How to Load Kaggle Datasets Directly Into Google Colab?

Kaustubh Gupta Last Updated : 28 Nov, 2024
11 min read

Welcome to our guide on seamlessly loading datasets from Kaggle to Google Colab notebooks! Aspiring data scientists often turn to Kaggle for its vast repository of datasets spanning various domains, from entertainment to astronomy. However, working with these datasets requires efficient tools, and Google Colab emerges as a promising solution with its cloud-based environment and GPU support. This article will walk you through accessing Kaggle datasets directly within Google Colab, streamlining your data exploration and analysis work. Let’s dive in and unlock the potential of these powerful platforms!

In this guide, you will get step-by-step instructions on how to import a Kaggle dataset into Colab, including how to load Kaggle datasets into Google Colab effectively and efficiently.

Learning Outcomes

  • You’ll learn to select datasets from Kaggle, whether from competitions or standalone datasets, to suit your data science needs.
  • You’ll discover how to generate API tokens from your Kaggle profile and set up the necessary authentication to access Kaggle datasets within Google Colab seamlessly.
  • You’ll be guided through setting up a Google Colab notebook, including uploading API credentials and installing the Kaggle library, to enable dataset downloading directly within the notebook environment.
  • Gain practical experience using the Kaggle command-line interface (CLI) within Google Colab to download datasets from competitions and standalone datasets for further analysis and exploration.
  • Uncover additional techniques, such as downloading specific files and loading Kaggle credentials from Google Drive, to enhance your dataset downloading process and streamline your data science workflow.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Understanding Kaggle Datasets

Kaggle is a treasure trove of diverse datasets catering to various data science. Here’s a breakdown to help you grasp the landscape:

Types of Datasets

  • Competitions: Kaggle hosts data science competitions where participants compete to solve specific challenges using provided datasets. These competitions often feature real-world problems and offer prizes for top-performing solutions.
  • Standalone Datasets: In addition to competitions, Kaggle offers standalone datasets covering a wide range of topics, including finance, healthcare, social sciences, and more. These datasets are valuable research, analysis, and experimentation resources outside the competition framework.

Importance for Data Science Practice

  • Kaggle datasets are crucial in honing data science skills through hands-on practice. They provide real-world data scenarios, allowing practitioners to apply algorithms, build models, and gain practical experience.
  • By working on Kaggle datasets, data scientists can develop proficiency in data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and evaluation techniques. This practical experience is invaluable for advancing the field and tackling complex data challenges.

Navigating Kaggle’s Platform

  • Kaggle’s platform features a user-friendly interface that makes discovering and exploring datasets easy. Users can browse datasets by popularity, category, or topic and filter results based on specific criteria such as file format, size, and licensing.
  • Additionally, Kaggle provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and discussions to guide users in navigating the platform and selecting datasets suitable for their analysis goals. These resources help users make informed decisions and effectively leverage Kaggle’s extensive dataset collection.

Obtaining Kaggle API Credentials

Accessing Kaggle datasets via API requires API tokens, serving as authentication keys to interact with Kaggle’s services. Here’s how to obtain and manage these credentials securely:

Need for API Tokens

  • Kaggle API tokens are essential for programmatic access to Kaggle datasets, competitions, and other resources. They serve as authentication credentials, verifying the identity and permissions of users accessing Kaggle’s services.
  • API tokens enable users to download datasets, submit entries to competitions, and perform various actions programmatically without manual intervention. They streamline workflow automation and facilitate seamless integration with external platforms like Google Colab.

The steps below are for obtaining Kaggle API credentials. These steps guide users through generating API tokens from their Kaggle profile, which are necessary for accessing Kaggle datasets programmatically and interacting with Kaggle’s services via API.

Step 1: Select any Dataset from Kaggle

The first and foremost step is to open and then choose your dataset from Kaggle, which you would upload to your Google Colaboratory. You can also select datasets from competitions. For this article, I am choosing two datasets in Excel format: one random dataset and one from the active competition.

select dataset | google colab

Screenshot from Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge

pokemon dataset

Screenshot from The Complete Pokemon Images Data Set

Step2: Download API Credentials 

To download data from Kaggle, you need to authenticate with the Kaggle services. For this purpose, you need an API token. This token can be easily generated from the profile section of your Kaggle account. Navigate to your Kaggle profile, and then,

download API credentials

Click the Account tab and then scroll down to the API section (Screenshot from Kaggle profile)

A file named “kaggle.json” containing the username and the API key will be downloaded.

