SAS probably holds the highest market share in analytics solutions for enterprises. With its good data handling and graphical capabilities, SAS is an important tool for a data scientist / analyst. We recently conducted a skill test on SAS.
The topic covered in this skill test was Base Programming for SAS. The skill test tested both theoretical & practical knowledge of Base Programming in SAS. A total of 977 people participated in this skill test.
If you are one of those who missed this great opportunity to test yourself against other SAS practitioners. Go through the below questions, and find out how many can you answer correctly.
Below is the distribution of scores, this will help you evaluate your performance:
You can access your performance here. More than 230 people participated in the skill test and the highest score was 35. Here are a few statistics about the distribution.
Overall distribution
Mean Score: 17.73
Median Score: 19
Mode Score: 22
SAS Learning path and resources – Business Analyst in SAS
Comprehensive Introduction to merging in SAS
Comprehensive guide for Data Exploration in SAS (using Data step and Proc SQL)
Q1) Which one of the following is the value of the variable c in the output data set?
data; a = 2; b = 3; c = a ** b; run;
A) 6
B) 9
C) 8
D) None of the above
Solution: (C)
** is an exponential operator.
so c= a **b = 2**3 = 8
Q2) Which one of the following statement can’t be part of “PROC FREQ”?
D) Tables
E) None of the above
Solution: (C)
Look at the syntax of PROC FREQ, there is not SET statement required.
PROC FREQ <options> ; BY variables ; EXACT statistic-options </ computation-options> ; OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set> options ; TABLES requests </ options> ; TEST options ; WEIGHT variable </ option> ; RUN;
Q3) We have submitted the following PROC SORT step, which generates an output data set.
proc sort data = AV.employee out = employee; by Designation; run;
In which library is the output data set stored?
A) Work
Solution: (A)
If we are not providing library name explicitly then it will automatically refer to temporary library “WORK”.
Question Context Q4 – Q7
Below are the two tables:
Q4) How many variables would be in table “AV” after executing the below SAS program?
data AV; merge Employee Salary; by name; totsal + salary; run;
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
Solution: (B)
If we are using any variable name within data step program it will automatically get created in output data set. Here, Three unique variables in both the tables are “name”, “age”, “salary” and one more variable created within dataset “totsal”.
Q5) After executing below SAS program, how many observations would be AV dataset?
data AV; merge employee (in=ine) salary(in=ins); by name; run;
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 6
Solution: (D)
Above you look at input data sets, there is a one-to-many relationship between Employee and Salary. To know more about merging in SAS, click here.
Q6) After executing below SAS program, how many observations would be in AV dataset?
data AV; merge employee (in=ine) salary(in=ins); by name; if ins=0; run;
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 6
Solution: (B)
Here, we are talking about “in” variables and look at the below table to understand the value of in variables:
In this program, we are looking for observations where ins = 0 which means that “name” values not available in table “Salary”. In above table, you can see that only two records satisfy that criteria.
Q7) Which one of the following command will help us to rename the column “Salary” to “Compensation” of table “Salary”?
Data Salary (Rename (Salary = Compensation)); Set Salary; run;
Data Salary (Rename = (Salary = Compensation)); Set Salary; run;
Data Salary (Rename = (Salary == Compensation)); Set Salary; run;
D. None of the above
Solution: (B)
Syntax to rename variable(s) in SAS is:
RENAME = (Old_Var1 = NewVar1 Old_Var2=New_Var2 Old_Var3=New_Var3 …)
Q8) Which of the following statements is not correct about the program shown below?
data AV; do year=2000 to 2004; Capital+5000; capital+(capital*.10); output; end; run;
Solution: (B)
In above program, we are writing to output dataset before END statement which means it will not write last value 2005 to output dataset so last value would be 2004. If we remove OUTPUT statement, last value would be 2005.
Q9) How can you limit the variables written to output dataset in DATA STEP?
Solution: (E)
Both DROP and KEEP can be used to limit the variables in the dataset.
Q10) Which of the following statements are used to read delimited raw data file and create an SAS data set?
