How to Get Started with Image-to-Image Translation with Cyclegan?

Haneen Mansoor Last Updated : 31 Oct, 2023
6 min read


In the realm of artificial intelligence and computer vision, CycleGAN stands as a remarkable innovation that has redefined the way we perceive and manipulate images. This cutting-edge technique has revolutionized image-to-image translation, enabling seamless transformations between domains, such as turning horses into zebras or converting summer landscapes into snowy vistas. In this article, we’ll uncover the magic of CycleGAN and explore its diverse applications across various domains.


Learning Objectives

  • The concept of CycleGAN and its innovative bidirectional image translation approach.
  • The architecture of the generator networks (G_AB and G_BA) in CycleGAN, the discriminator networks’ design (D_A and D_B), and their role in training.
  • Real-world applications of CycleGAN include style transfer, domain adaptation and seasonal transitions, and urban planning.
  • The challenges faced during CycleGAN implementation include translation quality and domain shifts.
  • Possible future directions for enhancing CycleGAN’s capabilities.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

What is CycleGAN?

CycleGAN, short for “Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network,” is a novel deep-learning architecture that facilitates unsupervised image translation. Traditional GANs pit a generator against a discriminator in a min-max game, but CycleGAN introduces an ingenious twist. Instead of aiming for a one-way translation, CycleGAN focuses on achieving bidirectional mapping between two domains without relying on paired training data. This means that CycleGAN can convert images from domain A to domain B and, crucially, back from domain B to domain A while ensuring that the image remains coherent through the cycle.

Architecture of CycleGAN

The architecture of CycleGAN is characterized by its two generators, G_A and G_B, responsible for translating images from domain A to domain B and vice versa. These generators are trained alongside two discriminators, D_A and D_B, which evaluate the authenticity of translated images against real ones from their respective domains. The adversarial training forces the generators to produce images indistinguishable from real images in the target domain, while the cycle-consistency loss enforces that the original image can be reconstructed after the bidirectional translation.

Architecture of CycleGAN

Implementation of Image to Image translation Using CycleGAN

# import libraries
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfdata
from tensorflow_examples.models.pix2pix import pix2pix
import os
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import clear_output

# Dataset preparation
dataset, metadata = tfdata.load('cycle_gan/horse2zebra',
                              with_info=True, as_supervised=True)

train_horses, train_zebras = dataset['trainA'], dataset['trainB']
test_horses, test_zebras = dataset['testA'], dataset['testB']

def preprocess(image):
  # resize 
  image = tf.image.resize(image, [286, 286],
  # crop
  image = random_crop(image)
  # mirror
  image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
  return image 
# Training set and testing set 
train_horses = train_horses.cache().map(
    preprocess_image, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE).shuffle(

train_zebras = train_zebras.cache().map(
    preprocess_image, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE).shuffle(
horse = next(iter(train_horses))
zebra = next(iter(train_zebras))

 # Import pretrained model
channels = 3

g_generator = pix2pix.unet_generator(channels, norm_type='instancenorm')
f_generator = pix2pix.unet_generator(channels, norm_type='instancenorm')

a_discriminator = pix2pix.discriminator(norm_type='instancenorm', target=False)
b_discriminator = pix2pix.discriminator(norm_type='instancenorm', target=False) 

to_zebra = g_generator(horse)
to_horse = f_generator(zebra)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
contrast = 8

# Define loss functions
loss = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
def discriminator(real, generated):
  real = loss(tf.ones_like(real), real)

  generated = loss(tf.zeros_like(generated), generated)

  total_disc= real + generated

  return total_disc * 0.5
def generator(generated):
  return loss(tf.ones_like(generated), generated)

# Model training
def train(a_real, b_real):
  with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
    b_fake = g_generator(a_real, training=True)
    a_cycled = f_generator(b_fake, training=True)

    a_fake = f_generator(b_real, training=True)
    b_cycled = g_generator(a_fake, training=True)

    a = f_generator(a_real, training=True)
    b = g_generator(b_real, training=True)

    a_disc_real = a_discriminator(a_real, training=True)
    b_disc_real = b_discriminator(b_real, training=True)

    a_disc_fake = a_discriminator(a_fake, training=True)
    b_disc_fake = b_discriminator(b_fake, training=True)

    # loss calculation
    g_loss = generator_loss(a_disc_fake)
    f_loss = generator_loss(b_disc_fake)
# Model run
for epoch in range(10):
  start = time.time()

  n = 0
  for a_image, b_image in, train_zebras)):
    train(a_image, b_image)
    if n % 10 == 0:
      print ('.', end='')
    n += 1

  generate_images(g_generator, horse)

Applications of CycleGAN

CycleGAN’s prowess extends far beyond its technical intricacies, finding application in diverse domains where image transformation is pivotal:

1. Artistic Rendering and Style Transfer

CycleGAN’s ability to translate images while preserving content and structure is potent for artistic endeavors. It facilitates the transfer of artistic styles between images, offering new perspectives on classical artworks or breathing new life into modern photography.

