Author: since 02 Jun, 2021 Article: 1 Claps: 0

A curious, quick-witted perfectionist and problem solver who is proficient in Computer Vision, Robotics and Sensor tech and looking for opportunities in a challenging and constantly innovating organization that focuses on areas like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, IoT & Autonomous Systems.

Skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics, ROS, Computer Vision, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, AWS, Amazon SageMaker, GCP, CoLab, etc.

Professional Robots Handled in my career:
1. Husky- ClearPath
2. Spot - Boston Dynamics
3. ExR 2 - Energy Robotics
4. Furhat Robot - Assistive Robot.
5. Tello Drone- DJI
6. Kyros
7. Husky - Clearpath.
8. ABB cobot.
9. Pepper
10. ARI - Assitive robot

For further details on my work, you can visit:

Blog: https://harilakshman333.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/harilakshman-333

I am also open to short-term collaborations as a Robotics consultant/trainer based on your requirements. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for collaborations!

I liked the challenge of designing and building things, figuring out how something works and how to make it better or apply it differently.

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