Within the domain of computer vision, Human Posture Estimation stands as a captivating field with applications extending from increased reality and gaming to mechanical autonomy and healthcare. This article sheds light on the complexities of human posture estimation, its significance, fundamental advances, and striking applications.
Posture estimation, an intriguing field inside computer vision, includes recognizing key focuses on a person’s body to get it and analyze their pose. Our objective is to bring this innovation into the domain of yoga, permitting us to consequently recognize and classify yoga postures from pictures.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.
Human Pose Estimation is a computer vision task that involves representing the orientation of a person graphically. This technique, leveraging model-based approaches, identifies and classifies poses of human body parts and joints in images or videos. The key lies in capturing a set of coordinates defining joints like wrists, shoulders, and knees, which collectively describe a person’s pose.
The detection of people has evolved with machine learning algorithms, enabling computers to understand human body language through pose detection and tracking. This technology has become commercially viable, impacting various industries such as security, business intelligence, health and safety, and entertainment. Notably, in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, real-time pose detection aids in implementing social distancing measures.
Two major methods exist are 2D Posture Estimation and 3D Posture Estimation. The previous gauges body joint areas in 2D space, whereas the last mentioned changes a 2D picture into a 3D protest by anticipating an extra Z-dimension. 3D pose estimation, though challenging, allows for accurate spatial positioning in representations.
Human Pose Estimation models fall into three main types:
Methods for human pose estimation are broadly classified into two approaches: bottom-up and top-down. Bottom-up evaluates each body joint individually, while top-down employs a body detector first and determines joints within discovered bounding boxes.
Understanding the workings of human pose estimation involves delving into the basic structure, model architecture overview, and various approaches for pose estimation. The process encompasses absolute pose estimation, relative pose estimation, and their combination.
Several open-source libraries facilitate human pose estimation:
Let us now begin with simple human pose estimation code by following certain steps.
To kick off our journey, we need to set up our environment by installing the necessary libraries. OpenCV, NumPy, and MediaPipe are essential for our project. Execute the following command to install them:
!pip install opencv-python mediapipe
We have introduce MediaPipe in this article, an open-source framework developed by Google for building machine learning pipelines focused on computer vision tasks. MediaPipe simplifies the implementation of complex visual applications, offering pre-trained models for human pose estimation that can be integrated with minimal effort. Its cross-platform capability ensures consistent performance on mobile devices, web applications, and desktops, while its design for real-time processing allows for quick video input analysis.
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
from time import time
import mediapipe as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML
Set up MediaPipe’s Pose and Drawing utilities for pose detection and visualization.
# Initializing mediapipe pose class.
mp_pose = mp.solutions.pose
# Setting up the Pose function.
pose = mp_pose.Pose(static_image_mode=True, min_detection_confidence=0.3, model_complexity=2)
# Initializing mediapipe drawing class, useful for annotation.
mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
Use OpenCV to load an image and Matplotlib to display it.
sample_img = cv2.imread('/content/istockphoto-664637378-612x612.jpg')
plt.figure(figsize = [10,10])
Convert the image to RGB and use MediaPipe to detect pose landmarks. Print the first two detected landmarks (e.g., NOSE, LEFT_EYE_INNER).
# Perform pose detection after converting the image into RGB format.
results = pose.process(cv2.cvtColor(sample_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
# Check if any landmarks are found.
if results.pose_landmarks:
# Iterate two times as we only want to display first two landmarks.
for i in range(2):
# Display the found normalized landmarks.
x: 0.7144814729690552
y: 0.3049055337905884
z: -0.1483774036169052
visibility: 0.9999918937683105
x: 0.7115224599838257
y: 0.2835153341293335
z: -0.13594578206539154
visibility: 0.9999727010726929
Create a copy of the image, draw detected landmarks using MediaPipe utilities, and display it.
# Create a copy of the sample image to draw landmarks on.
img_copy = sample_img.copy()
# Check if any landmarks are found.
if results.pose_landmarks:
# Draw Pose landmarks on the sample image.
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image=img_copy, landmark_list=results.pose_landmarks, connections=mp_pose.POSE_CONNECTIONS)
# Specify a size of the figure.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10, 10])
# Display the output image with the landmarks drawn, also convert BGR to RGB for display.
Use MediaPipe’s plot_landmarks()
to visualize the detected landmarks in 3D.
