What is Binary Search Algorithm with Examples

Analytics Vidhya Last Updated : 08 Sep, 2024
10 min read


Binary search is a fundamental algorithm in computer science known for its efficiency in locating a target value within a sorted array. Unlike linear search, which inspects each element sequentially, binary search utilizes a divide-and-conquer strategy to reduce the search space by half with each iteration, achieving a logarithmic time complexity of 𝑂(log⁡𝑛)O(logn). This tutorial explores the workings of the binary search algorithm in python, including its implementation in Python, handling of special cases, and comparisons with other search algorithms.

In this article, you will explore the recursive algorithm for binary search, learning how it efficiently narrows down search space and enhances performance. We will also discuss the algorithm for recursive binary search, highlighting its advantages and practical applications.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the principles of binary search, including how it divides the search space and uses comparisons with the middle element to locate a target value.
  • Write iterative and recursive implementations of binary search in Python, demonstrating a clear understanding of the algorithm’s structure and control flow.
  • Assess the time complexity 𝑂(log⁡𝑛)O(logn) and space complexity 𝑂(1)O(1) of binary search, explaining how these complexities compare to those of linear search and other algorithms.
  • Identify and address common edge cases in binary search, such as searching in empty arrays, handling duplicate values, and avoiding integer overflow.
  • Explore the application of binary search in different data structures, such as binary search trees and sorted arrays, and understand the algorithm’s adaptability and limitations in each context.

What is a Binary Search Algorithm?

Binary Search algorithm is used extensively in computer science and mathematics that locates a specific element in a sorted dataset. It works by repeatedly dividing the dataset in half and comparing the target value with the middle value until the target value is discovered or determined to be absent. Binary Search Algorithm works with the time complexity of O(log N).

What is Binary Search Algorithm

When Should Binary Search be Used?

Binary search is most effective when the following conditions are met:

  1. Sorted Data: Binary search requires the dataset to be sorted in ascending or descending order. The binary search algorithm cannot be applied directly if the data is not sorted. However, sorting the data first may still be beneficial if subsequent searches are frequent.
  2. Large Dataset: Binary search is particularly advantageous for searching large datasets where the number of elements is significant. Its time complexity of 𝑂(log⁡𝑛)O(logn) ensures efficient search operations even with many elements.
  3. Static or Infrequently Changing Data: Binary search performs optimally on datasets that are static or change infrequently. If the dataset undergoes frequent insertions, deletions, or modifications, maintaining the sorted order may become costly, negating the benefits of binary search.
  4. Time Efficiency Requirement: When fast search operations are needed, and the dataset is sorted, binary search is an excellent choice. Due to its logarithmic time complexity, it outperforms linear search algorithms, especially as the dataset size grows.
  5. Memory Efficiency: Binary search requires less memory than other search algorithms, such as hash tables. If memory efficiency is a concern, the binary search may be preferable.

How Does Binary Search Algorithm Work?

The binary search algorithm works based on three essential concepts: sorted data, divide-and-conquer, and reduction of the search area.

Sorted Data

The binary search in C required the dataset to be sorted in ascending or descending order. Sorting allows systematic comparison with the middle element, enabling the algorithm to determine whether or not the target value lies to the left or right.


The binary search follows a divide-and-conquer policy. It starts by inspecting the middle element of the dataset and dividing it into two halves. Then, this middle element is compared with the target value.

  • If they match, the search is successful.
  • If the target value exceeds the middle element, the search continues with the right half of the dataset,  discarding the left half.
  • If the target value is smaller, the search continues with the left half of the dataset.

Time Complexity Analysis

  • The search space is halved in every step of binary search. Only half of the dataset needs to be examined after one step.
  • With each next step, the search area is halved.
  • This method continues till the target value is discovered or the search space is reduced to an empty dataset, indicating the absence of the target element.

The time complexity of binary search in c may be analyzed as follows:

  • After one step, the search area is N/2, where N is the number of elements.
  • After two steps, it’s N/4.
  • After three steps, it’s N/8, and so on.

How to Implement Binary Search Algorithm in Python?

The Binary Search Algorithm can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Iterative Binary Search Algorithm
  2. Recursive Binary Search Algorithm

Iterative Binary Search algorithm in Python

Here is the implementation of Iterative Binary Search

def binary_search(arr, target):

    left, right = 0, len(arr) - 1

    whilst left <= right:

        mid = (left + right) /2

        if arr[mid] == target:

            return mid  # Target found, return its index

        elif arr[mid] < target:

            left = mid + 1


            right = mid - 1

    return -1  # Target not found


  • The iterative binary search starts with two pointers, left and right.
  • It enters a “while” loop that continues till  “left” is less than or equal to “right.”
  • Inside the loop, it calculates the “mid” index and checks whether or not the value at “mid” is equal to the target.
  • If the target is found, it returns the index.
  • If the target is less than the element at “mid,” it updates “right” to “mid – 1”, successfully narrowing the search to the left half of the array.
  • If the target is greater, it updates “left” to “mid + 1”, narrowing the search to the right half.
  • The loop continues till the target is found or “left” becomes greater than “right.” 

