In the field of machine learning (ML), the effectiveness and accuracy of any model heavily depend on the quality of the data it’s trained on, emphasizing the critical importance of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). With Python and its powerful libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, EDA can now be conducted with unprecedented efficiency. In this article, we explore a “Rapid-Fire EDA Process” that leverages Python’s capabilities to swiftly explore and preprocess datasets for ML implementation.
Through practical examples and code snippets, we aim to empower readers with the knowledge and techniques necessary to accelerate their EDA workflow and pave the way for successful ML implementations.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
When a customer wants to implement ML(Machine Learning) for the identified business problem(s) after multiple discussions along with the following stakeholders from both sides – Business, Architect, Infrastructure, Operations, and others. This is quite normal for any new product/application development.
But in the ML world, this is quite different. because, for new application development, we have to have a set of requirements in the form of sprint plans or traditional SDLC form and it depends on the customer for the next release plan.
But in ML implementation, as a Data Scientist, we need to initiate the below activity first.
Once you’re comfortable with the available data, you can start work on the rest of the machine learning process model.
Let’s jump into the EDA process, which is the third step in the above picture. In the data preparation, EDA gets most of the effort and unavoidable steps. Let’s dive into the details of this.
Exploratory Data Analysis is an unavoidable step in fine-tuning a given data set(s). It is a different form of analysis to understand the insights of the key characteristics of various entities of the data set like column(s), row(s). It is done by applying Pandas, NumPy, statistical methods, and data visualization packages.
The outcomes of this phase are as follows:
This process is time-consuming but very effective, the below activities are involved during this phase, it would be varied and depends on the available data and acceptance from the customer.
Now that you have some idea, let’s implement all these using the Automobile – Predictive Analysis dataset.
Let’s first import all the important functions from the sklearn library.
print("######################################") print(" Import Key Packages ") print("######################################") import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from IPython.display import display import statsmodels as sm from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split,GridSearchCV,RandomizedSearchCV from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression,Ridge,Lasso from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor,GradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error from sklearn import preprocessing
Import Key Packages
Let’s first load the dataset into a pandas dataframe before we jump onto performing the analysis.
df_cars = pd.read_csv('./cars.csv')
print("############################################") print(" Info Of the Data Set") print("############################################")
Let go and see the given data set file and perform some EDA techniques on them.
The process of cleaning and unifying messy and complex data sets for easy access and analysis.
df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.str.replace('?','NaN').astype(float) df_cars.horsepower.fillna(df_cars.horsepower.mean(),inplace=True) df_cars.horsepower = df_cars.horsepower.astype(int) print("######################################################################") print(" After Cleaning and type covertion in the Data Set") print("######################################################################")
df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('chevroelt|chevrolet|chevy','chevrolet') df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('maxda|mazda','mazda') df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('mercedes|mercedes-benz|mercedes benz','mercedes') df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('toyota|toyouta','toyota') df_cars['name'] = df_cars['name'].str.replace('vokswagen|volkswagen|vw','volkswagen') df_cars.groupby(['name']).sum().head()
After correcting the names:
Now we can check the summary statistics like mean, standard deviation, percentiles, etc.
Fill in the missing data points of horsepower by mean of horsepower value.
meanhp = df_cars['horsepower'].mean() df_cars['horsepower'] = df_cars['horsepower'].fillna(meanhp)
Finding the Skewness and Kurtosis of mpg feature:
print("Skewness: %f" %df_cars['mpg'].skew()) print("Kurtosis: %f" %df_cars['mpg'].kurt())
The skewness and kurtosis values turn out to be the following:
Skewness: 0.457066
Kurtosis: -0.510781
If you look at the dataset carefully, you will notice that the ‘origin’ feature is not actually a continuous variable but a categorical variable. So we need to treat such variables in a different way. There are several ways of doing that. What we are going to do here is replace the categorical variable with actual values.
df_cars['origin'] = df_cars['origin'].replace({1: 'america', 2: 'europe', 3: 'asia'}) df_cars.head()
Values like ‘america’ cannot be read into an equation. So we create 3 simple true or false columns with titles equivalent to “Is this car America?”, “Is this care European?” and “Is this car Asian?”. These will be used as independent variables without imposing any kind of ordering between the three regions. Let’s apply the below code.
cData = pd.get_dummies(df_cars, columns=['origin']) cData
For this analysis, we won’t be needing the car name feature, so we can drop it.
df_cars = df_cars.drop('name',axis=1)
There are 3 types of data analysis: univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Let’s explore them one by one.
