A Comprehensive Guide to Python Function Arguments

Pankaj Singh Last Updated : 17 Apr, 2024
13 min read


Python functions are an essential part of any programming language, allowing us to encapsulate reusable blocks of code. One crucial aspect of functions is the ability to pass Python Function arguments, which are values that we provide to the function for it to work with. In this definitive guide, we will explore the various types of function arguments in Python and learn how to use them effectively.

Python  Function Arguments

Understanding Python Function Arguments

Python function arguments play a crucial role in creating flexible and efficient code. With positional, keyword, and default arguments, developers can tailor functions to diverse needs. Function arguments are the values that we pass to a function when we call it. These arguments provide the necessary inputs for the function to perform its task. Python supports different types of function arguments, including positional arguments, keyword arguments, and arbitrary arguments.

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments are the most basic type of Python function arguments. They are defined in the function signature and are passed in the order they are defined. Let’s explore different aspects of positional arguments.

Single Positional Argument

A function can have one or more positional arguments. A single positional argument is defined by specifying its name in the function signature. For example


def greet(name):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")


In this example, the `greet` function takes a single positional argument, `name`. When we call the function with the argument `”Alice”`, it prints “Hello, Alice!”.

Multiple Positional Arguments

A function can also have multiple positional arguments. These arguments are separated by commas in the function signature. For example:


def add_numbers(a, b):

    return a + b

result = add_numbers(3, 5)

In this example, the `add_numbers` function takes two positional arguments, `a` and `b`. When we call the function with the arguments `3` and `5`, it returns the sum of the two numbers: ‘ 8`.

Default Values for Positional Arguments

Python allows us to assign default values to positional arguments. These default values are used when the caller does not provide a value for the argument. For example:


def greet(name="World"):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Output: Hello, World!

greet("Alice")  # Output: Hello, Alice!

In this example, the `greet` function has a positional argument `name` with a default value of `”World”`. When we call the function without arguments, it uses the default value and prints “Hello, World!”. If we provide an argument, such as `”Alice,”` it uses the provided value and prints “Hello, Alice!”.

Unpacking Positional Arguments

Python provides a way to unpack a list or tuple and pass its elements as positional arguments to a function. This is useful when we have a collection of values we want to pass as separate arguments. For example:


def add_numbers(a, b):

    return a + b

numbers = [3, 5]

result = add_numbers(*numbers)

In this example, we have a list of `numbers` containing the values `[3, 5]`. Using the `*` operator before the list, we unpack its elements and pass them as positional arguments to the `add_numbers` function. The result is `8`, the sum of `3` and `5`.

Keyword Arguments

Keyword arguments are another type of function argument in Python. Unlike positional arguments, keyword arguments are identified by their names rather than their positions. Let’s explore different aspects of keyword arguments.

Single Keyword Argument

A function can have one or more keyword arguments. A single keyword argument is defined by specifying its name and default value in the function signature. For example:


def greet(name="World"):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Output: Hello, World!

greet(name="Alice")  # Output: Hello, Alice!

In this example, the `greet` function has a keyword argument `name` with a default value of `”World”`. We can call the function without any arguments, and it uses the default value. Alternatively, we can provide a value for the `name` argument explicitly using its name.

Multiple Keyword Arguments

A function can have multiple keyword arguments. These arguments are defined by specifying their names and default values in the function signature. For example:


def calculate_area(length=1, width=1):

    return length * width

area = calculate_area(length=5, width=3)

In this example, the `calculate_area` function has two keyword arguments, `length` and `width,` with default values of `1`. We can call the function and explicitly provide values for these arguments using their names. The result is `15`, the product of `5` and `3`.

Default Values for Keyword Arguments

Similar to positional arguments, we can assign default values to keyword arguments. These default values are used when the caller does not provide a value for the argument. For example:


def greet(name="World"):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Output: Hello, World!

greet(name="Alice")  # Output: Hello, Alice!

In this example, the `greet` function has a keyword argument `name` with a default value of `”World”`. When we call the function without arguments, it uses the default value and prints “Hello, World!”. If we provide an argument, such as `”Alice”,` it uses the provided value and prints “Hello, Alice!”.

Unpacking Keyword Arguments

Python provides a way to unpack a dictionary and pass its key-value pairs as keyword arguments to a function. This is useful when we have a collection of values we want to pass as separate keyword arguments. For example:


def greet(name):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

person = {"name": "Alice"}


In this example, we have a dictionary `person` containing the key-value pair `{“name”: “Alice”}.` Using the `**` operator before the dictionary, we unpack its key-value pairs and pass them as keyword arguments to the `greet` function. The output is “Hello, Alice!”.