Solution: (D)
SET can not be used to read raw data files. SET is used to read data from one or more SAS dataset.
Question context Q11 – Q12
Below is the data from a csv file “Emp.csv”
Employee id,Gender,Name,DOB,Location,Salary,ManagerEmp ID
This dataset is about company employee
And, following code is used to read the filenamed EMP.
Q11) What will be the output if we run the below SAS statements to read “emp.csv” file?
data WORK.EMP; infile'C:\AV\Skilltest\Emp.csv'dlm=',' ; input Employee_id $ Gender $ Name $ DOB Location $ Salary Manager_Emp_ID; run;
D. None of the above
Solution: (C)
INFILE statement start reading a file from first line of CSV and it can be header row also so we need to mention start row explicitly.
data WORK.EMP; infile'C:\AV\Skilltest\Emp.csv'dlm=',' ; input Employee_id $ Gender $ Name $ DOB Location $ Salary Manager_Emp_ID; run;
B. option= 3
C. firstobs=2
D. start=3
E. Start=2
F. firstobs=3
Solution: (F)
FIRSTOBS option can be used to explicity mention the start row to read. In above table, first row is representing header, second row about table and data set is starting with third row.
Q13) Below SAS statements are used to read file “Emp.csv” from third record of csv file.
data WORK.EMP; infile'C:\AV\Skilltest\Emp.csv'dlm=',' DSD firstobs =3; input Employee_id $ Gender $ Name $ DOB Location $ Salary Manager_Emp_ID; run;
Now, which statement we should add to the above code to read date column “DOB” correctly?
B. In-format and format
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Solution: (B)
To read date column, we need to explicitly mention the format type of date and that can be done using INFORMAT and FORMAT statements.
Question Context 14
In the snapshot below, you can see that variable “Avg” is in character format.
Q14) Which of the following statement will help to convert “Avg” to numeric format?
B. PUT(Avg,5.2)
C. INT(Avg,5.2)
D. Both A and C
Solution: (A)
INPUT() and PUT() are conversion function in SAS. INPUT() is used to convert text to a number whereas PUT() to convert the number to text.
Question Context 15 – 17
Q15) The following SAS program is run on the above table “Emp”
proc print data = emp; where Name like '_R%'; run;
How many records will it print?
B. 2
C. 3
D. None of the above
Solution: (D)
Like operator acts as case sensitive and in above table there is no-one whose second character of the name is capital R.
Q16) Which of the following statement will calculate the age of each employee as on 05-Feb-2017?
data emp; set emp; Age = yrdif(DOB,'05Feb2017'd,'Actual'); run;
data emp; set emp; Age = yrdif(DOB,'05Feb2017','Actual'); run;
data emp; set emp; Age = yrdiff(DOB,'05Feb2017','Actual'); run;
D. None of the above
Solution: (A)
In SAS, date string is always followed by “d” to act as date.
Q17) If you submit the following program on above data set, which variables appear in table “Emp”?
data emp(drop=Manager_EMP_ID Salary); set emp (keep=Manager_EMP_ID Employee_ID Salary); if Manager_Emp_ID=101 and Salary >45000; Age = yrdif(DOB,'05Feb2017'd,'Actual'd); run;
B. Employee_Id, Gender, Name, Location, Salary, DOB, Manager_Emp_ID, Age
C. Employee_ID
D. Employee_ID, Age
E. Employee_ID, Age, DOB
Solution: (D)
We have only three variables from input dataset “Manager_EMP_ID”,”Employee_ID”, “Salary” and two new variables introduced “DOB” and “Age”. In Data statement, we have dropped two (Manager_EMP_ID” and “Salary”) out of these five variables. Now variables in output dataset “Employee_ID”, “Age”, and “DOB”.
Question context 18
Below is the csv file “class.csv” for marks of students in different subjects:
Below code is used to read the file class.csv into a SAS dataset table named class.
data WORK.class; infile'C:\AV\Skilltest\ClassScore.csv'dlm=','firstobs=2; input Name $ Gender $ Location $ English Maths Hindi Sanskrit; run;
Above code gives the below output:
Q18) In the above output, you can see following issues:
Which of the following command can be used with “infile” statement to remove these errors?
