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Python in Android: Bringing Python Power to Mobile Apps

Ayushi Trivedi 07 Oct, 2024
12 min read


Imagine you’re an experienced Python developer who has mastered automating tasks, building web apps, and even experimenting with machine learning. Now, you’re interested in mobile app development but just imagining learning a new language such as Java or Kotlin seems overwhelming. Imagine I told you that you don’t have to begin from square one. Thanks to new and very powerful frameworks and tools, you can create the Android applications using the Python – the language you already familiar with. In this article, we will look at how Python can provide a gateway into Android development and how you can use it to bring your app concepts to life.

Python in Android: Bringing Python Power to Mobile Apps

Learning Outcomes

  • The potential and challenges of using Python in Android development.
  • Key frameworks and tools that enable Python for Android apps.
  • Step-by-step guidance on setting up Python for Android.
  • The process of building, testing, and deploying Python-based Android applications.
  • How to optimize performance for Python-powered Android apps.

Python in Android: Why Consider It?

If we talk about Android Development Java and Kotlin have been the dominating languages, while Python is considered easy to learn, understandable, and majestic in its uses. Actually, the constantly expanding ecosystem and a possibility to use Python for the mobile development have made it possible to use this language as a base for the Android application as well.

Below are detailed reasons why developers might consider using Python in Android development:

Ease of Coding and Rapid Development

Python is one of the simplest languages to code in due to its simple syntax, and this has been well known all around the world. Android application development in Java or Kotlin might be quite wordy, especially when implementing the users’ interface and working in the background. being concise and clear Python has very less number of lines of code and has the feature to concentrate on actual working part not on writing so many lines again and again.

  • Rapid Prototyping: Python is a favorite language because of the simplicity it affords developers to come up with simple and effect prototypes. Such a swift progress is especially beneficial for startups or the developers who engage in the proof of concept where time is of the essence.
  • Learning Curve: Developers with little experience in mobile development but a strong Python background can use their Python skills to enter the Android ecosystem without learning Java or Kotlin from scratch.

Cross-Platform Development

Pre-made structures like Kivy and BeeWare do make Python perfect for cross-platform advancement. It also means that while getting the ubiquitous platform like Android and iOS, developers can write the code for both once. This helps in minimizing the efforts and time taken to be used while dealing with having different code base for different platforms.

  • Kivy: Kivy allows developers to create apps that run not only on Android but also on iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux, using a single codebase. This is a huge advantage for developers targeting multiple platforms.
  • BeeWare: BeeWare’s set of tools helps developers write native apps for multiple platforms in Python. The apps built with BeeWare aren’t just Android-specific—they can run on iOS, Windows, and more.

Access to Extensive Libraries and Frameworks

Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries that cover nearly every domain—from web development and data science to machine learning and automation. By using Python in Android development, developers can tap into these libraries to easily add advanced functionalities like:

  • Data Processing: The libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy may be used in context of complicated data manipulation inside the mobile apps.
  • Machine Learning: Using the TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit libraries, app developers can build machine learning capabilities in their Android apps that include image and voice recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analysis.
  • Web Development Integration: Flask and Django are the Python frameworks that can be effectively used in building APIs and backends that simplify the development of full-stack applications that uses Python while Android will be used as the front-end.

Combining Python and Java/Kotlin

One of the major advantages of using Python in Android development is the ability to combine it with Java or Kotlin in the same project. Frameworks like Chaquopy allow Python to work alongside Java or Kotlin within Android Studio. This gives developers the flexibility to:

  • Leverage the Strengths of Both Languages: Developers can write certain components of the app (such as machine learning algorithms or data processing tasks) in Python while handling platform-specific UI or performance-critical tasks in Java or Kotlin.
  • Seamless Integration: With Chaquopy, Python code is compiled into the same APK as the Java code, allowing the Android app to call Python functions seamlessly without the need for complex wrappers or third-party tools.

Python for Task Automation in Android

For developers looking to automate tasks on Android devices (such as managing files, sending texts, or accessing sensors), Python provides a quick and efficient solution through tools like SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android). SL4A provides access to Android APIs using high-level Python scripts, enabling automation tasks without writing a full-fledged Android app.

Example Use Cases:

  • Automating Device Functions: Python scripts can automate various device functionalities like taking pictures, sending SMS, or controlling Wi-Fi.
  • Sensor Data Processing: Developers can quickly write scripts to collect and process data from Android sensors (e.g., accelerometers, GPS).