Recursive Binary Search algorithm in Python

Here is the implementation of Iterative Binary Search

def binary_search_recursive(arr,target, left, right):

    if left <= right:

        mid = (left + right) / 2

        if arr[mid] == target:

            return mid  # Target found, return its index

        elif arr[mid] < target:

            return binary_search_recursive(arr, target, mid + 1, right)


            return binary_search_recursive(arr, target, left, mid - 1) 

    return -1  # Target not found


  • The recursive binary search takes “left” and “right” to define the current search range. 
  • It checks if “left” is less than or equal to “right.”
  • It calculates the “mid” index and compares the element at “mid” with the target.
  • If the target is found, it returns the index.
  • If the target is less than the element at “mid,” it recursively calls itself with an updated “right” value to the left half.
  • If the target is more, it recursively calls itself with an updated “left” value to search the right half.
  • The recursion continues until the target is found or the search space is empty.

Handling Edge Cases and Corner Scenarios

  • Empty Array: If the input array is empty, the algorithm should return -1 as there are no elements on the search.
  • Target Not in Array: If the target value is not present in the sorted array, the algorithm returns -1.
  • Duplicate Values: Binary search works well with duplicate values. If duplicates exist, it will return the index of the first occurrence of the target value.
  • Unsorted Array: Binary search assumes the input array is sorted. If the array is unsorted, the algorithm produces incorrect results. Make sure to sort the array first.
  • Integer Overflow: In some programming languages (like C++), using (left + right) / 2 for calculating the middle index might lead to integer overflow for terribly large left and right values. Using (left + (right-left)) / 2 can help prevent this.
  • Floating-Point Error: In languages that use floating-point arithmetic (like Python), large left and right values may make using (left + right) / 2 inaccurate. In such instances, using left + (right-left) /2 ensures better results.

Real-World Applications of Binary Search Algorithm

  1. Database Indexing: Database systems use the binary search algorithm to index and retrieve records efficiently. By organizing data in a sorted array, binary search dramatically reduces the time complexity of lookups from 𝑂(𝑛)O(n) in a linear search to 𝑂(log⁡𝑛)O(logn), ensuring faster query responses.
  2. Search Engines: Search engines implement binary search to find relevant web pages from a vast indexed database swiftly. By applying the divide and conquer strategy, they can quickly narrow the search space, leading to faster retrieval of the target value than linear search.
  3. File Systems: In file systems, binary search helps locate files in sorted directories. Whether through an iterative or recursive approach, the algorithm checks the middle element of the array to halve the search space, making file retrieval more efficient.
  4. Library Systems: Library catalog systems use binary search to find books by their titles or ISBNs. The algorithm efficiently identifies the target element by iteratively or recursively splitting the sorted list into the left and right halves.
  5. Autocorrect and Spell Check: Autocorrect and spell check functionalities in text editors employ binary search to validate words against a sorted dictionary quickly. This ensures the target value (correct spelling) is found swiftly, improving the user experience.
  6. Gaming: In video games, binary search is used for collision detection and pathfinding tasks. The algorithm reduces time complexity by searching within a sorted array or subarray, ensuring smooth and responsive gameplay.
  7. Version Control Systems: Version control systems, such as Git, utilize binary search, such as “git bisect,” to identify the commit that introduced a bug. The recursive implementation of binary search efficiently narrows down the target value (faulty commit), even in the worst case.


  1. Efficiency: Binary search has a time complexity of 𝑂(log⁡𝑛)O(logn), making it highly efficient for searching large sorted datasets.
  2. Simplicity: The concept of binary search is straight forward and easy to understand.
  3. Versatility: You can apply binary search to a wide range of data structures, including arrays, lists, and trees, as long as the data is sorted.
  4. Optimal for Static Data: Binary search performs exceptionally well on static or rarely changing datasets.


  1. Requirement of Sorted Data: Binary search requires sorting the data beforehand. If the data is unsorted or frequently changing, you may incur additional overhead to maintain the sorted order.
  2. Limited Applicability: Binary search is unsuitable for certain data structures, such as linked lists, where accessing elements by index is inefficient.
  3. Overhead of Sorting: If you need to sort the dataset solely for the purpose of binary search, the overhead of sorting may outweigh the benefits of the search algorithm.
  4. Memory Usage: Binary search may require additional memory to store the data in sorted order, especially for large datasets, which could impact memory usage and performance.

