This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
Machine Learning is a hot topic nowadays. As technology is evolving data visualization fields has grown a lot, different types of visual and charts are there now.
Okay, let’s face the hard reality how do you interpret the data a data analyst is able to understand the data from the statistics but do you think a normal person can understand data just by looking.
Let me, answerer, that for you. The answer is NO we need a graph to visualize the data.
One of the common charts is Racing bar charts. As the animation plays an important role while presenting the charts. The best uses we have seen is in covid the racing bar charts will tell us the which country has the highest number of covid patients over the time period.
“Visualization gives you answers to questions you didn’t know you had.” – Ben Schneiderman
Bar charts are known as go-to the chart they are most popular charts due to their simplicity and people can easily interpret them.
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Let’s start the fun!
Importing library for visualizing and reading the dataset
import as px import pandas as pd
df = df.head()
The Data which we took have 8 columns and 1704 rows. There are 3 categorical columns (Country, Continent, iso_alpha), 5 numerical columns (year, lifeExp, pop, gdppercap, iso_num).
checking if any column has null values in them
How many unique values do every column contain
fig_bar = px.histogram(df, x="continent", y="pop", color="continent", animation_frame="year", animation_group="country", range_y=[0,4000000000], color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.T10) fig_bar.update_yaxes(showgrid=False), fig_bar.update_xaxes(categoryorder='total descending') fig_bar.update_traces(hovertemplate=None) fig_bar.update_layout(margin=dict(t=70, b=0, l=70, r=40), hovermode="x unified", xaxis_tickangle=360, xaxis_title=' ', yaxis_title=" ", plot_bgcolor='#2d3035', paper_bgcolor='#2d3035', title_font=dict(size=25, color='#a5a7ab', family="Lato, sans-serif"), font=dict(color='#8a8d93'), legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1) )
Here we can see which continent has the highest population in the different years with the play and pause buttons. we can also use a slider and select the year and can see which continent has the highest population.
you should always fix the x_range and y_range to ensure that your data remains visible throughout the animation of the bar chart.
Parameters used here to enhance the charts
Setting the x-axis and y-axis
To specify the margin
By default, legends will come on the right side but if you want them horizontal or vertical it’s up to you.
To enhance the graph you can add different colors to the bar and can also add background color as you like. How to use Plotly and what are the different advanced graphs other than the bar are explained here.
Other than Plotly animation we can also make a racing chart with the help of raceplotly you can find the documentation here
Importing library for race bar plot
!pip install raceplotly from raceplotly.plots import barplot
Here Racing bar chart is made without prior specifying colors.
my_raceplot = barplot(df, item_column='country', value_column='pop', time_column='year') my_raceplot.plot(item_label = 'Top Country', value_label = 'pop', frame_duration = 600)
parameters are explained below
Here Racing bar chart is made by mapping different colors.
# Assigning colors to the categories. colors = {'China': 'rgba(0, 76, 109, 1)', 'India': 'rgba(40, 95, 127, 1)', 'United States': '#4c78a8', 'Indonesia': '#f58518', 'Brazil': '#e45756', 'Pakistan':'#72b7b2', 'Bangladesh':'#54a24b', 'Nigeria':'#eeca3b', 'Japan': '#b279a2', 'Mexico': '#ff9da6' } # Mapping the items with the color for the whole dataset. df['color'] = df['country'].map(colors) my_raceplot = barplot(df, item_column='country', value_column='pop', time_column='year', item_color='color') my_raceplot.plot(title='Top Country Population from 1952-2007', item_label = 'Top Country', value_label = 'pop', time_label = 'Year: ', frame_duration = 600)
Here we are going to make a simple bar chart with text on primary bars. The charts show what is the life expectancy of Canada over the year. We saw that country has 142 unique values one is Canada.
data_canada ="country == 'Canada'") fig =, x='year', y='lifeExp', text='lifeExp', color_discrete_sequence=['#b279a2'], title='Canada Life Expectation over the Year', height=300) fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False), fig.update_xaxes(categoryorder='total descending') fig.update_traces(hovertemplate=None,) fig.update_layout(margin=dict(t=70, b=0, l=70, r=40), hovermode="x unified", xaxis_tickangle=360, xaxis_title=' ', yaxis_title=" ", plot_bgcolor='#2d3035', paper_bgcolor='#2d3035', title_font=dict(size=25, color='#a5a7ab', family="Lato, sans-serif"), font=dict(color='#8a8d93'), )
text: Text will show the numerical value on the primary bars.
The stacked bar chart shows the quantitative relationship that exists between a categorical variable and its subcategorical variable. They show how the subcategories change over the time period.
Stacked bar charts are mostly used for comparison between the variables. They are two-dimensional with 2 axes: one axis will represent a categorical variable and the other will represent the numerical value. we can show stacked bar charts in 2 ways one is vertical and another one is horizontal.
Here we are going to see how Canada, India, and US life expectancy has an impact over the years.
dff ="country == 'India' | country == 'Canada'| country == 'United States'") fig_stack =, x='year', y='lifeExp', color='country', color_discrete_sequence=['#72b7b2','#4c78a8','#b279a2'], title='Canada|India|US Life Expectation over the Year', height=300) fig_stack.update_yaxes(showgrid=False), fig_stack.update_traces(hovertemplate=None,) fig_stack.update_layout(margin=dict(t=70, b=0, l=70, r=40), hovermode="x unified", xaxis_tickangle=360, xaxis_title=' ', yaxis_title=" ", plot_bgcolor='#2d3035', paper_bgcolor='#2d3035', title_font=dict(size=25, color='#a5a7ab', family="Lato, sans-serif"), font=dict(color='#8a8d93'), )
we can see the bar chart in different ways the above one we saw is a stacked bar chart now which we are going to see is a bar group chart.
dff ="country == 'India' | country == 'United States'") fig2 =, x='year', y='lifeExp', color='country', color_discrete_sequence=['#72b7b2','#b279a2'], title='India|US Life Expectation over the Year', height=300, barmode='group') fig2.update_yaxes(showgrid=False), fig2.update_traces(hovertemplate=None,) fig2.update_layout(margin=dict(t=70, b=0, l=70, r=40), hovermode="x unified", xaxis_tickangle=360, xaxis_title=' ', yaxis_title=" ", plot_bgcolor='#2d3035', paper_bgcolor='#2d3035', title_font=dict(size=25, color='#a5a7ab', family="Lato, sans-serif"), font=dict(color='#8a8d93'), )
We can customize bar charts by using keyword arguments here we have used ‘lifeExp’. It is easy to interpret the chart by using keyword arguments as every bar has a different color. The chart displays the life expectancy of Canada over the years in ascending order with different bar colors.
data_canada = df[ == 'Canada'] fig1 =, x='year', y='pop', height=400, hover_data=['lifeExp', 'gdpPercap'], color='lifeExp') fig1.update_yaxes(showgrid=False), fig1.update_layout(margin=dict(t=70, b=0, l=70, r=40), hovermode="x unified", xaxis_tickangle=360, xaxis_title=' ', yaxis_title=" ", plot_bgcolor='#2d3035', paper_bgcolor='#2d3035', title_font=dict(size=25, color='#a5a7ab', family="Lato, sans-serif"), font=dict(color='#8a8d93'), )
We saw how to work with a Plotly animation chart and raceplotly for bar charts with their different parameters. We also show a stacked bar chart, grouped bar chart, and customized bar chart
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The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.
This is a great guide for using Plotly in Python! I'm a big fan of the platform and this guide makes it even more useful.
can you please also show how to store static plotly image locall?
This guide is really helpful! I'm a beginner in Python and this guide has helped me a lot.