Revolutionizing Social Media Strategy with Automation Using Python

sharkbite Last Updated : 10 Mar, 2023
13 min read


Python | Social media

Social media has drastically changed communication and information consumption in our personal and professional lives. Usage of different social media platforms enables news consumption, new hobby discovery, and interpersonal contact on a personal level. Moreover, it provides companies and influencers with a professional platform to communicate with and engage with their target markets. In this article, you will learn how to automate posts using python.

In recent times, social media has been the major means through which influencers cultivate following and monetizable content. A strong digital presence may pave the way for brand alliances, sponsorships, and elevated exposure. Small business owners may easily reach a wider audience by marketing their goods or services on social media. By making use of various platforms, businesses may foster brand loyalty and improve revenue.

However, keeping an active social media presence can be laborious and time-consuming, especially while managing numerous accounts. Frequent blogging, commenting, and engagement with followers may soon exhaust your resources.

Fortunately, there is a solution: Automating Social Media Posts. By automating your social media postings, you may plan them beforehand and let the program manage the logistics. This can save you time, eliminate errors, and allow you to focus more on the creative aspects. Also, automation facilitates a regular posting schedule, a wider readership, and improved subscriber engagement. To undertake this, we can make use of Python’s capabilities, a robust computing language that facilitates the automation of social media functions.

In the sections that follow, we will explore how to configure a Python environment, connect to social media platforms, and develop an automated script. In addition, we will discuss best practices for social media automation using Python, in addition to its benefits for both people and businesses.

Table of Contents

Why Automate Social Media Posts Using Python?

Automate social media posts by using python

As stated earlier, social media automation may save you time, eliminate mistakes, and keep your posting schedule constant. Let’s study the consequences of this in further detail.

  1. Saves Time: Manually posting on social media can be time-consuming, especially if you handle several accounts or often update them. You may schedule your social media posts beforehand with automation and let the program take care of the rest. This gives you the option to allocate more time to other tasks, including creating high-quality content and connecting with your followers.
  2. Consistent Posting Schedule: Establishing a robust social media presence needs following a consistent posting schedule. Yet, posting consistently might be difficult if you have a busy schedule or manage several accounts. By automating your social media posts, you may plan changes beforehand and post often, even when you’re busy.
  3. Attract a Wider Audience: By posting at the right times, you will increase the likelihood that your intended audience will find your content. Yet, it might be tough to determine when your followers are most engaged on social media. With social media automation tools, you may plan your posts to be published at the optimal times to reach a wider audience.
  4. Reduce Errors: Manually publishing on social media can result in problems like misspellings and broken links, which may be detrimental to your brand’s reputation and lead to a decline in follower engagement. By automating your social media posts, you can ensure they are consistent and error-free.
  5. Increase Engagement: By automating your social media, you can maintain a consistent posting schedule and reach a larger audience. This can increase interaction with your fans. Moreover, implementing automated solutions to reply to comments and messages may increase your audience’s involvement even further.
  6. Cost-Effective: Social media automation solutions are often less expensive than hiring a manager or outsourcing social media tasks. With Python and free or inexpensive automation tools, you may automate your social media functions rather inexpensively.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how to leverage Python to automate social media tasks and enhance workflow.
  2. Acquire the skills to connect to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram APIs to execute a number of tasks automatically, like uploading pictures, replying to comments and messages, and following and unfollowing users.
  3. Learn how to use the schedule and time libraries to schedule your social media posts and perform tasks automatically, allowing you to save time and focus on other tasks.
  4. Discover the best practices for social media automation with Python, like avoiding spamming and respecting the platform’s terms and conditions.
  5. Develop an understanding of the os library’s capabilities to delete files, allowing you to keep your computer clean and organized and prevent it from slowing down due to excessive storage use.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Project Description

The project aims to illustrate how one can automate social media posts using Python. We provide detailed instructions on how to install Python, connect to different social media platforms, and create an automation script. We go through the best practices for automating social media using Python, including scheduling posts beforehand, posting at appropriate times and using automation tools to reply to comments and messages. Within the project, we also show how to use Python libraries like Instabot, Tweepy, and Facebook SDK to automate social media chores, including posting photographs and videos, liking and commenting on posts, following and unfollowing profiles, and tweeting. Last but not least, we go through how to utilize the time and schedule libraries to plan postings and avoid wasting system resources by using the OS library to delete photo and video files to keep your system organized.

