“There is a magic in graphs. The profile of a curve reveals in a flash a whole situation — the life history of an era of prosperity. The curve informs the mind, awakens the imagination, convinces.”
– Henry D. Hubbard
Visualizations are a powerful way to simplify and interpret the underlying patterns in data. The first thing I do, whenever I work on a new dataset is to explore it through visualization. And this approach has worked well for me. Sadly, I don’t see many people using visualizations as much. That is why I thought I will share some of my “secret sauce” with the world!
Use of graphs is one such visualization technique. It is incredibly useful and helps businesses make better data-driven decisions. But to understand the concepts of graphs in detail, we must first understand it’s base – Graph Theory.
In this article, we will be learning the concepts of graphs and graph theory. We will also look at the fundamentals and basic properties of graphs, along with different types of graphs.
We will then work on a case study to solve a commonly seen problem in the aviation industry by applying the concepts of Graph Theory using Python.
Let’s get started!
Consider the plot shown below:
It’s a nice visualization of the store-wise sales of a particular item. But this isn’t a graph, it’s a chart. Now you might be wondering why is this a chart and not a graph, right?
Well, a chart represents the graph of a function. Let me explain this by expanding on the above example.
Out of the total units of a particular item, 15.1% are sold from store A, 15.4% from store B, and so on. We can represent it using a table:
Corresponding to each store is their contribution (in %) to the overall sales. In the above chart, we mapped store A with 15.1% contribution, store B with 15.4%, so on and so forth. Finally, we visualized it using a pie chart. But then what’s the difference between this chart and a graph?
To answer this, consider the visual shown below:
The points in the above visual represent the characters of Game of Thrones, while the lines joining these points represent the connection between them. Jon Snow has connections with multiple characters, and the same goes for Tyrion, Cersei, Jamie, etc.
And this is what a graph looks like. A single point might have connections with multiple points, or even a single point. Typically, a graph is a combination of vertices (nodes) and edges. In the above GOT visual, all the characters are vertices and the connections between them are edges.
We now have an idea of what graphs are, but why do we need graphs in the first place? We’ll look at this pertinent question in the next section.
Suppose you booked an Uber cab. One of the most important things that is critical to Uber’s functioning is its ability to match drivers with riders in an efficient way. Consider there are 6 possible rides that you can be matched with. So, how does Uber allocate a ride to you? We can make use of graphs to visualize how the process of allotting a ride might be:
As you can interpret, there are 6 possible rides (Ride 1, Ride 2, …. Ride 6) which the rider can be matched with. Representing this in graph form makes it easier to visualize and finally fulfill our aim, i.e., to match the closest ride to the user. The numbers in the above graph represent the distance (in kilometers) between the rider and his/her corresponding ride. We (and of course Uber) can clearly visualize that Ride 3 is the closest option.
Note: For simplicity, I have taken only the distance metric to decide which ride will be allotted to the rider. Whearas in a real life scenario, there are multiple metrics through which the allotment of a ride is decided, such as rating of the rider and driver, traffic between different routes, time for which the rider is idle, etc.
Similarly, online food delivery aggregators like Zomato can select a rider who will pick up our orders from the corresponding restaurant and deliver it to us. This is one of the many use cases of graphs through which we can solve a lot of challenges. Graphs make visualizations easier and more interpretable.
To understand the concept of graphs in detail, we must first understand graph theory.
We’ll first discuss the origins of graph theory to get an intuitive understanding of graphs. There is an interesting story behind its origin, and I aim to make it even more intriguing using plots and visualizations.
It all started with the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. The challenge (or just a brain teaser) with Königsberg’s bridges, was to be able to walk through the city by crossing all the seven bridges only once. Let us visualize it first to have a clear understanding of the problem:
Give it a try and see if you can walk through the city with this restraint. You have to keep two things in mind while trying to solve the above problem (or should i say riddle?):
You can try any number of combinations, but it remains an impossible challenge to crack. There is no way in which one can walk through the city by crossing each bridge only once. Leonhard Euler delved deep into this puzzle to come up with the reason why this is such an impossible task. Let’s analyze how he did this:
There are four distinct places in the above image: two islands (B and D), and two parts of the mainland (A and C) and a total of seven bridges. Let us first look at each land separately and try to find patterns (if any exist at all) :
One inference from the above image is that each land is connected with an odd number of bridges. If you wish to cross each bridge only once, then you can enter and leave a land only if it is connected to an even number of bridges. In other words, we can generalize that if there are even number of bridges, it’s possible to leave the land, while it’s impossible to do so with an odd number.
