DataHour: Understanding Energy Industry through EDA

DataHour: Understanding Energy Industry through EDA

28 Feb 202315:02pm - 28 Feb 202316:02pm

DataHour: Understanding Energy Industry through EDA

About the Event

This DataHour will be a comprehensive and interactive learning experience which aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the energy market and its workings through the lens of data. The DataHour will start with a brief overview of the energy market and its current state, highlighting the importance of data science in this field. The attendees will then be introduced to the concept of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and how it is used to gain insights into the data. The use of EDA in the energy market will be demonstrated using real-life examples and interactive activities.

The second part of the session will focus on the application of EDA in the energy market, with a focus on key aspects such as market trends, demand-supply dynamics, and price forecasting. Participants will learn how to use various Data Analysis techniques to understand the data and how to apply them in the context of the energy market. They will also get a chance to work with real energy market datasets and perform hands-on analysis.

Overall, the webinar will provide attendees with a deep understanding of the application of Data Science in the energy market and how they can use EDA to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

 Enthusiasm of learning Data Science. 

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  3. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  4. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  5. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space

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  2. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space
  3. Best articles get published on Analytics Vidhya’s Blog Space

About the Speaker

Akash Gandhi

Akash Gandhi

Seasoned Data Scientist

Akash Gandhi is a seasoned Data Scientist with 6+ years of experience in diverse domains like energy, finance and carbon. He holds a Master's degree in Financial Economics from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Kirori Mal College, Delhi university.With a strong background in economics, Akash Gandhi brings a unique perspective to the field of Data Science. He has honed his skills as a Data Scientist and applied them to the energy and carbon markets, where he uses data-driven insights to inform his trading decisions.He is also the driving force behind the successful Young Data Scientist (YoDaS) program at Climate connect Digital, where he trains the next generation of Data Scientists. As a trader in the voluntary carbon markets, he is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to use data to make informed decisions and drive positive change.

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