Generate Reports Using Pandas Profiling, Deploy Using Streamlit

Kaustubh Gupta Last Updated : 23 Oct, 2024
10 min read

Pandas library offers a wide range of functions, making it an indispensable tool for data manipulation that caters to almost every task. One convenient feature, often employed for gaining quick insights into a dataset, is the pandas describe function. This function gives users a descriptive statistical summary of all the features, helping them understand the data’s overall characteristics. However, for a more comprehensive analysis, the pandas profiling Package is an additional valuable tool in the Pandas ecosystem.

Pandas profiling is the solution to this problem. It offers report generation for the dataset with lots of features and customizations for the report generated. In this article, we will explore this library, look at all the features provided, and some advanced use cases and integrations that can be useful to create stunning reports out of the data frames!

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.


Like every other Python package, pandas profiling can be easily installed via the pip package manager:

pip install pandas-profiling

It can also be installed via Conda package manager too:

conda env create -n pandas-profiling
conda activate pandas-profiling
conda install -c conda-forge pandas-profiling

Dataset and Setup

Now it’s time to see how to start the Python pandas profiling library and generate the report out of the data frames. First things first,  let’s import a dataset for which we will be generating profile report. I am using the agriculture dataset which contains the State_name, District_name, Crop_year, Season, Crop, Area, and Production.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("crops data.csv")

Before I discuss the Python pandas profiling, have a look at the pandas describe function output for the dataframe:

Dataset and Setup Pandas Profiling

(Notice that I have used the include parameter of the describe function set to “all” which forces pandas to include all the data types of the dataset to be included in the summary. The string type values are accompanied by options such as unique, top, and frequency)

Let’s import the Python pandas profiling library:

from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport

To start profiling a dataframe, you have two ways:

  1. You can call the ‘.profile_report()’ function on pandas dataframe. This function is not part of the pandas API but as soon as you import the profiling library, it adds this function to dataframe objects.
    • You can pass the dataframe object to the profiling function and then call the function object created to start the generation of the profile.

You will get the same output report in either of the methods. I am using the second method to generate the report for the imported agriculture dataset.

profile = ProfileReport(df)
report generation

Animation Showing report generation

Sections of the Report

Now that the report is generated, let’s explore all the sections of the report one by one.


This section consists of the 3 tabs: Overview, Warnings, and Reproduction.

The Overview generated by pandas profiling provides a comprehensive dataset summary, encompassing various key statistics. It covers the fundamental characteristics such as the Number of variables (features or columns of the data frame) and the Number of observations (rows of the data frame). Additionally, it sheds light on data quality by revealing insights into Missing cells and their corresponding percentage, offering a quick assessment of the dataset’s completeness. The Duplicate rows section provides information on the presence of identical rows, including the percentage of duplicate rows. As a holistic touch, the overview concludes with the total memory size, encapsulating the overall footprint of the dataset. Integrating pandas profiling seamlessly facilitates a profound understanding of these essential aspects, enhancing the efficiency of exploratory data analysis.

Pandas Profiling overview

The warnings tab contains any warnings related to cardinality, correlation with other variables, missing values, zeroes, skewness of the variables, and many others.


The reproduction tab displays information related to the report generation. It shows the start and end times of the analysis, the time taken to generate the report, the software version of pandas profiling, and a configuration download option.

Pandas Profiling reproduction

We will discuss the configuration file in this article’s advanced use case section.


This section of the report gives a detailed analysis of all the variables/columns/features of the dataset. The information presented varies depending upon the data type of variable. Let’s break it down.

Numeric Variables

You get information about the distinct values, missing values, min-max, mean, and negative values count for numeric data type features. You also get small representation values in the form of a Histogram.

Pandas Profiling variables

The toggle button expands to the Statistics, Histogram, Common Values, and Extreme Values tabs.

The statistics tab includes:

  1. Quantile statistics: Min-Max, percentiles, median, range, and IQR (Inter Quartile range)
  2. Descriptive statistics: Standard Deviation, Coefficient of variance, Kurtosis, mean, skewness, variance, and monotonicity.
Pandas Profiling tab

The histogram tab displays the frequency of variables or distribution of numeric data. The common values tab is basically value_counts of the variables presented as both counts and percentage frequency.

Pandas Profiling frequency

String Variables

For string-type variables, you get Distinct (unique) values, distinct percentages, missing missing percentages, memory size, and a horizontal bar presentation of all the unique values with count presentation.

Pandas Profiling string

(It also reports any warnings associated with the variable irrespective of its data type)

The toggle button expands to the Overview, Categories, Words, and Characters tab. 

