This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
A Time-Series is a sequence of data points collected at different timestamps. These are essentially successive measurements collected from the same data source at the same time interval. Further, we can use these chronologically gathered readings to monitor trends and changes over time. The time-series models can be univariate or multivariate. The univariate time series models are implemented when the dependent variable is a single time series, like room temperature measurement from a single sensor. On the other hand, a multivariate time series model can be used when there are multiple dependent variables, i.e., the output depends on more than one series. An example for the multivariate time-series model could be modelling the GDP, inflation, and unemployment together as these variables are linked to each other.
Therefore, the time-series data is valuable as its analysis allows us to analyze past events and help us make predictions for the future (also known as forecasting). The models built using this kind of data are known as Time-series models. The insights from such historical data analysis can uncover trends and patterns helpful in predicting likely future events in business. Most businesses experience seasonality in sales and gaining deeper insights using visualization into these trends enables them to make better business decisions. Predictive analytics and time-series forecasting are essential for businesses to stay ahead of the competition with better planning.
Time-series analysis is generally performed on non-stationary data, i.e., data changing over time. We can find such variable data in the finance domain as currency and stock prices change dynamically. Similarly, weather data like temperature, rainfall, and wind speeds are constantly changing in meteorology. In the healthcare field, monitoring vital parameters of the brain and heart for patients assists in refining the treatment. These are just a few examples, and time-series analysis has broad applicability in several domains.
With the advancements in AI, especially Machine learning, big data processing is possible. So, analyzing time series has become more accessible. Various open-source tools can quickly uncover patterns and deviations from the normal readings. There are multiple time-series analysis techniques like AR (AutoRegressive), MA (Moving Average), ARIMA (Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average), Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA), etc. In this article, we will briefly explore five open-source python libraries developed for time series analysis with sample data for forecasting.
This article only focuses on the libraries and their python code. Hence, to explore these libraries, it is expected to have at least some theoretical knowledge about time series, the analysis methods or techniques to understand the results, and how to use them. Nevertheless, all these libraries require a few lines of code for the analysis, so they are easy to implement for a beginner. We begin with importing the essential packages for this tutorial.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import plotly
Now, let us look at the libraries in the following section.
The name of this library, Tsfresh, is based on the acronym “Time Series Feature Extraction Based on Scalable Hypothesis Tests.” It is a Python package that automatically calculates and extracts several time series features (additional information can be found here) for classification and regression tasks. Hence, this library is mainly used for feature engineering in time series problems and other packages like sklearn to analyze the time series.
We’ll install this library using –
pip install tsfresh
Since we previously imported the necessary packages, we will now import tsfresh and its functions required for this tutorial.
from tsfresh import extract_features, extract_relevant_features, select_features from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import impute, make_forecasting_frame from tsfresh.feature_extraction import ComprehensiveFCParameters, settings
We will use a standard dataset of Air passengers within 11 years (1949- 1960). This dataset comprises monthly totals of US airline passengers. We can read the dataset into a dataframe using the following lines of code.
# Reading the data data = pd.read_csv('../input/airline-passengers.csv')
This dataset contains 144 samples with 2 attributes, i.e., Month and Passengers. Let us print a few rows of this dataset using data.head() command
Next, we will use the ‘make_forecasting_frame’ function to extract the features from this time series data.
data.columns = ['month','#Passengers'] data['month'] = pd.to_datetime(data['month'],infer_datetime_format=True,format='%y%m') df_pass, y_air = make_forecasting_frame(data["#Passengers"], kind="#Passengers", max_timeshift=12, rolling_direction=1) print(df_pass)
import pandas as pd
from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import make_forecasting_frame
data = pd.read_csv('AirPassengers.csv')
data.columns = ['month','#Passengers']
data['month'] = pd.to_datetime(data['month'],infer_datetime_format=True,format='%y%m')
df_pass, y_air = make_forecasting_frame(data["#Passengers"], kind="#Passengers", max_timeshift=12, rolling_direction=1)
The tsfresh package extracted 143 rows with 789 features. This shows how quickly tsfresh identified features from the sequential input data. It is possible to further narrow this extracted feature dataset by removing any non-values in the extracted features using the ‘impute’ command. Later we can perform .fit() and .train() on the imputed dataset and compare it with results from the model with the original data.
Darts is another time series Python library developed by Unit8 for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series. This idea was to make darts as simple to use as sklearn for time-series. Darts attempts to smooth the overall process of using time series in machine learning. Darts has two models: Regression models (predicts output with time as input) and Forecasting models (predicts future output based on past values).
