This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
Online bus ticketing in India has taken the bus service industry by storm with multiple players catering to different customer segments, geographies and proving value-added services such as insurance, various amenities, etc. Once a technologically backward and resource-intensive public transport industry is now transformed into a travel industry behemoth within a decade. The major players in the industry are Redbus, Makemytrip, Goibibo, EaseMyTrip all fighting to capture market share and assert dominance.
Though plenty of levers is available to capture market share, pricing still remains the most important in India. Pricing can make or break bus operators. In an industry that already has high operating costs and low margins, getting the price right is the most fundamental decision that every operator has to take, either a large or a smaller one. One Bain study found that 78% of B2C firms believe they can still improve their pricing strategies.
Ideally, a sleeper bus has 34 seats, lets’s consider a bus operator that has 3 buses and plans topline growth. Two major options prevail, either raise the number of seats or raise prices. A 10% increase in price leads to a 2% increase in topline compared to a 10% increase in volume leads to a 1% increase. This example might not cover all the bases but provides sufficient evidence to support the power of pricing.
What pricing strategies can be used?
This article explores the world of online bus tickets pricing. We will cover the following:
1. Problem Statement:
Large bus operators have higher pricing power as they are already well placed in the market. The problem statement is to identify operators who are pricing independently(ideally large operators) and operators who are followers. Identifying market leaders through a data-based approach helps businesses serve these players better. As resources are scarce, the question is on which operator should the company utilize its resources better? Other use cases of this analysis can be used for internal strategic decision making and can have a positive impact on the long term relationships between operators and online ticketing platforms.
Problem Statement – Identify price-setters and followers.
2. Explore Dataset:
Data can be downloaded from here.
bus_fare_df = pd.read_csv("") display(bus_fare_df.head()) display(bus_fare_df.shape) display(bus_fare_df.describe()) display(bus_fare_df.dtypes)
Modern ticketing platforms enrich customer experience through robust UI. On the left-hand side, there are the filters such as bus types, amenities, the top has information about the bus timings, prices and the bottom space provides seat selected capability.
3. Data Preprocessing:
Functions to clean pricing columns –
def clean_seat(x): ''' input is a string object and not a list ''' # a = [float(sing_price) for price in x for sing_price in price.split(",")] # a = [sing_price for price in x for sing_price in price.split(",")] # return sum(a)/len(a) a = [float(price) for price in x.split(",")] return sum(a)/len(a) def average_s1_s2_price(s1, s2): ''' pandas series as input for price 1 and price 2 all 4 combination covered. ''' price_output = [] # for i in range(len(s1)): if (s1 == 0) & (s2 == 0): return 0 elif (s1 == 0) & (s2 !=0 ): return s2 elif (s1 != 1) & (s2 ==0 ): return s1 else : return (s1+s2)/2 # return price_output
bus_fare_df = bus_fare_df.sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) # display(bus_fare_df.head()) test = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","Seat_Fare_Type_1_average" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test = test[["Bus","Service_Date","Seat_Fare_Type_1_average" ]] test["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute"] = test.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='ffill')) display(test.shape) display(bus_fare_df.shape) test2 = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","Seat_Fare_Type_2_average" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test2 = test2[["Bus","Service_Date","Seat_Fare_Type_2_average" ]] test2["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute"] = test2.