Arbitrary Arguments

Python allows us to define functions that can accept a variable number of arguments. These are known as arbitrary arguments and are helpful when we need to know how many arguments will be passed to the function. There are two types of arbitrary arguments: `*args` for variable-length positional arguments and `**kwargs` for variable-length keyword arguments.

*args: Variable-Length Positional Arguments

The `*args` syntax allows us to pass a variable number of positional arguments to a function. The arguments are collected into a tuple, which can be accessed within the function. Let’s see an example:


def add_numbers(*args):

    total = 0

    for num in args:

        total += num

    return total

result = add_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In this example, the `add_numbers` function accepts any number of positional arguments using the `*args` syntax. The arguments `1, 2, 3, 4, 5` are collected into a tuple `args`. We then iterate over the tuple and calculate the sum of all the numbers: ‘ 15`.

**kwargs: Variable-Length Keyword Arguments

The `**kwargs` syntax allows us to pass a variable number of keyword arguments to a function. The arguments are collected into a dictionary, which can be accessed within the function. Let’s see an example:


def greet(**kwargs):

    for key, value in kwargs.items():

        print(f"{key}: {value}")

greet(name="Alice", age=25, city="New York")

In this example, the `greet` function accepts any number of keyword arguments using the `**kwargs` syntax. The arguments `”name”: “Alice”,` `”age”: 25`, and `”city”: “New York”` are collected into a dictionary `kwargs.` We then iterate over the dictionary and print each key-value pair.

Mixing Different Types of Arguments

Python allows us to mix different types of arguments in a function. We can have positional, keyword, and arbitrary arguments in the same function signature. Let’s explore some examples.

Positional Arguments with Keyword Arguments

A function can have both positional arguments and keyword arguments. The positional arguments are defined first, followed by the keyword arguments. For example:


def greet(name, age=30):

    print(f"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.")

greet("Alice")  # Output: Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old.

greet("Bob", age=25)  # Output: Hello, Bob! You are 25 years old.

In this example, the `greet` function has a positional argument `name` and a keyword argument `age` with a default value of `30`. We can call the function with just the `name` argument, and it uses the default value for `age.` Alternatively, we can explicitly provide a value for `age` using its name.

Keyword Arguments with Positional Arguments

A function can also have keyword arguments followed by positional arguments. The keyword arguments are defined first, followed by the positional arguments. For example:


def greet(age=30, name):

    print(f"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.")

greet(name="Alice")  # Output: Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old.

greet(age=25, name="Bob")  # Output: Hello, Bob! You are 25 years old.

In this example, the `greet` function has a keyword argument `age` with a default value of `30` and a positional argument `name.` We can call the function with just the `name` argument, and it uses the default value for `age.` Alternatively, we can explicitly provide a value for `age` using its name.

Mixing Positional Arguments, Keyword Arguments, and Arbitrary Arguments

Python allows us to mix positional, keyword, and arbitrary arguments in the same function. The positional and keyword arguments are defined first, followed by arbitrary arguments. For example


def greet(name, age=30, *args, **kwargs):

    print(f"Hello, {name}! You are {age} years old.")

    print("Additional arguments:")

    for arg in args:


    print("Additional keyword arguments:")

    for key, value in kwargs.items():

        print(f"{key}: {value}")

greet(" Alice," 25, " Hello," " World," city=" New York," country=" USA ")

In this example, the `greet` function has a positional argument `name,` a keyword argument `age` with a default value of `30`, and arbitrary arguments `*args` and `**kwargs.` We can call the function with the `name` and `age` arguments, followed by additional positional and keyword arguments. The output includes the name, age, additional positional, and keyword arguments.

Best Practices for Using Function Arguments

When using function arguments in Python, following some best practices to ensure clean and maintainable code is essential. Let’s explore some of these best practices.

Choosing Descriptive Argument Names

When defining function arguments, choosing descriptive names that convey their purpose is crucial. This makes the code readable and helps other developers understand the function’s behavior. For example:


def calculate_area(length, width):

    return length * width

In this example, the arguments `length` and `width` clearly indicate the area’s dimensions being calculated.

Keeping the Number of Arguments Reasonable

Keeping the number of arguments in a function reasonable is generally recommended. More arguments must be made to make the function easier to understand and use. If a function requires many inputs, it may be a sign that it is doing too much and should be refactored into smaller, more focused functions.