Leveraging Python for Specialized Android Apps

Python is especially useful when developing apps that require advanced algorithms, machine learning models, or data analysis. Here are some examples of how Python is particularly suited for specialized Android apps:

  • Machine Learning-Based Apps: If your app needs to perform real-time predictions or classifications, Python’s integration with libraries like TensorFlow Lite makes it easier to deploy machine learning models on Android devices.
  • Data Visualization Apps: Using libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly, Python can create dynamic charts and graphs directly on the app, making it ideal for business intelligence and analytics apps.
  • Scientific and Educational Apps: Python is frequently used in academia and research, making it the go-to language for educational apps or scientific applications.

Key Tools and Frameworks for Python in Android

The Python ecosystem has grown to the point where there are strong tools and frameworks available for Android development. They help developers create android applications with the help of Python, which sometimes makes the process easier and can also utilize a large amount of Python libraries. This article provides a detailed view of key tools and frameworks for Python development in Android platforms.


Kivy is amongst the most well-known free Python frameworks for building multitouch applications for multi-screen devices. It enables developers to build multi-touch applications for the Android (and other platform such as the iOS, Windows, and Linux) from an single code base. Kivy is optimized for user interface, with a large number of ready-made widgets and graphic components that make Kivy perfect for creating unique interfaces for Android.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform: Kivy apps can run on multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux), making it a great choice for cross-platform development.
  • Built-In Widgets: Kivy provides numerous widgets for buttons, labels, sliders, and more, which can be used to quickly design Android user interfaces.
  • Multi-Touch Support: Kivy natively supports multi-touch, which is crucial for mobile app development.
  • OpenGL Graphics: Kivy uses OpenGL ES for high-performance graphics, which is essential for rendering smooth and responsive UIs on mobile devices.

When to Use

  • When you need to create cross-platform mobile apps.
  • When your app requires custom or advanced user interfaces.
  • When your app needs to take advantage of multi-touch gestures.


BeeWare is another robust framework that enables developers to write Android (and iOS) applications in Python. Unlike Kivy, which focuses more on providing its own UI toolkit, BeeWare allows you to write native apps with native user interfaces, so the apps feel natural on Android devices. BeeWare provides a comprehensive set of tools to build, package, and distribute mobile apps.

Key Tools

  • Toga: Toga is the BeeWare library that provides a native interface toolkit for Android and other platforms. It allows you to build apps that use the native UI components of the operating system.
  • Briefcase: This tool packages your Python code into a standalone mobile app (or desktop app) for different platforms, including Android.
  • Voc: A transpiler that converts Python code to Java bytecode, making it possible to run Python directly on Android’s JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Key Features

  • Native UI: BeeWare apps use the native UI components of Android, which makes the apps look and behave like traditional Android apps.
  • Cross-Platform: BeeWare also allows you to target other platforms like iOS, Windows, and Linux using a single codebase.
  • Active Development: BeeWare is constantly being developed, with active contributions from the open-source community.

When to Use

  • When you need to develop Android apps with native UI components.
  • When you want to write cross-platform apps but prefer native UIs over custom toolkits.


Chaquopy is a plugin for Android Studio that allows you to seamlessly integrate Python into your Android apps. It gives you the flexibility to combine Python and Java or Kotlin code in the same Android project. Chaquopy is ideal for developers who want to add Python capabilities to existing Android apps or mix Python with native Android components.

Key Features

  • Python Integration in Android Studio: Chaquopy works directly inside Android Studio, so you can write Python code alongside your Java/Kotlin code within the same IDE.
  • JVM Compatibility: Chaquopy compiles Python code into Java bytecode, so it can run efficiently on Android’s JVM.
  • Access to Android APIs: You can call Android APIs directly from Python, allowing full control over the Android device’s capabilities.
  • Support for Python Libraries: You can use most Python libraries (like NumPy, SciPy, and TensorFlow) within your Android app.

When to Use

  • When you want to integrate Python into an existing Android app without switching completely to Python.
  • When you want the flexibility to mix Python with Java or Kotlin.
  • When you need to use Python libraries for tasks such as machine learning, data processing, or automation inside an Android app.

