Data Augmentation (DA) Technique, implemented through tools like TextAttack, is a process that enables us to artificially increase training data size by generating different versions of real datasets without actually collecting the data. The data needs to be changed to preserve the class categories for better performance in the classification task.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
We use data augmentation strategies in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to address data scarcity and insufficient data diversity. While creating augmented images is relatively easy, the complexities inherent in language make it more challenging in Natural Language Processing. We can not replace every word with its synonym, and even if we replace it, the context will be different.
Data augmentation increases the training data size, which improves the model’s performance. More data we have better is the performance of the model. The distribution of augmented data generated should neither be too similar nor too different from the original. This may lead to overfitting or poor performance through Effective DA approaches should aim for a balance.
While Data Augmentation techniques are used in Computer Vision and NLP, this tutorial focuses on the use of Data augmentation in NLP. In this tutorial, We will demonstrate the improved NLP model performance with this technique.
Data Augmentation techniques are applied on below three levels :
In this technique, the system randomly selects a word from the sentence and replaces it with a synonym or swaps two words in the sentence. EDA techniques include:
Word Embedding based Replacement: We can use pre-trained word embeddings like GloVe, Word2Vec, and fastText to find the nearest word vector in the embedding space and replace words in the original sentence.
Contextual Bidirectional embedding like ELMo, BERT can be used for more reliability as its vector representation is much richer. As Bi-LSTM & Transformer based models encode longer text sequences & are contextually aware of their surrounding words.
Lexical based Replacement: Wordnet is a lexical database for English that has meanings of words, hyponyms, other semantic relations, etc. We can use WordNet to find synonyms for a given token/word in the original sentence to replace it. Additionally, we can use NLP Python packages like NLTK and SpaCy to find and replace synonyms in the original sentence.
A sentence is translated in one language and then a new sentence is translated again in the original language. So, different sentences are created.
Train a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate text with a few words, and we can use generative language models like BERT, RoBERTa, BART, and T5 to generate text in a manner that better preserves class categories. The generative model encodes the class category along with its associated text sequences to generate newer samples with some modifications. This approach is usually more reliable and the sample generated is more representative of the associated class category.
Few libraries are listed below available for Data Augmentation
Below we will demonstrate Data Augmentation with TextAttack library.
source: Author
TextAttack is a Python framework. It is used for adversarial attacks, adversarial training, and data augmentation in NLP. In this article, we will focus only on text data augmentation.
The textattack.Augmenter class in textattack provides six different methods for data augmentation.
Let’s look at the data augmentation examples using these six methods.
Textattack installation
!pip install textattack
Wordnet augments text by replacing words with synonyms provided by WordNet.
from textattack.augmentation import WordNetAugmenter
text = "start each day with positive thoughts and make your day"
wordnet_aug = WordNetAugmenter()
Output : [‘start each day with positive thoughts and induce your day’]
Embedding augments text by replacing words with neighbors in the counter-fitted embedding space, with a constraint to ensure their cosine similarity is at least 0.8.
from textattack.augmentation import EmbeddingAugmenter
embed_aug = EmbeddingAugmenter()
Output : [‘start each day with positive idea and make your day’]
EDA augments text with a combination of word insertions, substitutions, and deletions.
from textattack.augmentation import EasyDataAugmenter
eda_aug = EasyDataAugmenter()
Output :
['start each day with positive thoughts make your day',
'start each day with positive thoughts and form your day',
'start each day with positive thoughts and make your daytime day',
'start make day with positive thoughts and each your day'']
It augments text by substituting, deleting, inserting, and swapping adjacent characters
from textattack.augmentation import CharSwapAugmenter
charswap_aug = CharSwapAugmenter()
Output : [‘start each day with positive thoughts and amke your day’]
It augments text by contraction/extension and by substituting names, locations and numbers.
from textattack.augmentation import CheckListAugmenter
checklist_aug = CheckListAugmenter()
Output : [‘start each day with positive thoughts and make your day’]
It augments text by replacing, inserting, and merging with a pre-trained masked language model.
from textattack.augmentation import CLAREAugmenter
clare_aug = CLAREAugmenter()
Output : [‘start each day with positive thoughts and make your finest day’]
Below we will compare model performance with and without data augmentation
#import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import random
import re
import string
import nltk
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer'punkt')'wordnet')
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
#Read the dataset
data_fileTr = "nlp-getting-started/train.csv"
train_data = pd.read_csv(data_fileTr)
Output : (7613, 5)
clean_text function shown below preprocess the text data provided.
def clean_text(text):
# lower text
text = text.lower()
#removing stop words
text = ' '.join([e_words for e_words in text.split(' ') if e_words not in stopwords.words('english')])
#removing square brackets
text=re.sub('[.*?]', '', text)
text=re.sub('+', '', text)
#removing hyperlink
text= re.sub('https?://S+|www.S+', '', text)
#removing puncuation
text=re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '', text)
text = re.sub('n' , '', text)
#remove words containing numbers
text=re.sub('w*dw*' , '', text)
text = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
wn = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer()
text = [wn.lemmatize(word) for word in text]
text = " ".join(text)
return text
train_data["text"]= train_data["text"].apply(clean_text)
In Machine learning algorithms mostly take numeric feature vectors as input. Thus, when working with text data, need to convert each document into a numeric vector using CountVectorizer.
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
train_vectors_counts = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(train_data["text"])
Output : (7613, 16520)
# Fitting a simple Multinomial Naive Bayes model
mnb = MultinomialNB()
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=3, random_state=1)
print("Mean Accuracy: {:.2}".format(cross_val_score(mnb, train_vectors_counts, train_data["target"], cv=cv).mean()))
Output : (7613, 16520)
The below function takes text, label, and textattack augmenter as input and returns a list of augmented data with their corresponding labels.
def textattack_data_augment(data, target, textAttack_augmenter):
aug_data = []
aug_label = []
for text, label in zip(data, target):
if random.randint(0,2) != 1:
aug_list = textAttack_augmenter.augment(text)
return aug_data, aug_label
Here, for Data Augmentation we are configuring EmbeddedAumenter which will further pass to the function listed above.
embed_aug = EmbeddingAugmenter(pct_words_to_swap=0.1, transformations_per_example=1)
aug_data, aug_lable = textattack_data_augment(train_data["text"], train_data["target"], embed_aug)
Here we are cleaning the text using text cleaning function and countvectorizer
clean_aug_data = [text_cleaning(txt) for txt in aug_data]
count_vect = CountVectorizer()
aug_data_counts = count_vect.fit_transform(clean_aug_data)
Output : (10254, 17912)
print("Mean Accuracy: {:.2}".format(cross_val_score(mnb, aug_data_counts, aug_lable, cv=cv).mean()))
Output : Mean Accuracy: 0.83
Output accuracy has improved from 0.79 to 0.83 by using the Data Augmentation technique.
Data Augmentation benefits as below:
Data augmentation reduces the costs of collecting and labeling data
Improves model prediction accuracy by
the increasing training data size for the models
preventing data scarcity for better models
reducing the data overfitting and creating variability in data
the increasing generalization ability of the models
resolving the data imbalance problem in the classification task
In this article, I give an overview of how various Data Augmentation techniques work and demonstrate how to use them to increase training data size and improve ML model performance. We have covered 6 textAttack recipes along with examples.
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