One of the finest breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing is the development the Transformer model. Anyone interested in taking a deep dive into the architecture of the entire transformer model can refer to this link. From a 10000 feet height, the transformer is an encoder-decoder model with multiple self-attention heads. The rationale behind the transformer model was to develop a state-of-the-art model for performing Neural Machine Translation. However, apart from NLP tasks, for example, Language Translation, other tasks like Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity Recognition, Question-Answering, and Part of Speech Tagging, etc., do not need the entire transformer model but only the encoder or the decoder part.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers that replicates the encoder architecture of the transformer model with a deeper encoder stack. The model receives the name “bidirectional” because it can simultaneously gather the context of a word from either direction. Researchers at Google Brain designed the BERT model as a pre-trained model that can be fine-tuned by adding a single model head to solve various NLP problems. To put more perspective into this, the core BERT model is the same for the two specific NLP tasks, Sentiment Analysis and Named Entity Recognition, but the model head changes for the two tasks. A conceptual diagram for the same is:
Transfer learning is at the very core of the tremendous development in Computer Vision. In transfer learning, researchers pre-train a deep Neural Network on a large dataset, such as the ImageNet dataset, and then fine-tune it on a task-specific dataset. The benefits of transfer learning are:
However, the same was not popular in natural language processing, and people had to design their models, trained from the very ground up, and thus not able to reap the benefits of transfer learning. Developing a pre-trained language model like BERT was a boon to the NLP community resulting in performing several NLP tasks with minimum time and compute.
As mentioned earlier, BERT is multiple layers of Transformer encoders stacked one over the other. Depending upon the number of encoder layers, the number of self-attention heads, and the hidden vector size, BERT is categorized into two types: BERTBASE and BERTLARGE. The following table gives a numerical comparison between the two:
Below is the pictorial representation of a BERTBASE model used for the Masked Language Modeling task:
The input to the model consists of three parts:
All the embeddings are added and fed into the BERT model. As shown above, BERTBASE can ingest a maximum number of 512 tokens. Input to the model traverses sequentially through a stack of 12 encoder layers (L=12), where each has 12 self-attention heads (A=12) and outputs the same number of tokens as in the input, and has a Dimension of 768. In the final layer, you stack a model head for MLM over the BERT core model, which outputs the same number of tokens as the input. You change the dimension for all tokens to match the size of the input vocabulary given by N. Finally, a softmax function applied to the output logits gives the predicted token by the model.
A WordPiece tokenizer tokenizes the input text. The tokenizer has a vocabulary of size 30000. The first token (at index position 0) given by the tokenizer at the input is a Special token given by [CLS] called the Classification token. For Classification tasks like Sentiment Analysis etc., we use the final hidden state of the last encoder layer corresponding to the [CLS] token. We use a separator token given by [SEP] for indicating two different sentences. And for masking a word, the token [MASK] is used by the tokenizer. Apart from these Special tokens, others are the regular ones. The output of the tokenizer has three parts:
If all of these seem confusing, do not worry, I will clear the air in the code section. For now, grasp as much as you can.
As the objective behind BERT is transfer learning, pre-training remains at the heart of the entire discussion. In the original research paper, the core BERT model trains on two self-supervised learning tasks with two model heads as described below:
Finally, the overall loss of the pre-training model is the mean of the two tasks mentioned above.
In the previous sections, we have got a gist of the architecture of a vanilla BERT model. Here we will fine-tune an already pre-trained BERT model using masked language modeling.
from transformers import BertTokenizer, TFBertForMaskedLM import tensorflow as tf import os import numpy as np import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We are importing a pre-trained BERT tokenizer and a BERT model with an MLM head from the Hugging Face repository.
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') model = TFBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
As we can see, the Wordpiece tokenizer used for fine-tuning is BertTokenizer. The model used is TFBertForMaskedLM, a BERT model with an MLM head that can accept only Tensorflow tensors. In both of them, the check-point used is bert-base-uncased. Let’s look at the model summary:
model.summary() Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= bert (TFBertMainLayer) multiple 108891648 mlm___cls (TFBertMLMHead) multiple 24459834
Total params: 109,514,298
Trainable params: 109,514,298
Non-trainable params: 0
From the summary, we can see that there are two blocks of layers, one is the core BERT layer and the other is the MLM model head layer.
The dataset that we will use for fine-tuning the BERT-MLM model is the textbook named The Hunger Games. The same can be downloaded using this link. Let’s read the text from a local directory:
with open('The Hunger Games.txt','r') as f: file =".")
We are taking a single sentence ending in a full stop as input to the model. As we are not training on NSP, we are not taking a set of two sentences.A closer look at the text file shows that it contains many punctuations and other non-ASCII characters that do not add much value to the model, so we clean them.
def clean_text(line): line = re.sub(r'-+',' ',line) line = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z, ]+'," ",line) line = re.sub(r'[ ]+'," ",line) line += "." return line
Also, we observe that certain sentences are small, and masking a few tokens removes a significant amount of context from the sentence. Hence, we remove sentences less than 20 words from the corpus.
text_lst = [] len_lst = [] for line in file: if len(line.split(" ")) >=20: line = clean_text(line) text_lst.append(line) len_lst.append(len(line.split(" ")))
The code above the list text_lst, holds all the sentences with a length greater than or equal to 20, and the list len_lst holds all the sentences’ length’. We can check the number of sentences available after filtering with the code len(text_lst) which comes out as 1567 and we can also check the longest sentence with the code max(len_lst) which is 87.