The Overview tab displays the max-min median mean length, total characters, distinct characters, distinct categories, unique characters, and sample from the dataset for string type values.

Overview, Categories, Words, and Characters tab

The categories tab displays a histogram and sometimes a pie chart of the feature’s value counts. The table contains the value, count, and percentage frequency.

value, count, and percentage frequency.

The words and the characters tab does the same job as the categories tab in terms of presenting the data in tabular and histogram format. Still, it can go much deeper into the lower case, upper case, punctuation, special characters categories count too!


Correlation describes the degree to which two variables move in coordination with one another. The pandas profiling python report provides five types of correlation coefficients: Pearson’s r, Spearman’s ρ, Kendall’s τ, Phik (φk), and Cramér’s V (φc).

Correlationsn pandas profiling python

You can also click the toggle button for details about the correlation coefficients.

Missing values

The report generated also contains visualizations for the missing values in the dataset. You get three types of plots: count, matrix, and dendrogram. The count plot is a basic bar plot with an x-axis as column names, and the length of the bar represents the number of values present (without null values). Similarly, the matrix and the dendrogram are.

Missing values


This section displays the first and last 10 rows of the dataset.

How to Save the Report?

So far, you’ve learned how to generate dataframe reports with a single line of code or function and explored the report’s included features. You may want to export this analysis to an external file for integration with other applications or web publishing

Guess what? You can save this report! You can save this report in –

  1. HTML format
  2. JSON format

The save function remains the same for any of the formats. Change the file extension while saving. To save the report, call the “.to_file()” function on the profile object:

How to save the report?

Advanced Usage

The report generated by Pandas profiling Python is a complete analysis without any input from the user except the dataframe object. All the report elements are chosen automatically, and default values are preferred.

There might be some elements in the report that you don’t want to include, or you need to add your metadata for the final report. There comes the advanced usage of this library. You can control every aspect of your report by changing the default configurations.

Let’s see some of how you can customize your reports.

Add MetaData

You can add information such as “title”, “description”, “creator”, “author”, “URL”, “copyright_year”, and  “copyright_holder”. This information will appear in the dataset overview section. A new tab called “dataset” will be created for this metadata. To add this data to the report, use the dataset parameter in the ProfileReport function and pass this data as a dictionary:

profile = ProfileReport(df,
                        title="Agriculture Data",
        "description": "This profiling report was generated for Analytics Vidhya Blog",
        "copyright_holder": "Analytics Vidhya",
        "copyright_year": "2021",
        "url": "",
Add MetaData

You can also add information about the variables used in the dataset using the variables parameter. This takes in the dictionary with descriptions as the key and value as another dictionary with a key-value pair, where the key is the variable name and the value is the description of the variable.

        "descriptions": {
            "State_Name": "Name of the state",
            "District_Name": "Name of district",
            "Crop_Year": "Year when it was seeded",
            "Season": "Crop year",
            "Crop": "Which crop was seeded?",
            "Area": "How much area was allocated to the crop?",
            "Production": "How much production?",

When you add this to your ProfileReport function, a separate tab will be created named “Variables” under the overview section:

Add MetaData 2

Controlling parameters of the Report

Suppose you don’t want to display all types of correlation coefficients. You can disable other coefficients by using the configuration for correlations. This is also a dictionary object and can be passed to the ProfileReport function:

profile = ProfileReport(df,
                        title="Agriculture Data",
                                        "pearson": {"calculate": True},
                                        "spearman": {"calculate": False},
                                        "kendall": {"calculate": False},
                                        "phi_k": {"calculate": False},

Similarly, you can customize every report section, the HTML format, plots, and everything.

Check out this page of the documentation for details.


After making your reports stunning by configuring every aspect of it, you might want to publish it anyhow. You can export it to HTML format and upload it to the web. But there are some other methods to make your report stand out.

Widget  in Jupyter notebook

While running the panda profiling in your Jupyter notebooks, you will get the HTML rendered in the code cell only. This disturbs the experience of the user. You can make it act like a widget that is easily accessible and offers a compact view. To do this, simply call “.to_widgets()” on your profile object:

Widget  in Jupyter notebook

How to Make it a Part of Streamlit App?

