Deep learning is the subfield of machine learning which is used to perform complex tasks such as speech recognition, text classification, etc. The deep learning model consists of an activation function, input, output, hidden layers, loss function, etc. All deep learning algorithms try to generalize the data using an algorithm and try to make predictions on unseen data. We need an algorithm that maps the examples of inputs to that of the outputs along with an optimization algorithm. An optimization algorithm finds the value of the parameters (weights) that minimize the error when mapping inputs to outputs. This article will tell you all about such optimization algorithms or optimizer in deep learning.In this guide, we will learn about different optimizers used in building a deep learning model, their pros and cons, and the factors that could make you choose an optimizer instead of others for your application.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
In deep learning, an optimizer is a crucial element that fine-tunes a neural network’s parameters during training. Its primary role is to minimize the model’s error or loss function, enhancing performance. Various optimization algorithms, known as optimizers, employ distinct strategies to converge towards optimal parameter values for improved predictions efficiently.
In deep learning, optimizers are crucial as algorithms that dynamically fine-tune a model’s parameters throughout the training process, aiming to minimize a predefined loss function. These specialized algorithms facilitate the learning process of neural networks by iteratively refining the weights and biases based on the feedback received from the data. Well-known optimizers in deep learning encompass Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adam, and RMSprop, each equipped with distinct update rules, learning rates, and momentum strategies, all geared towards the overarching goal of discovering and converging upon optimal model parameters, thereby enhancing overall performance.
Optimizer algorithms are essential for enhancing the performance of deep learning models by improving accuracy and training speed. They adjust the neural network’s weights and learning rates during each training epoch to minimize the loss function. Given that deep learning models often have millions of parameters, selecting the right optimization algorithm is crucial for effective training. Therefore, a solid understanding of these algorithms is vital for data scientists venturing into the field. Check out how to Choose optimizer:
Before proceeding, there are a few terms that you should be familiar with.
Now let’s explore each optimizer.
Gradient Descent can be considered the popular kid among the class of optimizers in deep learning. This optimization algorithm uses calculus to consistently modify the values and achieve the local minimum. Before moving ahead, you might question what a gradient is.
In simple terms, consider you are holding a ball resting at the top of a bowl. When you lose the ball, it goes along the steepest direction and eventually settles at the bottom of the bowl. A Gradient provides the ball in the steepest direction to reach the local minimum which is the bottom of the bowl.
The above equation means how the gradient is calculated. Here alpha is the step size that represents how far to move against each gradient with each iteration.
Gradient descent works as follows:
Gradient descent works best for most purposes. However, it has some downsides too. It is expensive to calculate the gradients if the size of the data is huge. Gradient descent works well for convex functions, but it doesn’t know how far to travel along the gradient for nonconvex functions.
At the end of the previous section, you learned why there might be better options than using gradient descent on massive data. To tackle the challenges large datasets pose, we have stochastic gradient descent, a popular approach among optimizers in deep learning. The term stochastic denotes the element of randomness upon which the algorithm relies. In stochastic gradient descent, instead of processing the entire dataset during each iteration, we randomly select batches of data. This implies that only a few samples from the dataset are considered at a time, allowing for more efficient and computationally feasible optimization in deep learning models.
The procedure is first to select the initial parameters w and learning rate n. Then randomly shuffle the data at each iteration to reach an approximate minimum.
Since we are not using the whole dataset but the batches of it for each iteration, the path taken by the algorithm is full of noise as compared to the gradient descent algorithm. Thus, SGD uses a higher number of iterations to reach the local minima. Due to an increase in the number of iterations, the overall computation time increases. But even after increasing the number of iterations, the computation cost is still less than that of the gradient descent optimizer. So the conclusion is if the data is enormous and computational time is an essential factor, stochastic gradient descent should be preferred over batch gradient descent algorithm.
As discussed in the earlier section, you have learned that stochastic gradient descent takes a much more noisy path than the gradient descent algorithm when addressing optimizers in deep learning. Due to this, it requires a more significant number of iterations to reach the optimal minimum, and hence, computation time is very slow. To overcome the problem, we use stochastic gradient descent with a momentum algorithm.
