Have you ever encountered a poorly written piece of Python code? I’m talking about a tangled mess where you had to spend hours just trying to understand what piece of code went where. I know a lot of you will nod your head at this. Writing code is part of a data scientist’s or analyst’s role. On the other hand, writing beautiful and neat Python code is a different ball game altogether. This could make or break your image as a proficient programmer in the analytics or data science space (or even in software development).
Remember – our Python code is written once but read a billion times over, potentially by viewers unfamiliar with our programming style. This takes on even more importance in data science. So, how do we write this so-called beautiful Python code?
Welcome to the Python Style Guide!
Many people in the data science and analytics domains come from a non-programming background. We start by learning the basics of programming, move on to comprehend the theory behind machine learning, and then get cracking on the dataset. In this process, we often do not practice hardcore programming or pay attention to programming conventions.
This Python Style Guide aims to address that gap. We will review the Python programming conventions described by the PEP-8 document, and you will emerge as a better programmer!
If you are completely new to Python programming, I suggest taking the free Python course before understanding this style guide.
There are a couple of reasons that make formatting such an important aspect of programming, especially for data science projects:
Good code formatting will inevitably improve the readability of your code. This will present your code as more organized and make it easier for the reader to easily understand what is happening in the program. This will especially be helpful if your program runs into thousands of lines. With so much dataframe, lists, functions, plots, etc., you can quickly lose track of your code if you don’t follow the correct formatting guidelines!
Good formatting becomes essential if you collaborate on a team project, which most data scientists will be. This ensures that the code is understood correctly and without any hassle. Also, following a common formatting pattern maintains consistency in the program throughout the project lifecycle.
Having a well-formatted code will also help you when you need to fix bugs in your program. Wrong indentation, improper naming, etc., can easily make debugging a nightmare! Therefore, starting your program on the right note is always better!
With that in mind, let’s have a quick overview of the PEP-8 style guide we will cover in this article!
PEP-8, or Python Enhancement Proposal, is the style guide for Python programming. It was written by Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan and describes the rules for writing beautiful and readable Python code.
Following the PEP-8 style of coding will ensure consistency in your Python code, making it easier for other readers, contributors, or yourself to comprehend it.
This article covers the most important aspects of the PEP-8 guidelines, like how to name Python objects, how to structure your code, when to include comments and whitespaces, and finally, some general programming recommendations that are important but easily overlooked by most Python programmers.
Let’s learn to write better code!
The official PEP-8 documentation can be found here.
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Shakespeare famously said – “What’s in a name?”. If he had encountered a programmer back then, he would have had a swift reply – “A lot!”.
Yes, when you write a piece of code, the name you choose for the variables, functions, and so on, has a great impact on the comprehensibility of the code. Just have a look at the following piece of code:
# Function 1
def func(x):
a = x.split()[0]
b = x.split()[1]
return a, b
print(func('Analytics Vidhya'))
# Function 2
def name_split(full_name):
first_name = full_name.split()[0]
last_name = full_name.split()[1]
return first_name, last_name
print(name_split('Analytics Vidhya'))
# Outputs ('Analytics', 'Vidhya') ('Analytics', 'Vidhya')
Both functions do the same job, but the latter gives a better intuition as to what is happening under the hood, even without any comments! That is why choosing the right names and following the right naming convention can make a huge difference while writing your program. That being said, let’s look at how you should name your objects in Python!
Try the above code in the live coding window below.
# Function 1
def func(x):
a = x.split()[0]
b = x.split()[1]
return a, b
print(func('Analytics Vidhya'))
# Function 2
def name_split(full_name):
first_name = full_name.split()[0]
last_name = full_name.split()[1]
return first_name, last_name
print(name_split('Analytics Vidhya'))
These tips can be applied to name any entity and should be followed religiously.
thisVariable, ThatVariable, some_other_variable, BIG_NO
this_could_be_a_bad_name = “Avoid this!”
t = “This isn\’t good either”
X = “My Name” # Avoid this
full_name = “My Name” # This is much better
1_name = “This is bad!”
phone_ # Bad name
blog = "Analytics Vidhya"
awesome_blog = "Analytics Vidhya"
O = 0 + l + I + 1
# Avoid
def con():
# This is better.
def connect():
# Avoiding name clashes.
def break_time(break_):
print(“Your break time is”, break_,”long”)
# Follow CapWord convention
class MySampleClass:
This will ensure the attribute __age in class Person is accessed as _Person__age. This is Python’s name mangling, and it makes sure there is no name collision.
