Data Scientists are a breed of lazy animals! We detest the practice of doing any repeatable work manually. We cringe at mere thought of doing tedious manual tasks and when we come across one, we try and automate it so that the world becomes a better place!
We have been running a few meetups across India for last few months and wanted to see what some of best meetups across the globe are doing. For a normal human, this would mean surfing through pages of meetups and finding out this information manually.
Not for a data scientist!
Meetup can be best understood as self organized gathering of people done to achieve a pre-defined objective. is the world’s largest network of local groups. Meetup’s mission is to ‘revitalize local community and help people around the world to self organize’.
The process of searching meetups can be quite time consuming (I’d rather say). There are multiple limitation attached to it (which I’ve explained in the following section). But, how would a data scientist perform this task to save time? Of course, he’d endeavor to automate this process!
In this article, I’ll introduce you to a data scientist’s approach of locating meetup groups using Python. Taking this as a reference, you can find groups located at any corner of the earth. You can also add your own layer of analysis to find out some interesting insights.
Let us say, you want to find out and join some of the best meetups in your area. You can obviously do this task manually, but there are a few challenges you bump into:
Assume that you are in a locality with more then 200 groups in area of your interest. How would you find the best ones?
In this article, I have identified various Python meetup groups from cities of India, USA, UK, HK, TW and Australia. Following are the steps I will perform:
These steps are quite easy to perform. Below, I am listing the steps to perform them. As mentioned before, this is just the start of possibilities which open up. You can use this information to pull out a lot of insights about various communities across the globe.
Below are the list of libraries, I have used to code this project.
import urllib import json import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
Here’s a quick overview of these libraries:
You can fetch data from any website in various ways:
For the websites which provide an API, it is usually the best way to fetch the information. The first method mentioned above is susceptible to layout changes on a page and can get very messy at times. Thankfully, provides various APIs to access required data. Using this API, we can access information about various groups.
To access API based automated solution, we would require value for sig_id and sig (different for different users). Follow below steps to access these.
Now, we should solicit signed URL for each search (in our case, city+topic) and output of these signed URLs will provide the detail information about matched groups:
places = [ "san fransisco", "california", "boston ", "new york" , "pennsylvania", "colorado", "seattle", "washington","los angeles", "san diego", "houston", "austin", "kansas", "delhi", "chennai", "bangalore", "mumbai" , "Sydney","Melbourne", "Perth", "Adelaide", "Brisbane", "Launceston", "Newcastle" , "beijing", "shanghai", "Suzhou", "Shenzhen","Guangzhou","Dongguan", "Taipei", "Chengdu", "Hong Kong"] urls = [] #url lists radius = 50.0 #add the radius in miles data_format = "json" topic = "Python" #add your choice of topic here sig_id = "########" # initialize with your sign id, check sample signed key sig = "##############" # initialize with your sign, check sample signed key
for place in places: location = geolocator.geocode(place) urls.append("" + data_format + "&lon=" + str(location.longitude) + "&topic=" + topic + "&photo-host=public&page=500&radius=" + str(radius)+"&fields=&lat=" + str(location.latitude) + "&order=id&desc=false&sig_id=" +sig_id + "&sig=" + sig)
Now, we have list of URLs for all cities. Next, we will use urllib library to read data into JSON format. Then, we’ll read the data to a list before converting it to a DataFrame.
city,country,rating,name,members = [],[],[],[],[] for url in urls: response = urllib.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( data=data["results"] #accessed data of results key only for i in data : city.append(i['city']) country.append(i['country']) rating.append(i['rating']) name.append(i['name']) members.append(i['members']) df = pd.DataFrame([city,country,rating,name,members]).T df.columns=['city','country','rating','name','members']
Time to analyse the data now and finding the appropriate groups based on various metrics like number of members, ratings, city and others. Below are the some basic findings, which I have generated for python groups across different cities of India, USA, UK, HK, TW and Australia.