PySide (Qt for Android)

PySide is the official set of Python bindings for the Qt framework, which is widely used for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs). With Qt for Android, you can deploy PySide-based applications to Android devices. PySide is particularly useful if you’re developing cross-platform desktop and mobile apps with a more sophisticated GUI.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform: PySide allows you to develop apps for multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux.
  • Rich GUI Development: PySide provides access to the Qt framework, which is known for its advanced and flexible UI components.
  • Graphics Support: PySide provides powerful 2D and 3D graphics support, which is ideal for complex applications like games, simulations, or design tools.

When to Use

  • When your app requires complex, high-quality user interfaces.
  • When you’re developing desktop and mobile apps using a single framework.
  • When you’re familiar with Qt and want to extend its functionality to mobile platforms like Android.

SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android)

Python4Android or better known as SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android) is a tool that lets the developer run Python scripts on Android. It is helpful for casual automation or for developing a proof of concept without having to create a full-fledged Android application SL4A grants usage of many Android APIs to make automation simple and straightforward such as for sending/receiving SMS, accessing the camera or for controlling sensors of the device.

Key Features

  • Access to Android APIs: SL4A lets you access Android functionalities like telephony, messaging, Wi-Fi control, and location services through Python scripts.
  • Automating Tasks: SL4A is perfect for automating device tasks without needing to develop an entire Android application.
  • Lightweight: Since you don’t need to create a full Android app, SL4A provides a quick and lightweight way to run Python scripts on Android.

When to Use

  • When you want to automate tasks or prototype ideas quickly on an Android device.
  • When you don’t need a full Android app but still want access to Android APIs.
  • When you’re testing Python scripts directly on Android.


QPython is an integrated development environment (IDE) for running Python scripts and apps on Android devices. It includes an interpreter, editor, and additional tools to manage Python projects. With QPython, you can develop Python-based apps or scripts directly on your Android device without needing a desktop environment. It supports SL4A, so you can interact with Android’s native APIs.

Key Features

  • On-Device Development: QPython is an application that lets you script, modify and run Python scripts right on your Android device.
  • Interactive Interpreter: The integrated interpreter is used for Python command execution in copy mode and allows learn the language and perform fast prototypes.
  • Support for Python Libraries: QPython also supports almost all the main libraries: NumPy, SciPy and others, which enables using the editor for different kinds of applications.

When to Use

  • When you want to develop Python apps or scripts directly on your Android device.
  • When you need an easy-to-use IDE for Python on Android without needing a desktop environment.
  • When you want to quickly prototype or test Python code on Android.

Setting Up Python for Android Development

Before we proceed to discussion about Android with Python, let me cover how to prepare Python for Android development that I have mentioned earlier, it involves certain tools, configuration, and steps to be followed to get the proper environment for building, testing, and deploying applications. Whether you are using Kivy, BeeWare or directly interfacing Python with Android using Chaquopy, this tutorial will guide you on what is generally needed to set up Python for Android.

Install Python on Your System

Before starting Android development with Python, the first step is to install Python on your local machine. If you already have Python installed, make sure it’s updated to the latest version.


  • Windows: Download Python from the official Python website and run the installer. Ensure that you check the “Add Python to PATH” option during installation.
  • macOS: You can install Python via the installer from the Python website or use Homebrew with the command:
brew install python
  • Linux: Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. However, if you need to install it, use:
sudo apt-get install python3

Once Python is installed, verify the installation by typing:

python --version

Set Up Android Studio (For Chaquopy)

If you’re planning to use Chaquopy to integrate Python into Android development, you will need to install Android Studio. Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development and will serve as your main environment for building apps.


  • Download and install Android Studio.
  • Follow the installation wizard to set up Android Studio with the default settings. This will install the Android SDK, build tools, and emulator needed for development.
  • Once Android Studio is installed, create a new project or open an existing Android project.
  • Add the Chaquopy plugin by navigating to File > Settings > Plugins and searching for “Chaquopy.”

Set Up Chaquopy

Once Chaquopy is installed, you need to configure it in your project’s build.gradle file to integrate Python.

  • Open the build.gradle (app-level) file and add the Chaquopy plugin:
plugins {
    id 'com.chaquo.python' version 'X.X.X'
  • Sync the project and you should be able to start writing Python code inside your Android project alongside Java/Kotlin code.

Benefits of Android Studio for Python Integration

  • Full integration of Python in Android apps.
  • Ability to use both Python and native Android features (Java/Kotlin).
  • Direct access to Android SDK APIs.