This is a one-time step and you don’t need to generate the credentials every time you download the dataset.

Step 3: Setup the Colab Notebook

Fire up a Google Colab notebook and connect it to the cloud instance (start the notebook interface). Then, upload the “kaggle.json” file you downloaded from Kaggle.

setup colab notebook

Now, you are all set to run the commands to load the dataset. Follow along with these commands:

Note: Here we will run all the Linux and installation commands starting with “!”. As Colab instances are Linux-based, you can run all the Linux commands in the code cells.

  • Install the Kaggle library
! pip install kaggle
  • Make a directory named “.kaggle”
! mkdir ~/.kaggle
  • Copy the “kaggle.json” into this new directory
! cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
  • Allocate the required permission for this file.
! chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

The colab notebook is now ready to download datasets from Kaggle.


All the commands needed to set up the colab notebook.

Step 4: Download datasets

Kaggle hosts two types of datasets: competitions and Datasets. The procedure to download either type remains the same with minor changes.

Downloading Competitions dataset:

! kaggle competitions download <name-of-competition>

Here, the name of the competition is not the bold title displayed over the background. It is the slug of the competition link followed after the “/c/”. Consider our example link.

“google-smartphone-decimeter-challenge” is the name of the competition to be passed in the Kaggle command. This will start downloading the data under the allocated storage in the instance:

output of commands

Downloading Datasets:

These datasets are not part of any competition. You can download these datasets by:

! kaggle datasets download <name-of-dataset>

Here, the name of the dataset is the “user-name/dataset-name.” You can copy the trailing text after “” Therefore, in our case.

It will be: “arenagrenade/the-complete-pokemon-images-data-set”

commands output | google colab

The output of the command (Notebook screenshot)

In case you get a dataset with a zip extension, you can use the unzip command of Linux to extract the data:

! unzip <name-of-file>

Benefits of Loading Kaggle Datasets Directly Into Google Colab

Loading Kaggle datasets directly into Google Colab offers several benefits:

  1. Convenience and Speed:
    • Seamless Integration: Google Colab provides an easy way to directly import datasets from Kaggle using the Kaggle API, saving time compared to downloading and uploading files manually.
    • Faster Setup: Quickly set up your environment and start working on your data analysis or machine learning projects without the hassle of multiple download and upload steps.
  2. Resource Efficiency:
    • Cloud Storage: By fetching datasets directly from Kaggle, you save local storage space and can leverage Google Colab’s cloud resources, which are often more powerful and better suited for data-intensive tasks.
    • Reduced Bandwidth Usage: Directly loading datasets minimizes the need to download large files to your local machine and then upload them to Colab.
  3. Up-to-Date Data:
    • Current Datasets: Access the latest version of datasets on Kaggle without worrying about outdated local copies.
    • Version Control: You can easily switch between different versions of a dataset if needed, as Kaggle often provides version history for datasets.
  4. Enhanced Collaboration:
    • Shareable Notebooks: Easily share your Colab notebooks with colleagues, collaborators, or the broader community, ensuring they can access the same datasets directly from Kaggle.
    • Consistent Environment: Ensure a consistent setup for all users, reducing issues related to environment mismatches or missing files.
  5. Security and Compliance:
    • Data Privacy: Using Google Colab Kaggle’s secure platforms helps ensure that your data handling complies with best practices for security and privacy.
    • Access Control: Manage and control who has access to the datasets. Kaggle’s dataset access settings Google’s robust cloud security features.

Bonus Tips

Now let us look into some bonus tips that might help us load the Kaggle dataset into Google Colab.

Download Specific Files

You just saw how to download datasets from Kaggle in Google Colab. You may be only concerned about a specific file and want to download only that file. Then, you can use the “-f” flag followed by the file’s name. This will download only that specific file. The “-f” flag works for both competitions and datasets commands.


