. if and how much time can working professionals (like me) can dedicate (or call it invest) in learning. I wish you guys good luck. Hope to be on the team.
Hi Sudheer, Very well said. The success of the programme will depend on those factors. In order to make it more meaningful, we will take the candidates with varied background and expertise (e.g. someone who knows R, someone who knows SAS, someone with Matlab experience etc.) Looking forward to interacting with you in coming rounds. Regards, Kunal