Documenting Python Function Arguments

Documenting the Python function arguments is essential to make it easier for other developers (including your future self) to understand and use your functions. This can be done using docstrings and multi-line comments immediately after the function signature. For example:


def greet(name):


    Greets the specified name.


        name (str): The name to greet.


    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

In this example, the docstring clearly describes the `name` argument and its expected type.

Avoiding Mutable Default Argument Values

When defining default values for Python function arguments, avoiding using mutable objects such as lists or dictionaries is generally recommended. This is because mutable default values are shared across multiple function calls, leading to unexpected behavior. Instead, use immutable objects or `None` as default values and handle mutable objects within the function. For example:


def add_item(item, items=None):

    if items is None:

        items = []


    return items

In this example, the `add_item` function takes an `item` argument and an optional `items` argument, which defaults to `None.` If `items` is `None,` we create a new empty list. This ensures that each function call has its list for storing items.

Using Type Hints for Python Function Arguments

Python supports type hints, which allow us to specify the expected types of function arguments. Type hints improve code readability and can help catch potential type-related errors. For example:


def calculate_area(length: float, width: float) -> float:

    return length * width

In this example, the type hints `float` indicate that the `length` and `width` arguments should be floating-point numbers. The return type hint `float` indicates the function will return a floating-point number.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls with Python Function Arguments

When working with Python function arguments, it’s important to understand the common mistakes and pitfalls that can occur with function arguments. This section will explore some of these mistakes and provide examples to help you avoid them.

Forgetting to Provide Required Arguments

One common mistake is forgetting to provide the required arguments when calling a function. This can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. Let’s consider an example:


def greet(name):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

greet()  # Error: missing 1 required positional argument: 'name'

In the above example, the `greet()` function requires a `name` argument. However, when we call the function without providing any arguments, Python raises an error indicating that a required argument is missing.

Always provide the required arguments when calling a function to avoid this mistake.

Misusing Default Argument Values

Python allows us to define default values for function arguments. However, misusing default argument values can lead to unexpected results. Consider the following example:


def multiply(a, b=2):

    return a * b

result = multiply(3)


# Output: 6

In the above example, the `multiply()` function has a default argument `b` set to 2. When we call the function with only one argument (`multiply(3)`), Python uses the default value for `b` and returns the result of multiplying 3 by 2.

To avoid misusing default argument values, carefully consider the behavior of your function and choose appropriate default values.

Overusing Arbitrary Arguments

Python allows us to define functions with arbitrary arguments using the `*args` syntax. While this can be useful in certain situations, more than using arbitrary arguments can make the code easier to understand and maintain. Let’s see an example:


def calculate_average(*numbers):

    total = sum(numbers)

    average = total / len(numbers)

    return average

result = calculate_average(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

print(result)  # Output: 3.0

In the above example, the `calculate_average()` function accepts any number of arguments and calculates their average. While this can be convenient, other developers may not know what the function expects as input.

To avoid overusing arbitrary arguments, consider using explicit arguments when possible and only use `*args` when necessary.

Ignoring Argument Order

Another common mistake is ignoring the order of arguments when calling a function. This can lead to unexpected results and bugs in your code. Let’s consider an example:


def divide(a, b):

    return a / b

result = divide(2, 4)

print(result)  # Output: 0.5

result = divide(4, 2)

print(result)  # Output: 2.0

In the above example, the `divide()` function expects two arguments: `a` and `b.` If we ignore the order of the arguments when calling the function, we will get different results.

To avoid this mistake, always provide the arguments in the correct order when calling a function.

Not Handling Unexpected Arguments

Python allows us to define functions with various arguments using the `**kwargs` syntax. However, not handling unexpected arguments can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. Let’s see an example:


def print_person_info(name, age):

    print(f"Name: {name}")

    print(f"Age: {age}")

print_person_info(name="John", age=25, city="New York")

In the above example, the `print_person_info()` function expects two arguments: `name` and `age.` However, we also provide an additional argument, `city.` Since the function does not handle unexpected arguments, Python raises an error.

To avoid this mistake, either handle unexpected arguments explicitly or use keyword arguments to provide additional information.