1. Univariate Analysis:
“Uni” +“Variate” = Univariate, meaning one variable or feature analysis. The univariate analysis basically tells us how data in each feature is distributed. just sample as below.
sns_plot = sns.distplot(df_cars["mpg"])
2. Bivariate Analysis:
“Bi” +“Variate” = Bi-variate, means two variables or features are analyzed together, to find out how they are related to each other. Generally, we use it to find the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Even you can perform this with any two variables/features in the given dataset to understand how they are related to each other.
Here we will be plotting a bar plot to depict the count of cars manufactured by each country. Since this is a categorical data, we are plotting it on a bar plot.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5, 5)) sns.countplot(x = df_cars.origin.values, data=df_cars) labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax.get_xticklabels()] labels[0] = 'America' labels[1] = 'Europe' labels[2] = 'Asia' ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_title("Cars manufactured by Countries")
# Exploring the range and distribution of numerical Variables fig, ax = plt.subplots(6, 2, figsize = (15, 13)) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["mpg"], ax = ax[0,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['mpg'], ax = ax[0,1]) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["cylinders"], ax = ax[1,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['cylinders'], ax = ax[1,1]) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["displacement"], ax = ax[2,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['displacement'], ax = ax[2,1]) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["horsepower"], ax = ax[3,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['horsepower'], ax = ax[3,1]) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["weight"], ax = ax[4,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['weight'], ax = ax[4,1]) sns.boxplot(x= df_cars["acceleration"], ax = ax[5,0]) sns.distplot(df_cars['acceleration'], ax = ax[5,1]) plt.tight_layout()
Plot Numerical Variables
plt.figure(1) f,axarr = plt.subplots(4,2, figsize=(10,10)) mpgval = df_cars.mpg.values axarr[0,0].scatter(df_cars.cylinders.values, mpgval) axarr[0,0].set_title('Cylinders') axarr[0,1].scatter(df_cars.displacement.values, mpgval) axarr[0,1].set_title('Displacement') axarr[1,0].scatter(df_cars.horsepower.values, mpgval) axarr[1,0].set_title('Horsepower') axarr[1,1].scatter(df_cars.weight.values, mpgval) axarr[1,1].set_title('Weight') axarr[2,0].scatter(df_cars.acceleration.values, mpgval) axarr[2,0].set_title('Acceleration') axarr[2,1].scatter(df_cars["model_year"].values, mpgval) axarr[2,1].set_title('Model Year') axarr[3,0].scatter(df_cars.origin.values, mpgval) axarr[3,0].set_title('Country Mpg') # Rename x axis label as USA, Europe and Japan axarr[3,0].set_xticks([1,2,3]) axarr[3,0].set_xticklabels(["USA","Europe","Asia"]) # Remove the blank plot from the subplots axarr[3,1].axis("off") f.text(-0.01, 0.5, 'Mpg', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize = 12) plt.tight_layout()
So let’s find out more information from these 7 charts
3. Multi-Variate Analysis:
Multi-variate analysis means analyzing more than two variables or features together, to know how they relate to each other.
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(11.7,8.27)}) cData_attr = df_cars.iloc[:, 0:7] sns.pairplot(cData_attr, diag_kind='kde') # to plot density curve instead of the histogram on the diagram # Kernel density estimation(kde)
Let’s visualize the distribution of the features of the cars now.
We use a heatmap to find the relationship between different features.
How to read it? Very simple:
plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) sns.heatmap(df_cars.corr(),,annot=True) plt.title('Heatmap displaying the relationship betweennthe features of the data', fontsize=13)
Relationship between the Miles Per Gallon (mpg) and the other features:
I trust you were able to fully understand the EDA process through this guide. However, there are many more functions in it. If you’re doing the EDA process clearly and precisely, there is a 99% guarantee that you could build your model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and deployment process effectively without further data cleaning. You have to continuously monitor the data and ensure the model output is sustainable, to predict, classify, or cluster it.
A. EDA stands for Exploratory Data Analysis. It is a crucial step in data analysis where analysts examine and summarize the main characteristics, patterns, and relationships within a dataset. EDA involves techniques such as data visualization, statistical analysis, and data cleaning to gain insights, detect anomalies, identify trends, and formulate hypotheses before applying further modeling or analysis techniques.
A. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is performed to understand and gain insights from the data before conducting further analysis or modeling. It helps in identifying patterns, trends, and relationships within the dataset. EDA also helps in detecting and handling missing or erroneous data, validating assumptions, selecting appropriate modeling techniques, and making informed decisions about data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection.
The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.
Hi Shanthababu, It's a great blog you wrote. However, I do have a doubt. Why did you use mean imputation even if we can see that there are outliers in the dataset. Shouldn't we go for median imputation or get rid of outliers using IQR or 3rd SD replacement. I am new to this field and hence it's my curiosity. Thanks
Impressive as always Thank you