What the momentum does is helps in faster convergence of the loss function. Stochastic gradient descent oscillates between either direction of the gradient and updates the weights accordingly. However, adding a fraction of the previous update to the current update will make the process a bit faster. One thing that should be remembered while using this algorithm is that the learning rate should be decreased with a high momentum term.
In the above image, the left part shows the convergence graph of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. At the same time, the right side shows SGD with momentum. From the image, you can compare the path chosen by both algorithms and realize that using momentum helps reach convergence in less time. You might be thinking of using a large momentum and learning rate to make the process even faster. But remember that while increasing the momentum, the possibility of passing the optimal minimum also increases. This might result in poor accuracy and even more oscillations.
Checkout this article – Coding Neural Networks From Scratch in Python and R
In this variant of gradient descent, instead of using all the training data, we only use a subset of the dataset to calculate the loss function. Since we use a batch of data instead of the whole dataset, we need fewer iterations. That is why the mini-batch gradient descent algorithm is faster than both stochastic gradient descent and batch gradient descent algorithms. This algorithm is more efficient and robust than the earlier variants of gradient descent. As the algorithm uses batching, you do not need to load all the training data into memory, which makes the process more efficient to implement. Moreover, the cost function in mini-batch gradient descent is noisier than the batch gradient descent algorithm but smoother than that of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. Because of this, mini-batch gradient descent is ideal and provides a good balance between speed and accuracy.
Despite all that, the mini-batch gradient descent algorithm has some downsides too. It requires a hyperparameter called ‘mini-batch-size,’ which you must tune to achieve the required accuracy. A batch size of 32 is generally appropriate for almost every case. Also, in some cases, it results in poor final accuracy. Due to this, there needs a rise to look for other alternatives too.
The adaptive gradient descent algorithm is slightly different from other gradient descent algorithms. This is because it uses different learning rates for each iteration. The change in learning rate depends upon the difference in the parameters during training. The more the parameters get changed, the more minor the learning rate changes. This modification is highly beneficial because real-world datasets contain sparse as well as dense features. So it is unfair to have the same value of learning rate for all the features. The Adagrad algorithm uses the below formula to update the weights. Here the alpha(t) denotes the different learning rates at each iteration, n is a constant, and E is a small positive to avoid division by 0.
The benefit of using Adagrad is that it abolishes the need to modify the learning rate manually. It is more reliable than gradient descent algorithms and their variants, and it reaches convergence at a higher speed.
One downside of the AdaGrad optimizer is that it decreases the learning rate aggressively and monotonically. There might be a point when the learning rate becomes extremely small. This is because the squared gradients in the denominator keep accumulating, and thus the denominator part keeps on increasing. Small learning rates prevent the model from acquiring more knowledge, which compromises its accuracy.
RMS prop is one of the popular optimizers among deep learning enthusiasts. This is maybe because it hasn’t been published but is still very well-known in the community. RMS prop is ideally an extension of the work RPPROP. It resolves the problem of varying gradients. The problem with the gradients is that some of them were small while others may be huge. So, defining a single learning rate might not be the best idea. RPPROP uses the gradient sign, adapting the step size individually for each weight. In this algorithm, the two gradients are first compared for signs. If they have the same sign, we’re going in the right direction, increasing the step size by a small fraction. If they have opposite signs, we must decrease the step size. Then we limit the step size and can now go for the weight update.
The problem with RPPROP is that it doesn’t work well with large datasets and when we want to perform mini-batch updates. So, achieving the robustness of RPPROP and the efficiency of mini-batches simultaneously was the main motivation behind the rise of RMS prop. RMS prop is an advancement in AdaGrad optimizer as it reduces the monotonically decreasing learning rate.