Here’s a tabular representation of different types of Python function arguments:

Positional Argumentsdef greet(name):     print(f”Hello, {name}!”)greet(“Alice”)
Multiple Positional Argsdef add_numbers(a, b):        return a + bresult = add_numbers(3, 5)
Default Valuesdef greet(name=”World”):         print(f”Hello, {name}!”)greet()greet(“Alice”)
Unpacking Positional Argsdef add_numbers(a, b):        return a + bnumbers = [3, 5]result = add_numbers(*numbers)
Keyword Argumentsdef greet(name=”World”):       print(f”Hello, {name}!”)greet()greet(name=”Alice”)
Default Values for Kwargsdef greet(name=”World”):       print(f”Hello, {name}!”)greet()greet(name=”Alice”)
Unpacking Keyword Argsdef greet(name):     print(f”Hello, {name}!”)person = {“name”: “Alice”}greet(**person)
Arbitrary Argumentsdef add_numbers(*args):      total = sum(args)      return totalresult = add_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Advanced Python Function Argument Concepts

In addition to the common mistakes and pitfalls, Python provides advanced concepts for working with function arguments. In this section, we will explore some of these concepts.

Argument Unpacking with *

Python allows us to unpack a list or tuple and pass its elements as individual arguments to a function using the `*` operator. This can be useful when working with variable-length argument lists. Let’s consider an example:


def multiply(a, b, c):

    return a * b * c

numbers = [2, 3, 4]

result = multiply(*numbers)

print(result)  # Output: 24

The above example defines a list `numbers` containing three elements. By using the `*` operator before the list when calling the `multiply()` function, Python unpacks the list and passes its elements as individual arguments.

Argument Unpacking with **

Like argument unpacking with `*,` Python also allows us to unpack a dictionary and pass its key-value pairs as keyword arguments to a function using the `**` operator. Let’s see an example:


def print_person_info(name, age):

    print(f"Name: {name}")

    print(f"Age: {age}")

person = {"name": "John", "age": 25}


The above example defines a dictionary `person` containing two key-value pairs. By using the `**` operator before the dictionary when calling the `print_person_info()` function, Python unpacks the dictionary and passes its key-value pairs as keyword arguments.

Argument Annotation and Type-checking

Python allows us to annotate function arguments with types using the `:` syntax. While the interpreter does not enforce these annotations, they can be useful for documentation and type-checking tools. Let’s consider an example:


def greet(name: str) -> None:

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")


In the above example, we annotate the `name` argument of the `greet()` function with the type `str`. This indicates that the function expects a string argument. While Python does not enforce this type, type-checking tools can use these annotations to catch potential type errors.

Function Argument Decorators

Python allows us to define decorators, which modify the behavior of other functions. We can use decorators to add additional functionality to function arguments. Let’s see an example:


def uppercase_arguments(func):

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

        args = [arg.upper() for arg in args]

        kwargs = {key: value.upper() for key, value in kwargs.items()}

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper


def greet(name):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")


The above example defines a decorator `uppercase_arguments` that converts all arguments to uppercase before calling the decorated function. By applying the `uppercase_arguments` decorator to the `greet()` function, we modify its behavior to greet the person in uppercase.

5 Types of Arguments in Python Function

Positional Arguments: These are the most common type of arguments used in Python functions. When calling a function with positional arguments, the values are passed to the function parameters based on their position in the function definition. The order in which the arguments are provided matters, as each argument is assigned to its corresponding parameter positionally. When using positional only arguments, the caller must provide values strictly based on their position in the function call, logically separate from any keyword arguments.

Keyword Arguments: With keyword arguments, you specify the parameter name along with the value when calling the function. This allows you to pass arguments in any order, as long as you specify the parameter names. Keyword arguments make function calls more explicit and readable, especially when dealing with functions that have many parameters.

Default Arguments: Default arguments are parameters in a function that have a default value specified in the function definition. If the caller doesn’t provide a value for these arguments, the default value is used. This feature is useful when you want to make certain parameters optional, providing a default behavior if the caller doesn’t specify a value.

Variable-length Positional Arguments (args): This feature allows a function to accept any number of positional arguments. In the function definition, you can specify a parameter preceded by an asterisk (*) which collects all the positional arguments into a tuple. This is useful when you want to create functions that can handle a variable number of inputs. Global variables can also be accessed within this function body.

Variable-length Keyword Arguments (kwargs): Similar to variable-length positional arguments, variable-length keyword arguments allow a function to accept any number of keyword arguments. In the function definition, you specify a parameter preceded by double asterisks (**) which collects all the keyword arguments into a dictionary. This is useful when you want to create functions that can accept a variable number of named inputs


In this definitive guide to Python function arguments, we have covered various aspects of working with function arguments. We explored common mistakes, pitfalls, and advanced concepts such as argument unpacking annotation and decorators.

You can write more robust and maintainable Python code by understanding these concepts and avoiding common mistakes. Always provide the required arguments, use default values wisely, and handle unexpected arguments appropriately.

Continue your Python journey by exploring more about function arguments and experimenting with different examples. Happy coding!

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