Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) helps us to uncover the underlying structure of data and its dynamics through which we can maximize the insights. EDA is also critical to extract important variables and detect outliers and anomalies. Even though there are many algorithms in Machine Learning, EDA is considered to be one of the most critical part to understand and drive the business.
There are several ways to perform EDA on various platforms like Python (matplotlib, seaborn), R (ggplot2) and there are a lot of good resources on the web such as “Exploratory Data Analysis” by John W. Tukey, “Exploratory Data Analysis with R” by Roger D. Peng and so on..
In this article, I am going to talk about performing EDA using Kibana and Elastic Search.
Elastic Search is an open source, RESTful distributed and scalable search engine. Elastic search is extremely fast in fetching results for simple or complex queries on large amounts of data (Petabytes) because of it’s simple design and distributed nature. It is also much easier to work with than a conventional database constrained by schemas, tables.
Elastic Search provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.
Installation and initialization is quite simple and it is as follows:
Elasticsearch instance should be running at http://localhost:9200 in your browser if you run with default configuration.
Keep the terminal open where elastic search is running to be able to keep the instance running. you could also use nohup mode to run the instance in the background.
Kibana is an open source data exploration and visualization tool built on Elastic Search to help you understand data better. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.
Installation and initialization is similar to that of Elasticsearch:
Kibana instance should be running at http://localhost:5601 in your browser if you run with default configuration.
Keep the terminal open where Kibana was run to be able to keep the instance running. you could also use nohup mode to run the instance in the background.
There are mainly three steps to create dashboards using ES and Kibana. I will be using Loan prediction practice problem data to create a dashboard. Please register for the problem to be able to download the data. Please check the data dictionary for more information.
Note: In this article I will be using python to read data and insert data into Elasticsearch for creating visualizations through Kibana.
import pandas as pd
train_data_path = '../loan_prediction_data/train_u6lujuX_CVtuZ9i.csv' test_data_path = '../loan_prediction_data/test_Y3wMUE5_7gLdaTN.csv' train = pd.read_csv(train_data_path); print(train.shape) test = pd.read_csv(test_data_path); print(test.shape)
(614, 13) (367, 12)
Python Code:
import pandas as pd
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
Elastic Search indexes data into its internal data format and stores them in a basic data structure similar to a JSON object. Please find the below python code to insert data into ES. Please install pyelasticsearch library as shown below for indexing through python.
Note: Please note that the code assumes that the elastic search is run with default configuration.
pip install pyelasticsearch
from time import time from pyelasticsearch import ElasticSearch CHUNKSIZE=100 index_name_train = "loan_prediction_train" doc_type_train = "av-lp_train" index_name_test = "loan_prediction_test" doc_type_test = "av-lp_test"
def index_data(data_path, chunksize, index_name, doc_type): f = open(data_path) csvfile = pd.read_csv(f, iterator=True, chunksize=chunksize) es = ElasticSearch('http://localhost:9200/') try : es.delete_index(index_name) except : pass es.create_index(index_name) for i,df in enumerate(csvfile): records=df.where(pd.notnull(df), None).T.to_dict() list_records=[records[it] for it in records] try : es.bulk_index(index_name, doc_type, list_records) except : print("error!, skiping chunk!") pass
index_data(train_data_path, CHUNKSIZE, index_name_train, doc_type_train) # Indexing train data
index_data(test_data_path, CHUNKSIZE, index_name_test, doc_type_test) # Indexing test data
DELETE /loan_prediction_train [status:404 request:0.010s]
DELETE /loan_prediction_test [status:404 request:0.009s]
Repeat the above 4 steps for loan_prediction_test. Now kibana is linked with train and test data present in elastic search
Voila!! Dashboard created.
Similarly for Gender distribution. This time we will use pie chart.
Beautiful! isn’t it?
Now I leave you here to explore more of elastic search and kibana and create various kind of visualizations
Search bar allows you to explore data by string search, which helps us in understanding the changes in data with changes in one particular attribute which is not easy to do with visualizations.
Insight: Most of the clients that had credit history 0 did not receive Loan (Loan status is N = 92.1%)
That’s all!!
This article was contributed by Supreeth Manyam (@ziron) as part of The Mightiest Pen, DataFest 2017. Supreeth won the competition and also finished second in overall leaderboard of DataFest 2017. Supreeth is a passionate Data Scientist who is keen on bringing insights to business and help it get better by analyzing relevant data using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Good One
not able to import elasticsearch thing...throwing error....from pyelasticsearch import Elasticsearch
AttributeError: 'Elasticsearch' object has no attribute 'create_index' - getting this error
Hi Ankur, Please make sure you have installed pyelasticsearch correctly using `pip install pyelasticsearch` and you are able to import it in python. Following versions were used in this tutorial: pyelasticsearch - 1.2.3 ElasticSearch - 5.3.2 Kibana - 5.3.2 PS: This error could also be caused by the typos in the article as mentioned by Osmar Rodriguez. Now the typos are fixed!