The algorithm mainly focuses on accelerating the optimization process by decreasing the number of function evaluations to reach the local minimum. The algorithm keeps the moving average of squared gradients for every weight and divides the gradient by the square root of the mean square.
where gamma is the forgetting factor. Weights are updated by the below formula
In simpler terms, if there exists a parameter due to which the cost function oscillates a lot, we want to penalize the update of this parameter. Suppose you built a model to classify a variety of fishes. The model relies on the factor ‘color’ mainly to differentiate between the fishes. Due to this, it makes a lot of errors. What RMS Prop does is, penalize the parameter ‘color’ so that it can rely on other features too. This prevents the algorithm from adapting too quickly to changes in the parameter ‘color’ compared to other parameters. This algorithm has several benefits as compared to earlier versions of gradient descent algorithms. The algorithm converges quickly and requires lesser tuning than gradient descent algorithms and their variants.
The problem with RMS Prop is that the learning rate has to be defined manually, and the suggested value doesn’t work for every application.
AdaDelta can be seen as a more robust version of the AdaGrad optimizer. It is based upon adaptive learning and is designed to deal with significant drawbacks of AdaGrad and RMS prop optimizer. The main problem with the above two optimizers is that the initial learning rate must be defined manually. One other problem is the decaying learning rate which becomes infinitesimally small at some point. Due to this, a certain number of iterations later, the model can no longer learn new knowledge.
To deal with these problems, AdaDelta uses two state variables to store the leaky average of the second moment gradient and a leaky average of the second moment of change of parameters in the model.
Here St and delta Xt denote the state variables, g’t denotes rescaled gradient, delta Xt-1 denotes squares rescaled gradients, and epsilon represents a small positive integer to handle division by 0.
Adam optimizer, short for Adaptive Moment Estimation optimizer, serves as an optimization algorithm commonly used in deep learning. It extends the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm and updates the weights of a neural network during training.
The name ‘Adam’ comes from ‘adaptive moment estimation,’ highlighting its ability to adaptively adjust the learning rate for each network weight individually. Unlike SGD, which maintains a single learning rate throughout training, Adam optimizer dynamically computes individual learning rates based on the past gradients and their second moments.
The creators of Adam optimizer incorporated the beneficial features of other optimization algorithms such as AdaGrad and RMSProp. Similar to RMSProp, Adam optimizer considers the second moment of the gradients, but unlike RMSProp, it calculates the uncentered variance of the gradients (without subtracting the mean).
By incorporating both the first moment (mean) and second moment (uncentered variance) of the gradients, Adam optimizer achieves an adaptive learning rate that can efficiently navigate the optimization landscape during training. This adaptivity helps in faster convergence and improved performance of the neural network.
In summary, Adam optimizer is an optimization algorithm that extends SGD by dynamically adjusting learning rates based on individual weights. It combines the features of AdaGrad and RMSProp to provide efficient and adaptive updates to the network weights during deep learning training.
The adam optimizer has several benefits, due to which it is used widely. It is adapted as a benchmark for deep learning papers and recommended as a default optimization algorithm. Moreover, the algorithm is straightforward to implement, has a faster running time, low memory requirements, and requires less tuning than any other optimization algorithm.
The above formula represents the working of adam optimizer. Here B1 and B2 represent the decay rate of the average of the gradients.
If the adam optimizer uses the good properties of all the algorithms and is the best available optimizer, then why shouldn’t you use Adam in every application? And what was the need to learn about other algorithms in depth? This is because even Adam has some downsides. It tends to focus on faster computation time, whereas algorithms like stochastic gradient descent focus on data points. That’s why algorithms like SGD generalize the data in a better manner at the cost of low computation speed. So, the optimization algorithms can be picked accordingly depending on the requirements and the type of data.
The above visualizations create a better picture in mind and help in comparing the results of various optimization algorithms.
We have learned enough theory, and now we need to do some practical analysis. It’s time to try what we have learned and compare the results by choosing different optimizers on a simple neural network. As we are talking about keeping things simple, what’s better than the MNIST dataset? We will train a simple model using some basic layers, keeping the batch size and epochs the same but with different optimizers. For the sake of fairness, we will use the default values with each optimizer.
