Workshop : Machine Learning at Scale – Using SparkML for Big Data

Keys Hotel

Wondering how to use machine learning at large scale? Join this curated workshop by our data science experts who will introduce Apache Spark to process a large amount of data and build different machine learning models using MLLib.

This workshop goes beyond building your expertise in applying different machine learning algorithms on huge data using MLLib. It focuses on how machine learning algorithms can be applied at scale to work on petabytes of data, to generate models used for predictions.

This is an 8-hour workshop and includes the following modules:

  • Introduction to Spark
  • Installing and setting up Spark
  • Spark API’s in Scala, Python, R
  • Basic syntax of Spark
  • Read, process, aggregate, write data
  • Modeling framework using MLLib
  • Different ML algorithms
  • Feature engineering 
  • Evaluation metrics 
  • Mini-hack
  • AMA

Here are the following pre-requisites for attending the workshop
1. Python programming experience
2. Machine Learning basic knowledge
3. Pandas would be useful

Make sure you don’t miss this advanced workshop on SparkML for Big Data! Get your tickets today to access this full day session.

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