7 Coding Tasks ChatGPT Can’t Do

ayushi9821704 19 Jul, 2024
4 min read


ChatGPT may be the rising star in the coding world, but even this AI whiz has its limits. While it can churn out impressive code at lightning speed, there are still programming challenges that leave it stumped. Curious about what makes this digital brainiac break a sweat? We’ve compiled a list of 7 coding tasks that ChatGPT can’t quite crack. From intricate algorithms to real-world debugging scenarios, these challenges prove that human programmers still have the upper hand in some areas. Ready to explore the boundaries of AI coding?

7 Coding Tasks ChatGPT Can’t Do


  • Understand the limitations of AI in complex coding tasks and why human intervention remains crucial.
  • Identify key scenarios where advanced AI tools like ChatGPT may struggle in programming.
  • Learn about the unique challenges of debugging intricate code and proprietary algorithms.
  • Explore why human expertise is essential for managing multi-system integrations and adapting to new technologies.
  • Recognize the value of human insight in overcoming coding challenges that AI can’t fully address.

1. Debugging Complex Code with Contextual Knowledge

Debugging complex code often requires understanding the broader context in which the code operates. This includes grasping the specific project architecture, dependencies, and real-time interactions within a larger system. ChatGPT can offer general advice and identify common errors, but it struggles with intricate debugging tasks that require a nuanced understanding of the entire system’s context.


Imagine a scenario where a web application intermittently crashes. The issue might stem from subtle interactions between various components or from rare edge cases that only manifest under specific conditions. Human developers can utilize their deep contextual knowledge and debugging tools to trace the issue, analyze logs, and apply domain-specific fixes that ChatGPT might not fully grasp.

2. Writing Highly Specialized Code for Niche Applications

Highly specialized code often involves niche programming languages, frameworks, or domain-specific languages that are not widely documented or commonly used. ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of general coding information but may lack expertise in these niche areas.


Consider a developer working on a legacy system written in an obscure language or a unique embedded system with custom hardware constraints. The intricacies of such environments may not be well-represented in ChatGPT’s training data, making it challenging for the AI to provide accurate or effective code solutions.

3. Implementing Proprietary or Confidential Algorithms

Some algorithms and systems are proprietary or involve confidential business logic that is not publicly available. ChatGPT can offer general advice and methodologies but cannot generate or implement proprietary algorithms without access to specific details.


A financial institution may use a proprietary algorithm for risk assessment that involves confidential data and complex calculations. Implementing or improving such an algorithm requires knowledge of proprietary methods and access to secure data, which ChatGPT cannot provide.

4. Creating and Managing Complex Multi-System Integrations

Complex multi-system integrations often involve coordinating multiple systems, APIs, databases, and data flows. The complexity of these integrations requires a deep understanding of each system’s functionality, communication protocols, and error handling.


Managing different data formats, protocols, and security issues may be necessary when integrating a business’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with its customer relationship management (CRM) system. Because of the complexity and scope of these integrations, ChatGPT may find it difficult to manage them rigorously, maintaining seamless data flow and fixing any issues that may arise.

5. Adapting Code to Rapidly Changing Technologies

The technology landscape is continually evolving, with new frameworks, languages, and tools emerging regularly. Staying updated with the latest developments and adapting code to leverage new technologies requires continuous learning and hands-on experience.


Developers must modify their codebases in response to breaking changes introduced in new versions of programming languages or the popularity of new frameworks. ChatGPT can provide advice based on what is currently known, but it might not be updated with the newest developments right once, which makes it challenging to offer cutting-edge solutions.

6. Designing Custom Software Architecture

Creating a custom software architecture that meets particular business demands requires ingenuity, subject matter expertise, and a thorough comprehension of the project’s specifications. Standard design patterns and solutions can be helped by AI technologies, however they could have trouble coming up with creative architectures that support particular business objectives. Human developers create custom solutions that specifically address the goals and difficulties of a project by bringing creativity and strategic thought to the table.


A startup is developing a custom software solution for managing its unique inventory system, which requires a specific architecture to handle real-time updates and complex business rules. AI tools might suggest standard design patterns, but human architects are needed to design a custom solution that aligns with the startup’s specific requirements and business processes, ensuring the software meets all necessary criteria and scales effectively.

7. Understanding Business Context

Writing usable code is only one aspect of effective coding; other tasks include comprehending the larger business environment and coordinating technological choices with organizational objectives. Even though AI systems can process data and produce code, they might not be able to fully understand the strategic ramifications of coding choices. Human developers make use of their understanding of market trends and corporate objectives to make sure that their code not only functions well but also advances the organization’s overall aims.


A healthcare company is creating a patient management system that must comply with stringent regulatory criteria and interface with multiple external health record systems. While AI technologies can produce code or provide technical guidance, human developers are necessary to comprehend regulatory context, guarantee compliance, and match technical choices to the organization’s corporate goals and patient care standards.


Even while ChatGPT is an effective tool for many coding tasks, being aware of its limitations might help you have reasonable expectations. Human experience is still necessary for elaborate system integrations, specialized programming, complex debugging, proprietary algorithms, and quick technological changes. Together with AI’s assistance, developers may efficiently handle even the most difficult coding tasks thanks to a combination of human ingenuity, contextual comprehension, and current information. In this article we have explored coding task that ChatGPT can’t do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are some coding tasks that ChatGPT struggles with?

A. ChatGPT struggles with complex debugging, specialized code, proprietary algorithms, multi-system integrations, and adapting to rapidly changing technologies.

Q2. Why is debugging complex code challenging for AI like ChatGPT?

A. Debugging often requires a deep understanding of the broader system context and real-time interactions, which AI may not fully grasp.

Q3. Can ChatGPT handle niche programming languages or frameworks?

A. ChatGPT may lack expertise in niche programming languages or specialized frameworks not widely documented.

ayushi9821704 19 Jul, 2024

My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

Frequently Asked Questions

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