To know more about these python codes, you can read articles on data exploration and visualization using python
freq = df.groupby('country').city.count() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Count of Groups') ax1.set_title("Number of Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')Above you can notice that US is the leader in python meetup groups. This stats can also help us to estimate the penetration of python in US data science industry compare to others.
freq = df.groupby('country').members.sum()/df.groupby('country').members.count() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Average Members in each group') ax1.set_title("Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')
Once again, US emerges as the leader in average number of members in each group whereas CN has lowest average.
freq = df.groupby('country').rating.sum()/df.groupby('country').rating.count() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Average rating') ax1.set_title("Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')
AU and US has similar average rating (~4) across groups.
df=df.sort(['country','members'], ascending=[False,False]) df.groupby('country').head(2)
Time to identify top two groups from each country based on number of members. You can also identify the groups based on rating. Here I have done basic analysis to illustrate this approach. You can access other API’s also to find information like upcoming events, number of events, duration of events and others and after that merge all the relevant information based on group_id (or key value).
Below is final code of this exercise, you can play with it by putting your sig_id and sig key and search various results of different topic across different cities. I have also uploaded it on GitHub.
import urllib import json import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim() #create object
places = [ "san fransisco", "california", "boston ", "new york" , "pennsylvania", "colorado", "seattle", "washington","los angeles", "san diego", "houston", "austin", "kansas", "delhi", "chennai", "bangalore", "mumbai" , "Sydney","Melbourne", "Perth", "Adelaide", "Brisbane", "Launceston", "Newcastle" , "beijing", "shanghai", "Suzhou", "Shenzhen","Guangzhou","Dongguan", "Taipei", "Chengdu", "Hong Kong"]
# login on if you dont have an account, then please signup # Go to # In the topics like "Python", enter topic of your choice. and click on show response # copy the signed key. in the singed key, copy the sig_id and sig and initialise variables sig_id and sig # sample signed key : "******&sig=*****************"
urls = [] #url lists radius = 50.0 #add the radius in miles data_format = "json" #you can add another format like XML topic = "Python" #add your choice of topic here
sig_id = "186640998" # initialise with your sign id, check sample signed key sig = "6dba1b76011927d40a45fcbd5147b3363ff2af92" # initialise with your sign, check sample signed key
for place in places: location = geolocator.geocode(place) urls.append("" + data_format + "&lon=" + str(location.longitude) + "&topic=" + topic + "&photo-host=public&page=500&radius=" + str(radius)+"&fields=&lat=" + str(location.latitude) + "&order=id&desc=false&sig_id=" +sig_id + "&sig=" + sig)
city,country,rating,name,members = [],[],[],[],[] for url in urls: response = urllib.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( data=data["results"] for i in data : city.append(i['city']) country.append(i['country']) rating.append(i['rating']) name.append(i['name']) members.append(i['members']) df = pd.DataFrame([city,country,rating,name,members]).T df.columns=['city','country','rating','name','members'] df.sort(['members','rating'], ascending=[False, False])
freq = df.groupby('country').city.count() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Count of Groups') ax1.set_title("Number of Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')
freq = df.groupby('country').members.sum()/df.groupby('country').members.count() ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Average Members in each group') ax1.set_title("Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')
freq = df.groupby('country').rating.sum()/df.groupby('country').rating.count() ax1.set_xlabel('Country') ax1.set_ylabel('Average rating') ax1.set_title("Python Meetup Groups") freq.plot(kind='bar')
df=df.sort(['country','members'], ascending=[False,False]) df.groupby('country').head(2)
In this article, we looked at the application of python to automate a manual process and the level of precision to find the right Meetup groups. We used API to access information from web and transferred it to a DataFrame. Later, we analysed this information to generate actionable insights.
We can make this application more smart by adding additional information like upcoming events, number of events, RSVP and various other metrics. You can also use this data to carve out interesting insights about community and people. For example, does the RSVP to attendance rate to review rate funnel differ from country to country? Which countries plan their meetups the most in advance?
Give it a try at your end and share your knowledge in the comment section below.
A good use case and it is neatly explained.
Would you be able to proved this same example for R?
A small correction, Sunil: the N is JSON stands for Notation. Also, if I may offer a suggestion, it would be helpful in general (maybe not so much for this example) to also show a sample of the data that we retrieve, e.g. the structure of the JSON document. Otherwise, yet another informative and useful article. :)
Thanks for highlighting and suggestion taken for another topic..