The steps for building the network are given below:
import keras
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D
from keras import backend as K
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
x_train= x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0],28,28,1)
x_test= x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0],28,28,1)
y_test=keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test)#, num_classes)
x_train= x_train.astype('float32')
x_test= x_test.astype('float32')
x_train /= 255
x_test /=255
def build_model(optimizer):
model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss=keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy, optimizer= optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
optimizers = ['Adadelta', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'RMSprop', 'SGD']
for i in optimizers:
model = build_model(i), y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, validation_data=(x_test,y_test))
We have run our model with a batch size of 64 for 10 epochs. After trying the different optimizers, the results we get are pretty interesting. Before analyzing the results, what do you think will be the best optimizer for this dataset?
Optimizer | Epoch 1 Val accuracy | Val loss | Epoch 5 Val accuracy | Val loss | Epoch 10 Val accuracy | Val loss | Total Time |
Adadelta | .4612 | 2.2474 | .7776 | 1.6943 | .8375 | 0.9026 | 8:02 min |
Adagrad | .8411 | .7804 | .9133 | .3194 | .9286 | 0.2519 | 7:33 min |
Adam | .9772 | .0701 | .9884 | .0344 | .9908 | .0297 | 7:20 min |
RMSprop | .9783 | .0712 | .9846 | .0484 | .9857 | .0501 | 10:01 min |
SGD with momentum | .9168 | .2929 | .9585 | .1421 | .9697 | .1008 | 7:04 min |
SGD | .9124 | .3157 | .9569 | 1451 | .9693 | .1040 | 6:42 min |
The above table shows the validation accuracy and loss at different epochs. It also contains the total time that the model took to run on 10 epochs for each optimizer. From the above table, we can make the following analysis.
You can analyze the accuracy of each optimizer with each epoch from the below graph.
We’ve now reached the end of this comprehensive guide. To refresh your memory, we will go through a summary of every optimization algorithm that we have covered in this guide. To refresh your memory, we will go through a summary of every optimization algorithm that we have covered in this guide.
SGD is a very basic algorithm and is hardly used in applications now due to its slow computation speed. One more problem with that algorithm is the constant learning rate for every epoch. Moreover, it is not able to handle saddle points very well. Adagrad works better than stochastic gradient descent generally due to frequent updates in the learning rate. It is best when used for dealing with sparse data. RMSProp shows results similar to the gradient descent algorithm with momentum; it just differs in how the algorithm calculates the gradients.
Lastly comes the Adam optimizer that inherits the good features of RMSProp and other algorithms. The results of the Adam optimizer are generally better than every other optimization algorithm, have faster computation time, and require fewer parameters for tuning. Adam serves as the recommended default optimizer for most applications due to its effectiveness and versatility. Choosing the Adam optimizer for your application might give you the best probability of getting the best results.
But by the end, we learned that even Adam optimizer has some downsides. Also, there are cases when algorithms like SGD might be beneficial and perform better than Adam optimizer. So, it is of utmost importance to know your requirements and the type of data you are dealing with to choose the best optimization algorithm and achieve outstanding results.
Clear your understanding about the Machine Learning Algorithms
Key Takeaways
A. Deep learning models train for image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems, fraud detection, autonomous vehicles, predictive analytics, medical diagnosis, text generation, and video analysis.
A. AI enhances deep learning optimizers by automating and improving neural network training using algorithms like gradient descent, adaptive learning rates, and momentum. AI-powered optimizers like Adam, Adagrad, and RMSProp adjust learning rates and hyperparameters for efficient optimization.
A. In computer vision, deep learning optimizers minimize loss by adjusting model parameters, ensuring optimal training results. The right optimizer enhances training speed and accuracy, crucial for high-performance computer vision applications.
A. An optimizer in machine learning is an algorithm that adjusts model parameters to minimize or maximize a specific objective function, such as minimizing loss in neural network training, by iteratively updating parameter values based on gradients or other criteria.
Good learning material