Let’s try to add one more bridge to the current problem and see whether it can crack open this problem:
Now we have 2 lands connected with an even number of bridges, and 2 lands connected with an odd number of bridges. Let’s draw a new route after the addition of the new bridge:
The addition of a single bridge solved the problem! You might be wondering if the number of bridges played a significant part in solving this problem? Should it be even all the time? Well, that’s not always the case. Euler explained that along with the number of bridges, the number of pieces of land with an odd number of connected bridges matters as well. Euler converted this problem from land and bridges to graphs, where he represented the land as vertices and the bridges as edges:
Here, the visualization is simple and crystal clear. Before we move further and delve deeper into this problem, let us first understand the fundamentals and basic properties of a graph.
There are many key points and key words that we should keep in mind when we are dealing with graphs. In this section, we will discuss all those keywords in detail.
These are some of the fundamentals which you must keep in mind when dealing with graphs. Now onto understanding the basic properties of a graph.
So far, we have seen what a graph looks like and it’s different components. Now we will turn our focus to some basic properties and terminologies related to a graph. We will be using the below given graph (referred to as G) and understand each terminology using the same:
Take a moment and think about possible solutions to the following questions:
I will try to answer all these questions using basic graph terminologies:
These are some of the terminologies related to graphs. Next we will discuss the different types of graphs.
There are vairous and diverse types of graphs. In this section, we will discuss some of the most commonly used ones.
Now that we have an understanding of the different types of graphs, their components, and some of the basic graph-related terminologies, let’s get back to the problem which we were trying to solve, i.e. the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. We shall explore in even more detail how Leonhard Euler approached and explained his reasoning.
We saw earlier that Euler transformed this problem using graphs:
Here, A, B, C, and D represent the land, and the lines joining them are the bridges. We can calculate the degree of each vertex.
deg(B) = 5
deg(A) = deg(C) = deg(D) = 3
Euler showed that the possibility of walking through a graph (city) using each edge (bridge) only once, strictly depends on the degree of vertices (land). And such a path, which contains each edge of a graph only once, is called Euler’s path.
Can you figure out Euler’s path for our problem? Let’s try!
And this is how the classic Seven Bridges of Königsberg challenge can be solved using graphs and Euler’s path. And this is basically the origin of Graph Theory. Thanks to Leonhard Euler!
Trees are one of the most powerful and effective ways of representing a graph. In this section, we will learn what binary search trees are, how they work, and how they make visualizations more interpretable. But before all that, take a moment to understand what trees actually are in this context.
Trees are graphs which do not contain even a single cycle:
In the above example, the first graph has no cycle (aka a tree), while the second graph has a cycle (A-B-E-C-A, hence it’s not a tree).
The elements of a tree are called nodes. (A, B, C, D, and E) are the nodes in the above tree. The first node (or the topmost node) of a tree is known as the root node, while the last node (node C, D and E in the above example) is known as the leaf node. All the remaining nodes are known as child nodes (node B in our case).
It’s time to move on to one of the most important topics in Graph Theory, i.e., Graph Traversal.
Suppose we want to identify the location of a particular node in a graph. What might me the possible solution to identify nodes of a graph? How to start? What should be the starting point? Once we know the starting point, how to proceed further? I will try to answer all these questions in this section by explaining the concepts of Graph Traversal.
Graph Traversal refers to visiting every vertex and edge of a graph exactly once in a well-defined order. As the aim of traversing is to visit each vertex only once, we keep a track of vertices covered so that we do not cover same vertex twice. There are various methods for graph traversal and we will discuss some of the famous methods:
We start from the source node (root node) and traverse the graph, layer wise. Steps for Breadth First Search are:
Let me explain it with a visualization:
So in Breadth First Search, we start from the Source Node (A in our case) and move down to the first layer, i.e. Layer 1. We cover all the nodes in that layer by moving horizontally (B -> C). Then we go to the next layer, i.e. Layer 2 and repeat the same step (we move from D -> E -> F). We continue this step until all the layers and vertices are covered.
Key advantage of this approach is that we will always find the shortest path to the goal. This is appropriate for small graphs and trees but for more complex and larger graphs, its performance is very slow and it also takes a lot of memory. We will look at another traversing approach which takes less memory space as compared to BFS.
Let us first look at the steps involved in this approach:
The sequence for Depth First Search for the above example will be:
A -> B -> D -> E -> C -> F
Once a path has been fully explored it can be removed from memory, so DFS only needs to store the root node, all the children of the root node and where it currently is. Hence, it overcomes the memory problem of BFS.