# Plot Pose landmarks in 3D.
mp_drawing.plot_landmarks(results.pose_world_landmarks, mp_pose.POSE_CONNECTIONS)
For custom pose detection we will use detectpose(). This function performs pose detection, displays results, and optionally returns landmarks.
def detectPose(image, pose, display=True):
This function performs pose detection on an image.
image: The input image with a prominent person whose pose landmarks needs to be detected.
pose: The pose setup function required to perform the pose detection.
display: A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the original input image, the resultant image,
and the pose landmarks in 3D plot and returns nothing.
output_image: The input image with the detected pose landmarks drawn.
landmarks: A list of detected landmarks converted into their original scale.
# Create a copy of the input image.
output_image = image.copy()
# Convert the image from BGR into RGB format.
imageRGB = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# Perform the Pose Detection.
results = pose.process(imageRGB)
# Retrieve the height and width of the input image.
height, width, _ = image.shape
# Initialize a list to store the detected landmarks.
landmarks = []
# Check if any landmarks are detected.
if results.pose_landmarks:
# Draw Pose landmarks on the output image.
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image=output_image, landmark_list=results.pose_landmarks,
# Iterate over the detected landmarks.
for landmark in results.pose_landmarks.landmark:
# Append the landmark into the list.
landmarks.append((int(landmark.x * width), int(landmark.y * height),
(landmark.z * width)))
# Check if the original input image and the resultant image are specified to be displayed.
if display:
# Display the original input image and the resultant image.
plt.subplot(121);plt.imshow(image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Original Image");plt.axis('off');
plt.subplot(122);plt.imshow(output_image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Output Image");plt.axis('off');
# Also Plot the Pose landmarks in 3D.
mp_drawing.plot_landmarks(results.pose_world_landmarks, mp_pose.POSE_CONNECTIONS)
# Otherwise
# Return the output image and the found landmarks.
return output_image, landmarks
Run pose detection on a new sample image using the detectPose()
# Read another sample image and perform pose detection on it.
image = cv2.imread('/content/HD-wallpaper-yoga-training-gym-pose-woman-yoga-exercises.jpg')
detectPose(image, pose, display=True)
The next step involves defining a function to classify poses like Warrior, Tree, etc., based on joint angles.
Warrior-Pose, T-Pose, Tree-Pose, Unknown
def classifyPose(landmarks, output_image, display=False):
This function classifies yoga poses depending upon the angles of various body joints.
landmarks: A list of detected landmarks of the person whose pose needs to be classified.
output_image: A image of the person with the detected pose landmarks drawn.
display: A boolean value that is if set to true the function displays the resultant image with the pose label
written on it and returns nothing.
output_image: The image with the detected pose landmarks drawn and pose label written.
label: The classified pose label of the person in the output_image.
# Initialize the label of the pose. It is not known at this stage.
label = 'Unknown Pose'
# Specify the color (Red) with which the label will be written on the image.
color = (0, 0, 255)
# Calculate the required angles.
# Get the angle between the left shoulder, elbow and wrist points.
left_elbow_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_SHOULDER.value],
# Get the angle between the right shoulder, elbow and wrist points.
right_elbow_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_SHOULDER.value],
# Get the angle between the left elbow, shoulder and hip points.
left_shoulder_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_ELBOW.value],
# Get the angle between the right hip, shoulder and elbow points.
right_shoulder_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_HIP.value],
# Get the angle between the left hip, knee and ankle points.
left_knee_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_HIP.value],
# Get the angle between the right hip, knee and ankle points
right_knee_angle = calculateAngle(landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_HIP.value],
