From Cloud to Edge: Streamlining Generative AI Deployment


Explore how to efficiently deploy Generative AI (GenAI) models across various devices, from the cloud to the edge. This session will cover boosting performance, reducing latency, and enhancing flexibility in AI workloads. Through real-world use cases, we will demonstrate the versatility and power of leveraging OpenVINO™ for GenAI deployment. Learn practical implementation steps and key optimization techniques, and gain insights into the latest advancements and future enhancements. This talk aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge to deploy GenAI efficiently across different platforms.


Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the benefits of deploying GenAI across multiple devices.
  • Step-by-step guidance on implementing GenAI solutions.
  • Techniques to optimize GenAI performance for cloud, edge, and local devices.
    Future advancements and enhancements in OpenVINO™ for GenAI deployment.
  • Access to resources and documentation for further learning and support:  OpenVINO™ Documentation.



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