In my previous article, I discussed the implementation of neural networks using TensorFlow. Continuing the series of articles on neural network libraries, I have decided to throw light on Keras – supposedly the best deep learning library so far.
I have been working on deep learning for sometime now and according to me, the most difficult thing when dealing with Neural Networks is the never-ending range of parameters to tune. With increase in depth of a Neural Network, it becomes increasingly difficult to take care of all the parameters. Mostly, people rely on intuition and experience to tune it. In reality, research is still rampant on this topic.
Thankfully we have Keras, which takes care of a lot of this hard work and provides an easier interface!
In this article, I am going to share my experience of working in deep learning. We will begin with an overview of Keras, its features and differentiation over other libraries. We will then, look at a simple implementation of neural networks in Keras. And then, I will take you through a hands-on exercise on parameter tuning in neural networks.
Keras is a high level library, used specially for building neural network models. It is written in Python and is compatible with both Python – 2.7 & 3.5. Keras was specifically developed for fast execution of ideas. It has a simple and highly modular interface, which makes it easier to create even complex neural network models. This library abstracts low level libraries, namely Theano and TensorFlow so that, the user is free from “implementation details” of these libraries.
The key features of Keras are:
Being a high level library and its simpler interface, Keras certainly shines as one of the best deep learning library available. Few features of Keras, which stands out in comparison with other libraries are:
Given the above reasons, it is no surprise that Keras is increasingly becoming popular as a deep learning library.
Neural networks is a special type of machine learning (ML) algorithm. So, like every ML algorithm, it follows the usual ML workflow of data preprocessing, model building and model evaluation. For the sake of conciseness, I have listed out a To-D0 list of how to approach a Neural Network problem.
Before starting this experiment, make sure you have Keras installed in your system. Refer the official installation guide. We will use tensorflow for backend, so make sure you have this done in your config file. If not, follow the steps given here.
Here, we solve our deep learning practice problem – Identify the Digits. Let’s take a look at our problem statement:
Our problem is an image recognition problem, to identify digits from a given 28 x 28 image. We have a subset of images for training and the rest for testing our model. So first, download the train and test files. The dataset contains a zipped file of all the images and both the train.csv and test.csv have the name of corresponding train and test images. Any additional features are not provided in the datasets, just the raw images are provided in ‘.png’ format.
Let’s start:
a) Import all the necessary libraries
%pylab inline import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.misc import imread from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import tensorflow as tf import keras
b) Let’s set a seed value, so that we can control our models randomness
# To stop potential randomness seed = 128 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
c) The first step is to set directory paths, for safekeeping!
root_dir = os.path.abspath('../..')
data_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data')
sub_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'sub')
# check for existence
a) Now let us read our datasets. These are in .csv formats, and have a filename along with the appropriate labels
train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'train.csv')) test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Test.csv')) sample_submission = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Sample_Submission.csv')) train.head()
filename | label | |
0 | 0.png | 4 |
1 | 1.png | 9 |
2 | 2.png | 1 |
3 | 3.png | 7 |
4 | 4.png | 3 |
b) Let us see what our data looks like! We read our image and display it.
img_name = rng.choice(train.filename) filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'train', img_name) img = imread(filepath, flatten=True) pylab.imshow(img, cmap='gray') pylab.axis('off')
c) The above image is represented as numpy array, as seen below
d) For easier data manipulation, let’s store all our images as numpy arrays
temp = [] for img_name in train.filename: image_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'train', img_name) img = imread(image_path, flatten=True) img = img.astype('float32') temp.append(img) train_x = np.stack(temp) train_x /= 255.0 train_x = train_x.reshape(-1, 784).astype('float32') temp = [] for img_name in test.filename: image_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'test', img_name) img = imread(image_path, flatten=True) img = img.astype('float32') temp.append(img) test_x = np.stack(temp) test_x /= 255.0 test_x = test_x.reshape(-1, 784).astype('float32')
train_y = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(train.label.values)
e) As this is a typical ML problem, to test the proper functioning of our model we create a validation set. Let’s take a split size of 70:30 for train set vs validation set
split_size = int(train_x.shape[0]*0.7) train_x, val_x = train_x[:split_size], train_x[split_size:] train_y, val_y = train_y[:split_size], train_y[split_size:]
a) Now comes the main part! Let us define our neural network architecture. We define a neural network with 3 layers input, hidden and output. The number of neurons in input and output are fixed, as the input is our 28 x 28 image and the output is a 10 x 1 vector representing the class. We take 50 neurons in the hidden layer. Here, we use Adam as our optimization algorithms, which is an efficient variant of Gradient Descent algorithm. There are a number of other optimizers available in keras (refer here). In case you don’t understand any of these terminologies, check out the article on fundamentals of neural network to know more in depth of how it works.