Problem Statement

These days social media is a critical part of modern-day communication. Yet, maintaining an active social media presence may be time-consuming and
challenging on a consistent basis. As a result, the popularity of automating social media tasks has increased, and one can stay active across multiple platforms without committing an excessive amount of time to one. Unfortunately, many people may lack the technical understanding necessary to automate social media functions. This project shares a beginner-friendly approach to automating social media posts using Python, addressing the issues of time management and productivity.


Understanding of Python programming and familiarity with the following concepts are necessary for getting started.

  1. Basic Programming Constructs: variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, and error handling.
  2. Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  3. Social Media APIs: You should have API keys and access tokens for the social media platforms you want to automate.

In addition, a machine with Python 3.x installed and an internet connection is necessary to access social networking networks and their APIs. Also, you should be aware of how to install third-party libraries using Python’s package installer, pip.



To automate social media tasks, we will employ the Python programming language and a number of libraries that facilitate connection to social media platforms and perform operations like uploading, commenting, liking, and following.

  1. Initiating the Python environment and importing the necessary libraries is the first step. We will connect to Twitter with the Tweepy library, Facebook with the Facebook SDK, and Instagram with the Instabot library.
  2. After the environment has been established, we can begin developing the automation script. With our API credentials and access tokens, we will first establish authentication with the social media platforms. Afterward, we may begin actions like expressing views through tweets, sharing Facebook posts, and uploading Instagram photographs.
  3. We will then make use of the schedule library and the time library to schedule posts beforehand and to post at appropriate times. These libraries will allow us to schedule postings at certain times.
  4. To keep our computer clean and organized, we will be using the os library to delete photo or video files after uploading them on Instagram.

Overall, our approach involves leveraging the power of Python to automate social media tasks and save time and effort.

Instagram Automation

Instagram is a well-known social media site where users may share videos and photos with their followers. Yet, maintaining a consistent publishing schedule on Instagram may be time-consuming. Automation can be quite helpful in making sure that your material is posted at the right moment for your audience. Instabot, a Python package that automates Instagram tasks, including publishing photos and videos, leaving comments on posts, and following and unfollowing users, will be used to carry out this.

This section’s code is a Python script that schedules an Instagram post to be uploaded on a particular day and time. To prevent wasting system resources, we will use the schedule library to schedule the post and the time library to sleep the script.

The Bot class is imported from the Instabot library using the line from instabot import Bot. This class provides access to the Instagram API.

The import os line imports the os library, which will be used to remove the photo or video file from Instagram after it has been submitted. This step is optional.

The def post_to_instagram(): line defines a function that contains the code for posting a photo or video to Instagram. The Bot() function
initializes an instance of the Bot class, and the bot.login() method logs you into Instagram using your username and password. The bot.upload_photo()
function uploads an image or video with the provided description to your profile. When a photo or video has been uploaded, the os.remove() function
deletes the file from your computer. The bot.logout() function finally locks you out of Instagram.

The time and date for when the post will be submitted to Instagram are as per the post_date = ‘2023-02-25 12:00:00’ line. This time and date must be in the format HH:MM:SS or YYYY-MM-DD.

The post_to_instagram() function is scheduled using the schedule library at the specific date and time using the schedule.every() date).do(post to instagram) line. Since we are just scheduling one post, the action will only be carried out once, though the .every().day function instructs it to run every day. The .do(post to instagram) defines the function to be performed, and .at(post date) sets the date and time for the job to perform.

While the while True: statement initiates an indefinite loop, the pending() function checks for scheduled tasks and time.sleep(1) puts the script to sleep for one second to preserve system resources. This loop ensures that the script runs continuously and checks for scheduled events, ensuring that your Instagram posts will be posted at the designated time and date.

from instabot import Bot
import os
import schedule
import time

def post_to_instagram():
    # Initialize bot
    bot = Bot()
    bot.login(username='your_username', password='your_password')

    # Upload photo or video
    bot.upload_photo('image.jpg', caption='Caption of your post')

    # Delete photo or video after posting (optional)

    # Logout

# Set the date and time for the post
post_date = '2023-02-25 12:00:00'

# Schedule the post at the specified date and time

# Keep running the script to check for scheduled tasks
while True:

Twitter Automation

Another popular social networking site is Twitter, where users update their followers on their views and ideas. Similar to Instagram, keeping a regular posting schedule on Twitter may take a lot of time, and hence, automating this process can save a lot of time. We will use the Python package Tweepy to do this. Our ability to automate
actions like tweeting, liking and retweeting messages, and following and unfollowing persons is made possible by the widely used library Tweepy.

We can write a Python script that schedules a tweet to be posted on a particular day and time in order to automate tweets using Tweepy. By making use of the schedule library to schedule the tweet and the time library to put the script to sleep, we will follow the approach used for the Instagram automation script.