D. Both A and C
E. Both B and C
Solution: (E)
Whenever a read a delimited file using infile statement and if the file has two or more delimiter together (n value between them) or last column data is missing then it takes the next possible value as an input for that column. And, the next possible value can be other column data of same row or next line also.
Now, to avoid these reading issues, we use DSD to prevent reading from next column of the same row and MISSOVER for next line or observation.
Question context 19
Below is the table “Class”
Q19) Which of the following command will find the number of missing marks in all variables of table “Class”.
proc means data=class N; run;
proc means data=class N NMISS; run;
proc means data=class SUM N; run;
D. Both B and C
Solution: (B)
Options with PROC MEANS:
Q20) Which of the following command will help to impute the missing value of column “Hindi” with average marks of “Hindi”?
Proc SQL; Create table temp as Select *, mean(Hindi) as avg_score from Class; quit; Data class (drop= Hindi avg_score Rename=(Hindi_2=Hindi)); Set temp; If Hindi=. Then Hindi_2=avg_score; Else Hindi_2=Hindi; run;
Proc SQL; Create table temp as Select *, mean(Hindi) asavg_score from Class; quit; Data class (drop= Hindi avg_score Rename=(Hindi_2=Hindi)); Set class; If Hindi=. Then Hindi_2=avg_score; Else Hindi_2=Hindi; run;
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Solution: (A)
In the first option, we are creating a variable avg_score in the table temp and then using this table data in data step to input missing values of HINDI whereas in option second, we are using table class as an input data set for data step.
Question Context 21 – 24
Table-1 | ||||
Product_ID | Location | Proposed_Booking_Date | Qty_MT | Discount_Dollar |
A201 | Delhi_NCR | 12-Jan-17 | 4 | 10 |
A304 | Chennai | 12-Jan-17 | 5 | 20 |
A205 | Mumbai | 15-Jan-17 | 2 | 4 |
C406 | Delhi_NCR | 17-Jan-17 | 8 | 5 |
C203 | Delhi_NCR | 20-Jan-17 | 7 | 1 |
Z404 | Mumbai | 15-Jan-17 | 6 | 12 |
Table-2 | ||||
Product_ID | Location | Proposed_Booking_Date | Qty_MT | Discount_Dollar |
A210 | Mumbai | 14-Jan-17 | 10 | 10 |
A310 | Mumbai | 14-Jan-17 | 8 | 20 |
A354 | Delhi | 18-Jan-17 | 5 | 4 |
C406 | Delhi | 17-Jan-17 | 8 | 5 |
C203 | Delhi | 20-Jan-17 | 7 | 1 |
Z514 | Delhi | 18-Jan-17 | 10 | 15 |
Table 3 | |
Date | Dollar Rate |
12-Jan-17 | 67.1 |
14-Jan-17 | 67.2 |
15-Jan-17 | 66.6 |
17-Jan-17 | 67.2 |
18-Jan-17 | 66.5 |
20-Jan-17 | 66.8 |
Q21) Which of the following statements can be used to append the Table-1 and Table-2 having a unique value of Product_ID?
data work.merge_table NODUPKEY; set table1 table2; run;
data work.merge_table; set table1 table2; run; PROC SORT DATA = merge_table OUT = merge_table NODUPKEY; by Product_ID; run;
data work.merge_table; set table1 table2 nodupkey; run; PROC SORT DATA = merge_table OUT = merge_table; by Product_ID ; run;
D. none of the above
Solution: (B)
To remove duplicate records based on a variable or multiple variables, we use NODUPKEY with PROC SORT or FIRST./ LAST. option to remove duplicate records. For more detail on removing duplicate records, you can refer this link.