Install Kivy for Cross-Platform Mobile Development

If you’re using Kivy for cross-platform mobile app development, the setup process differs as Kivy is a Python library that can be installed and run across various platforms, including Android.


  • Install Kivy on your development machine
pip install kivy
  • Install Buildozer: Kivy uses a tool called Buildozer to package Python apps for Android. Buildozer automates the process of packaging mobile apps by managing the SDK, NDK, and other dependencies.
pip install buildozer
  • Install Android SDK and NDK: Buildozer will automatically handle the installation of the Android SDK and NDK (Native Development Kit). You can initiate this during your first app build by running:
buildozer init

This command creates a buildozer.spec file that holds the configuration for your project. You will need to edit this file to specify the app name, package, version, etc.

  • Build the Android APK: To package your app into an APK, run the following command:
buildozer -v android debug

This will download and set up the Android SDK and NDK, then compile your app into a debuggable APK.

Benefits of Using Kivy

  • Cross-platform support (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, etc.).
  • A robust framework for mobile apps, especially those needing custom UIs and multi-touch support.
  • A single codebase for multiple platforms.

Set Up BeeWare for Native Android Development

BeeWare allows you to write Python code for Android (and other platforms) while using native Android UI components. Setting up BeeWare requires a bit more configuration compared to Kivy but provides more flexibility in accessing native Android features.


  • Install BeeWare’s Briefcase: Briefcase is BeeWare’s tool that helps package Python code into standalone mobile apps.
pip install briefcase
  • Create a BeeWare Project: Use Briefcase to create a new project:
briefcase new

This command will guide you through setting up a new project, choosing options like app name, package name, and platform (in this case, Android).

  • Install Android SDK: Once you have created the project, install the Android SDK using BeeWare’s Briefcase tool by running:
briefcase install android
  • You can then run the app on an Android device or emulator with:
briefcase run android

Benefits of BeeWare

  • Access to native Android UI elements.
  • Cross-platform development with support for iOS, Windows, and Linux.
  • Easier integration with existing Android components compared to other Python frameworks.

Using QPython for On-Device Development

QPython is an IDE and Python interpreter for Android that allows you to write and run Python code directly on your Android device. It’s perfect for on-device Python development without needing a computer.


  • Install QPython: Go to the Google Play Store and install QPython or QPython3 for Python 3 support.
  • Run Python Code on Android: Once installed, you can start writing and running Python scripts on your Android device. QPython includes a code editor, an interpreter, and an interface to manage Python libraries.
  • Access Android APIs: You can use QPython to access Android’s native APIs for tasks like accessing the camera, sending SMS, or interacting with other system features using the built-in SL4A library.

Benefits of QPython

  • On-device Python development.
  • Access to Python’s extensive libraries.
  • Suitable for automation, scripting, and prototyping directly on Android devices.

Performance Considerations

Running Python on Android can result in performance overhead, especially for computation-heavy applications. To optimize performance:

  • Use NDK (Native Development Kit): For performance-critical parts, consider using Android’s NDK to write native modules in C or C++.
  • Optimize Python Code: Ensure your Python code is optimized and free from unnecessary computations.
  • Leverage Java APIs: When needed, you can call Android’s native APIs from Python to handle more complex tasks efficiently.


Incorporating Python into Android development opens up exciting opportunities for developers to leverage its simplicity, rich ecosystem, and powerful libraries. While Java and Kotlin remain the primary languages for Android, frameworks like Kivy, BeeWare, and tools like Chaquopy make Python a viable option for building cross-platform apps, integrating machine learning, and automating tasks. With the right setup and careful performance considerations, developers can unlock Python’s potential to create efficient, feature-rich Android applications that cater to modern mobile needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I use Python to build native Android apps?

A. Yes, with tools like Kivy, BeeWare, and Chaquopy, you can develop native Android apps using Python.

Q2. Is Python better than Java for Android development?

A. Python offers simplicity and faster prototyping, but Java and Kotlin provide better performance due to their native support on Android. The choice depends on your project needs.

Q3. What are the limitations of using Python in Android development?

A. Python may introduce performance overhead, and not all Android APIs are directly accessible. However, tools like Chaquopy and Kivy help bridge the gap between Python and Android.

Q4. How can I improve the performance of Python-based Android apps?

A. You can improve performance by optimizing your Python code, using Android’s NDK for native modules, or leveraging Java APIs where necessary.

Ayushi Trivedi 07 Oct, 2024

My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

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