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden_num_units = 50 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 5 batch_size = 128 # import keras modules from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense # create model model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden_num_units, activation='softmax'), ]) # compile the model with necessary attributes model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
b) It’s time to train our model
trained_model =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
a) To test our model with our own eyes, let’s visualize its predictions
pred = model.predict_classes(test_x) img_name = rng.choice(test.filename) filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'test', img_name) img = imread(filepath, flatten=True) test_index = int(img_name.split('.')[0]) - train.shape[0] print "Prediction is: ", pred[test_index] pylab.imshow(img, cmap='gray') pylab.axis('off') Prediction is: 8
b) We see that our model performs well even on being very simple. Now we create a submission with our model
sample_submission.filename = test.filename; sample_submission.label = pred sample_submission.to_csv(os.path.join(sub_dir, 'sub02.csv'), index=False)
I feel that, hyperparameter tuning is the hardest in neural network in comparison to any other machine learning algorithm. You would be insane to apply Grid Search, as there are numerous parameters when it comes to tuning a neural network.
Note: I have discussed a few more details, on when to apply neural networks in the following article An Introduction to Implementing Neural Networks using TensorFlow
Some important parameters to look out for while optimizing neural networks are:
Also, there may be many more hyperparameters depending on the type of architecture. For example, if you use a convolutional neural network, you would have to look at hyperparameters like convolutional filter size, pooling value, etc.
The best way to pick good parameters is to understand your problem domain. Research the previously applied techniques on your data, and most importantly ask experienced people for insights to the problem. It’s the only way you can try to ensure you get a “good enough” neural network model.
Here are some resources for tips and tricks for training neural networks. (Resource 1, Resource 2, Resource 3)
Let us take our knowledge of hyperparameters and start tweaking our neural network model.
%pylab inline import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.misc import imread from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import tensorflow as tf import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout, Convolution2D, Flatten, MaxPooling2D, Reshape, InputLayer
# To stop potential randomness seed = 128 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
root_dir = os.path.abspath('../..') data_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data') sub_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'sub') # check for existence os.path.exists(root_dir) os.path.exists(data_dir) os.path.exists(sub_dir)
train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'train.csv')) test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Test.csv')) sample_submission = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'Sample_Submission.csv')) temp = [] for img_name in train.filename: image_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'train', img_name) img = imread(image_path, flatten=True) img = img.astype('float32') temp.append(img) train_x = np.stack(temp) train_x /= 255.0 train_x = train_x.reshape(-1, 784).astype('float32') temp = [] for img_name in test.filename: image_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'Train', 'Images', 'test', img_name) img = imread(image_path, flatten=True) img = img.astype('float32') temp.append(img) test_x = np.stack(temp) test_x /= 255.0 test_x = test_x.reshape(-1, 784).astype('float32') train_y = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(train.label.values)
split_size = int(train_x.shape[0]*0.7) train_x, val_x = train_x[:split_size], train_x[split_size:] train_y, val_y = train_y[:split_size], train_y[split_size:]
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden_num_units = 500 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 5 batch_size = 128 model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden_num_units, activation='softmax'), ])
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_500 =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden1_num_units = 50 hidden2_num_units = 50 hidden3_num_units = 50 hidden4_num_units = 50 hidden5_num_units = 50 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 5 batch_size = 128 model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden1_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=hidden2_num_units, input_dim=hidden1_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=hidden3_num_units, input_dim=hidden2_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=hidden4_num_units, input_dim=hidden3_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=hidden5_num_units, input_dim=hidden4_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden5_num_units, activation='softmax'), ])