Q22) With cash crunch (due to demonetization) the company decided to advance the proposed booking date by 2 months (keeping the day intact). Which of the below SAS formula can be used to advance the date?
data work.av_date; set work.merge_table; proposed_booking_date1=put(intnx('month',proposed_booking_date,day),date9.); run;
data work.av_date; set work.merge_table; proposed_booking_date1=put(intnx('month',proposed_booking_date,2,'s'),date9.); run;
data work.av_date; set work.merge_table; proposed_booking_date1=put(intnx('month',proposed_booking_date,sameday),date9.); run;
data work.av_date; set work.merge_table; proposed_booking_date1=put(intnx('month',proposed_booking_date,1),date9.); run;
Solution: (B)
Look, at the syntax of INTNX() function:
INTNX ( interval, from, n < , alignment > ) ;
The arguments to the INTNX function are as follows:
interval: is a character constant or variable that contains an interval name
from: is a SAS date value (for date intervals) or datetime value (for datetime intervals)
n: is the number of intervals to increment from the interval that contains the from value
alignment: controls the alignment of SAS dates, within the interval, used to identify output observations. Allowed values are BEGINNING, MIDDLE, END, and SAMEDAY/S.
In the second option, you can see that we have used the similar syntax to advance the date value by 2 months.
Q23) If the following code will run, what will be the output?
data table_A (Drop = Location); merge table1(in=Proposed_Booking_Date) table3(in=Date); if Proposed_Booking_Date; if Date then Discount_INR=Discount_Dollar*Dollar_Rate; run;A.
Product_ID Proposed_Bokking_Date Qty_MT Discount_Dollar Dollar_Rate Discount_INR A201 12-Jan-17 4 $10 67.1 671 A304 12-Jan-17 5 $20 67.2 1344 A205 15-Jan-17 2 $4 66.6 266.4 C406 17-Jan-17 8 $5 67.2 336 C203 20-Jan-17 7 $1 66.5 66.5 Z404 15-Jan-17 6 $12 66.8 801.6 B.
Product_ID Proposed_Bokking_Date Date Qty_MT Discount_Dollar Dollar_Rate Discount_INR A201 12-Jan-17 12-Jan-17 4 $10 67.1 671 A304 12-Jan-17 12-Jan-17 5 $20 67.2 1344 A205 15-Jan-17 15-Jan-17 2 $4 66.6 266.4 C406 17-Jan-17 17-Jan-17 8 $5 67.2 336 C203 20-Jan-17 20-Jan-17 7 $1 66.5 66.5 Z404 15-Jan-17 15-Jan-17 6 $12 66.8 801.6 C.
Product_ID Qty_MT Discount_Dollar Dollar_Rate Discount_INR A201 4 $10 67.1 671 A304 5 $20 67.2 1344 A205 2 $4 66.6 266.4 C406 8 $5 67.2 336 C203 7 $1 66.5 66.5 Z404 6 $12 66.8 801.6 Solution: (C)
“IN” variable does not appear in output dataset. Here, “Proposed_Booking_Date” and “Date” are “IN” variables and we have dropped the variable “Location” in data step.
Q24) In Table-2, Location name ‘Delhi’ has been wrongly put, need to replace this with ‘Delhi_NCR’. Which of the following code will complete this task? t2; set TABLE2; if Location="Delhi" then Location="Delhi_NCR"; run;B.
data t2; format location $10.; set TABLE2; if Location="Delhi" then Location="Delhi_NCR"; run;C.
data t2; length Location $10; format location $10.; set TABLE2; if Location="Delhi" then Location="Delhi_NCR"; run;D. Both B and C
E. Both A and B
F. None of the above
Solution: (D)
The length of field “Location” in table2 is 8 so first we need to change the format of “Location”. Here in both options B and C, we have changed the length of field “Location”.
Q25) [ True | False] Value of First. BY-variable and Last. By-variable can be same.
A. True
B. False
Solution: (A)
Yes, it is possible. In case of one unique value for BY variable then this record is the first and last record as well.
Q26) Which is pointer control used to read multiple records sequentially?