The input is a list of sentences that can not be fed directly into any deep learning model because what a machine can understand is numbers and not texts. Therefore, we are tokenizing the text into some numbers, as shown in the below lines of code.
inputs = tokenizer(text_lst,max_length=100,truncation=True,padding='max_length',return_tensors='tf') print(inputs.keys()) >> dict_keys(['input_ids', 'token_type_ids', 'attention_mask'])
In the tokenizer method, text_lst is the text corpus, max_length suggests the maximum number of allowable input tokens (the maximum is 512 for BERT base), and truncation set to True indicates that if the input size is more than the max_length, then the token from index number equal to max_length would be truncated i.e., for our example input tokens from index 100 would be dropped, padding set to True indicates the input length shorter than the max_length are padded, with padding token 0 and lastly, return_tensors indicates in what format do we want the output tensor and tf suggests that we expect tensorflow tensor. The tokenizer here returns three fields, as we have mentioned earlier.
Now if we look at the “inputs” with the code print(inputs), we can see that the input_ids tensor is of shape 1567×100, and each row starts with the token 101, which is the id for the Special token [CLS] and ends with 0 which is the padding token indicating that the sentence length is less than 100. Also, there is a Special token 102, the [SEP] token, which is not visible, indicating the end of a sentence. Secondly, the token_type_ids are all 0 as there is only a single sentence as input. Finally, the attention_mask has ones at locations for the actual input tokens and zeros for the padding tokens.
The objective of a masked language model is to predict the masked words by gathering context from the surrounding words. In other words, we can say that we need to reconstruct the original sentence at the output from the masked sentence at the input. Therefore the target labels are the actual input_ids from the tokenizer. Hence we add the target labels to the dataset as follows:
inputs['labels'] = inputs['input_ids'] inputs.keys() >> dict_keys(['input_ids', 'token_type_ids', 'attention_mask', 'labels'])
In the original research paper, 15% of the input tokens were masked, of which 80% were replaced with [MASK] tokens, 10% were replaced with random tokens, and another 10% were left as is. However, in our fine-tuning task, we are replacing 15% of the input tokens except for the special ones with only [MASK] i.e., we will not replace token numbers 101,102, and 0 with mask token 103. In the following lines of codes, the same logic is implemented:
inp_ids = [] lbs = [] idx = 0 for inp in inputs.input_ids.numpy(): actual_tokens = list(set(range(100)) - set(np.where((inp == 101) | (inp == 102) | (inp == 0))[0].tolist())) #We need to select 15% random tokens from the given list num_of_token_to_mask = int(len(actual_tokens)*0.15) token_to_mask = np.random.choice(np.array(actual_tokens), size=num_of_token_to_mask, replace=False).tolist() #Now we have the indices where we need to mask the tokens inp[token_to_mask] = 103 inp_ids.append(inp) idx += 1 inp_ids = tf.convert_to_tensor(inp_ids) inputs['input_ids'] = inp_ids
The code inputs can verify the random replacements with [MASK] tokens.input_ids
Now that we are ready with the input and output data, we can proceed to fine-tune the BERT model using MLM. We are using tensorflow background for training with keras. We use an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001, and we set the loss function to SparseCategoricalCrossentropy with from_logits set to True because the model’s output does not normalize with a softmax function. Also, we have taken a batch size of 8 which may vary depending upon the hardware set-up and we will run the model for 10 epochs and observe the loss against each epoch.
model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001),loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)) history =[inputs.input_ids,inputs.attention_mask],inputs.labels,verbose=1,batch_size=8,epochs=10)
After training, let’s plot the loss vs. epoch curve as follows
losses = history.history['loss'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(range(len(losses)),losses) ax1.set_xlabel("Epochs") ax1.set_ylabel("Loss") ax1.set_title("Epoch vs Loss") plt.grid()
As we can see, the loss is constantly decreasing, which indicates that the model is converging. By the 6th epoch, the loss is not decreasing, which means that the model has fully converged and is ready for inference.
Now that the model is fine-tuned with our data let’s test the model with a query point.
query = "Good morning [MASK], have a [MASK] day" inp = tokenizer(query,return_tensors='tf') mask_loc = np.where(inp.input_ids.numpy()[0] == 103)[0].tolist() out = model(inp).logits[0].numpy() predicted_tokens = np.argmax(out[mask_loc],axis=1).tolist() tokenizer.decode(predicted_tokens) #outputs >>'everybody good'
The query point in the above lines of code is a string with two mask tokens. After tokenizing the query text, we feed the tokenized inputs to the model for predicting the mask tokens. And as we can see, the two mask tokens predicted by the model are everybody and good and as such, the suggested text by the model is “Good morning everybody”, have a good day which seems a reasonable prediction.
Training a BERT model for many of us is an enigma, given that there is no clear documentation about the same. The original research paper only scratches the surface of the training process. From our discussion so far on BERT, we have seen the following points in detail:
I hope this article gives a solid foundation on both pre-training and fine-tuning the BERT model using the masked language model head. If you have any doubts, please comment on your concerns below. Also, in a future article, I intend to fine-tune a BERT model with a next sentence prediction model head.
Thanks for reading!!!
The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.
Thanks for the interesting article. I need to store and save the fine-tuned model to use it at other times. What should I do?