What is an Algorithm?

Ayushi Trivedi Last Updated : 03 Jun, 2024
6 min read


This article will provide you with a thorough understanding of algorithms, which are necessary steps in problem solving and processing. We’ll explore the principles of algorithms, the different kinds of them, and the wide range of uses they have in disciplines like machine learning, data science, and daily life. Algorithms are integral to automating and improving operations, ranging from sorting numbers to facilitating facial recognition and controlling traffic signals. This guide will bring you important insights into the realm of algorithms, regardless of your level of experience.

what is an algorithm?

What is an Algorithm?

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. It acts as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions in a precise sequence. They can be implemented in both hardware- and software-based routines and are widely used throughout all areas of IT. In mathematics, computer programming, and computer science, an algorithm usually refers to a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem. They are also essential in data processing and automated systems.

Key Characteristics of Algorithms

  • Finiteness: It must always terminate after a finite number of steps.
  • Definiteness: Steps must all be clearly defined, and each case’s necessary actions must be stated in detail.
  • Input: Inputs, or the data elements it works with, can be zero or more.
  • Output: One or more outputs, or the outcomes of the calculation or processing, are generated by an algorithm.
  • Effectiveness: The operations to be performed must be sufficiently basic that they can be done exactly and in a finite length of time.

Types of Algorithms

Let us explore types of algorithms that are possible:

  • Search Algorithms: These algos are employed for data structure element searches. Examples include:
    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
  • Sorting Algorithms: The items are arranged in a specific order using these algos. Examples include:
    • Bubble Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
  • Divide and Conquer Algorithms: In order to solve the main problem, these algos break the problem down into smaller subproblems, solve each subproblem separately, and then combine their results. Examples include:
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
  • Dynamic Programming Algorithms: These algos solve problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems and storing the results of these sub-problems to avoid redundant computations. Examples include:
    • Fibonacci Sequence
    • Knapsack Problem
  • Greedy Algorithms: In an attempt to locate a global optimum, these algos select the option that is locally optimal at each step. Examples include:
    • Kruskal’s Algorithm
    • Prim’s Algorithm
  • Backtracking Algorithms: These algos try to build a solution incrementally, removing those solutions that fail to satisfy the constraints of the problem at any point of time. Examples include:
    • N-Queens Problem
    • Sudoku Solver

Steps to Design Algorithm

Let us now look into steps involved into designing an algorithm.

1. Problem Definition

The initial step in algo design is to clearly define the problem and understand its requirements. This involves identifying the problem, constraints, and the expected output. For instance, to find the maximum number in a list of integers, one must understand the inputs and expected output. This ensures a clear understanding of the algo’s objectives.

2. Input/Output Specification

The problem is defined, followed by specifying the algo’s inputs and outputs. Inputs are data elements or parameters, like an unsorted list of integers in a sorting algorithm. The format and constraints of each input are crucial. Outputs are the results the algo produces based on the inputs, such as sorted integers in ascending or descending order. Defining these inputs and outputs ensures understanding the algo’s working data and outputs.

3. Algorithm Development

Clearly defining the problem and identifying the inputs and outputs are essential steps in creating an algorithm. This entails writing a detailed strategy or procedure, frequently in the form of pseudocode. For instance, you can initialize a variable with the first element in a list of integers and loop through it, updating it as larger numbers are found, to get the maximum number in the list.

4. Verification

The algorithm’s functionality is verified by testing it with various inputs, including normal, edge, and extreme cases. This ensures that the algorithm produces expected outputs. For instance, a sorting algorithm should check if it correctly sorts both small and large lists of integers, including those already sorted or reversed. Verification ensures the algorithm solves the problem as expected under different conditions.

5. Analysis

After verifying the algorithm’s functionality, analyze its efficiency in terms of time and space complexity. Time complexity, often represented by Big O notation, measures the algorithm’s growth with input data size. Space complexity measures the memory or space required for completion. Compare the algorithm’s performance with other solutions and consider optimization techniques if needed to improve efficiency.

