This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
This article is part of an ongoing blog series on Natural Language Processing (NLP). In the previous article of this series, we completed the statistical or frequency-based word embedding techniques, which are pre-word embedding era techniques. So, in this article, we will discuss the recent word-era embedding techniques.
NOTE: In recent word-era embedding, there are many such techniques but in this article, we will discuss only the Word2Vec technique, which is the most used and popular technique from all of the techniques.
This is part-6 of the blog series on the Step by Step Guide to Natural Language Processing.
1. Pre-requisites to follow this article
2. Recap of Word Embedding
3. What is Prediction-based Embedding?
4. Different Model Architectures for Word representation
5. What is Word2Vec Model?
6. Different algorithms included in Word2Vec
7. Project Idea to use Word Embeddings for Text Classification
To follow this part of this blog series properly, you have a good knowledge of the following topics:
If you are not familiar with the above-mentioned concepts, then I would suggest you go through this awesome article to gain an in-depth intuition about neural networks.
For Gradient-based Optimizers, you can refer to the link.
Or, if you have an idea of all these topics, then you can refer to this link to check your knowledge.
Word embedding is a way of representing words as vectors. The main goal of word embedding is to convert the high dimensional feature space of words into low dimensional feature vectors by preserving the contextual similarity in the corpus.
These models are widely used for all NLP problems. It first generates a vocabulary with the help of a training corpus and then learns the word embedding representations. In simple words, these models take a text corpus as input and produce the word vectors as output.
They can be used as feature vectors for the Machine Learning model, used to measure text similarity using cosine similarity techniques, words clustering, and text classification techniques, which we will be discussed in the subsequent part of this series.
So far, we have discussed the deterministic methods to determine vector representation of the words but these methods proved to be limited in their word representations until the new word embedding technique named word2vec comes to the NLP community.
The popular pre-trained models to create word embedding of a text are as follows:
1. These methods were prediction-based as they give the probabilities to the words.
2. They proved to be state of the art for tasks like word analogies and word similarities.
3. They were also able to achieve algebraic operations tasks such as King -man +woman = Queen, which was considered a result almost magical.
In this article, we will discuss only the word2vec model that is used in today’s era to generate word vectors.
The following model architectures are used for word representations with an objective to maximize the accuracy and minimize the computation complexity:
For training of the above-mentioned models, we use Stochastic gradient descent as an optimizer and backpropagation.
This model consists of the following layers:
This architecture becomes complex for computation between the projection and the hidden layer, as values in the projection layer are dense.
This model can efficiently represent more complex patterns than the shallow neural network. This model consists of the following layers:
To train these models for huge datasets, we will be using a large-scale distributed framework known as DistBelief, which would give better results.
These models outperform for the huge dataset of words but the main problem in these models is the computation complexity. So, to overcome the computation complexity, the Word2Vec uses CBOW and Skip-gram architecture in order to maximize the accuracy and minimize the computation complexity.
Word2Vec model is used for Word representations in Vector Space which is founded by Tomas Mikolov and a group of the research teams from Google in 2013. It is a neural network model that attempts to explain the word embeddings based on a text corpus.
These models work using context. This implies that to learn the embedding, it looks at nearby words; if a group of words is always found close to the same words, they will end up having similar embeddings.
To label how words are similar or close to each other, we first fix the window size, which determines which nearby words we want to pick.
For Example, For a window size of 2, implies that for every word, we’ll pick the 2 words behind and the 2 words after it. Let’s see the following example:
Sentence: the pink horse is eating
With the help of the above table, we can see the word pairs constructed with this method. The highlighted word denotes the word for which we want to find pairs. Here, we don’t care about how much the distance between the words in the window is. As long as words are inside the window, we don’t differentiate between words that are 1 word away or more.
Word2Vec model is not a single algorithm but is composed of the following two preprocessing modules or techniques:
Both of the mentioned models are basically shallow neural networks that map word(s) to the target variable which is also a word(s). These techniques learn the weights that act as word vector representations. Both these techniques can be used to implementing word embedding using word2vec.
Before going further deep dive into the two techniques of Word2Vec, let’s first try to understand the given below question :
As we know that most of the NLP systems treat words as atomic units. In existing systems with the same purpose as that of word2vec, there is a disadvantage that there is no notion of similarity between words. Also, those system works for small, simpler data and outperforms on because of only a few billions of data or less.
So, In order to train the system with a larger dataset with complex models, these techniques use a neural network architecture to train complex data models and outperform huge datasets with billions of words and with vocabulary having millions of words.
It helps to measure the quality of the resulting vector representations and works with similar words that tend to close with words that can have multiple degrees of similarity.
Syntactic Regularities: These regularities refer to grammatical sentence correction.
