Data Hack Round 1: Online Quiz (Nirvahana, By iQ’oniQ, NMIMS Hyderabad)
About the Event
iQ’oniQ – The Quant, Logic and Analytics Club, NMIMS Hyderabad is proud to present Data Hack – one of its flagship event in the annual fest “Nirvahana” with Chi-square Consultants Pvt Ltd. as our key partner and Analytics Vidhya as our data science partner.
Data Hack is an analytics-based case study event that will test the critical thinking and analytical skills of the participants. As a part of this event, the participants will have to present a solution on the data set provided and perform case study analysis in the final round. This will expose the participants to the real challenges that they would face in the corporate world in the field of analytics.
The event will be conducted in three rounds:
- Round 1: Online Quiz | Elimination Round
The quiz will cover various topics from the subject of analytics. This is an elimination round.(i.e Only those Contestants who clear Round 1 will be able to participate in Round 2)
Please Note:
Deadline for Round 1 Registration:5th January 2018
Quiz Timings: 15 minutes |6th January 2018| 22:30 hours
- Round 2: Dataset Analysis | Qualification Round
A dataset will be provided to all the qualified teams, the teams will have to submit the solutions latest by 10th January 2018 12:00 hours. The results for which would be declared by12th January 2018. Further details would be intimated later to the qualified teams.
Competition Timings: 3 days | 7th January 2018 | 12:00 hours
- Round 3:Case Study Analysis and Presentation
Top teams who qualify after second round will be notified and will be provided with a case study for which they would be required to present their proposed solutions in front of the jury which would comprise of 6-10 members from Fractal Analytics, ICICI Bank etc. at NMIMS, Hyderabad. Further details about the round would be intimated later. The final round will be scheduled on any one of the days : February 1 st/2 nd /3 rd 2018.
- Round 1 is an individual participation round.
- Shortlisted candidates from Round 1(Only those who score above a certain threshold) will be automatically signed up for Round 2, where they will have to create teams.
- Round 2 is a team participation round(only 2 memebers allowed). Candidates who wish to form team in Round 2, can form teams only with the candidates who have been moved to Round 2. That said, all team membersshould obtain a score above the threshold score(in Round 1).
- Every person related to the field of analytics is eligible for the competition.
- There is no restriction on the number of people from an Institute.
- Required information regarding the rounds will be shared through email.
- At any point in the hackathon, you are expected to respect fellow hackers and act with high integrity.
- Analytics Vidhya holds the right to disqualify any participant at any stage of competition if found indulged in fraudulent practices.
- All decisions in matters of eligibility, authenticity and final judgments will be with the iQ’oniQ Club, NMIMS Hyderabad.
Rank 1: INR 30,000 + Certificate
Rank 2: INR 20,000 + Certificate
Rank 3: INR 10,000 + Certificate
That’s not all, the winners will stand a chance to get internship based on their interview with Analytics Vidhya representatives.
Discount vouchers of up to 100% off on specific online training courses provided by the Analytics Vidhya to the event winners.
Analytics Vidhya may offer discounted passes to the annual data science conference to the winners.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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There are no specific requirements to register for the hackathon, although it is recommended to have some basic knowledge of the relevant topics, such as Data Science, Machine Learning, or Deep Learning, along with proficiency in a coding language, preferably Python.
Depending on the type of competition, you can participate individually or in a team.
You can access the problem statement under the "Problem Statement" tab once the Hackathon is live.
Participants benefit from one-on-one feedback, publication on a respected platform, recognition from a global audience, and monetary rewards for each published article. Additionally, the top articles receive special rewards.
Each article must be original, and pass plagiarism and not AI generated content checks. You can submit multiple articles as long as each is distinct. Proper citation of all references and image sources is mandatory.
In the Blogathon, an article typically explores a specific topic or idea within Data Science or Generative AI and is required to be at least 1000 words long. A guide, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive resource, covering all aspects of a particular subject in data science, and must be at least 2500 words long. Guides aim to serve as a one-stop resource, providing detailed insights and practical applications, whereas articles might focus on narrower or more specific topics.
Multiple submissions of the same article are prohibited and could lead to disqualification. Articles failing to meet the required length, originality, or citation standards will be rejected.
AVCC is a community for authors who have had three or more articles published in the Blogathons. Members benefit from monetary rewards for each published article and get the opportunity to showcase their work to a larger audience.
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