This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
Exploratory data analysis is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often using statistical graphics and other data visualization methods.
The main purpose of EDA is to help look at data before making any assumptions. It can help identify obvious errors and better understand patterns within the data, detect outliers or anomalous events, and find interesting relations among the variables.
To understand the flow of EDA, I will be using the NYC Taxi Trip Duration Dataset. This dataset and problem statement is taken from the Applied Machine Learning course by Analytics Vidhya.
A typical cab company needs to seamlessly assign a cab to the passenger to have a smooth service. But the major challenge in it is to predict the duration of each trip so that can assign know the availability of that cab to the next ride. This dataset contains different attributes of the trips. Based on individual trip attributes, should predict the duration of each trip in the test set. So the target variable is Trip Duration.
Let us start with the data analysis. Throughout the article, I will be using python.
First, we will import all the necessary libraries needed for analysis and visualization.
import pandas as pd # data processing import numpy as np # Linear algebra import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # data visualisation import seaborn as sns # data visualisation from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point # geospatial data analysis import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore')'fivethirtyeight')
Now we can load the dataset into the pandas Dataframe data.
data = pd.read_csv('nyc_taxi_trip_duration.csv')
We have imported our dataset into a pandas dataframe data.
Now we will look at the basic aspects of the dataframe which will give the overview of the data: first and last 5 rows of dataframe, shape, columns, info of the data.
(729322, 11)
This shows the number of rows(rides) and columns. So there are 729322 rows and 11 columns. There are 10 features and 1 target variable which is trip_duration.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 729322 entries, 0 to 729321 Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 729322 non-null object 1 vendor_id 729322 non-null int64 2 pickup_datetime 729322 non-null object 3 dropoff_datetime 729322 non-null object 4 passenger_count 729322 non-null int64 5 pickup_longitude 729322 non-null float64 6 pickup_latitude 729322 non-null float64 7 dropoff_longitude 729322 non-null float64 8 dropoff_latitude 729322 non-null float64 9 store_and_fwd_flag 729322 non-null object 10 trip_duration 729322 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(4) memory usage: 61.2+ MB
From the above can confirm there are no missing values. Also, Columns like store_and_fwd_flag should be converted to categorical values and pickup, dropoff datetime variables should be in datetime format instead of object data type which gives the advantage of extracting information from that.
Index(['id', 'vendor_id', 'pickup_datetime', 'dropoff_datetime', 'passenger_count', 'pickup_longitude', 'pickup_latitude', 'dropoff_longitude', 'dropoff_latitude', 'store_and_fwd_flag', 'trip_duration'], dtype='object')
Above are the columns which describe the attributes of each ride. Now let’s see what each column mean.
Now let us look at the first and last 5 rows of the data set
This gives a glimpse of the dataset.
Before analyzing further, let us convert the necessary column to their respective types.
data['pickup_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(data.pickup_datetime) data['dropoff_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(data.dropoff_datetime) data['vendor_id'] = data['vendor_id'].astype('category') data['store_and_fwd_flag'] = data['store_and_fwd_flag'].astype('category')
Now if we check the dtypes attribute, can see datetime64[ns] as the datatype of pickup and dropoff datetime.
Let us look at the statistical summary of the numerical columns.
passenger_count | pickup_longitude | pickup_latitude | dropoff_longitude | dropoff_latitude | trip_duration | |
count | 729322.000000 | 729322.000000 | 729322.000000 | 729322.000000 | 729322.000000 | 7.293220e+05 |
mean | 1.662055 | -73.973513 | 40.750919 | -73.973422 | 40.751775 | 9.522291e+02 |
std | 1.312446 | 0.069754 | 0.033594 | 0.069588 | 0.036037 | 3.864626e+03 |
min | 0.000000 | -121.933342 | 34.712234 | -121.933304 | 32.181141 | 1.000000e+00 |
25% | 1.000000 | -73.991859 | 40.737335 | -73.991318 | 40.735931 | 3.970000e+02 |
50% | 1.000000 | -73.981758 | 40.754070 | -73.979759 | 40.754509 | 6.630000e+02 |
75% | 2.000000 | -73.967361 | 40.768314 | -73.963036 | 40.769741 | 1.075000e+03 |
max | 9.000000 | -65.897385 | 51.881084 | -65.897385 | 43.921028 | 1.939736e+06 |
From the above table, can summarise the data as
Before proceeding further, can create some useful features with the existing variables for gaining insights on the data.