The Tweepy library will first need to be installed using pip. The following command will install Tweepy:

pip install tweepy

Once we have installed the Tweepy library, we will write the Python script. We start by importing the required libraries:

import tweepy
import os
import schedule
import time

The tweepy library provides a Tweepy API that we can use to interact with the Twitter API. The os library is used to delete the media file after it’s been uploaded to Twitter, and the schedule and time libraries are used to schedule and run the script.

Next, we’ll define a function that contains the code for posting a tweet:

def post_to_twitter():
    # Authenticate and create a Tweepy API object
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret')
    auth.set_access_token('access_token', 'access_token_secret')
    api = tweepy.API(auth)

    # Upload media and create tweet
    media = api.media_upload('image.jpg')
    tweet = 'Caption of your tweet'
    api.update_status(status=tweet, media_ids=[media.media_id])

    # Delete media file after posting (optional)

The post_to_twitter() function first authenticates the user with their consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret using OAuthHandler, provided by Tweepy. We then create an API object using the authenticated user’s credentials. The api.media_upload() method uploads the media file to Twitter, and the api.update_status() method creates a tweet with the desired caption and attaches the uploaded media. Finally, we delete the media file using the os.remove() method.

We can now schedule the tweet to be posted at a specific date and time using the following code:

# Set the date and time for the tweet
tweet_date = '2023-02-25 12:00:00'

# Schedule the tweet at the specified date and time

# Keep running the script to check for scheduled tasks
while True:

This code sets the date and time for the tweet and schedules the post_to_twitter() function to be run at that time using the schedule library. The infinite loop ensures that the script is always running.

Facebook Automation

Another popular social networking platform that you can automate with Python is Facebook. Users may share stories, posts, photographs, and videos on Facebook with their friends, family, and followers. By automating your Facebook posts with Python, you can stay on top of your publishing schedule and connect with your audience when they’re online. The Facebook SDK has tools for dealing with the Facebook Graph API and can be used for this purpose.

You must first establish a Facebook Developer account, a new Facebook app, and a generated access token in order to begin automating your Facebook posts. You will authenticate your calls to the Facebook Graph API using this access token.

You may use pip to install the Facebook SDK for Python after you have your access token. Run the following command after opening your command prompt:

pip install facebook-sdk

You may start creating Python code to automate your Facebook posts after the SDK is imported:

import facebook
import schedule
import time

def post_to_facebook():
    # Initialize the Graph API client
    graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token='your_access_token', version='3.0')

    # Upload photo or video
    graph.put_photo(image=open('image.jpg', 'rb'), message='Caption of your post')

    # Delete photo or video after posting (optional)

# Set the date and time for the post
post_date = '2023-02-25 12:00:00'

# Schedule the post at the specified date and time

# Keep running the script to check for scheduled tasks
while True:

The facebook.GraphAPI() function is being used in this script to initialize a client for the Facebook Graph API. We enter our access token and the Graph API version we wish to use.

The post_to_facebook() function is then defined, and it uses the graph.put photo() method to submit a photo or video to Facebook. We provide the description for the post and the file directory of the image or video we wish to publish.

Like we did with the Instagram example, we then schedule the post_to_facebook() function, which will be executed at the desired date and time through the scheduled library.

Metrics & Analytics

For you to evaluate the effectiveness of your social media automation plan, metrics, and analytics are crucial. You can monitor your social media performance, spot patterns, and make data-driven decisions with the aid of metrics and analytics.

You may keep an eye on a variety of indicators to assess the effectiveness of your social media automation strategy, such as:

  1. Engagement Metrics: With metrics like likes, comments, shares, and retweets, one can monitor how much your audience interacts with your social media content.
  2. Reach Metrics: These stats track the number of views on your social media material. They can aid in determining the possible audience reach of your material and the efficiency with which you are interacting with your target market.
  3. Conversion Metrics: These show how many people connect with your social media material and then go on to complete a desired task, like going to your website, signing up for your newsletter, or completing a purchase. Better conversion rates show that your content is motivating your readers to take action.
  4. Branding Metrics: These stats track how positively people see your brand on social media. Such information may help you learn more about how customers are interacting with your company online.

To assess these indicators, you may make use of social media analytics programs like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer, or Google Analytics. These tools let you assess the success of your social media automation strategy, identify possible issues, and improve the impact of your social media content.

Moreover, one may create their own Python code to monitor the success of such metrics across several social media networks in the way shown below.