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_5d =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden1_num_units = 50 hidden2_num_units = 50 hidden3_num_units = 50 hidden4_num_units = 50 hidden5_num_units = 50 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 5 batch_size = 128 dropout_ratio = 0.2 model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden1_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(dropout_ratio), Dense(output_dim=hidden2_num_units, input_dim=hidden1_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(dropout_ratio), Dense(output_dim=hidden3_num_units, input_dim=hidden2_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(dropout_ratio), Dense(output_dim=hidden4_num_units, input_dim=hidden3_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(dropout_ratio), Dense(output_dim=hidden5_num_units, input_dim=hidden4_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(dropout_ratio), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden5_num_units, activation='softmax'), ])
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_5d_with_drop =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden1_num_units = 50 hidden2_num_units = 50 hidden3_num_units = 50 hidden4_num_units = 50 hidden5_num_units = 50 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 50 batch_size = 128 model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden1_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden2_num_units, input_dim=hidden1_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden3_num_units, input_dim=hidden2_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden4_num_units, input_dim=hidden3_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden5_num_units, input_dim=hidden4_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden5_num_units, activation='softmax'), ])
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_5d_with_drop_more_epochs =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
# define vars input_num_units = 784 hidden1_num_units = 500 hidden2_num_units = 500 hidden3_num_units = 500 hidden4_num_units = 500 hidden5_num_units = 500 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 25 batch_size = 128 model = Sequential([ Dense(output_dim=hidden1_num_units, input_dim=input_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden2_num_units, input_dim=hidden1_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden3_num_units, input_dim=hidden2_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden4_num_units, input_dim=hidden3_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=hidden5_num_units, input_dim=hidden4_num_units, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.2), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden5_num_units, activation='softmax'), ])
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_deep_n_wide =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x, val_y))
pred = model.predict_classes(test_x) sample_submission.filename = test.filename; sample_submission.label = pred sample_submission.to_csv(os.path.join(sub_dir, 'sub03.csv'), index=False)
# reshape data train_x_temp = train_x.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) val_x_temp = val_x.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1) # define vars input_shape = (784,) input_reshape = (28, 28, 1) conv_num_filters = 5 conv_filter_size = 5 pool_size = (2, 2) hidden_num_units = 50 output_num_units = 10 epochs = 5 batch_size = 128 model = Sequential([ InputLayer(input_shape=input_reshape), Convolution2D(25, 5, 5, activation='relu'), MaxPooling2D(pool_size=pool_size), Convolution2D(25, 5, 5, activation='relu'), MaxPooling2D(pool_size=pool_size), Convolution2D(25, 4, 4, activation='relu'), Flatten(), Dense(output_dim=hidden_num_units, activation='relu'), Dense(output_dim=output_num_units, input_dim=hidden_num_units, activation='softmax'), ]) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) trained_model_conv =, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(val_x_temp, val_y))
This result blows your mind, doesn’t it. Even with such small training time, the performance is way better! This proves that a better architecture can certainly boost your performance when dealing with neural networks.
It’s time to let go of the training wheels. There’s many things you can try, so many tweaks to do. Try this on your end and let us know how it goes!
Now, you have a basic overview of Keras and a hands-on experience of implementing neural networks. There is still much more you can do. For example, I really like the implementation of keras to build image analogies. In this project, the authors train a neural network to understand an image, and recreate learnt attributes to another image. As seen below, the first two images are given as input, where the model trains on the first image and on giving input as second image, gives output as the third image.
Neural network tuning is still considered as a “dark art”. So, don’t expect that you would get the best model in your first try. Build, evaluate and reiterate, this is how you would be a better neural network practitioner.
Another point you should know that there are other methods to ensure that you would get a “good enough” neural network model without training it from scratch. Techniques like pre-training and transfer learning, are essential to know when you are implementing neural network models to solve real life problems.
I hope you found this article helpful. Now, it’s time for you to practice and read as much as you can. Good luck! If you have any recommendations / suggestions on neural networks, I’d love to interact with you in comments. If you have any more doubts or queries feel to drop in your comments below. Try out the practice problem Identify the Digits yourself and let me know what was your experience.
This article came at the right time for me...!!! Thank you so much...
i am not able to install keras in r studio, triggers an error post installing dev tools? any idea how...?
Can you post the error output below so that I may help?
Thanks for the qualitative article :)