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.__age = 18
obj = Person()
obj.__age # Error
obj._Person__age # Correct
class CustomError(Exception):
“””Custom exception class“””
class SampleClass:
def instance_method(self, del_):
print(“Instance method”)
def class_method(cls):
print(“Class method”)
testpackage # package name
sample_module.py # module name
# Following constant variables in global.py module
PI = 3.14
SPEED_OF_Light = 3*10**8
Now that you know how to name entities in Python, the next question that should pop up in your mind is how to structure your code! Honestly, this is very important because, without proper structure, your code could go haywire and be the biggest turn-off for any reviewer.
So, without further ado, let’s get to the basics of code layout in this Python style guide!
Indentation is the most important aspect of code layout and plays a vital role in Python. It tells which lines of code are to be included in the block for execution, and missing an indentation could be a critical mistake.
Indentations determine which code block a code statement belongs to. Imagine trying to write up a nested for-loop code. Writing a single line of code outside its respective loop may not give you a syntax error. Still, you will end up with a logical error that can be potentially time-consuming to debug.
Follow the below-mentioned key points on indentation for a consistent structure for your Python scripts.
# Example
if value<0:
print(“negative value”)
# Another example
for i in range(5):
print(“Follow this rule religiously!”)
It is recommended that Spaces be used over Tabs, but tabs can be used when the code is already indented with tabs.
if True:
print('4 spaces of indentation used!')
There are several ways of handling such a situation. One way is to align the succeeding statements with the opening delimiter.
# Aligning with opening delimiter.
def name_split(first_name,
# Another example.
ans = solution(value_one, value_two,
value_three, value_four)
A second way is to make use of the 4-space indentation rule. This will require an extra indentation level to distinguish the arguments from the rest of the code inside the block.
# Making use of extra indentation.
def name_split(
print(first_name, middle_name, last_name)
Finally, you can even make use of “hanging indents”. Hanging indentation, in the context of Python, refers to the text style where the line containing a parenthesis ends with an opening parenthesis. The subsequent lines are indented until the closing parenthesis.
# Hanging indentation.
ans = solution(
value_one, value_two,
value_three, value_four)
If statements with multiple conditions naturally contain four spaces – if, space, and the opening parenthesis. As you can see, this can be an issue. Subsequent lines will also be indented, and there is no way of differentiating the if-statement from the block of code it executes. Now, what do we do?
Well, we have a couple of ways to get our way around it:
# This is a problem.
if (condition_one and
print(“Implement this”)
One way is to use an extra level of indentation, of course!
# Use extra indentation.
if (condition_one and
print(“Implement this”)
Another way is to add a comment between the if-statement conditions and the code block to distinguish between the two:
# Add a comment.
if (condition_one and
# this condition is valid
print(“Implement this”)
Let’s say you have a long dictionary of values. You put all the key-value pairs in separate lines, but where do you put the closing bracket? Does it come in the last line? Is the line following it? If so, do you just put it at the beginning or after the indentation?
There are a couple of ways around this problem as well.
One way is to align the closing bracket with the first non-whitespace character of the previous line.
learning_path = {
‘Step 1’ : ’Learn programming’,
‘Step 2’ : ‘Learn machine learning’,
‘Step 3’ : ‘Crack on the hackathons’
The second way is to just put it as the first character of the new line.
learning_path = {
‘Step 1’ : ’Learn programming’,
‘Step 2’ : ‘Learn machine learning’,
‘Step 3’ : ‘Crack on the hackathons’
Also Read: 30+ Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
It will get cumbersome if you try to fit too many operators and operands into a single line. Instead, break it into several lines for better readability.
The obvious question is, should we break before or after operators? The convention is to break before operators. This helps us easily distinguish the operator and the operand it is acting upon.
# Break lines before operator.
gdp = (consumption
+ government_spending
+ investment
+ net_exports
Bunching up lines of code will make it harder for the reader to comprehend your code. Introducing relevant blank lines is a nice way to make your code look neater and pleasing to the eyes.
# Separating classes and top level functions.
class SampleClass():
def sample_function():
print("Top level function")
# Separating methods within class.
class MyClass():
def method_one(self):
print("First method")
def method_two(self):
print("Second method")
def remove_stopwords(text):
stop_words = stopwords.words("english")
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
clean_text = [word for word in tokens if word not in stop_words]
return clean_text
def remove_stopwords(text):
stop_words = stopwords.words("english")
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
clean_text = [word for word in tokens if word not in stop_words]
clean_text = ' '.join(clean_text)
clean_text = clean_text.lower()
return clean_text
You cannot squeeze more than 79 characters into a single line when writing code in Python. That’s the limit and should be the guiding rule to keep the statement short.
# Breaking into multiple lines.
num_list = [y for y in range(100)
if y % 2 == 0
if y % 5 == 0]
Many data scientists love to work with Python because of the plethora of libraries that make working with data a lot easier. Therefore, it is given that you will end up importing a bunch of libraries and modules to accomplish any task in data science.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'/sample.csv')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
from glob import glob
import spaCy
import mypackage
from math import ceil, floor
Understanding an uncommented piece of code can be a strenuous activity. Even for the original code writer, it can be difficult to remember what exactly is happening in a code line after a while. Therefore, it is best to immediately comment on your code so that the reader can understand what you tried to achieve with that particular piece of code. Let us look at it in this Python style guide.