A. @n
B. +N
C. /
D. All of the above
Solution: (C)
You can use one or more forward slash (/) line pointer controls in your INPUT statements to tell SAS to advance to a new record before reading the next data value.
Question Context 27 – 30
Table 5
Loan_ID | Gender | Name | Dependents | Education | LoanAmount | Property_Area | Loan_Status |
LP001002 | Male | Dr.Kunal | 0 | Graduate | 145 | Urban | Y |
LP001003 | Male | Mr. Faizan | 1 | Graduate | 128 | Rural | N |
LP001005 | Female | Miss. Swati | 0 | Graduate | 66 | Urban | Y |
LP001006 | Female | Miss. Deepika | 0 | Not Graduate | 120 | Urban | H |
LP001008 | Male | Master Ankit | 0 | Graduate | 141 | Urban | Y |
NOTE: The dataset has been loaded in SAS and table name is table5.
Q27) Categorical column may contain more than two distinct values. For example, “Married” has two values, “Yes” and “No”. How will you find all the distinct values present in the column “Education”?
proc freq data=Table5; tables Education; run;
proc means data=Table5; var Education; run;
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Solution: (A)
Proc Means is used to look at the frequency distribution of categories of a categorical variable whereas PROC Means used to explore continuous variables.
Q28) How will you create an extra column “Salutation”?
Loan_ID | Gender | Name | Salutation | Dependents | Education | LoanAmount | Property_Area | Loan_Status |
LP001002 | Male | Dr.Kunal | Dr | 0 | Graduate | 145 | Urban | Y |
LP001003 | Male | Mr. Faizan | Mr | 1 | Graduate | 128 | Rural | N |
LP001005 | Male | Miss. Swati | Miss | 0 | Graduate | 66 | Urban | Y |
LP001006 | Male | Miss. Deepika | Miss | 0 | Not Graduate | 120 | Urban | H |
LP001008 | Male | Master Ankit | Master | 0 | Graduate | 141 | Urban | Y |
data Table5; set Table5; Salutation = scan(name, 1); run;
data Table5; set Table5; Salutation = scan(name, -1); run;
data Table5; set Table5; Salutation = scan(name, 0); run;
data test2; set Table5; Salutation = scan(name, “ ”,1); run;
data test2; set Table5; Salutation = scan(name, “.”,1); run;
Solution: (A)
Below is the syntax of function SCAN:
SCAN(string, count_words)
String: A constant string or variable have a string value
Count: is a nonzero numeric constant, variable, or expression that has an integer value that specifies the number of the word in the character string that you want SCAN to select
In above question, we need to extract the first word of string so value of count would be 1 and string variable is “name”.
Q29) Which of the following command will help you to create the below table “AV” (Exactly Similar) based on “Table5”?
Loan_ID | Loan_Status_Y | Loan_Status_H | Loan_Status_N |
LP001002 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
LP001003 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
LP001005 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
LP001006 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
LP001008 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
data AV; Set table5; if Loan_Status = "Y" then Loan_Status_Y = 1; else Loan_Status_Y = 0; if Loan_Status = "N" then Loan_Status_N = 1; else Loan_Status_N = 0; if Loan_Status = "H" then Loan_Status_H = 1; else Loan_Status_H = 0; run;
data AV; Set table5; Loan_Status_Y= (Loan_Status = "Y"); Loan_Status_N= (Loan_Status = "N"); Loan_Status_H= (Loan_Status = "H"); run;
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Solution: (D)
First of all, here we are creating dummy variables for variable “Loan_Status” (also known as One Hot Encoding). Both Option A and B will create these dummy variables but after execution of both program you will not be able to create exactly similar dataset like AV because it will have more number of variables and the values of dummy variables for “Loan_Status_H” and “Loan_Status_N” is swapped in output table “AV”.
Q30) Which of the following SAS program will help you understand the relationship between two variables “Education” and “Loan_Status”?