2. Domain Adaptation and Augmentation

In machine learning, CycleGAN aids domain adaptation by translating images from one domain (e.g., real photos) to another (e.g., synthetic images), helping models trained on limited data generalize better to real-world scenarios. It also augments training data by creating variations of images, enriching the diversity of the dataset.

3. Seasonal Transitions and Urban Planning

CycleGAN’s talent for transforming landscapes between seasons aids urban planning and environmental studies. Simulating how areas look during different seasons supports decision-making for landscaping, city planning, and even predicting the effects of climate change.

Seasonal transitions and urban planning | CycleGAN

4. Data Augmentation for Medical Imaging

It can generate augmented medical images for training machine learning models. Generating diverse variations of medical images (e.g., MRI scans) can improve model generalization and performance.

5. Translating Satellite Images

Satellite images captured under different lighting conditions, times of the day, or weather conditions can be challenging to compare. CycleGAN can convert satellite images taken at different times or under varying conditions, aiding in tracking environmental changes and urban development.

6. Virtual Reality and Gaming

Game developers can create immersive experiences by transforming real-world images into the visual style of their virtual environments. This can enhance realism and user engagement in virtual reality and gaming applications.

Challenges to CycleGAN

  • Translation Quality: Ensuring high-quality translations without distortions or artifacts remains challenging, particularly in scenarios involving extreme domain differences.
  • Domain Shifts: Handling domain shifts where the source and target domains exhibit significant variations can lead to suboptimal translations and loss of content fidelity.
  • Fine-Tuning for Tasks: Tailoring CycleGAN for specific tasks requires careful fine-tuning of hyperparameters and architectural modifications, which can be resource-intensive.
  • Network Instability: The training of CycleGAN networks can sometimes be unstable, leading to convergence issues, mode collapse, or slow learning.

Future Directions to CycleGAN

  • Semantic Information Integration: Incorporating semantic information into CycleGAN to guide the translation process could lead to more meaningful and context-aware transformations.
  • Conditional and Multimodal Translation: Exploring conditional and multimodal image translations, where the output depends on specific conditions or involves multiple styles, opens new possibilities.
  • Unsupervised Learning for Semantic Segmentation: Leveraging CycleGAN for unsupervised learning of semantic segmentation maps could revolutionize computer vision tasks by reducing labeling efforts.
  • Hybrid Architectures: Combining CycleGAN with other techniques like attention mechanisms or self-attention could enhance translation accuracy and reduce issues related to extreme domain differences.
  • Cross-Domain Applications: Extending CycleGAN’s capabilities to multi-domain or cross-domain translations can pave the way for more versatile applications in various domains.
  • Stability Enhancements: Future research may focus on enhancing the training stability of CycleGAN through novel optimization strategies or architectural modifications.


CycleGAN’s transformative potential in image-to-image translation is undeniable. It bridges domains, morphs seasons, and infuses creativity into visual arts. As research and applications evolve, Its impact promises to reach new heights, transcending the boundaries of image manipulation and ushering in a new era of seamless visual transformation. Some key takeaways from this article are:

  • Its unique focus on bidirectional image translation sets it apart, allowing seamless conversion between two domains while maintaining image consistency.
  • The ability to simulate seasonal transitions aids urban planning and environmental research, offering insights into how landscapes might evolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the difference between Pix2Pix GAN and CycleGAN?

Both models are effective tools for translating one image into another. However, one of the biggest differences is whether the data they used is paired. In particular, Pix2Pix requires well-paired data, but CycleGAN does not.

Q2. What is the loss of CycleGAN?

It has three losses: Cycle-consistent, which compares the original image to a translated version of the image in a different domain and back. Adversarial, which guarantees realistic pictures. Identity, which preserves the image’s color space.

Q3. What is the difference between CycleGAN and GAN?

Generative Adversarial Models (GANs) are composed of 2 neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. A CycleGAN is composed of 2 GANs, making it a total of 2 generators and 2 discriminators.

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As a mathematics graduate with a keen interest in data analysis and machine learning, I am constantly seeking to expand my skills and knowledge. Currently pursuing a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics, I am dedicated to mastering the latest techniques and tools in the field. Throughout my various data analysis projects, I have come to realize the importance of well-written articles in guiding me through complex concepts and methodologies. Inspired by these resources, I have decided to share my own insights and experiences with others by writing articles of my own.

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