Handling Duplicates

Handling duplicates in binary search requires specific strategies to find the first, last, or all occurrences of a target value in a sorted dataset. Perform a standard binary search to find the first occurrence, returning the index when you find the target. Then, modify the binary search to continue searching in the right half after finding the target to ensure you identify the rightmost occurrence. To find all occurrences,  combine both strategies by finding the first or last occurrence and extending the search in both directions to collect all pointers. This ensures comprehensive handling of duplicates in binary search. Below are Python code examples illustrating these techniques for finding the first, last, or all occurrences:

First Occurrence

def find_first_occurrence(arr, target):
    left, right = 0, len(arr) - 1
    result = -1  # Initialize result to -1 in case target is not found
    while left <= right:
        mid = (left + right) // 2  # Use integer division to find the midpoint
        if arr[mid] == target:
            result = mid
            right = mid - 1  # Continue searching in the left half for the first occurrence
        elif arr[mid] < target:
            left = mid + 1
            right = mid - 1
    return result

Last Occurrence

def find_last_occurrence(arr, target):
    left, right = 0, len(arr) - 1
    result = -1  # Initialize result to -1 in case target is not found
    while left <= right:
        mid = (left + right) // 2  # Use integer division to find the midpoint
        if arr[mid] == target:
            result = mid
            left = mid + 1  # Continue searching within the right half for the last occurrence
        elif arr[mid] < target:
            left = mid + 1
            right = mid - 1
    return result

All Occurrences

def find_all_occurrences(arr, target):
    first_occurrence = find_first_occurrence(arr, target)
    last_occurrence = find_last_occurrence(arr, target)
    if first_occurrence == -1:
        return []  # Target not found
        return [i for i in range(first_occurrence, last_occurrence + 1)]

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls in Binary Search Algorithm

  • Not Checking for Sorted Data: Failing to ensure the data is sorted before a binary search can lead to incorrect results. Always verify the data is sorted first.
  • Incorrect Midpoint Calculation: Using (left + right) / 2 for midpoint calculation may additionally cause integer overflow or precision problems in some languages. Use (left + (right-left)) / 2 to avoid these issues.
  • Infinite Loops: Failing to replace pointers (left and right) correctly in the loop can result in infinite loops. Ensure they’re updated regularly.


Binary search is a flexible and efficient algorithm for quickly finding elements in sorted data structures. It offers a foundation for optimizing diverse applications, from search engines like Google and Yahoo to game development. With its logarithmic time complexity, the binary search algorithm plays a crucial role in enhancing search efficiency. By understanding its principles and considering variations and libraries, builders can utilize the strength of binary search to solve complex problems successfully and expediently

Hope you will like the recursive algorithm for binary search, as it efficiently divides the search space in half, enabling quick location of elements. This algorithm for recursive binary search is optimal for sorted arrays, reducing time complexity to O(log n).

If you are interested in knowing more about such algorithms, then our free courses and blogs can help you a lot.

Q1. What are the four steps of the binary search algorithm?

A. The four steps of the binary search algorithm in C are:
a. Compare the target value with the middle element of the array.
b. If the target value matches the middle element, return the index.
c. If the target value is less than the middle element, repeat the binary search on the sub-array to the left of the middle element.
d. If the target value is greater than the middle element, repeat the binary search on the sub-array to the right of the middle element.

Q2. Why is binary search algorithm best?

A. People consider the binary search algorithm the best due to its efficiency in finding an item within a sorted list. It significantly reduces the search space with each iteration, leading to a logarithmic time complexity of O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the list. This makes binary search a highly preferred choice for searching in large datasets.

Q3. How many types of binary search Algorithm are there?

A. There are two main types of binary search:
a. Iterative Binary Search
b. Recursive Binary Search

Q4.Which algorithm design technique is used in binary search?

The binary search in C primarily utilizes the “Divide and Conquer” algorithm design technique. This approach involves breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable sub-problems, solving them recursively, and then combining the solutions to solve the original problem efficiently.

Q5.Is Binary Search Always the Best Choice for Searching in a Sorted Array?

No, binary search is not always the best choice for searching in a sorted array. While it is efficient with a time complexity of O(log n), it may not be the best option if the array is small, if insertion and deletion operations are frequent (where balanced trees or other data structures might be better), or if the search is part of a more complex algorithm where other search methods might be more suitable.

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