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='ffill')) display(test2.shape) # display(bus_fare_df.shape) bus_fare_df["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute_ffil"] = test["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute"] bus_fare_df["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute_ffil"] = test2["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute"] # display(bus_fare_df.head()) ############################################################################################################################# test = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","Seat_Fare_Type_1_average" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test = test[["Bus","Service_Date","Seat_Fare_Type_1_average" ]] test["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute_bfil"] = test.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill')) display(test.shape) test2 = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","Seat_Fare_Type_2_average" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test2 = test2[["Bus","Service_Date","Seat_Fare_Type_2_average" ]] test2["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute_bfil"] = test2.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill')) display(test2.shape) bus_fare_df["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute_bfill"] = test["Seat_Fare_Type_1_average_impute_bfil"] bus_fare_df["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute_bfill"] = test2["Seat_Fare_Type_2_average_impute_bfil"] # display(bus_fare_df.hea ############################################################################################################################# test_a = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","average_price_s1_s2" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test_a = test_a[["Bus","Service_Date","average_price_s1_s2" ]] test_a["average_price_s1_s2_bfil"] = test_a.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill')) display(test_a.shape) test_f = bus_fare_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt","average_price_s1_s2" ]].sort_values(by = ["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt" ]) test_f = test_f[["Bus","Service_Date","average_price_s1_s2" ]] test_f["average_price_s1_s2_ffil"] = test_f.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='ffill')) display(test_f.shape) bus_fare_df["average_price_s1_s2_bfill"] = test_a["average_price_s1_s2_bfil"] bus_fare_df["average_price_s1_s2_ffill"] = test_f["average_price_s1_s2_ffil"] # display(bus_fare_df.head()) ############################################################################################################################# bus_fare_df['average_price_s1_s2_filled'] = bus_fare_df.apply(lambda x: average_s1_s2_price(x.average_price_s1_s2_ffill, x.average_price_s1_s2_bfill), axis=1)
Screenshot: Author
4. Exploratory Data Analysis
EDA is all about asking as many relevant questions as possible and getting answers through data. EDA on its own might not help solve the business problem but will provide valuable explanations as to why something things are the way they are. It also helps identify important features in a dataset and filter out discrepancies.
As only pricing data is available, certain assumptions help narrow down the analysis. :
Null hypothesis – All operators price independently and there are no price-setters or followers.
Alternate hypothesis – Not all operators price independently and there are price setters and followers.
EDA problem statements and probable business intelligence gained by answering them :
Percentage change between the initial price and final price?
one_df_002 = pd.merge(one_df,final_cleaned_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt", "average_price_s1_s2_filled"]], how = "left" , left_on = ["Bus","Service_Date","min"], right_on =["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt"], suffixes=('_left', '_right')) one_df_003 = pd.merge(one_df_002,final_cleaned_df[["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt", "average_price_s1_s2_filled"]], how = "left" , left_on = ["Bus","Service_Date","max"], right_on =["Bus","Service_Date","RecordedAt"], suffixes=('_left', '_right')) one_df_003["price_diff_i_f"] = one_df_003.average_price_s1_s2_filled_right - one_df_003.average_price_s1_s2_filled_left one_df_003["price_diff_i_f_perc"] = one_df_003.price_diff_i_f / one_df_003.average_price_s1_s2_filled_left one_df_004 = one_df_003[["Bus","Service_Date", "price_diff_i_f"]].drop_duplicates() one_df_005 = one_df_003[["Bus","Service_Date", "price_diff_i_f_perc"]].drop_duplicates() one_df_005.boxplot(column = ["price_diff_i_f_perc"]) one_df_004.price_diff_i_f.hist(bins = 50)