Some interesting features of Darts are –
To explore this library, let us install it first using the pip command and import it.
pip install darts
#Loading the package from darts import TimeSeries from darts.models import ExponentialSmoothing # Create a TimeSeries, specifying the time and value columns series = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(data, 'month', '#Passengers') # Set aside the last 36 months as a validation series train, val = series[:-36], series[-36:]
Plot the median, 5th, and 95th percentiles.
from darts.models import ExponentialSmoothing model = ExponentialSmoothing() prediction = model.predict(len(val), num_samples=1000) Plotting the predictions series.plot() prediction.plot(label='forecast', low_quantile=0.05, high_quantile=0.95) plt.legend()
The monthly passenger values after 1960 seem to be forecasted with good accuracy due to model exponential smoothing as visible from the above plot.
Kats (Kits to Analyze Time Series) is an open-source Python library developed by researchers at Facebook (now Meta). This library is easy to use and is helpful for time series problems. This is due to its very light weighted library of generic time series analysis which allows to set up the models quicker without spending so much time processing time series and calculations in different models.
Some significant features of the Kats library are –
We can install this package using the following command-
pip install kats
Next, we import the necessary modules for the time series analysis
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData from kats.models.prophet import ProphetModel, ProphetParams data.columns = ['month','#Passengers'] data['month'] = pd.to_datetime(data['month'],infer_datetime_format=True,format='%y%m') df_s = TimeSeriesData(time=data['month'], value=data['#Passengers']) df_s
# create a model param instance params = ProphetParams(seasonality_mode='multiplicative') # create a prophet model instance model = ProphetModel(df_s, params) # fit model simply by calling # make prediction for next 30 month forecast = model.predict(steps=30, freq="MS") forecast.head()
We can plot the forecast as
GreyKite is a time-series forecasting library released by LinkedIn to simplify prediction for data scientists. This library offers automation in forecasting tasks using the primary forecasting algorithm ‘Silverkite.’ This library also helps interpret outputs making it a go-to tool for most time-series forecasting projects.
A few interesting features of GreyKite are-
To install GreyKite, use the pip command-
pip install greykite
Next, we will set up the model using the following commands
from greykite.framework.templates.autogen.forecast_config import ForecastConfig from greykite.framework.templates.autogen.forecast_config import MetadataParam from greykite.framework.templates.forecaster import Forecaster from greykite.framework.templates.model_templates import ModelTemplateEnum from greykite.framework.utils.result_summary import summarize_grid_search_results # Specifies dataset information metadata = MetadataParam( time_col="month", # name of the time column value_col="#Passengers", # name of the value column freq="MS" #"MS" for Montly at start date ) forecaster = Forecaster() result = forecaster.run_forecast_config( df=data, config=ForecastConfig(, forecast_horizon=100, # forecasts 100 steps ahead coverage=0.95, # 95% prediction intervals metadata_param=metadata ) )
We can now plot the forecasted values as-
ts = result.timeseries fig = ts.plot()
AutoTS, another Python time series tool, stands for Automatic Time Series, quickly providing high-accuracy forecasts at scale. It offers many different forecasting models and functions directly compatible with pandas’ data frames. The models from this library can be used for deployment. Some noticeable features of this library are –
Let us explore the applicability of this library to make a temperature prediction for the next month.
First, install the ‘autots’ package using the following lines of code:
pip install autots
Next, we will import the package
# Loading the package from autots import AutoTS
We will use the previously imported dataset for Air passengers. We will create a TimeSeries object from a Pandas DataFrame and split it into a train/validation series.
from autots import AutoTS model = AutoTS(forecast_length=12, frequency='infer',ensemble='simple') model =, date_col='month', value_col='#Passengers', id_col=None) prediction = model.predict() #make predictions forecast = prediction.forecast print("Passengers Forecast") print(forecast)
Next, we use the command to visualize the predictions.
The AutoTS library seems to have predicted the passenger numbers well based on the existing patterns in the dataset.
There are many other popular libraries like Prophet, Sktime, Arrow, Pastas, Featuretools, etc., which can also be used for time-series analysis. In this article, we explored 5 Python libraries – Tsfresh, Darts, Kats, GreyKite, and AutoTS developed especially for Time-series analysis. Before closing this article, let us recap some crucial points.
I hope you enjoyed exploring these time-series libraries mentioned here in this article. Even if you might have used one of these for your past projects, try an alternate library from this list and have fun comparing the results. And if you haven’t tried any of these libraries, pick any one tool to get started. They are easy to implement but remember to read some time-series theory beforehand to better utilize these libraries for your project. You can find the code for this article on my GitHub repository.
The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.
Dear Satyajit Chaudhuri, Great Thanks for your valuable work. The result showed that the Random Forest Model outperforms other model. How you concluded that TimeGPT has outstanding result? May you explains your findings? Thanks. Rashidi
From the table in the article, where different measures are compared, it seems that the best under all criteria is the random forest forecast, not the TimeGPT. Is this an error -- perhaps the columns are inverted-- but if it is not, then your conclusions are wrong.
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