! kaggle competitions download google-smartphone-decimeter-challenge -f baseline_locations_train.csv
command output | google colab

You can check out Kaggle API official documentation for more features and commands.

Load Kaggle Credentials from Google Drive

In step 3, you uploaded the “kaggle.json” when executing the notebook. All the files uploaded in the storage provided while running the notebook are not retained after the termination of the notebook.

It means that you need to upload the JSON file every time the notebook is reloaded or restarted. To avoid this manual work,

  • Simply upload the “kaggle.json” to your Google Drive. For simplicity, upload it in the root folder rather than any folder structure.
  • Next, mount the drive to your notebook:
load kaggel credentials to colab
  • The initial command for installing the Kaggle library and creating a directory named “.kaggle” remains the same:
! pip install kaggle
! mkdir ~/.kaggle
  • Now, you need to copy the “kaggle.json” file from the mounted google drive to the current instance storage. The Google drive is mounted under the “./content/drive/MyDrive”  path. Just run the copy command as used in Linux:
!cp /content/drive/MyDrive/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

Now you can easily use your Kaggle competitions and datasets command to download the datasets. This method has the added advantage of not uploading the credential file on every notebook re-run.

Kaggle Datasets into Google Colab

Benefits of Using Google Colab

1. Free Access to Powerful Computing Resources:

  • GPUs and TPUs: Google Colab provides free access to GPUs and TPUs, which are essential for training deep learning models and performing other computationally intensive tasks. This is especially valuable for users who do not have access to high-end hardware.

2. Cloud-Based Environment:

  • No Installation Required: As a cloud-based Jupyter Notebook environment, Google Colab does not require any local setup or installation. This makes it easy to start coding immediately.
  • Accessibility: Your notebooks and data are stored in the cloud, allowing you to access and work on your projects from any device with an internet connection.

3. Integration with Google Drive:

  • Easy Data Management: You can easily mount your Google Drive to Colab, allowing seamless access to your files and datasets stored in Google Drive.
  • Collaboration: Sharing notebooks with collaborators is straightforward, and you can all work on the same notebook in real-time.

4. Collaboration Features:

  • Real-Time Sharing: Multiple users can work on the same notebook simultaneously, making it an excellent tool for team projects and collaborative research.
  • Comments and Versioning: Colab supports comments and version control, enabling effective communication and tracking of changes.

5. Support for Popular Libraries and Tools:

  • Pre-installed Libraries: Colab comes with many popular Python libraries pre-installed, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and Pandas, reducing the time and effort needed for setup.
  • Custom Libraries: You can install any additional libraries using !pip install commands directly in the notebook.

6. Ease of Use for Data Science and Machine Learning:

  • Interactive Coding: The interactive nature of Jupyter notebooks allows for immediate feedback and visualization, which is particularly useful for data analysis, exploration, and model development.
  • Rich Outputs: You can visualize data using built-in tools, and the support for rich media output (such as images, videos, and HTML) enhances the analytical experience.

Alternatives to Loading Datasets in Google Colab

1. Google Drive: Mounting Google Drive in Colab is a common alternative for loading datasets. You can store your datasets in Google Drive and access them directly from your Colab notebook using the following code:

from google.colab import drive


import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/path_to_your_file.csv')

2. GitHub: Storing datasets in a GitHub repository is another method. You can download the dataset directly into Colab using !wget or !curl, or by using the pandas.read_csv function if the dataset is a CSV file.

import pandas as pd

url = ''

df = pd.read_csv(url)

3. Local Machine: You can upload files from your local machine directly to Colab using the google.colab import files module:

from google.colab import files

uploaded = files.upload()

import pandas as pd

import io

df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(uploaded['filename.csv']))

4. Google Cloud Storage: Using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) can be more efficient for larger datasets. You can use the Google Cloud SDK to access GCS buckets directly from your Colab notebook.

from import storage

client = storage.Client()

bucket = client.get_bucket('your-bucket-name')

blob = bucket.blob('path_to_your_file.csv')


df = pd.read_csv('local_filename.csv')

