I started Analytics Vidhya with an itch to help out as many people as I can – people who needed technical help, people who needed career advice (related to analytics and data science), people who wanted to speak to other people from industry about their experience!
Over the last 3 years, we have connected tens of thousands of data science professionals, written thousands on posts, conducted hundreds of competitions and helped a similar number of people find the right job! If that sounds a lot, it is a lot of work.
To be honest, I had no clue, we would come this far. We were only looking up to the next big task and milestone at hand. My friends can vouch for those excited whatsapp messages every time we hit a new landmark. Initially, it was to get first 100 followers, then 100 comments and then 100 subscribers. Over time, these numbers moved to thousands and now millions.
Over these years, we have added super useful tutorials and articles. One thing, which we haven’t done as much is share stories from our members and their perspective. And that is what we are launching today.
While our technical tutorials help you on a day to day basis, they don’t replace the role of a mentor. They can’t give you answers to those burning career related questions you might have. Over the last 3 years, we have got thousands of questions related to career in analytics, transitions and various challenges people face which they face.
Inspite of our best efforts, we have not been able to answer all of them. AV Stories is our way of providing you with as many answers as we can. These stories are from real people – people who have faced similar challenges in past. These stories reflect their struggles, their motivations and their secrets to success. These are uncut perspective from our community members.
We believe that these stories will provide you with the perspective required to enable success in your career. We believe that these story tellers will become mentors for our other community members. This is our way to celebrate the heroism of these story tellers – go on enjoy their uncut perspective, ask them difficult questions and make them heroes.
If you have a story to share which will help other community members learn from your perspective, do share it with us. These could be your secret to make data science projects work, these could be related to your career transitions, these could be your challenges to break in to the top few in a competition and what you did to solve them.
Just share those stories with us and our community. This is your uncut perspective for our community and you will find them in this special section here. You can share your stories with us on [email protected]
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