Semantic Regularities: These regularities refer to the meaning of the vocabulary symbols arranged in that structure.
The proposed technique was found that the similarity of word representations goes beyond syntactic regularities and works surprisingly well for algebraic operations of word vectors.
For Example,
Vector(“King”) — Vector(“Man”)+Vector(“Woman”) = Word(“Queen”)
where “Queen” is considered the closest result vector of word representations.
The above new two proposed models i.e, CBOW and Skip-Gram in Word2Vec uses a distributed architecture that tries to minimize the computation complexity.
The aim of the CBOW model is to predict a target word in its neighborhood, using all words. To predict the target word, this model uses the sum of the background vectors. For this, we use the pre-defined window size surrounding the target word to define the neighboring terms that are taken into account.
Image Source: Google Images
We breakdown the way this model works in the following steps:
Image Source: Google Images
Let’s consider the following matrix representation for a specified example:
Image Source: Google Images
As we can observe in the above image, it takes 3 context words and predicts the probability of a target word.
INPUT: The input can be assumed as taking three one-hot encoded vectors in the input layer as shown above in red, blue, and green.
So, the input layer will have 3 [1 X V] Vectors and we have 1 [1 X V] vector in the output layer. The rest of the architecture is the same as for a 1-context CBOW.
The above-mentioned steps remain the same but the only thing that changes is the calculation of hidden activation. Here, instead of just sending the corresponding rows of the input-hidden weight matrix to the hidden layer, an average is taken over all the corresponding rows of the matrix. We can understand this with the above figure. Therefore, the average vector calculated becomes the hidden activation.
So, if for a single target word we have three context words, then we will have three initial hidden activations which we are averaged element-wise to obtain the final activation.
The objective function in CBOW is the negative log-likelihood of a word given a set of context i.e -log( p( wo/wi )), where p( wo/wi ) is given as:
wo: output word
wi: context words
1. Generally, it is supposed to perform superior to deterministic methods due to its probabilistic nature.
2. It does not need to have huge RAM requirements. So, it is low on memory.
1. CBOW takes the average of the context of a word. For Example, consider the word apple that can be both a fruit and a company but CBOW takes an average of both the contexts and places it in between a cluster for fruits and companies.
2. If we want to train a CBOW model from scratch, then it can take forever if we not properly optimized it.
Do you think that Multi-layer Perceptrons (MLP) is the same as of CBOW model? If not, examine the differences between these two models based on Objective function and Error Gradient.
1. Given a word, the Skip-gram model predicts the context.
2. Skip–gram follows the same topology as CBOW. It just flips CBOW’s architecture on its head. Therefore, the skip-gram model is the exact opposite of the CBOW model.
3. In this case, the target word is given as the input, the hidden layer remains the same, and the output layer of the neural network is replicated multiple times to accommodate the chosen number of context words.
Now, let’s see the architecture of the skip-gram model:
Image Source: Google Images
For a better understanding, let’s see the matrix-style structure given below:
Image Source: Google Images
We breakdown the way this model works in the following steps:
For the above matrix, the sizes of different layers are as follows:
In the above example, C is the number of context words=2, and V= 10, N=4.
1. The Skip-gram model can capture two semantics for a single word. i.e two vector representations for the word Apple. One for the company and the other for the fruit.
2. Generally, Skip-gram with negative sub-sampling performs well then every other method.
To visualize CBOW and skip-gram in action, the given below is a very excellent interactive tool. I would suggest you really go through this link for a better understanding.
Now that we have a broad idea of both the models involved in the Word2Vec Technique, which one is better? Of course, which model we choose from the above two largely depends on the problem statement we’re trying to solve.
Image Source: Google Images
According to the original paper, Mikolov et al., it is observed that the Skip-Gram model works well with a small amount of the training datasets, and can better represent rare words or phrases.
However, the CBOW model is observed to train faster than Skip-Gram, and can better represent more frequent words which mean gives slightly better accuracy for the frequent words.
1. Is it important for our model to represent rare words? If so, we should choose Skip-Gram since when their vectors are not averaged with the other background terms in the process of making the predictions, the model will learn better representations for the rare words and it is better to use the Skip-gram model in that case.
2. We don’t have much time to train and rare words are not that important for our solution? Then we should choose CBOW.
In the end, since different applications have distinct criteria, the best practice is to try a few tests to see what works best for you.
The objective of the given problem statement is to detect hate speech in tweets. In simple words, we can say a tweet contains hate speech if it has a racist or sexist sentiment associated with it. So, now our task is to identify the racist or sexist tweets and classify also from other tweets.
We have given a training sample containing tweets and labels, where
Your objective is to predict the labels on the unseen or test dataset.
To practice the above problem statement, open the given link and start now.
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