Proc Freq data=table5; tables Education*Loan_Status; run;
Proc Freq data=table5; ? tables Education Loan_Status; run;
Proc Univariate data = table5; var Education Loan_Status; run;
Proc Univariate data = table5; var Education*Loan_Status; run;
Solution: (A)
Above, we are trying to create a two-way table based on two categorical variables “Education” and “Loan_Status”. And to create two-way table, we need to place * in between them. If we will separate the variable name by space then this will create two individual frequency distributions for both the variables.
Q31) [True | Flase] The two programs below will return same output.
data AV (Drop= LoanAmount); set table5; charge=LoanAmount *0.4; run;
data AV; set table5 (Drop= LoanAmount); charge=LoanAmount *0.4; run;
B. False
Solution: (B)
In the first program, we have “LoanAmount” in input data set so there would be values 0.4*LoanAmount in “Charge” column whereas, in the second program, we have dropped the variable “LoanAmount” so the value of column “Charge” would be missing because we do not have variable “LoanAmount”.
Q32) Which of the following statement can be used to accumulate the value of the variable in a Data Step?
Solution: (B)
The RETAIN statement simply copies retaining values by telling the SAS not to reset the variables at the beginning of each iteration of the DATA step. If you would not use retain statement then SAS would reset the variable at the beginning of each iteration
Q33) Given the following SAS error log
44 data WORK.OUTPUT; 45 set SASHELP.CLASS; 46 BMI=(Weight*703)/Height**2; 47 where bmi ge 20; ERROR: Variable bmi is not on file SASHELP.CLASS. 48 run;
Which of the following step, you will take to correct it?
B. Change the ** in the BMI formula to a single *
C. Change bmi to BMI in the WHERE statement
Solution: (A)
We can not apply WHERE on derived or calculated variable(s) so we should use IF for subsetting.
Q34) Which of the following statement can be used to transpose table “Base” to table “Transposed”?
data transposed; set base; array Qtr{3} Q:; do i = 1 to 3; Period = cat('Qtr',i); Amount = Qtr{i}; output; end; drop Q1 Q2 Q3 i; if Amount ne .; run;
proc transpose data = base out = transposed (rename=(Col1=Amount) where=(Amount ne .)) name=Period; by cust; run;
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Solution: (C)
Both program can be used to transpose the data set, One is array approach whereas in second method, we are using PROC Transpose.
Q35) [True | False] “Where” and “IF” always returns the same result.
B) False
Solution: (B)
One of the scenarios, we have discussed in question 35.
Q36) Which of the following PROC can be used to create “Bubble”, “Scatter” and “Histogram”?
D. None of the above
Solution: (A)
PROC SGPLOT can be used to create all above-mentioned charts.
Question Context 37 – 38
Month | Product1 | Product2 | Product3 |
Jan | 30 | 38 | 39 |
Feb | 35 | 43 | 47 |
Mar | 68 | 70 | 78 |
Apr | 18 | 26 | 26 |
May | 25 | 31 | 33 |
Jun | 29 | 36 | 40 |
Jul | 34 | 38 | 47 |
Aug | 34 | 37 | 43 |
Sep | 36 | 43 | 51 |
Oct | 34 | 36 | 43 |
Nov | 32 | 34 | 40 |
Dec | 33 | 43 | 44 |
Note: Above table “Table6” is stored in WORK library
Q37) Which of the following command can be used to plot below chart?
PROC SGPLOT DATA = Table6; SERIES X = Month Y = Product1; SERIES X = Month Y = Product2; SERIES X = Month Y = Product3; run;
PROC SGPLOT DATA = Table6; by Month; Var Product1 Product2 Product3; run;
PROC SGPLOT DATA = Table6; Line Month; Var Product1 Product2 Product3; run;
D. None of the above
Solution: (A)
Above, we are creating three series of line in a single chart and we don’t have any “Line” and “BY” statements in PROC SGPLOT.
