Linear Regression, a supervised technique is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms. It is a linear approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variables.
Therefore it becomes necessary for every aspiring Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer to have a good knowledge of the Linear Regression Algorithm.
In this article, we will discuss the most important questions on the Linear Regression Algorithm which is helpful to get you a clear understanding of the Algorithm, and also for Data Science Interviews, which covers its very fundamental level to complex concepts.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
In simple terms: It is a method of finding the best straight line fitting to the given dataset, i.e. tries to find the best linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
In technical terms: It is a supervised machine learning algorithm that finds the best linear-fit relationship on the given dataset, between independent and dependent variables. It is mostly done with the help of the Sum of Squared Residuals Method, known as the Ordinary least squares (OLS) method.
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As we know that the linear regression model is of the form:
The significance of the linear regression model lies in the fact that we can easily interpret and understand the marginal changes in the independent variables(predictors) and observed their consequences on the dependent variable(response).
Therefore, a linear regression model is quite easy to interpret.
For Example, if we increase the value of x1 increases by 1 unit, keeping other variables constant, then the total increase in the value of y will be βi and the intercept term (β0) is the response when all the predictor’s terms are set to zero or not considered.
The basic assumptions of the Linear regression algorithm are as follows:
Now, let’s break these assumptions into different categories:
It is assumed that there exists a linear relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. Sometimes, this assumption is known as the ‘linearity assumption’.
Correlation: It measures the strength or degree of relationship between two variables. It doesn’t capture causality. It is visualized by a single point.Regression: It measures how one variable affects another variable. Regression is all about model fitting. It tries to capture the causality and describes the cause and the effect. It is visualized by a regression line.
Gradient descent is a first-order optimization algorithm. In linear regression, this algorithm is used to optimize the cost function to find the values of the βs (estimators) corresponding to the optimized value of the cost function.The working of Gradient descent is similar to a ball that rolls down a graph (ignoring the inertia). In that case, the ball moves along the direction of the maximum gradient and comes to rest at the flat surface i.e, corresponds to minima.
Mathematically, the main objective of the gradient descent for linear regression is to find the solution of the following expression,
ArgMin J(θ0, θ1), where J(θ0, θ1) represents the cost function of the linear regression. It is given by :
Here, h is the linear hypothesis model, defined as h=θ0 + θ1x,
y is the target column or output, and m is the number of data points in the training set.
The updated value for the parameter is given by the formulae:
Repeat until convergence(upto minimum loss function)
Generally, a Scatter plot is used to see if linear regression is suitable for any given data. So, we can go for a linear model if the relationship looks somewhat linear. Plotting the scatter plots is easy in the case of simple or univariate linear regression.But if we have more than one independent variable i.e, the case of multivariate linear regression, then two-dimensional pairwise scatter plots, rotating plots, and dynamic graphs can be plotted to find the suitableness.
On the contrary, to make the relationship linear we have to apply some transformations.
Mainly, there are five metrics that are commonly used to evaluate the regression models:
The Q-Q plot represents a graphical plotting of the quantiles of two distributions with respect to each other. In simple words, we plot quantiles against quantiles in the Q-Q plot which is used to check the normality of errors.Whenever we interpret a Q-Q plot, we should concentrate on the ‘y = x’ line, which corresponds to a normal distribution. Sometimes, this line is also known as the 45-degree line in statistics.
It implies that each of the distributions has the same quantiles. In case you witness a deviation from this line, one of the distributions could be skewed when compared to the other i.e, normal distribution.
The sum of the residuals in a linear regression model is 0 since it assumes that the errors (residuals) are normally distributed with an expected value or mean equal to 0, i.e.Y = βT X + ε
Here, Y is the dependent variable or the target column, and β is the vector of the estimates of the regression coefficient,
X is the feature matrix containing all the features as the columns, ε is the residual term such that ε ~ N(0, σ2).
Moreover, the sum of all the residuals is calculated as the expected value of the residuals times the total number of observations in our dataset. Since the expectation of residuals is 0, therefore the sum of all the residual terms is zero.
Note: N(μ, σ2) denotes the standard notation for a normal distribution having mean μ and standard deviation σ2.
RMSE and MSE are the two of the most common measures of accuracy for linear regression.
MSE (Mean Squared Error) is defined as the average of all the squared errors(residuals) for all data points. In simple words, we can say it is an average of squared differences between predicted and actual values.
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) is the square root of the average of squared differences between predicted and actual values.
RMSE stands for Root mean square error, which represented by the formulae:
MSE stands for Mean square error, which represented by the formulae:
Increment in RMSE is larger than MAE as the test sample size increases. In general, as the variance of error magnitudes increase, MAE remains steady but RMSE increases.
OLS stands for Ordinary Least Squares. The main objective of the linear regression algorithm is to find coefficients or estimates by minimizing the error term i.e, the sum of squared errors. This process is known as OLS.This method finds the best fit line, known as regression line by minimizing the sum of square differences between the observed and predicted values.
MAE stands for Mean Absolute Error, which is defined as the average of absolute or positive errors of all values. In simple words, we can say MAE is an average of absolute or positive differences between predicted values and the actual values.