Previously we have converted the pickup and dropoff datetime column to datetime datatype to extract additional info. Now can leverage that to get more insights.
data.loc[:, 'hour'] = data['pickup_datetime'].dt.hour data.loc[:, 'day_of_week'] = data['pickup_datetime'].dt.dayofweek data['day_type'] = 'weekends' data['day_type'][data['pickup_datetime'].dt.day_of_week<5] = 'weekdays' data['day_type'] = data['day_type'].astype('category') data['day_of_week'] = data['day_of_week'].astype('category')
From the datetime columns, we have extracted the hour of pickup, day of the week(which returns numbers from 0 to 6 where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday), day type(weekday or weekend).
Let’s convert the day_type and day_of_week to category.
Next can split the rides based on each part of the day. For this, I have created 4 time ranges for 4 parts.
hour_bins = [0, 6, 12, 16, 23, 24] labels = ['Night', 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Night'] data['Session'] = pd.cut(data.hour,bins=hour_bins, right=False, labels=labels, ordered=False)
Now have created a new column Session for each ride.
Still, we didn’t use the latitude and longitude to derive any useful insights. One of the basic pieces of information which we can get from the coordinates is the distance between them.
There are many ways to calculate the distance like Haversine, Manhattan, etc. But the Manhattan distance doesn’t give the exact distance. Also, note that Haversine doesn’t give the exact distance between the places but provides the distance between 2 points in the surface of the sphere.
def haversine(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2): """function to calculate haversine distance between two co-ordinates""" lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2 = map(np.radians, (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)) AVG_EARTH_RADIUS = 6371 # in km lat = lat2 - lat1 lng = lng2 - lng1 d = np.sin(lat * 0.5) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(lng * 0.5) ** 2 h = 2 * AVG_EARTH_RADIUS * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(d)) return(h) data.loc[:, 'distance'] = haversine(data['pickup_latitude'], data['pickup_longitude'], data['dropoff_latitude'], data['dropoff_longitude'])
I have taken the above code from here
Thus, we successfully created some new features which we will analyze in univariate and bivariate analysis.
It will be better to have durations in terms of minutes rather than in seconds since it gives a better interpretation
data['trip_duration(min)'] = data['trip_duration']/60.0 data['trip_duration(min)'].describe()
count 729322.000000 mean 15.870486 std 64.410437 min 0.016667 25% 6.616667 50% 11.050000 75% 17.916667 max 32328.933333 Name: trip_duration(min), dtype: float64
From above can see that till the 3rd quartile durations are in the acceptable range.
On visualizing the plot on the standard scale, we don’t clearly see the less dense trips, and also our trip_duration is right-skewed, so can apply log transformation and check if the distribution is normal.
After applying log transformation, can see the plot is an almost normal curve with a small bump at the right side which is a very large duration like 32538 mins.
As seen earlier, there are some outliers with pickup and dropoff longitudes and latitudes i.e some coordinates are outside the New York border. Let’s remove them before analyzing.
Now we can see that most of the trips are getting concentrated between these lat-long only. Let’s plot them in an empty image and check what kind of city map we are getting.
By plotting the pickup and dropoff coordinates can see the map of New York. It is evident from the above plot that
Only 2 vendors are there and out of them, vendor 2 gets more rides.
Store and forward flag:
Almost all the rides are forwarded immediately to the vendors and only a few rides are stored and sent to vendors which can be due to bad weather.
From the above plot can infer that
Now let’s analyze the total rides on weekdays and weekends.
As expected number of rides on weekdays is more than on weekends which can be due to the working population.
Now let’s visualize the distribution of rides on each day.
From the above plot, can confirm that Fridays are the busiest days.
Hour of the day:
Now let’s see the distribution for each hour of the day.
From the above plot, can infer that,
Part of the day:
Let’s now see which part of the day is busiest.
From the above plot can confirm that evening is the busiest.
Trip duration vs trip distance:
Since there are more outliers in Trip duration, visualizing it directly doesn’t give the whole picture of the relationship.
From the plot on the left side, can infer that as the distance increases, the duration of the trip also increases. We can see this relation after restricting the ylimit to 100.
Also, our trip is right-skewed distribution, so on checking with log-transformed values, able to visualise the whole picture of the relationship from the right side plot.
But we have some 0 distance trips with high trip duration. Let’s analyse some of those rides now.
By looking at the ride details, can see that for all the 0 distance ride, dropoff time is more than pickup time. It can be due to 3 reasons.
Vendor based trips to and from the airport:
Since the airport is one of the important places in the city, will analyze the rides to and from it. First will filter all the rides to and from both the airports based on their coordinates.