Yes! You can make this report as a part of a streamlit app, too. Streamlit is a powerful package that enables GUI web app building with minimal code. The applications are interactive and compatible with almost every device. You can make your reports as a part of the streamlit app by following this code:

Step 1: Install the streamlit_pandas_profiling 

pip install streamlit-pandas-profiling

Step 2: Create a Python file

Create a python file and write code in this format:

import pandas as pd

import pandas_profiling

import streamlit as st

from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report

from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport

df = pd.read_csv("crops data.csv", na_values=['='])

profile = ProfileReport(df,

                        title="Agriculture Data",


        "description": "This profiling report was generated for Analytics Vidhya Blog",

        "copyright_holder": "Analytics Vidhya",

        "copyright_year": "2021",

        "url": "",



        "descriptions": {

            "State_Name": "Name of the state",

            "District_Name": "Name of district",

            "Crop_Year": "Year when it was seeded",

            "Season": "Crop year",

            "Crop": "Which crop was seeded?",

            "Area": "How much area was allocated to the crop?",

            "Production": "How much production?",




st.title("Pandas Profiling in Streamlit!")



Step 3: Run your streamlit app

In the terminal, type:

streamlit run .py
Run your streamlit app,pandas profiling python

Exploratory Data Analysis Using Pandas

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is like exploring a new place. You start by looking around to understand what’s there. Similarly, in EDA, you look at a dataset to see what’s in it and what it can tell you. It’s essentially the initial data exploration stage in data science, where you delve into the dataset statistics and examine its intricacies.

Here’s what you do during EDA:

  • Look at the Numbers: You start by checking basic things like averages, ranges, and the spread of the numbers.
  • Make Pictures: Instead of just staring at numbers, you make charts and graphs to show the data visually. It’s like drawing a map of your exploration.
  • Clean Up: Sometimes, data can be messy with missing pieces or weird values. So, you clean it up by filling in missing parts or removing the weird stuff.
  • Create New Ideas: You might develop new ideas or ways to look at the data, like combining different parts or changing how you measure things.
  • Find Connections: You try to see if different parts of the data are related. For example, if one thing goes up, does another also go up?
  • Make Things Simple: If the data is too complicated, you might simplify it to see the big picture more clearly.
  • Look at Time: If your data changes over time, you’ll examine how it changes and whether there are any repeating patterns.
  • Test Ideas: Finally, you test your ideas to see if they make sense and if the patterns you see are real or just random.

Overall, EDA helps you understand your data better before doing any fancy analysis or making big conclusions. It’s like exploring a map before going on a big adventure!


In this article, you are introduced to a new tool, “Pandas Profiling,” a one-stop solution for generating reports out of the Pandas dataframe. We explore all the features of this tool, different sections, and their content. Then, we move on to saving the report generated. Later, we look at some of the advanced use cases of this library and finally integrate the Streamlit app to make the reports more promising and interactive.

Q1. How to use pandas-profiling?

A. To use pandas-profiling, you should first install it using pip. Then, import it into your Python script or Jupyter Notebook. Load your dataset with Pandas, create a ProfileReport object, and call its to_file() or to_widgets() methods to obtain a detailed analysis and visualization of your data.

Q2. What is Pandas profiling?

A. Pandas profiling represents a Python library known as pandas-profiling that provides an automated and comprehensive summary of a DataFrame. It generates detailed statistics, data quality insights, and visualizations to help users quickly grasp the structure and characteristics of their data.

Q3. Why use pandas profiling?

A. People use pandas profiling because it simplifies data exploration and preprocessing by automating the generation of essential statistics, visualizations, and data quality checks. This tool saves time, helps users identify issues, and facilitates a deeper understanding of their dataset, making it a valuable tool for data analysis and cleaning.

Q4. How to pip install pandas-profiling?

A. To install pandas-profiling, use pip install pandas-profiling in your terminal. Then, import it using import pandas_profiling in your Python code.

The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.

Kaustubh Gupta is a skilled engineer with a B.Tech in Information Technology from Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. With experience as a CS Analyst and Analyst Intern at Prodigal Technologies, Kaustubh excels in Python, SQL, Libraries, and various engineering tools. He has developed core components of product intent engines, created gold tables in Databricks, and built internal tools and dashboards using Streamlit and Tableau. Recognized as India’s Top 5 Community Contributor 2023 by Analytics Vidhya, Kaustubh is also a prolific writer and mentor, contributing significantly to the tech community through speaking sessions and workshops.

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Responses From Readers


Santosh Kesava
Santosh Kesava

Hi , This is really a informative post thank you for posting. My scenario is same but the only missing part is how to create a tab with complete data and button to download in excel or csv ? Please help. Thank you Santosh Kesava

Niladri Chakraborty
Niladri Chakraborty

Nice article. I'm trying to run pandas profiling in my python 3.8.x version. But I'm getting error message saying PydanticImportError: BaseSettingshas been moved to thepydantic-settings package while I'm running from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport. Can you please guide me to resolve the issue?

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