Q38) Which of the following command can be used to plot below chart (Below Product1 is represented on x-axis, Product2 on y-axis and Product3 as the size of bubble)?
proc plot data = Table6; scatter X=Product1 Y=Product2 size= Product3 /fillattrs=(color = teal) datalabel = Month; run;
proc sgplot data = Table6; bubble X=Product1 Y=Product2 size= Product3 /fillattrs=(color = teal) datalabel = Month; run;
proc sgplot data = Table6; scatter X=Product1 Y=Product2 size= Product3 /fillattrs=(color = teal) datalabel = Month; run;
proc chart data = Table6; scatter X=Product1 Y=Product2 size= Product3 /fillattrs=(color = teal) datalabel = Month; run;
Solution: (B)
In bubble chart, we have three variables to visualize. One on x-axis, second one on y-axis and last one as size of bubble. We can create Bubble chart in SAS using PROC SGPLOT with Bubble statement.
Question Context 39 – 40
Below is the table of product inventory (SAS data set name is “Table7”)
Q39) Which of the following SAS program will remove the duplicate observation(s) of “ID” and “Area_Type”. And, remove observation having the lower magnitude of variable “Volume”?
Proc Sort data=table7; by ID Area_Type Descending Volume; run; Proc SORT Data=table7 out=table8 nodupkey; by ID Area_Type; run;
Proc Sort data=table7; by ID Area_TypeVolume Descending; run; Proc SORT Data=table7 out=table8 nodupkey; by ID Area_Type; run;
Proc SORT Data=table7 out=table8 nodupkey; by ID Area_TYPE Volume Descending; run;
D. Both B and C
Solution: (A)
The basic problem with Option B and C is, “Descending” option is appearing after the variable name which is not the right syntax. In option A, we are first sorting the data set based on “ID”, “Area_Type” and “Volume” (Descending) then again writing a PROC SORT to remove duplicate records based on “ID” and “Area_Type”.
Q40) Which of the following program will help to bin the variable volume (Adding one more variable to “Table7”, “Volume_Bucket”)?
Data table7; set table7; select (Volume); when (le 30) Volume_Bucket="A"; when (le 60) Volume_Bucket="B"; otherwise Volume_Bucket="C"; end; run;
Data table7; set table7; if Volume < 30 then Volume_Bucket ="A"; Else if Volume <60 then Volume_Bucket="B"; Else Volume_Bucket="C"; run;
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Solution: (B)
Select statement works with exact value, it does not compare like greater than or less than so here IF statement will do the task.
I hope you enjoyed taking the test and found the solutions helpful. The test focused on conceptual as well as practical knowledge of Base Programming in SAS
I tried to clear all your doubts through this article, but if we have missed out on something then let us know in comments below. Also, If you have any suggestions or improvements you think we should make in the next skill test, you can let us know by dropping your feedback in the comments section.
Hi, I have a couple of question concerning this: 1) I understand this is how we create not the ultimate dataset but rather that ANALYSIS_SET is a temporary set to be used for further computations e.g. counting visits in the last month 2) In the last example age and gender will be missing from the ANALYSIS_SET? Another way of merging datasets may be using KEY= option not sure if I can paste links here, pls google "Using the KEY= Option for Lookup Tables" best regards Zbig
Hi all , I was going through a paper "Choosing the Right Technique to Merge Large Data Sets Efficiently"..the conclusion derived was that,for many to one merge, proc sql is better than data step merge(i am just limiting myself to these two basic merging techniques) on the parameters of CPU Timing,I/O operations and memory.Well, in case of many to many merging Proc SQL is the only one which will bring the desired result. So my question here is that,Can we consider Proc SQL to be better than merge for all instances..What about the extra effort used in forming the cartesian product it too little to consider when compared with sorting the datasets in data step merge.
Hi! The solution using a format was very popular many years ago (in version 5). It was mentioned to be much faster that the ordinary solution. There was however one drawback: The formats at that time were load modules, stored in real memory. So there was a limit in practice around 15000 items in the format statement. So, this was many years ago. Now a format is a file, with a binary tree. The limits are taken away. However, some of the old questions still remain. Is this efficient when the format is only used once? Does this work also on really, really big data volumes? This is an intreresting subject, but I do not have the ansers. / Br Anders