5. Databases: For more structured data, you can connect Colab to databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB using appropriate Python libraries like mysql-connector-python or psycopg2:

import mysql.connector

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='username', password='password', host='hostname', database='database')

df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM your_table', cnx)


In conclusion, seamlessly loading datasets from Kaggle directly into Google Colab provides numerous benefits for data science and machine learning practitioners. Leveraging Google Colab’s cloud-based environment, free access to powerful GPUs, and seamless integration with Google Drive significantly enhances data exploration, analysis efficiency, and convenience. Following the steps outlined in this guide, including obtaining API credentials, setting up your Colab notebook, and using the Kaggle API, you can streamline your workflow and focus on deriving insights from your data.

Additionally, the ability to share Colab notebooks and ensure consistent, collaborative environments makes Google Colab an excellent choice for team projects. While alternatives such as Google Drive, GitHub, and local uploads are viable, using Kaggle’s API within Google Colab offers a direct, efficient, and up-to-date approach to handling datasets. This method saves time, ensures data privacy, and supports reproducible research, which is crucial for advancing data science practice.

By mastering these techniques, you can unlock the full potential of Kaggle and Google Colab, driving more effective and innovative data science and machine learning projects. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this guide equips you with the knowledge to manage and analyze datasets efficiently, ultimately contributing to your success in data science.

Hope you find this guide helpful on how to import a Kaggle dataset into Colab! By following these steps, you’ll easily learn how to load datasets in Google Colab for your projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Kaggle offers a diverse range of datasets, including both competition datasets and standalone datasets, catering to various data science needs and providing valuable resources for analysis and experimentation.
  • Obtaining Kaggle API credentials is essential for accessing Kaggle datasets programmatically. Users can generate API tokens from their Kaggle profile, ensuring secure authentication and enabling seamless interaction with Kaggle’s services.
  • Setting up a Google Colab notebook allows for efficient data analysis and exploration within a cloud-based environment. By uploading API credentials and installing the Kaggle library, users can easily download Kaggle datasets directly within the Colab notebook interface.
  • The process of downloading datasets from Kaggle involves using the Kaggle command-line interface (CLI) within Google Colab. Users can download both competition datasets and standalone datasets, enhancing their data science practice and experimentation.
  • Bonus tips, such as downloading specific files and loading Kaggle credentials from Google Drive, provide additional techniques to optimize the dataset downloading process and streamline the data science workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I import datasets from kaggle to Colab?

A. Yes, you can seamlessly import datasets from Kaggle to Google Colab using the steps outlined in this article. By generating API tokens and setting up the necessary authentication, you can access Kaggle datasets directly within the Colab environment, facilitating efficient data analysis and experimentation.

Q2. How can I securely manage and store my Kaggle API credentials?

A. It’s crucial to handle API credentials securely to protect your Kaggle account and data. Best practices include storing your API token securely, such as in a hidden directory or encrypted file, and avoiding sharing credentials publicly. Additionally, consider rotating your API keys periodically and using secure methods like OAuth for authentication where possible.

Q3. How do I load local data in Google Colab?

A. To load local data in Google Colab, you can use the following method:
Using files.upload() to upload files manually:
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
# Then read the file as needed, for example, for a CSV file:
import pandas as pd
import io
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(uploaded[‘filename.csv’]))

The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.

Kaustubh Gupta is a skilled engineer with a B.Tech in Information Technology from Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology. With experience as a CS Analyst and Analyst Intern at Prodigal Technologies, Kaustubh excels in Python, SQL, Libraries, and various engineering tools. He has developed core components of product intent engines, created gold tables in Databricks, and built internal tools and dashboards using Streamlit and Tableau. Recognized as India’s Top 5 Community Contributor 2023 by Analytics Vidhya, Kaustubh is also a prolific writer and mentor, contributing significantly to the tech community through speaking sessions and workshops.

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Responses From Readers



Team, You are really done a great job, because I hope it really helps who can start their career in Data science, And I would like to say thanks to you from my heart. keep doing well.


Very good work! Really appreciated, lot of learning.


Thanks, it is really worth !! excellent job !! Any plan to implement subtitle (English - autogenerated) ?

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