  1. Facebook Insights: Facebook has an API that you may use to get data on metrics like reach, post engagement, and page likes.
  2. Twitter Analytics: You may access statistics like tweet impressions, engagement, clicks, and other metrics using Twitter’s Analytics API. To get data from the API, you may use the Tweepy library.
  3. Instagram Analytics: You can access data on metrics like follower counts, post engagement and reach through Instagram’s Graph API. To get data from the API, you can use Python modules like instagram-private-api.

Following data retrieval, you may analyze and present the data using Python packages like pandas. To better understand these metrics and statistics, you may generate charts and graphs using tools like matplotlib or seaborn.

Challenges & Limitations

When automating social media postings with Python, there are several challenges and constraints that you could run against. Here are a few of the most typical:

  1. Social media platform restrictions: There are restrictions on how often one can submit content on sites like Facebook and Twitter. You may need to abide by certain regulations to prevent being prohibited or punished.
  2. API Restrictions: Social media networks could have API restrictions that impose a limit on the number of calls you can make in a certain amount of time. You may be able to get past these limitations by simplifying your code.
  3. Authentication & Security: You must exercise caution when using third-party libraries or tools for authentication and security. Adhere to established practices and refrain from saving sensitive data—like passwords or access tokens—in plain text.
  4. Accuracy & Relevancy: The accuracy and relevance that come with human connection may be missing from automated social media posts. To prevent alienating your audience, you must make sure that your automatic postings are factual and relevant.
  5. Constant Changes: The APIs and features of social media sites are continuously evolving. To ensure that your automation script functions effectively, you must maintain current with these modifications.

Despite these restrictions, using Python to automate social media postings can help you save time and effort while streamlining your social media strategy. You can overcome these and produce an effective automation project by sticking to the best practices and remaining updated with the most recent updates.

Advanced Techniques and Tools

You may improve your social media automation efforts by utilizing a number of sophisticated tactics and technologies in addition to the fundamentals.

  1. AI-powered Chatbots: These tools may be used to automate social media customer support answers. Customer happiness and loyalty may be increased by swiftly and effectively responding to consumer questions and concerns with chatbots.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing the tone and sentiment of posts and comments on social media is a powerful method. By employing sentiment analysis to uncover additional information about how people feel about your company, you may be able to enhance your social media approach.
  3. Social Listening: Monitoring social media sites for mentions of your company, its goods, or rivals is known as social listening. You may learn a lot about the requirements, tastes, and views of your customers by keeping an ear out for them in social media dialogues.
  4. Hashtag Analysis: Analysis of hashtag usage may help you better understand trends and consumer behavior. Hashtags are a crucial component of social media marketing. Python enables you to use applications like Tweepy to track hashtag usage and find trending hashtags in your sector.
  5. Content Curation: Finding, gathering, and disseminating pertinent material on social media is known as content curation. Python makes it possible to automate the process of discovering and curating material, saving time and effort. Examples of such programs are Feedparser and Beautiful Soup.

You may progress your social media marketing efforts, boost engagement and customer happiness and obtain insightful information about your audience and sector, and more by implementing these cutting-edge strategies and technologies in your social media automation approach.


In conclusion, Python-based social media automation may be a potent tool for companies and people wishing to simplify their social media presence and save time. Users can focus on producing high-quality content and interacting with their followers by automating repetitive processes like scheduling articles and replying to

Important lessons learnt are as follows:

  1. Social media automation can reduce time-consuming tasks and improve outputs.
  2. Python is a potent programming language that can be leveraged for social media automation.
  3. Using automation tools to reply to comments and messages is one of the best practices for social media automation. Other best practices include scheduling posts beforehand and posting at strategic times.
  4. It’s crucial to approach social media automation with caution, be aware of spammy or low-quality material, and keep your relationship with followers personal.

Eventually, social media automation may be a helpful tool if used properly. Python can be used to automate rote actions, freeing up users to focus on creating informative material and interacting with their followers while maximizing their social media presence. It’s crucial to approach social media automation with caution,
be aware of the possibility of spammy or low-quality material, and keep your relationship with followers personal.

Read this article on Python certifications for all levels and become a pro!

The media shown in this article is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.

I am a data scientist with a passion for innovative problem-solving. With years of experience in the industry, I work with one of the world's leading cloud-based software companies, where I apply my expertise in data analysis, modelling, and visualization to drive meaningful insights and help businesses make data-driven decisions. Through my work, I have gained a deep understanding of the latest technologies and tools in the field of data science and machine learning, and I am always eager to learn more and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new coding techniques, experimenting with new data sets, and sharing my knowledge and experience with other data scientists and enthusiasts.

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