# Check if it is the warrior II pose or the T pose.
# As for both of them, both arms should be straight and shoulders should be at the specific angle.
# Check if the both arms are straight.
if left_elbow_angle > 165 and left_elbow_angle < 195 and right_elbow_angle > 165 and right_elbow_angle < 195:
# Check if shoulders are at the required angle.
if left_shoulder_angle > 80 and left_shoulder_angle < 110 and right_shoulder_angle > 80 and right_shoulder_angle < 110:
# Check if it is the warrior II pose.
# Check if one leg is straight.
if left_knee_angle > 165 and left_knee_angle < 195 or right_knee_angle > 165 and right_knee_angle < 195:
# Check if the other leg is bended at the required angle.
if left_knee_angle > 90 and left_knee_angle < 120 or right_knee_angle > 90 and right_knee_angle < 120:
# Specify the label of the pose that is Warrior II pose.
label = 'Warrior II Pose'
# Check if it is the T pose.
# Check if both legs are straight
if left_knee_angle > 160 and left_knee_angle < 195 and right_knee_angle > 160 and right_knee_angle < 195:
# Specify the label of the pose that is tree pose.
label = 'T Pose'
# Check if it is the tree pose.
# Check if one leg is straight
if left_knee_angle > 165 and left_knee_angle < 195 or right_knee_angle > 165 and right_knee_angle < 195:
# Check if the other leg is bended at the required angle.
if left_knee_angle > 315 and left_knee_angle < 335 or right_knee_angle > 25 and right_knee_angle < 45:
# Specify the label of the pose that is tree pose.
label = 'Tree Pose'
# Check if the pose is classified successfully
if label != 'Unknown Pose':
# Update the color (to green) with which the label will be written on the image.
color = (0,0,255)
# Write the label on the output image.
cv2.putText(output_image, label, (10, 30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, color, 5)
# Check if the resultant image is specified to be displayed.
if display:
# Display the resultant image.
plt.imshow(output_image[:,:,::-1]);plt.title("Output Image");plt.axis('off');
# Return the output image and the classified label.
return output_image, label
# Read a sample image and perform pose classification on it.
image = cv2.imread('/content/amp-1575527028-- triangle pose.jpg')
output_image, landmarks = detectPose(image, pose, display=False)
if landmarks:
classifyPose(landmarks, output_image, display=True)
# Read a sample image and perform pose classification on it.
image = cv2.imread('/content/warrior2.jpg')
output_image, landmarks = detectPose(image, pose, display=False)
if landmarks:
classifyPose(landmarks, output_image, display=True)
Human pose estimation finds applications in diverse domains:
The integration of human pose detection with yoga poses transcends diverse sectors, revolutionizing wellness and fitness. From personalized guidance and progress tracking in the fitness industry to enhancing rehabilitation and physical therapy in healthcare, this technology offers a versatile range of applications. In sports training, it contributes to athletes’ flexibility and strength, while in education, it brings interactive and assessable yoga learning experiences.
The workplace benefits from desk yoga sessions and ergonomic assessments, promoting employee well-being. Users, guided by virtual instructors, enjoy correct form feedback, convenience, and motivation, fostering a healthier and more efficient approach to yoga practices. This transformative combination of antiquated practices with cutting-edge innovation clears the way for an all-encompassing well-being insurgency.
A. Human posture estimation may be a computer vision strategy that includes recognizing key focuses on a person’s body to get it and analyze their pose. It works by leveraging calculations to distinguish and classify these key focuses, permitting real-time following and examination of human development.
A. Human posture estimation technology can be connected in Yoga Hone to supply clients with personalized direction, real-time input on pose arrangement, advanced following, and virtual yoga instruction. It can also be utilized in yoga instruction, recovery, and sports preparation.
A. Some popular open-source libraries and tools for human pose estimation include OpenPose, PoseDetection, DensePose, AlphaPose, and HRNet (High-Resolution Net). These libraries provide pre-trained models and APIs for performing pose estimation tasks.
A. Yes, human posture estimation innovation can be utilized for pose redress in yoga by giving real-time criticism on pose arrangement and proposing alterations or alterations to assist clients in accomplishing legitimate shape and arrangement.
A. Yes, human posture estimation innovation can be useful for tenderfoots in yoga by giving them with direction, feedback, and visual signals to assist them learn and hone yoga postures accurately and securely.
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