LaGuardia = {"maxLat": 40.76716, "minLong": -73.88695, "minLat": 40.764045, "maxLong": -73.86129} JFK = {"minLat": 40.64477, "minLong": -73.79408, "maxLat": 40.64961, "maxLong": -73.78576}
# Filtering trips picked and dropped near the La Guardia airport LAG_data1 = data[((data['pickup_longitude']>=LaGuardia['minLong']) & (data['pickup_longitude']<=LaGuardia['maxLong'])) & ((data['pickup_latitude']>=LaGuardia['minLat']) & (data['pickup_latitude']<=LaGuardia['maxLat']))] LAG_data2 = data[((data['dropoff_longitude']>=LaGuardia['minLong']) & (data['dropoff_longitude']<=LaGuardia['maxLong']))&((data['dropoff_latitude']>=LaGuardia['minLat']) & (data['dropoff_latitude']<=LaGuardia['maxLat']))] LAG_data = LAG_data1.merge(LAG_data2, how='outer')
# Filtering trips picked and dropped near the JF Kennedy airport JFK_data1 = data[((data['pickup_longitude']>=JFK['minLong']) & (data['pickup_longitude']<=JFK['maxLong'])) & ((data['pickup_latitude']>=JFK['minLat']) & (data['pickup_latitude']<=JFK['maxLat']))] JFK_data2 = data[((data['dropoff_longitude']>=JFK['minLong']) & (data['dropoff_longitude']<=JFK['maxLong']))&((data['dropoff_latitude']>=JFK['minLat']) & (data['dropoff_latitude']<=JFK['maxLat']))] JFK_data = JFK_data1.merge(JFK_data2, how='outer') print(f"Totally {LAG_data.shape[0]} and {JFK_data.shape[0]} rides are picked and dropped from La Guardia airport adn JF Kennedy airport")
In the above code, we have filtered rides to and from airports separately in the dataframes LAG_data, JFK_data.
Now can see the hourly ride density taken to and from both the airports based on vendor.
Hourly trip distribution to and from the airport:
Yellow and light green shades show the high density of rides on an hourly basis. In La Guardia airport, can see from 5 pm to 2 am more rides are taken. In JF Kennedy airport, from 1 pm to 7 pm more rides are taken.
Trips to and from Manhattan
Manhattan has the most number of rides which can be visualised from the heatmap shown above. Now will filter the trips started and ended from manhattan and analyse them.
def within_manhattan(row, polygon): if Polygon(polygon).contains(Point(row["pickup_latitude"], row["pickup_longitude"])): return 'picked' elif Polygon(polygon).contains(Point(row["dropoff_latitude"], row["dropoff_longitude"])): return 'dropped' return 'NA'
#filtering trips started and ended within Manhattan polygon = [(40.876939938199065, -73.92630288034404), (40.86913757064833, -73.90996543261298), (40.79345029326196, -73.91569787041335), (40.71137636877774, -73.97904130850333), (40.70529278904752, -74.01888175121593)] data["within_manhattan"] = data.apply(lambda row: within_manhattan(row, polygon), axis = 1) manhattan_trips = data[(data['within_manhattan']=='picked')|(data['within_manhattan']=='dropped')] pickups = manhattan_trips[manhattan_trips['within_manhattan']=='picked'] dropoffs = manhattan_trips[manhattan_trips['within_manhattan']=='dropped']
Tuples inside the list polygon are the boundary coordinates of Manhattan. We have filtered all the rides started and ended there to the new dataframe manhattan_trips.
From the above plots can see that number of pickups is more than dropoffs in manhattan.
Hourly pickup and dropoff density in manhattan:
From the above plot can infer that pick and dropoff are more from 7 am to 11 pm. This is because Manhattan is a busy business center.
Trip duration vs Days based on vendors
Since there are some outliers, can visualize the trip duration column till the 95th percentile to get a better idea about the distribution.
Now let’s try to visualize the distribution of trip duration on each day of the week based on vendor.
From the above figure can infer that,
Vendor based hourly distribution of trips of each day
Let’s visualize the distribution of trips in each hour of the day.
From the plot, can confirm that,
Vendor based trip duration vs passenger_count
Let’s now look at the distribution of trip duration of rides with respective passenger count.
From the above plot, can infer that,
Negative values in the plot are due to the way KDE works. It means our data is close to 0 and not negative. For more details see here and here.
From the above plot, can infer that,
Now let’s try to visualize the pickup and dropoff location densities on weekdays vs weekends
From the above plots, can see that
From the above plots, can confirm that
In this article, we understood the flow to perform data analysis starting from importing the necessary libraries, datasets, performing descriptive statistics, univariate and bivariate analysis. On doing these steps, the following are summary:
Full code can be found here
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The media shown in this article on Sign Language Recognition are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.
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