Days between price listing and journey date
groups = final_cleaned_df.groupby(["Bus","Service_Date_new"]).RecordedAt_new min_val = groups.transform(min) one_df = final_cleaned_df[(final_cleaned_df.RecordedAt_new==min_val) ] one_df["date_diff"] = one_df.Service_Date_new - one_df.RecordedAt_new figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title("Date Difference Boxplot") plt.boxplot(one_df.date_diff.astype('timedelta64[D]')) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title("Date Difference Histogram") plt.hist(one_df.date_diff.astype('timedelta64[D]'))
Daily average prices across platform vs bus operators
plot_1 = bus_fare_df[bus_fare_df["average_price_s1_s2_filled"] !=0].groupby(["RecordedAt_date_only"]).agg({"average_price_s1_s2_filled":np.mean}) figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80) plt.plot(plot_1.index, plot_1.average_price_s1_s2_filled,label = "Platform") plot_2 = bus_fare_df[(bus_fare_df["average_price_s1_s2_filled"] !=0)&(bus_fare_df["Bus"] =="060c6d5595f3d7cf53838b0b8c66673d")].groupby(["RecordedAt_date_only"]).agg({"average_price_s1_s2_filled":np.mean}) plt.plot(plot_2.index, plot_2.average_price_s1_s2_filled, label = "060c6d5595f3d7cf53838b0b8c66673d")
Price bucketing of buses
figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80) price_f = final_cleaned_df[final_cleaned_df["average_price_s1_s2_filled"] != 0] plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title("Boxplot - Average Price") price_f = final_cleaned_df[final_cleaned_df["average_price_s1_s2_filled"] != 0] plt.boxplot(price_f.average_price_s1_s2_filled) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title("Histogram - Average Price") plt.hist(final_cleaned_df.average_price_s1_s2_filled, bins = 100)
Price elasticity across the platform
The average price of the platform has been changing drastically from time to time and this can only mean that demand is varying as well. But due to the unavailability of demand information, the price elasticity of demand cannot be calculated.
This plot provides a proxy for the GMV change(gross merchandising value) of the platform.
Readers are encouraged to think about other hypotheses in support or against the problem statement which in turn will help in finding feasible solutions.
5. Exploring Feasible Solutions
The problem statement states that identify independent price setters, and followers, the assumption being, the follower is following just one operator. We could be tempted to think, the follower could be checking multiple operators before setting the final price, just like users compare prices on Redbus, Makemystrip, Easemytrip before purchasing tickets. This temptation is called conjunction fallacy! The probability of following one operator is higher than the probability of following two operators. Hence it’s safe to assume that comparing 1:1 operators pricing data and assigning setter and follower status is both heuristically as well as a statistically viable solution and the same has been followed in this solution.
How has the EDA helped with solutions?
Follower Detection Algorithm V001:
f = final_cleaned_df.copy() b1 = f[(f["Bus"] == "a6951a59b64579edcf822ab9ea4c0c83") & (f["Service_Date"] == "15-07-2020 00:00")] b2 = f[(f["Bus"] == "ab479dab4a9e6bc3eaefe77a09f027ed") & (f["Service_Date"] == "15-07-2020 00:00")] recorded_dates_df = pd.concat([b1[["RecordedAt_new"]], b2[["RecordedAt_new"]]], axis = 0).drop_duplicates().sort_values(by = "RecordedAt_new").reset_index().drop(columns = "index") joined_1 = pd.merge(recorded_dates_df, b1, on=["RecordedAt_new"], how='left',suffixes=('_actuals', '_B1')) joined_df = pd.merge(joined_1, b2, on=["RecordedAt_new"], how='left',suffixes=('_B1', '_B2')) joined_df cols_to_keep = ["RecordedAt_new", "Service_Date_B1","Bus_B1","Bus_B2", "average_price_s1_s2_filled_B1", "average_price_s1_s2_filled_B2"] model_df = joined_df[cols_to_keep] model_df_2 = model_df.drop_duplicates() ## replace null of service date model_df_2['Service_Date_B1'] = model_df_2['Service_Date_B1'].fillna(model_df_2['Service_Date_B1'].value_counts().idxmax()) model_df_2['Bus_B1'] = model_df_2['Bus_B1'].fillna(model_df_2['Bus_B1'].value_counts().idxmax()) model_df_2['Bus_B1'] = model_df_2['Bus_B1'].fillna(model_df_2['Bus_B1'].value_counts().idxmax()) model_df_2.fillna(0, inplace = True) test_a = model_df_2.sort_values(by = ["RecordedAt_new" ]) test_a = test_a[["Service_Date_B1","average_price_s1_s2_filled_B1" ]] test_a["average_price_B1_new"] = test_a.groupby(["Service_Date_B1" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill')) test_f = model_df_2.sort_values(by = ["RecordedAt_new" ]) test_f = test_f[["Service_Date_B1","average_price_s1_s2_filled_B2" ]] test_f["average_price_B2_new"] = test_f.groupby(["Service_Date_B1" ]).transform(lambda x: x.replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill')) model_df_2["average_price_B1_new"] = test_a["average_price_B1_new"] model_df_2["average_price_B2_new"] = test_f["average_price_B2_new"] model_df_3 = model_df_2[model_df_2["average_price_B1_new"] != 0][["average_price_B1_new","average_price_B2_new"] ] from scipy.stats import hmean ## get the price change wrt to each bus price model_df_2["price_cng_b1"] = abs(model_df_2.average_price_B1_new - model_df_2.average_price_B2_new)/model_df_2.average_price_B1_new model_df_2["price_cng_b2"] = abs(model_df_2.average_price_B1_new - model_df_2.average_price_B2_new)/model_df_2.average_price_B2_new model_df_2["harm_mean_price_cng"] = scipy.stats.hmean(model_df_2.iloc[:,8:10],axis=1) model_df_2 = model_df_2[model_df_2["average_price_B1_new"] != 0] model_df_2 = model_df_2[model_df_2["average_price_B2_new"] != 0] model_df_2x = model_df_2.copy() hm = scipy.stats.hmean(model_df_2x.iloc[:,8:10],axis=1) display((max(hm) - min(hm))/ min(hm)) print("======================================================================================================") model_df_3 = model_df_2[model_df_2["average_price_B1_new"] != 0][["price_cng_b1","price_cng_b2"] ] model_df_3.plot(); # Create linear regression object regr = linear_model.LinearRegression() # Train the model using the training sets # (X,Y)["price_cng_b1"]).reshape(-1,1),np.array(model_df_2["price_cng_b2"]).reshape(-1,1)) # The coefficients print("Coefficients: n", regr.coef_)
6. Test For Accuracy and Evaluation
Manual evaluation B1 – 9656d6395d1f3a4497d0871a03366078 and B2 – 642c372f4c10a6c0039912b557aa8a22 and service date – 15-07-2020 00:00
Actual price data from 14 days time period. We see that B1 is a follower but with low confidence.
The harmonic mean score((max(hm)-min(hm) )/ min(hm)) is high showing that the difference on average is about 8, meaning there is a significant difference in prices at some point in time.
The co-efficient shows that (P2-P1)/P1 and (P2-P1)/P2 is linear, also a good R2 of above 75% would mean a healthy model as well. Intercept is close to 0 also supports our assumption.
Final confidence can be hm_score* coefficient = 8*0.8 = 6.4. This is absolute confidence. Relative confidence by normalizing across all combinations will provide a score between 0 and 1, which can be gauged more easily.
We can reject the null hypothesis and assume the alternate to be true.
While this isn’t an optimal solution, it’s a good reference point, to begin with. Smoothening the rough edges of the algorithm and refining it for accuracy will lead to better results.
Data science can be broadly divided into business solution-centric and technology-centric divisions. The below resources will immensely help a business solution-centric data science enthusiast expand their knowledge.
This article presents a preliminary, unitary method, to figure out fare setters and followers. The accuracy of preliminary methods tends to be questionable but sets a precedent for upcoming more resilient and curated methods. This methodology can be improved as well with more data points and features such as destination, boarding location, YOY comparisons, fleet size, passenger information etc. Moreover, anomaly detection modelling might provide more satisfactory results as well.
The dataset can also be used for price forecasting using ARIMA or deep learning methods such as LSTM etc.
Good luck! Here’s my Linkedin profile in case you want to connect with me or want to help improve the article. Feel free to ping me on Topmate/Mentro as well, you can drop me a message with your query. I’ll be happy to be connected. Check out my other articles on data science and analytics here.
The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.