This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
A picture speaks thousands of words. Thus the visualization maps are very important as they provide insight to data even for the non-technical person. To create a good chart there are many libraries present. I have used the plotly library for this article.
I prefer plotly because of the following reasons:
This article deals with the bar charts in plotly. The data for the project is taken from Kaggle.
df = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/geeksforgeeks-articles/articles.csv") df.head()
With this dataframe, we can add new columns such as date, month and year. To do this we need to use the last_updated column. Furthermore, we can also delete the link column as it is not useful for this analysis.
df["year"] = df["last_updated"].str.split(",", expand = True).get(1) df["date_month"] = df["last_updated"].str.split(",", expand = True).get(0) df["month"] = df["date_month"].str.split(" ", expand = True).get(1) df["date"] = df["date_month"].str.split(" ", expand = True).get(0)
df.drop(["link"], axis = 1, inplace = True)
After doing modifications let us check the shape (rows, columns) in the dataframe.
df.shape # command used to check rows, columns
(34574, 8)
Checking Null Values
Before proceeding with any analysis it is important to see if we have any null values or values which are empty.
null_index = df.isnull().sum().index null_values = df.isnull().sum().values
Now let us plot them
# The above shows that last_updated column have wrong entries.let us drop these rows df.dropna(subset=['year'], inplace = True)
# The author_id also have some null columns. Let us drop them as well df.dropna(subset=['author_id'], inplace = True)
Our data now does not have any null values. Let us check the type of column defined by pandas (dtype). This helps in calculations and analysis.
#dtype of the year and date should be integer type df["year"] = df["year"].astype(int) df["date"] = df["date"].astype(int)
Check the 10 most popular authors in the dataset
Most Frequent Authors
# Most frequent author author_name = df.author_id.value_counts().index[1:11] author_count = df.author_id.value_counts().values[1:11] fig = px.histogram(x = author_name, y = author_count) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title = "Author Name", yaxis_title = "Article Count", title = "Total article per author", # making the title bold plot_bgcolor = "#ECECEC") # changing plot background color
Check top authors on the basis of article category
# check the status of top 10 author other GeeksforGeeks df_author_other = [] for i in author_name: df_new = df[df.author_id == i].groupby(["author_id", "category", "year"]).size().reset_index(name = "count").sort_values(by = "count", ascending = False) df_author_other.append(df_new) frame_other = pd.concat(df_author_other) frame_other.head()
Checking the article count on the basis of category
df_category = df.groupby("category").size().reset_index(name = "count") fig =, x = "category", y = "count", text_auto='.2s', color_discrete_sequence = ["#ffd514"] * len(df_category)) # providing custom color to the bars in chart # text indicating the value of the bar fig.update_layout( title = "Distribution of Category", plot_bgcolor = "#ECECEC", xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'} # arranging the bars in descending order ) # # The column name is the name for the x axis and y axis label
Checking the articles on the basis of yearly and monthly count
df_month = df.groupby(["year","month"]).size().reset_index(name = "count") fig =, x = "month", y = "count", color = "year") fig.update_layout( title = "Count of Yearly Articles Published per Month", plot_bgcolor = "#ECECEC", xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'})
Distribution of articles published by GeeksforGeeks
# grouped bars df_author_geek = df[df.author_id == "GeeksforGeeks"].groupby(["author_id", "category", "year"]).size().reset_index(name = "count").sort_values(by = "count", ascending = False) fig =, x = "year", y = "count", color = "category", barmode='group', color_discrete_map= {'basic': '#3C8DD6', 'expert': '#EC2781', "easy":"#008237", "medium":"#FDDA0D", "hard":"#510020"},) # custom color in bars fig.update_layout( title = "Distribution of articles published by GeeksforGeeks over year", plot_bgcolor = "#ECECEC")
Bi-weekly analysis
Let us check which bi-week is popular in 2021 for article publication. Is it the first 15 days or the last? To do it we need to create a new column in our dataset. The first 15 days will be denoted by 0 and the last 15 days will be denoted by 1.
# distribution of article as per the bi-weekly in 2021 df_year = df.loc[df["year"] == 2021] bi_week = [] for i in if i <= 15: bi_week.append(0) else: bi_week.append(1) df_year["bi_weekly"] = bi_week
# dividing data into two columns depending on the week they fall df_2021 = df_year.groupby(["month", "bi_weekly"]).size().reset_index(name = "count") fig =, x = "month", y = "count", facet_col = "bi_weekly", color_discrete_sequence = ["#000080"] * len(df_2021)) # adding a mean line to check the distribution fig.add_hline(y=df_2021["count"].mean(), line_width=2, line_dash="dash", line_color="#FF9933") fig.update_layout( paper_bgcolor = "#ECECEC", plot_bgcolor = "#ECECEC", autosize = True, yaxis = dict( title_text = "Count of Articles ", titlefont = dict(size = 12) # adding font size for y-axis ), title_text = "Distribution of Articles Bi-Weekly", title_font_size = 16, # adding font size to the article title_font_color = "black", # adding font color to the article title_pad_t = 5, # adding space to the title heading title_pad_l = 20 # adding space to the title heading ) # adding line color, line width, and tick labels to both the axis fig.update_yaxes(showticklabels = True, showline = True, linewidth = 2, linecolor = "black") fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels = True, showline = True, linewidth = 2, linecolor = "black")
Fig 11: Bi-weekly and Mean Published Count(Source: Author)
With the increasing need for data science in the business industry, it has become very important to create interactive reports. This analysis shows that not only plotly creates good quality graphs but is very easy to follow as well.
The summary of the above is:
Every research has the scope of further analysis. In this we can also research on following topics:
For this article, we will stop here. Do let me know in the comments what you think of the article and positive criticism is welcomed!
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