In this approach all the nodes of a tree are arranged in a sorted order. Let’s have a look at an example of Binary Search Tree:
As mentioned earlier, all the nodes in the above tree are arranged based on a condition. Suppose we want to access the node with value 45. If we would have followed BFS or DFS, we would have required a lot of computational time to reach to it. Now let’s look at how a Binary Search Tree will help us to reach to the required node using least number of steps. Steps to reach to the node with value 45 using Binary Search Tree:
This approach is very fast and takes very less memory as well. Most of the concepts of Graph Theory have been covered. Next, we will try to implement these concepts to solve a real-life problem using Python.
And finally, we get to work with data in Python! In this dataset, we have records of over 7 million flights from the USA. The below variables have been provided:
It is a gigantic dataset and I have taken only a sample from it for this article. The idea is to give you an understanding of the concepts using this sample dataset, and you can then apply them to the entire dataset. Download the dataset which we will be using for the case study from here. We will first import the usual libraries, and read the dataset, which is provided in a .csv format:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
Let’s have a look at the first few rows of the dataset using the head() function:
Here, CRSDepTime, CRSArrTime, DepTime, and ArrTime represent the scheduled time of departure, the scheduled time of arrival, the actual time of departure, and the actual time of arrival respectively. Origin and Dest are the Origin and Destination of the journey.
There can often be multiple paths from one airport to another, and the aim is to find the shortest possible path between all the airports. There are two ways in which we can define a path as the shortest:
We can solve such problems using the concepts of graph theory which we have learned so far. Can you recall what we need to do to make a graph?
The answer is identifying the vertices and edges! We can convert the problem to a graph by representing all the airports as vertices, and the route between them as edges. We will be using NetworkX for creating and visualizing graphs. NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. You can refer to the documentation of NetworkX here.
After installing NetworkX, we will create the edges and vertices for our graph using the dataset:
import networkx as nx df = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, source='Origin', target='Dest', edge_attr=True)
It will store the vertices and edges automatically. Take a quick look at the edges and vertices of the graph which we have created:
Let us plot and visualize the graph using the matplotlib and draw_networkx() functions of networkx.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt % matplotlib inline plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) nx.draw_networkx(df, with_labels=True)
The above amazing visualization represents the different flight routes. Suppose a passenger wants to take the shortest route from AMA to PBI. Graph theory comes to the rescue once again!
Let’s try to calculate the shortest path based on the airtime between the airports AMA and PBI. We will be using Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. This algorithm finds the shortest path from a source vertex to all the vertices of the given graph. Let me give you a brief run through of the steps this algorithm follows:
Let us take an example to understand this algorithm in a better way:
Here the source vertex is A. The numbers represent the distance between the vertices. Initially, the sptSet is empty so we will assign distances to all the vertices. The distances are:
{0, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF}, where INF represents INFINITE.
Now, we will pick the vertex with the minimum distance, i.e., A and it will be included in the sptSet. So, the new sptSet is {A}. The next step is to pick a vertex which is not in the sptSet and is closest to the source vertex. This, in our case, is B with a distance value of 2. So this will be added to the sptSet.
sptSet = {A,B}
Now we will update the distances of vertices adjacent to vertex B:
The distance value of the vertex F becomes 6. We will again pick the vertex with the minimum distance value which is not already included in SPT (C with a distance value of 4).
sptSet = {A,B,C}
We will follow similar steps until all the vertices are included in the sptSet. Let’s implement this algorithm and try to calculate the shortest distance between the airports. We will use the dijkstra_path() function of networkx to do so:
shortest_path_distance = nx.dijkstra_path(df, source='AMA', target='PBI', weight='Distance') Shortest_path_distance
This is the shortest possible path between the two airports based on the distance between them. We can also calculate the shortest path based on the airtime just by changing the hyperparameter weight=’AirTime’:
shortest_path_airtime = nx.dijkstra_path(df, source='AMA', target='PBI', weight='AirTime') shortest_path_airtime
This is the shortest path based on the airtime. Intuitive and easy to understand, this was all about graph theory!
This is just one of the many applications of Graph Theory. We can apply it to almost any kind of problem and get solutions and visualizations. Some of the application of Graph Theory which I can think of are:
These are some of the applications. You can come up with many more. Feel free to share them in the comment section below. We also have multiple articles related to graphs and networks as listed below:
I hope you have enjoyed the article. Looking forward to your responses.