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MAPE stands for Mean Absolute Percent Error, which calculates the average absolute error in percentage terms. In simple words, It can be understood as the percentage average of absolute or positive errors.
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This question can be understood that why one should prefer the absolute error instead of the squared error.
There are mainly two methods used for linear regression:
Mean Absolute Error(MAE) is preferred when we have too many outliers present in the dataset because MAE is robust to outliers whereas MSE and RMSE are very susceptible to outliers and these start penalizing the outliers by squaring the error terms, commonly known as residuals.
The normal equation for linear regression is :β=(XTX)-1XTY
This is also known as the closed-form solution for a linear regression model.
Y=βTX is the equation that represents the model for the linear regression,
Y is the dependent variable or target column,
β is the vector of the estimates of the regression coefficient, which is arrived at using the normal equation,
X is the feature matrix that contains all the features in the form of columns. The thing to note down here is that the first column in the X matrix consists of all 1s, to incorporate the offset value for the regression line.
To answer the given question, let’s first understand the difference between the Normal equation and Gradient descent method for linear regression:
‘k’ represents the maximum number of iterations used for the gradient descent algorithm, and
‘n’ is the total number of observations present in the training dataset.
Clearly, if we have large training data, a normal equation is not preferred for use due to very high time complexity but for small values of ‘n’, the normal equation is faster than gradient descent.
R-square (R2), also known as the coefficient of determination measures the proportion of the variation in your dependent variable (Y) explained by your independent variables (X) for a linear regression model.
The main problem with the R-squared is that it will always remain the same or increases as we are adding more independent variables. Therefore, to overcome this problem, an Adjusted-R2 square comes into the picture by penalizing those adding independent variables that do not improve your existing model.
To learn more about, R2 and adjusted-R2, refer to the link.
There are two major flaws of R-squared:Problem- 1: As we are adding more and more predictors, R² always increases irrespective of the impact of the predictor on the model. As R² always increases and never decreases, it can always appear to be a better fit with the more independent variables(predictors) we add to the model. This can be completely misleading.
Problem- 2: Similarly, if our model has too many independent variables and too many high-order polynomials, we can also face the problem of over-fitting the data. Whenever the data is over-fitted, it can lead to a misleadingly high R² value which eventually can lead to misleading predictions.
To learn more about, flaws of R2, refer to the link.
It is a phenomenon where two or more independent variables(predictors) are highly correlated with each other i.e. one variable can be linearly predicted with the help of other variables. It determines the inter-correlations and inter-association among independent variables. Sometimes, multicollinearity can also be known as collinearity.
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To learn more about, multicollinearity, refer to the link.
It refers to the situation where the variations in a particular independent variable are unequal across the range of values of a second variable that tries to predict it.
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To detect heteroscedasticity, we can use graphs or statistical tests such as the Breush-Pagan test and NCV test, etc.
The main disadvantages of linear regression are as follows:
VIF stands for Variance inflation factor, which measures how much variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased due to the presence of collinearity between the variables. It also determines how much multicollinearity exists in a particular regression model.
Firstly, it applies the ordinary least square method of regression that has Xi as a function of all the other explanatory or independent variables and then calculates VIF using the given below mathematical formula:
For the following purposes, we can carry out the Hypothesis testing in linear regression:1. To check whether an independent variable (predictor) is significant or not for the prediction of the target variable. Two common methods for this are —
If the p-value of a particular independent variable is greater than a certain threshold (usually 0.05), then that independent variable is insignificant for the prediction of the target variable.
Yes, we can apply a linear regression algorithm for doing analysis on time series data, but the results are not promising and hence is not advisable to do so.The reasons behind not preferable linear regression on time-series data are as follows:
Test your skills and boost your confidence with our ‘Linear Regression Mastery‘ course! Dive into comprehensive lessons and hands-on projects designed to prepare you for your next data analytics interview—enroll today and excel in your career!
I hope you enjoyed the questions and were able to test your knowledge about Linear Regression Algorithm.
Currently, I am pursuing my Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur(IITJ). I am very enthusiastic about Machine learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
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Can you explain Q26 please.
Hi Rishabh, Thank you for asking the question. Think about Pearson correlation between two continuous variables. Pearson correlation will measure only linear relationships between variables. Refer this link to get more sense of it. Hope above answer will help you to understand the concepts. Best! Ankit Gupta
What is difference between continuous variable and Discrete( Categorical) variable? How Logistic Regression used for predicting continuous variable? (Que 11)
Hi Krishna, If a variable can take any value between its minimum and maximum value, then it is called a continuous variable. By nature, a lot of things we deal with fall in this category: age, weight, height being some of them. But in case of categorical variable it can take only few values. For example, a gender can be male or female. Coming to the point. How can you use logistic regression for continuous variable prediction? Convert the continuous variables into bin(say 10). By creating the bin of this variable; you actually created some categories. So now you can use logistic regression. Hope this answer will help you to understand. Best! Ankit Gupta
For Q18, Isn't Adjusted R Square also supposed to increase or remain constant (though fairly more robust than R Square)? Haven't come across Adjusted R Square decrease on adding a new variable. Please explain the theory behind it.
Hi Kenneth, Thank you for reaching out. Please read this discussion which will give answer to your question. Link = Best! Ankit Gupta