Adoption in the Age of Generative AI: The Missing Jigsaw Piece


The successful adoption of AI and generative AI hinges on addressing key challenges. This talk will explore the critical factors influencing adoption, including the importance of clear use cases, a decision-first approach, understanding human behavior, and mitigating bias. By focusing on these areas, organizations can harness the potential of AI while ensuring responsible and ethical implementation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Define clear intended use: Clearly articulate the problem AI is solving to guide development and evaluation.
  • Decision-backwards approach: Start with the desired outcome and work backward to identify the AI solution.
  • Understand human behavior: Consider how AI will interact with users and adapt accordingly to maximize adoption.
  • Mitigate bias: Proactively identify and address biases in data, algorithms, and outcomes to ensure fairness.
  • Responsible AI: Prioritize ethical considerations throughout the AI lifecycle to build trust and acceptance.


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