# Remove non-alphanumeric characters from user input string.
import re
raw_text = input(‘Enter string:‘)
text = re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', raw_text)
info_dict = {} # Dictionary to store the extracted information
def square_num(x):
"""Returns the square of a number."""
return x**2
def power(x, y):
"""Multiline comments.
Returns x raised to y.
return x**y
Whitespaces are often ignored as a trivial aspect when writing beautiful code. However, using whitespaces correctly can increase the readability of the code by leaps and bounds. They help prevent the code statements and expressions from getting too crowded, which inevitably helps the readers review the code easily.
# Correct way
df[‘clean_text’] = df[‘text’].apply(preprocess)
# Correct
name_split = lambda x: x.split()
# Correct
# Correct
print(‘This is the right way’)
# Correct
for i in range(5):
name_dict[i] = input_list[i]
# Correct
ans = x**2 + b*x + c
They should be treated as the lowest priority operators. Equal spaces must be included around each colon
# Correct
df_valid = df_train[lower_bound+5 : upper_bound-5]
def exp(base, power=2):
return base**power
# Correct
brooklyn = [‘Amy’, ‘Terry’, ‘Gina’, 'Jake']
count = 0
for name in brooklyn:
if name == ‘Jake’:
count += 1
There are often several ways to write a piece of code. While they all achieve the same task, it is better to use the recommended way of writing cleaner code and maintaining consistency. I’ve covered some of these in this section of the Python style guide.
# Wrong
if name != None:
print("Not null")
# Correct
if name is not None:
print("Not null")
# Correct
if valid:
# Wrong
if valid == True:
# Prefer this
def func(x):
return None
# Over this
func = lambda x: x**2
x = 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('Cannot divide by zero')
# Wrong
def sample(x):
if x > 0:
return x+1
elif x == 0:
return x-1
# Correct
def sample(x):
if x > 0:
return x+1
elif x == 0:
return None
return x-1
# Correct
if name.endswith('and'):
Formatting won’t be a problem when you are working with small programs. But imagine having to follow the correct formatting rules for a complex program running into thousands of lines! This will be a difficult task to achieve. Also, most of the time, you won’t even remember the formatting rules. So, how do we fix this problem? Well, we could use some autoformatted to do the job for us! Let us look at it in this Python style guide.
Autoformatter is a program that identifies formatting errors and fixes them. Black is one such autoformatter that takes the burden off your shoulders by automatically formatting your Python code to conform to the PEP8 coding style.
You can easily install it using pip by typing the following command in the terminal:
pip install black
But let’s see how helpful black is in real-world scenarios. Let’s use it to format the following poorly typed program:
Now, all we have to do is head over to the terminal and type the following command:
black style_script.py
Once you have done that, if there are any formatting changes to be made, black will have already done that in place, and you will get the following message:
These changes will be reflected in your program once you try to open it again:
The code has been correctly formatted, and it will be helpful if you miss any formatting rules.
Black can also be integrated with editors like Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and even Jupyter notebooks! This will surely be one extension you can never miss to add to your editors.
Besides black, there are other autoformatters like autopep8 and yapf which you can also try out!
In conclusion, following a consistent Python style guide is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and professional code. Following the PEP 8 guidelines and other best practices enhances readability and fosters collaboration by making it easier for others to understand and build upon your work. By adopting these style conventions, you establish a foundation for writing Python code that is efficient, scalable, and adaptable to both small scripts and large projects. Embrace these practices, and you’ll find that well-structured, readable code is a key asset in your programming toolkit.
A. A Python style guide is a set of conventions that guide structuring and formatting Python code. The most popular guide is PEP 8, which covers naming conventions, indentation, line length, and more, aiming to improve code readability and maintainability.
A. Styles in Python refer to the formatting conventions and best practices followed while writing code. They include naming standards, indentation, spacing, and other structural choices that make code cleaner and easier to understand and ensure consistency across Python projects.
A. To style Python code, follow PEP 8 guidelines, which cover line length, indentation, whitespace use, naming conventions, and more. Many tools, like black
, flake8
, and IDE features, can automatically format code according to these standards, helping to maintain a consistent style.
A. The best Python code style is typically based on PEP 8, which is widely recognized and used in the Python community. It enhances readability, uniformity, and project collaboration by promoting clear, structured, consistent coding practices.
thanks Arnab for writing n sharing. side note - you may want to fix the output of a|=b dictionary merge example.
Information given is pertinent, highly useful