Example Walkthrough

Problem Definition: You need to find the maximum number in a list of integers.

Input/Output Specification:

  • Input: A list of integers.
  • Output: The maximum integer in the list.

Algorithm Development:

  • Steps:
    • Initialize a variable max with the first element of the list.
    • Iterate through the list:
      • Update max if the current element is greater than max.
    • Return max.


  • Test the algorithm with various lists:
    • [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] → Expected Output: 5
    • [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] → Expected Output: 5
    • [] → Expected Output: None (Empty list case)


  • Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of elements in the list.
  • Space Complexity: O(1) constant space, since only a few variables are used regardless of the input size.

Pseudocode Example

Here is an example of an algorithm written in pseudocode to find the maximum number in a list of numbers:

Algorithm FindMax
    Input: A list of numbers L
    Output: The maximum number in the list

    Step 1: Set Max to L[0]
    Step 2: For each number num in L
        If num > Max
            Set Max to num
    Step 3: Return Max

Applications of Algorithms

Let us now explore applications of algorithms.

Data Processing and Analysis

Algorithms are essential to data processing and analysis because they enable effective sorting, binary search, data compression, and search. They let businesses to use their data to make educated decisions by being crucial to databases, data mining, and business intelligence initiatives.

Computational Problem Solving

Complex computing issues including network architecture, logistics, and optimization challenges require the use of algorithms. In many different areas, including engineering, manufacturing, logistics, and transportation, they save costs and increase productivity.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Algorithms are crucial in artificial intelligence and machine learning for model training, prediction, and decision-making. They discover structures, learn patterns, stimulate creativity, and enhance user experiences through reinforcement learning algorithms.

Optimization and Resource Allocation

In many different sectors, algorithms are essential for resource optimization and effective allocation. Allocation algorithms optimize resource distribution in logistics and supply chain management, scheduling algorithms oversee tasks in operating systems, and load balancing algorithms guarantee equitable workload distribution in cloud computing settings.

Networking and Routing

Algorithms are crucial for efficient data flow and routing in computer networks. Routing algorithms like OSPF and BGP determine data paths, while network flow algorithms like Ford-Fulkerson optimize resource utilization. Congestion control algorithms like TCP prevent congestion and ensure reliable communication.

Graphics and Image Processing

Algorithms are crucial for processing graphics, images, and multimedia data in various applications. Image filtering enhances quality, rendering generates realistic visual effects, and compression reduces data size. These algos are essential for immersive virtual environments, digital entertainment, medical imaging, and scientific visualization.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Algos play a major role in supporting cross-language communication, information retrieval, and content analysis in natural language processing applications like text processing, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. Virtual assistants and chatbots are examples of these applications.

What Makes a Good Algorithm?

In the fields of data science and computers, creating a strong algorithm is essential. A well-designed algo can greatly increase a system’s efficacy and efficiency. Whether an algo is efficient and appropriate for usage is determined by multiple principles:

  • Correctness: The algos should always produce the right output for any given input, free of errors and bugs.
  • Efficiency: efficient use of computer power, completing jobs quickly to save effort and time..
  • Simplicity: The algos should avoid needless complexity by being simple to comprehend, apply, and maintain.
  • Robustness: Capacity to smoothly manage faults and unexpected inputs, guaranteeing consistent and dependable performance.
  • Flexibility: ability to adjust to shifting circumstances and conditions, accepting many inputs and revisions without sacrificing performance.
  • Security: created with security in mind, guaranteeing the defense against harmful attacks and the preservation of critical data.


Algorithms are essential tools for automating tasks, optimizing hardware and software, and solving problems. They are crucial in many domains, including artificial intelligence, software development, data analysis, and computational problem solving. We may push the limits of computing and beyond by comprehending and using algos efficiently, fostering innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness in both daily life and technology.

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My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

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